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Is It Possible To Find True Love Without Money ?


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Is it always family and money first in Thailand?

And farangs only important for money ?

I hope not but after reading several threads in here I think that true love between thais and farangs are very hard to find. :o

For money cant buy me love...... except in Thailand?

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I guess you mean is it possible to find true love without parting with money for the family otherwise how are you going to live without money? Or do you mean is it possible to find love outside a P4P relationship?

It is very dangerous to make sweeping generalisations (particularly here on TV) but for a large proportion of less well off Thai families the appearance of a daughter with a farang boyfriend is the answer to all their prayers. Many Thais truly believe that the farang is a walking cash dispenser that never runs out and some go to extraordinary lengths to test this theory out.

The short answer to your question is yes but it aint easy many on TV have achieved close to that ideal but I think with all nationalities, to some extent, you do marry into the family and in times of hardship would be expected to help out if you can.

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I guess you mean is it possible to find true love without parting with money for the family otherwise how are you going to live without money? Or do you mean is it possible to find love outside a P4P relationship?

It is very dangerous to make sweeping generalisations (particularly here on TV) but for a large proportion of less well off Thai families the appearance of a daughter with a farang boyfriend is the answer to all their prayers. Many Thais truly believe that the farang is a walking cash dispenser that never runs out and some go to extraordinary lengths to test this theory out.

The short answer to your question is yes but it aint easy many on TV have achieved close to that ideal but I think with all nationalities, to some extent, you do marry into the family and in times of hardship would be expected to help out if you can.

Very well said. Generalize away. I wonder how long you need to be with someone to know if it's "true" love? Does he mean true love is never having to help out with the family? We used to say that if you want to meet a girl in a poor country where you don't have to help out with her family, go to the orphanage. The shorter answer is no.

Phil Harris was one of my favorites.

Edited by Shotime
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I love my dog as much as I love you

But you may fade, my dog will always come through.

All he asks from me is the food to give him strength

All he ever needs is love and that he knows hel_l get.

Wise words sung.... money has nothing to do with love

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I met my wife when i was in college working at Burger King with not much more than a very dollars.

Even when we got engaged i didn't have a real job, or even know what i wanted to do. Since then i feel we have done quite well, but there was a time when i spent my last 15K baht on an engagement ring...

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removing the assumption that everything we do now involves cash... whether paying a few bucks in the internet cafe or sending a bunch of flowers to a girl next door...

i think the answer is YES, it is possible to find love without money. (our ancestors used to do this ...oh yes, that was millennial ago!!!)

but first you must know and love yourself first. don't know how it connects to finding true love but to me it seems the first step.

and always, even with money, do not buy love. love/relationships should always be give and take. even in cases where one partner has all the money and the other one has none. LOVE, RESPECT, and TRUE AFFECTION are not for sale and non-negotiatiables. if its not there, its not there...don't force it.. get a nurse, a caretaker or a BG instead.. easier for everybody. and yes, a dog (dont laugh!) is a better substitute when all else fails.

but then i am an incurable romantic... (but realist as well) haha :o

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Is it always family and money first in Thailand?

And farangs only important for money ?

I hope not but after reading several threads in here I think that true love between thais and farangs are very hard to find. :o

For money cant buy me love...... except in Thailand?

only with money you can buy a horse shoe ; and sure by wearing this you will stumble into love somewhere along the way... :D

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i think the answer is YES, it is possible to find love without money. (our ancestors used to do this ...oh yes, that was millennial ago!!!)

money has always been a factor. Look at how the european dynasties were built.Power, influence, wealth were all achieved by strategic marriage.

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"Is it always family and money first in Thailand?"

Mostly, but NOT always.

"And farangs only important for money ?"

As above.

"I hope not but after reading several threads in here I think that true love between thais and farangs are very hard to find. :o "

Very hard to find, but not impossible.

Remember that your actions attract a suitable audience......

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Is It Possible To Find True Love Without Money ?

for sure! no money needed to find true love. just show your diamonds, gold bars, title deeds of various properties, bonds, shares, oil and rice futures, old masters hanging at the walls of your home, oriental rugs on your marble floors, ivory carvings in your vitrines :o

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Its do able, the trick is finding someone who is at your level. For example if your broke and with no prospects or ambition to change that, look for a girl with similar sloth. If your fairly affluent or poor but working on rising you status, get with a student possibly. If your set up, have good money coming in, get with a woman with cash. So that this way money is never really a thing that separates you. It worked for me and I'm happily married To a Thai Woman.

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Basically you are asking can you have a normal relationship with out showing off cash. I believe the answer is yes you can. But the fairy tales are left for the moves now. If you are lacking in funds you will need to show true strength and control as well as future ambition. But also know how to surprise her now and then. Learning to keep your cool is a must. In Thailand this dose happens but you will need to be close to her age and she will need to like you’re for being you.

I was in a lot of trouble for cash 3 years ago when I meet my gf, and I wasn’t brave to ask my parents to help out at that time too, but I new how to show her a good time and be Romanic behind shut doors. And also know how to stand my ground. But now I am fine and use my mother in laws credit cards quite often now.

Good luck.

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You can't beat thousands of years of evolution, the female of our species will always be attracted to a man who can provide for her future offspring whether it be through clubbing buffalo's to death or buying and selling stocks. Males will always be attracted to healthy females with large breasts to produce healthy offspring. Can you find love without money YES but it’s a hel_l of a lot harder when you have to compete with basic instincts.

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I don't think this is just a Thai related issue. I think for people in general it is hard to commit to someone who is likely to offer you a life full of problems. A life without money is full of problems.

The real question is probably what would my partner do if I wouldn't have money? Would they go out and work and stay with me? Give it a try and you will see how real your relationship is.

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Is it always family and money first in Thailand?

And farangs only important for money ?

I hope not but after reading several threads in here I think that true love between thais and farangs are very hard to find. :D

For money cant buy me love...... except in Thailand?

buy a dog :o

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Basically you are asking can you have a normal relationship with out showing off cash. I believe the answer is yes you can. But the fairy tales are left for the moves now. If you are lacking in funds you will need to show true strength and control as well as future ambition. But also know how to surprise her now and then. Learning to keep your cool is a must. In Thailand this dose happens but you will need to be close to her age and she will need to like you’re for being you.

I was in a lot of trouble for cash 3 years ago when I meet my gf, and I wasn’t brave to ask my parents to help out at that time too, but I new how to show her a good time and be Romanic behind shut doors. And also know how to stand my ground. But now I am fine and use my mother in laws credit cards quite often now.

Good luck.

your mother in-laws?.......fantasy :o:D

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Yes. I did. :o

If you are old and/or ugly, i,mpossible.

I'm both, and are you saying it's impossible or i,mpossible? A lady, in Thailand, once told me "Farang with no money in Thailand no good (emphasis on the good)." How much truer can you get? I met both my ex-wives at Burger King.

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Males will always be attracted to healthy females with large breasts to produce healthy offspring.

In Thailand or as a matter of fact, all of southeast Asia, I think not. :D

Of course, that is unless, you are into lovely water buffalos. :o

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I did! Perhaps I'm lucky that in the 3 years I've been married no family member has asked me for cash and there is nothing to indicate that they will in the future. Saying that I've married into the family and I will help them when ever I can.....

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c'mon, let us give the OP some credit.. i think the question is valid. and some of you are just cynical (old?) fools.. :D

the question is NOT, if you are a sloth, a lazy, no-ambition person, ugly and even bad person, would someone fall for you? but some of you answered that way...

the question does not say the person had no money, only if money was kept out of the way, would true love come anyway?

and i still say YES. because there are still a lot of people out there who do not see a person based on how much or what he's or she's got. sometimes, there are more important aspects like sincerity, great physical attraction, mutual respect, good vibes, knowing you want to grow old with this other person, and so and so forth... the works.. and these are non-negotiables.. for some... no generalizations.

i do not believe everyone has gone materialistic in terms of looking for the right mate. that would be too sad.

we haven't even touched physical aspects like if someone has not been blessed with good looks, would that mean he/she will not find real love at all? we all know this is not the case..

inner beauty, inner goodness wins out.. at least for some people. for those who still believe... :o

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Why should it be solely Thailand that this is directed to ?

True love is possibly very difficult to quantify anyway is it not ? It is very difficult to appreciate true love irrespective whether money is involved or not I suggest. Usually one does not appreciate what true love really is until you lose somebody close to you and then any amount of money is unimportant.

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You can't beat thousands of years of evolution, the female of our species will always be attracted to a man who can provide for her future offspring whether it be through clubbing buffalo's to death or buying and selling stocks. Males will always be attracted to healthy females with large breasts to produce healthy offspring.

you forgot to mention wide (_!_) :o

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I did! Perhaps I'm lucky that in the 3 years I've been married no family member has asked me for cash and there is nothing to indicate that they will in the future. Saying that I've married into the family and I will help them when ever I can.....

That's what I alluded to in part of my reply and that holds true, at least to an extent, in all parts of the world. Even in the west we still put family above friends, unless one particular member has gone beyond the pale, when it come to providing help and assistance.

Is it possible to find friendship, love and a lifelong committment without money coming into the equation? Yes it is possible and yes it has almost certainly happened but what are the odds of reaching that final committment without ever discussing the financial aspects? We all, men and women, want some measure of future security and, unfortunately, these days that is invariably provided by money or one of it's derivatives so ably listed by Naam.

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