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One Way To Get A Parking Space

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Those who have ever tried to park at Chulalonghorn Hospital know that it virtually cannot be done, although the gullible are lured in by signs pointing to "parking" and guards handing out parking slips.

What this has to do with pets: I had my Chihuahua and my niece's Pomeranian in the car with me yesterday as I wasted time I did not have in trying to accomplish this impossible feat. Circled endlessly around the hopelessly congested and way too small parking area hoping for a miracle while the 2 little rascals, sensing my plan to park and leave them in the car, put up a ruckus. More and more time passed and I was in danger oif missing an appointment with some top specialists that had taken quite some doing to arrange. Many other cars likewise endlessly circulating the lot with me. From time to time the guards would help out by shoving some of the double parked cars together to make space...only, of course, for the new expensive cars. I drive an old heap and knew better than to expect this but as time wore on I got desperate enough to stop the car near a promising spot and get out and beg them to do this for me, hoping that maybe being farang and having put in a full hour of circling would somehow trump the low status vehicle factor. It didn't and rebuffed, I got back in to the car for more circling. The unnatural quiet of the car quickly alerted me to the fact that somehow, unseen, the 2 varmints had made an escape. Looked back and saw them in the far distance running wildly in and around the cars. Neither dog is used to city traffic and the Pom in particulalr has no fear of cars. I abandoned the car right where it was and ran out after them.

A merry chase (for them, not me, it was noon and I was sweating like a pig plus knew that my unattended car was now complelety blocking traffic) ensued covering at least 2 km of back and forth, up and down, here and there before I finally nabbed them. No help from the guards in part because they were too busy laughing. By this point more than 30 minutes had passed, traffic was backed up onto Radjadamri on down to Rama IV and for all I know well beyond..maybe Sathorn, Silom, the Taksin Bridge....

When I reachjed my car I found that the guards had decided they had better get me parked, if only to avoid a riot, and managed to push a bunch of cars togther to make room. Voila.

I much advise against every trying to park at Chula. But if for some reason you really have to, let me know and I'll loan you these 2 dogs. I'm sure the guards will remember them and that the mere sight of their little faces will get you expedited into a spot. :o

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I admit it. I have come to love my Chihuhua. He is still definitely second to the cat, that's the natural order of things IMO, but he is a fine fellow.

As for my niece's Pom, he is a little monster, but SO dam_n cute it is impossible to get mad at him.

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