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Could You Live Without The Internet?


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Of course you could "Live" without the internet ( remain alive), what I mean is, if you weren't ever able to access the internet, and therfore thaivisa again, for the rest of your days, would it effect your happy, eating, drinking and loving life?

We lived without the internet most of our lifes, I think the first time I was online back in 1996.

So I think its possible to have a good life without it. Especially if you live in LOS :o

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could I live without internet of course I could, but it would definitely make my life more difficult and definitely more expensive,people in the same predicament as myself did it pretty tough before internet. Its not just about the information, the chat, or the companionship,now disabled can do their weekly shopping, banking , library books etc even get their pacemakers regulated and checked via the net!! . with the keyboard, things that were very difficult by phone, we shop around for family holidays 12 months in advance, saving on an average 50%, the only thing I personally would miss is being able to occasionally wind up our colonial readers :o Nignoy

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I lived for fifty odd years without the internet and, although it is a mine of mostly useless flawed cr@p, I could live without it again on a personal basis. For my professional side it has been a great asset as I no longer have to carry huge files of hard copy data around with me and can keep up to date far easier but it is not one of life's essentials.

I think the intenet is breeding generations of unthinking automatons, people who cannot engage in a meaningful conversation because without their beloved Google or similar they have no thoughts nor opinions.

A dumb question IMO. Of course we could live without the internet as we could also live without television, radio, mobile phones, I Pods, PC's and a whole host of other modern accessories. The only thing these devices do is to pander to our own laziness.

The thing that does worry me is that there are people out there that consider life to be untenable without these add ons, but then I do recognise that I'm a bluddy old dinosaur and proud of it.

Meteorite? What meteorite?

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If it wasn't for the internet I wouldn't be a muscular young man with an amazing job and I would never have the opportunity to meet girls that are supermodels.

Instead, I'd be a grouchy paper pushing slob with a receding hairline, who's days of athletic glory were long past that is semi dating a lady that seems to have a moustache thing going on (at least when the sun hits her face at a certain angle) and that has to rely on a gay guy to get me into clubs where the cute girls of Thailand all hide from me.

Oh well, the dog likes me. He left a present of barf earlier. Who needs the internet when I can clean up dog barf or pull cat hair out of my food?

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If I had never been exposed to the internet in the first place, yes I could easily live without it but I discovered the internet in its infancy before html and browsers. The internet was hooked up in Universities and was very primitive by today's standards. There was a ton of data on it - all text; no color, no pictures just text. I stuck with it and as it grew so did my fascination with it grow. When html and browsers came of age, I designed an 'investigative' website and got written up in the New York Times. Then things just took off. My clients consisted of law enforcement (even the FBI), attorneys, investigators, etc. I ended up making a ton of money on the internet and got out before the privacy laws made it difficult to do business. Live without the Internet? I'm still living off the money I made on the Internet. IMO, it's the one of the most important (if not the) inventions ever. The Internet - god, I love it so.

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I realise how much im hooked to the net when it goes down. I get serious withdrawal symptoms. :o

I LOVE the net. I use it a LOT.

I use it for work, research, fun, contact with friends/family through msn/email/yahoo/Skype, booking flights, keeping an eye on finances/paying bills..and the list goes on.

Always if i want info on something the first thing i think is "google it"!

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I do feel restricted without the Internet. Freedom is important for me so I want to have Internet whenever I need any information. It is like an extended brain and replaces a library. Music, movies all sorts of information and interactive communities are out there and one of the reasons why I stopped watching TV 5 years ago. It makes no sense to watch such mainstream entertainment if I have way more individual interests.

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Could You Live Without The Internet?

an interesting and challenging question. we lived for 4½ years in Africa. the Financial Times was usually 10-12 days old, one TV-channel from 19.00 till 22.30 hrs presenting boring local news, phone local calls only, any other communication by short wave via our liaison office in the capital. both (my wife and me) agree that this was the happiest time in our life. BUT we can't imagine living without internet nowadays.

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No way. Because of the internet I was able to move to my dream home and out of a rat race at age 26, working just a few hours per day. Without it Id be in that 50 hour week rut back in the UK counting the days to age 55.......

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Ms. Bino and I spent a couple of nights on th Jungle Rafts in Kanchanaburi a few months ago. It was a great place... extremely quiet (except for the longtail boats tearing up the river), friendly Mon people, elephants outside our window, and about a billion stars in the dark night sky, away from the lights of civilization.

However, there was no electricity, no telephones, and no cellphone coverage. I hated being there with no access! Even though I didn't really need it, I was still paranoid and experiencing withdrawal symptoms.

There will be no going back to the unconnected world for me. And no more hotels without wi-fi.

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Of course you could "Live" without the internet ( remain alive), what I mean is, if you weren't ever able to access the internet, and therfore thaivisa again, for the rest of your days, would it effect your happy, eating, drinking and loving life?

Actually.. have given that some thought and came to this personal conclussion. Have been on the internet over 25 years and I could stop using it today if everyone else did too. But if I knew some people could use it an I could not would bother me a bit. I treat the interenet as the largest library/research center in the world. The information and enjoyment I receive, from using it, is hard for me to measure. I have a good personal life now and I suspect I would have a good personal life without the internet but if we're voting here, I vote to keep it. :o

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If I had never been exposed to the internet in the first place, yes I could easily live without it but I discovered the internet in its infancy before html and browsers. The internet was hooked up in Universities and was very primitive by today's standards. There was a ton of data on it - all text; no color, no pictures just text. I stuck with it and as it grew so did my fascination with it grow. When html and browsers came of age, I designed an 'investigative' website and got written up in the New York Times. Then things just took off. My clients consisted of law enforcement (even the FBI), attorneys, investigators, etc. I ended up making a ton of money on the internet and got out before the privacy laws made it difficult to do business. Live without the Internet? I'm still living off the money I made on the Internet. IMO, it's the one of the most important (if not the) inventions ever. The Internet - god, I love it so.

Yup... the old UNIX system and DOS...long before windows..seems like a million years ago now. If my memory serves me correctly, we were not allowed to do business on the system back then and my favorite command was (scanreg /fix). I started in CB Radio, progressed to Ham Radio and then the UNIX system and now the full blown Internet1. I have grown with the industry and would miss it alot, and without it I would join an international carrier pidgeon club. :o

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I got into the internet in 1999 and used it to find loads of free porn, now I use it to gather info, book holidays, download music and keep up to date with things but yes I could live without it, although I would miss Yahoo the most, excellent search engine.

I changed my provider 2 years ago and was without the internet for 3 months, I got by, justwatched more T.V

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