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Local Coppers Have Found


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As a business owner on the Darkside as well (not a smallish bar, but a serious investment) I do advocate following the law.

The one thing I have a problem with is first, that nobody knew what the exact closing time was. Including the BIB themselves. Ask them, and they will say 1 AM.

They don't even know the zoning law, nor do they know the zones, nor did they ever really enforce these laws.

Secondly, never in my 15+ years in Pattaya have I seen businesses forced shut for a relative minor infraction (open 15 minutes late, evidently the raids around the lake were shortly after midnight).

The normal way is to write it up officially, arrest manager/cashier, bail them out, pay fine couple of days later and recuperate bail.

It always is done like that in Pattaya.

They do follow up a few weeks later, if then found out of line, you'll get hammered with a closure, fair enough, you have been warned and informed of the relevant laws.

We're not talking about a place busted without licenses, under age punters tested positive for drug use are we now!

I just feel what is happening now feels more like a vendetta, 15 minutes open late, whack, 30 days closure...

And mr. PP, I'm not one of those being closed, but even though the blokes who got closed are sort of competition, I do feel for them, IMO they have been treated very unfair!

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name='monty' post='2033940' date='2008-06-14 18:27:22']And mr. PP, I'm not one of those being closed, but even though the blokes who got closed are sort of competition, I do feel for them, IMO they have been treated very unfair!

Why they broke the law.

Just to spell it out, think people have been taking the piss, so the BIB have jummped on them. TIT. and like all piss taking it fcuks it up for the rest. :o

Edited by plasticpig
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name='monty' post='2033940' date='2008-06-14 18:27:22']And mr. PP, I'm not one of those being closed, but even though the blokes who got closed are sort of competition, I do feel for them, IMO they have been treated very unfair!

Why they broke the law.

Just to spell it out, think people have been taking the piss, so the BIB have jummped on them. TIT. and like all piss taking it fcuks it up for the rest. :D

I hope you're not scared of heights piggy, if you fall off your high horse it's gonna be a loooooooooooooong way down :o

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But the ironic thing is you prob go a few blocks down from where they raided and other bars are merrily serving away til all hours. I think some one was well pissed off, and had their revenge on these few bars.

Edited by britmaveric
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name='monty' post='2033940' date='2008-06-14 18:27:22']And mr. PP, I'm not one of those being closed, but even though the blokes who got closed are sort of competition, I do feel for them, IMO they have been treated very unfair!

Why they broke the law.

Just to spell it out, think people have been taking the piss, so the BIB have jummped on them. TIT. and like all piss taking it fcuks it up for the rest. :D

I hope you're not scared of heights piggy, if you fall off your high horse it's gonna be a loooooooooooooong way down :o

Just because you had a High horse issue, just of late.

I hope your well. :D

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I doubt that "competition" is the issue here, as the area's they've cracked down on are to far away from each other.

The soi Kha Noi bars are not exactly close the the bars they raided around the lake!

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I guess the simplest answer is for "The Dark Side" to separate and declare independence from Pattaya (and Chon Buri), form their own province and elect a governor that will look favourably on later closing hours for bars. Once the argument is made that later closing hours will attract more business to this new province (hence more revenue for the governor government), you'll probably have (mandatory) 6am closures, followed by 10 am openings !

Wait a second, wasn't Pattaya like that in the 90's ? I do seem to recall in '98 that many bars in Walking Street and surrounding areas were just like that. I would stroll down the street 10-11 am, and there'd be a bunch of bored BGs sitting around while 1 lonely farang sat there nursing a beer.

Many a time I left a bar long after the sun had risen and the monks had been by. Some hotels in the area had problems renting certain rooms, if those rooms faced towards the bar areas, because the music wouldn't stop until 6am, and would start up again at 10.

Just think, The Dark Side could be just like that !

Arranging to separate, declare independence and all the rest shouldn't be any harder than convincing the current authorities to allow bars to stay open longer, should it ? :o

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I guess the simplest answer is for "The Dark Side" to separate and declare independence from Pattaya (and Chon Buri), form their own province and elect a governor that will look favourably on later closing hours for bars. Once the argument is made that later closing hours will attract more business to this new province (hence more revenue for the governor government), you'll probably have (mandatory) 6am closures, followed by 10 am openings !

Wait a second, wasn't Pattaya like that in the 90's ? I do seem to recall in '98 that many bars in Walking Street and surrounding areas were just like that. I would stroll down the street 10-11 am, and there'd be a bunch of bored BGs sitting around while 1 lonely farang sat there nursing a beer.

Many a time I left a bar long after the sun had risen and the monks had been by. Some hotels in the area had problems renting certain rooms, if those rooms faced towards the bar areas, because the music wouldn't stop until 6am, and would start up again at 10.

Just think, The Dark Side could be just like that !

Arranging to separate, declare independence and all the rest shouldn't be any harder than convincing the current authorities to allow bars to stay open longer, should it ? :o

lol, lets see what happens with this new bar, and the policeman

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If the law says 12 then 12 it is. Most of the bar owners on the dark side are paying smaller rent they should move to the sexy side and pay the rent for an entertainment zone. I have noticed most of the bar owners on the dark side are Farangs and some work in their bars probably without work permits, so they are lucky to only be closed not shown the door. This is Thai country we should respect their laws and culture if you don't like it bye bye.

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If the law says 12 then 12 it is. Most of the bar owners on the dark side are paying smaller rent they should move to the sexy side and pay the rent for an entertainment zone. I have noticed most of the bar owners on the dark side are Farangs and some work in their bars probably without work permits, so they are lucky to only be closed not shown the door. This is Thai country we should respect their laws and culture if you don't like it bye bye.

this seems to be a popular opinion... :o

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If the law says 12 then 12 it is. Most of the bar owners on the dark side are paying smaller rent they should move to the sexy side and pay the rent for an entertainment zone. I have noticed most of the bar owners on the dark side are Farangs and some work in their bars probably without work permits, so they are lucky to only be closed not shown the door. This is Thai country we should respect their laws and culture if you don't like it bye bye.

this seems to be a popular opinion... :o

It is not mine. I was holding it up to ridicule but my subtle, wry, irreverent, witticism was classed as a ''flame'' and deleted. As others have mentioned, licensing laws are so vague and subject to such arbitrary enforcement that I found the last sentence rather ludicrous and out of context.

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It will definitely make me feel utterly and completely safe now that the BIB are giving priority to the serious crimes on the Darkside.

Luckily they are not waisting too much of their precious time on petty offenses such as robbery, house invasions and stabbings.

If the law says 12 then 12 it is. Most of the bar owners on the dark side are paying smaller rent they should move to the sexy side and pay the rent for an entertainment zone. I have noticed most of the bar owners on the dark side are Farangs and some work in their bars probably without work permits, so they are lucky to only be closed not shown the door. This is Thai country we should respect their laws and culture if you don't like it bye bye.

Gotta love this post, are you blind, or have you never been here? should we "respect" their traffic laws and laws on prostitution?

"According to the latest Transparency International Corruption Perception Index (CPI), Thailand received 3.6 points on a scale of 0-10, an increase of 0.3, and ranked 64th among 146 countries on the list. Here 10 means a country is "higher clear" and zero equates to "highly corrupt. In Asia, Singapore tops the first with 9.3 points and Thailand ranks the seventh."

The only laws the police enforce are the ones they can make (additional?) money out off!

Edited by CGW
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"According to the latest Transparency International Corruption Perception Index (CPI), Thailand received 3.6 points on a scale of 0-10, an increase of 0.3, and ranked 64th among 146 countries on the list. Here 10 means a country is "higher clear" and zero equates to "highly corrupt. In Asia, Singapore tops the first with 9.3 points and Thailand ranks the seventh."

Who did Thailand bribe to get that good a rating?

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I would just like to clarify certain points raised on this thread.

Nois Bar has never been done for a music licence.

We were advised some months ago that we could no longer operate after 1am...When the BiB turned up at just gone 12am everyone was surprised.

Nois has never received any warnings of a 12am closure.

I am not aware of any barowners on the darkside that work in their bar.

I'm not aware of any 'new' bar opening on Khao Noi apart from one owned by an Englishman a couple of doors down from Nois, some details would be appreciated.

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If the law says 12 then 12 it is. Most of the bar owners on the dark side are paying smaller rent they should move to the sexy side and pay the rent for an entertainment zone. I have noticed most of the bar owners on the dark side are Farangs and some work in their bars probably without work permits, so they are lucky to only be closed not shown the door. This is Thai country we should respect their laws and culture if you don't like it bye bye.

thats shit in europ the marocs and turkmen have the same shit but screaming racist racist and the originals feel guilty and shut their face or they go to the human rights stuff so why do we shut up!!!!

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If the law says 12 then 12 it is. Most of the bar owners on the dark side are paying smaller rent they should move to the sexy side and pay the rent for an entertainment zone. I have noticed most of the bar owners on the dark side are Farangs and some work in their bars probably without work permits, so they are lucky to only be closed not shown the door. This is Thai country we should respect their laws and culture if you don't like it bye bye.

thats shit in europ the marocs and turkmen have the same shit but screaming racist racist and the originals feel guilty and shut their face or they go to the human rights stuff so why do we shut up!!!!

Not bad for your third post, Next, :o:D:D

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if competition then rather an attempt driving the crowds from the dark side back into downtown Pattaya.

Yes...............we want to be in the limelight :o

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The above mentioned bars around Lake Mabprachan have been ordered closed for 30 days, starting from today, by the governor of Chonburi.

Any infraction, how small it might be, results in an automatic 30 day closure currently, no warning/fines are given.

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so just how many bars at present are closed on the darkside, due to police closure, must be nearing to 10, or does somebody have an exact figure?

I may be wrong but I believe there are four bars affected.

For some strange reason a whole bunch of punters (including two bar owners) all turned up at one of the bars for a "farewell Drink". I've never seen it so busy.

And guess what? It was still open at way past 1 a.m. :o

There's still plenty of bars still open, so don't panic :D

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If the law says 12 then 12 it is. Most of the bar owners on the dark side are paying smaller rent they should move to the sexy side and pay the rent for an entertainment zone. I have noticed most of the bar owners on the dark side are Farangs and some work in their bars probably without work permits, so they are lucky to only be closed not shown the door. This is Thai country we should respect their laws and culture if you don't like it bye bye.

Well said

Let's hear it for Peter Bigmouth, hip hip :D

Yes Bigmouth is right - in thailand the law is the law :o

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Well it's Sunday so I'm going to do my high horse, off my trolly rant.

The 4 bars closed yesterday around the lake are girlie ST bars with a few trannies thrown in. They are right on the main road in full view of all and sundry.

There are plenty of other girlie ST bars in the area that are either hidden down quiet Soi's or at least with tinted glass fronts as to keep what goes on in them out of eye sight.

I moved out of the heart of Pattaya 3 1/2 years ago, knowing that if I wanted "the scene" it was only 20 mins away so I'm not bothered at all that these bars are closed.

Most other bars in the area were open at the same time as these were closed and they are still trading after an informal warning.

There are some very influential Thais living in this area, maybe they're not bothered about the closures either.

Out of sight, out of mind.

This is just my opinion on the lake bars and has nothing to do with the Kao Noi bars.

Right, I'm of to church.

I shall return wearing my asbestos suit :o

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