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Provincial District Chiefs Encouraged To Ride Horses To Work


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Is this a joke? They do realize that horses have to be fed and taken care of? It'll probably amount to the same cost as riding a car to work. But if you're trying to be "green", it sounds like an 'interesting' idea. :o

it is complete nonsense.......look at other talks from Chalerm, it is all more or less (no not less!) nonsense. His talks that he is a tiger and not a dog is famous. From it comes the duck joke (he is neither is a lame duck). Frequently he is a bit drunk than it gets worse.....

Wait until some urgent matter comes up in the evening or week-end and he has to act while already drunk.

It will be the end of his political career before he can finish the bottle. Hopefully no one will get hurt because of him.

To complete the humiliation, gaffer-tape him to a chair on the PAD stage and replay his videotaped contradictions to complete the humiliation.

Then release him in a Bangkok park when he can join the other ducks and lizards.

Why do you think so? Samak and Chalerm made already so much nonsense that you could end 10 political careers and they still sit there.

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The newspapers and forums such as this are resplendent jottings concerning petrol prices and illegal Cambodian and Laotian immigrants. To boycott oil companies or not; to provide amnesty to illegal immigrants or not, etc.

Since I have become jaded to the various solutions proposed by the Democrats, TRT, PPP, Uncle Tom Cobley and all, I have elected to solve the problems as they affect me. Perhaps the wise and resourceful Khun Chalerm would take note and implement my solution on a wider basis. It solves both petrol and the illegal immigrant problems.

I have hired illegal immigrants to push my truck. They're plentiful and cheaper than buying petrol. Then I pay them in riels and kips so they have to go home to spend their earnings. I love it when a plan comes together.

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It would be just a bunch more animals to abuse. The way many animals are treated in this country is pathetic... to put it politely.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”. Mahatma Gandhi

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It would be just a bunch more animals to abuse. The way many animals are treated in this country is pathetic... to put it politely.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”. Mahatma Gandhi

what other countries problems you could use with sheeps?

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camels arent recommended: nasty tempered, big, and they have bad breath too......

donkeys might really do well in thailand... economic, small, easy going, mai ben rai attitude *unlike horses... but not exactly a status symbol.. cant really imagine puu yais etc riding on a donkey as apposed to a fiery steed.....

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camels arent recommended: nasty tempered, big, and they have bad breath too......

I thought you were referring to BIB then.

donkeys might really do well in thailand... economic, small, easy going, mai ben rai attitude *unlike horses... but not exactly a status symbol.. cant really imagine puu yais etc riding on a donkey as apposed to a fiery steed.....

Why not? Christ didn't have an image problem seated on one.

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camels arent recommended: nasty tempered, big, and they have bad breath too......

I thought you were referring to BIB then.

donkeys might really do well in thailand... economic, small, easy going, mai ben rai attitude *unlike horses... but not exactly a status symbol.. cant really imagine puu yais etc riding on a donkey as apposed to a fiery steed.....

Why not? Christ didn't have an image problem seated on one.

That reminded me of this poem by GK Chesterton:

When fishes flew and forests walked

And figs grew upon thorn,

Some moment when the moon was blood

Then surely I was born.

With monstrous head and sickening cry

And ears like errant wings,

The devil's walking parody

On all four-footed things.

The tattered outlaw of the earth,

Of ancient crooked will;

Starve, scourge, deride me: I am dumb,

I keep my secret still.

Fools! For I also had my hour;

One far fierce hour and sweet:

There was a shout about my ears,

And palms before my feet.

As for Bina's suggestion of donkeys maybe doing well in Thailand, like goats, unless they can be turned into sexy, tan samai, hi-tech, GM animals owned by Hollywood filmstars and millionaires, then I'm afraid they're destined for ignominy in Thailand. cf. Hindu-Brazil cows and the wee native version as to which one gets the attention and big bucks thrown its way. (Think that bubble has just about burst now, thank goodness, along with ostrich and a few other animal fads).

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donkeys are better: stronger, steadier, can deal with less rich rations and eat less (they dont over eat for the most part), can be left to graze on scrub and brush, which a horse usually wont do, have fewer medical conditions (legs, hooves colic etc), dont need to shoe them, learn the route and dont need to be 'driven', less height to fall off from, lower maintenance in general than most horses/ponies, intelligent (but stubborn), less sensitive to noise etc,



THis is a MYTH that horse " Need " shoes. Shoes cause more problems than they solve, White line disease, laminitus , etc etc.

Hooves are actually quite flexible shock absorbers, applying a metal band negates this .

Farriers grow hooves to be too long so as to hammer nails in, they're meant to be shaped as thin wedged shovels.

Hooves pump blood with every step and shoeing can cause up to 30 % drop in blood pressure.

We exercise our barefoot horses on a varying terrain field with lots of rocks and gravel, like in nature and the horses hooves remain trim and clean themselves.

More importantly for horses in Thailand , tropical grasses have compounds that leach calcium from equine bones , a horse will die if grazing is its only source of food .

Sorry I could go on and on about lack of care for horses in T Land.

Main thing is MOST Thais are incapable of caring for horses properly, any animals really . Tigers in Dept stores , my neigbor keeps a hawk in a cage too small for the bird to even stretch its wings.. Another takes great pleasure in abusing his dog regularly . Other neighbors kill female kittens and let the males grow and roam freely , impregnating more cats......

Stories like this sure have me glad we've established residency in Malaysia too and can move the horses there within a day.

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It would be just a bunch more animals to abuse. The way many animals are treated in this country is pathetic... to put it politely.

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated". Mahatma Gandhi

I couldn't agree more, it really is telling about the true nature of Thais ....

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camels arent recommended: nasty tempered, big, and they have bad breath too......

donkeys might really do well in thailand... economic, small, easy going, mai ben rai attitude *unlike horses... but not exactly a status symbol.. cant really imagine puu yais etc riding on a donkey as apposed to a fiery steed.....

I think his intention was to ride not kiss them. :D

Unless, that is, he is workimg in Saudi Arabia. :o

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Dunno about you, but I'd consider horse sh.te and horse fart to be pollutants... :o

Provincial district chiefs encouraged to ride horses to work

BANGKOK: -- Thailand's Interior Ministry is turning back the pages of history, encouraging provincial district chiefs nationwide to ride horseback to work as part of an imaginative range of measures to save energy to fight skyrocketing oil prices, according to permanent secretary for Interior Pongpayom Wasaputi.

At a monthly meeting with provincial governors nationwide via teleconference, Mr. Pongpayom said the ministry has drawn up a policy to save energy during the oil price crisis including the use of horses for local transportation of local officials.

Provincial district chiefs were encourage the travel from home to work by horseback, he said, adding that if any district chief preferred this plan, he could ask for assistance from the ministry.

Other measures proposed at the meeting included loans provided by the ministry for personnel who wanted to install Natural Gas for Vehicle (NGV) tanks in their cars, he said.

The credit line to transform the cars would be not more than Bt50,000 (US$1,515).

The ministry will also conduct markets with inexpensive consumer products for its staff every Friday, he said.

--TNA 2008-06-13

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