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Govt Faces No-confidence


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An excerpt taken from a Post piece. Fullstory at: http://www.bangkokpost.com/topstories/tops...s.php?id=128340

However, the government is seeking to end the special parliament session before June 28, to avoid the grilling.

With this scenario, the House of Representatives will make history as it will be the first to try to abort a censure motion. In the last session, it is also remembered for not deliberating even a single bill.

Unlike its predecessors, this House broke with tradition and let accountability fall by the wayside in convening without any House committees being appointed, since core leaders of the government were undecided as to who should head which committee.

The prime minister, who has clocked in more than 40 years of political experience, is incapable of initiating any political moves of his own. He has to adopt a subservient role and listen to hard-core members of the PPP, who have demanded that he reject the debates. They reasoned that the government now has its hands full tackling assorted problems, including the street protests led by the People's Alliance for Democracy.

Quite a damning indictment of the parliament that did least in Thai history. No committees formed. Not a single bill deliberated. No accountability. Not a record to be proud of.

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As a resident of this country, I follow the news closely. I don't have an agenda and I won't get on a soapbox or engage in a philisophical/political argument. I just want to say that after reading the volume of news on this subject, I think this country is run by incompetent, juvenile and largely clueless people. All sides, all members. Just a bunch of brats that all need to go for a nap!! :o This is the 21st century!! This is your country, your people!! Hello???

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Quite a damning indictment of the parliament that did least in Thai history. No committees formed. Not a single bill deliberated. No accountability. Not a record to be proud of.

To return briefly to the beginning...

Democrat Secretary-General Suthep Thaugsuban


The main focus was on the inefficiency of the administration


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Sutthichai Yoon mentioned in his column today that according to the Constitution, if the sensure debate motion is lodged, the PM can't dissolve the House to avoid it.

That can bring some interesting and unexpected turns, Samak can be well voted out by his own PPP.

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Quite a damning indictment of the parliament that did least in Thai history. No committees formed. Not a single bill deliberated. No accountability. Not a record to be proud of.

To return briefly to the beginning...

Democrat Secretary-General Suthep Thaugsuban


The main focus was on the inefficiency of the administration


In his politcal career there are many things Suthep has not got right but on this one he is spot on. The facts the Post lay out say it all. It really is amazing Thailand.

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HE11 I don't know anybody who has any confidence in any of these clowns.

Bunch of idiots.

Ok so great the government is facing a motion of no confidence,I still think Thailand is one of the worlds' most beautiful country.I will forever be grateful for their extreme laws on drug trafficking,it started me on my recovery path.So no they arent a bunch of clowns.


mani kanna

Drug Rehab Center


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Sutthichai Yoon mentioned in his column today that according to the Constitution, if the sensure debate motion is lodged, the PM can't dissolve the House to avoid it.

That can bring some interesting and unexpected turns, Samak can be well voted out by his own PPP.

Being replaced as PM by his own party is no doubt a big fear for Samak and for obvious reasons.

He could try the emergency rule to protect his hi-so butt if he thinks that is coming though. Lots of potential for surprises in this one.

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tick tock... tick tock...

House Speaker checking legal framework of censure motion

The House Speaker Chai Chidchob says he needs three days to examine the legal framework of the censure motion against the Prime Minister and Defense Minister Samak Sundaravej and seven other Cabinet members proposed by the Opposition. Chai, however, avoided answering the question of whether this motion could be held on June 28th.

- ThaiNews (today)

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HE11 I don't know anybody who has any confidence in any of these clowns.

Bunch of idiots.

Ok so great the government is facing a motion of no confidence,I still think Thailand is one of the worlds' most beautiful country.I will forever be grateful for their extreme laws on drug trafficking,it started me on my recovery path.So no they arent a bunch of clowns.


mani kanna

Drug Rehab Center


Congratulations, now you have to work on your spamming addiction.


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I'm afraid once DEmocrat's motion is accepted and PPP decide on who should replace Samak, there's nothing he could do. His only weapon so far is dissolving the House and it's about to be taken away.

The question is - will replacing Samak by one of Newin's boys bring out any progress? I doubt it.

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More time wasting by one bunch of bums against another group of bums. As normal no intention of doing the people's business.

This is why one coup follows the next. Not quite ready for representative Democracy.

This is why you get a cult of personality like Lord Man City.

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I'm afraid once DEmocrat's motion is accepted and PPP decide on who should replace Samak, there's nothing he could do. His only weapon so far is dissolving the House and it's about to be taken away.

The question is - will replacing Samak by one of Newin's boys bring out any progress? I doubt it.

Perhaps it's time to wheel out Sudarat's father to have a crack at being PM and reward her faction.

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I'm afraid once DEmocrat's motion is accepted and PPP decide on who should replace Samak, there's nothing he could do. His only weapon so far is dissolving the House and it's about to be taken away.

The question is - will replacing Samak by one of Newin's boys bring out any progress? I doubt it.

It depends on how you define progress. For me, Samak's removal is progress regardless of who replaces him.

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HE11 I don't know anybody who has any confidence in any of these clowns.

Bunch of idiots.

Ok so great the government is facing a motion of no confidence,I still think Thailand is one of the worlds' most beautiful country.I will forever be grateful for their extreme laws on drug trafficking,it started me on my recovery path.So no they arent a bunch of clowns.


mani kanna

Drug Rehab Center


Sorry to see that it was just too late to prevent heavy brain damage so simple context can't be understood anymore.

But good luck and most of the damage might be reversible.

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HE11 I don't know anybody who has any confidence in any of these clowns.

Bunch of idiots.

Ok so great the government is facing a motion of no confidence,I still think Thailand is one of the worlds' most beautiful country.I will forever be grateful for their extreme laws on drug trafficking,it started me on my recovery path.So no they arent a bunch of clowns.


mani kanna

Drug Rehab Center


Beautiful country ? Yeah sure, I concurred with you when it relates to people and culture ! But with the current government running the country, I must say that I agree with those who says they are a bunch of incompetent clowns who does not hot gives a hoot about it's people. They (Samak & cabinet) just do not know how to manage the country. And on that, they don't even know how NOT to display their inconsideration for the peoples' welfare. They are outright outrageous.

With Samak at the helm, PPP is definitely going down, that is, without a doubt. With or without PAD demonstrations, PPP is going down.

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Meanwhile, over on the Senate version of the debate issue...

Senators threaten to prosecute PM for avoiding the general debate

A group of 61 senators on Thursday vowed retaliation after Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej had declined to attend the general debate on performance, scheduled for June 23.

Senator Kamnoon Sithisaman said Samak had no justification to cite the June 25 budget debate to escape the Senate's grilling two days before.

"Samak has committed a lapse of duty in ignoring his obligations to the Senate," he said.

He said the Senators might persue two options - teaming up with the House opposition members to convene an extraordinary session for censure and initiating a legal proceedings for lapse of duty as per Article 157 of the Criminal Code.

Should the National Counter Corruption Commission find cause to suspect wrongdoing under the Article 157 and recommend trial, Samak and his Cabinet members are obliged to suspend office immediately, Senator Ruangkrai Leekitwattana said.

- The Nation (today)

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Sutthichai Yoon mentioned in his column today that according to the Constitution, if the sensure debate motion is lodged, the PM can't dissolve the House to avoid it.

That can bring some interesting and unexpected turns, Samak can be well voted out by his own PPP.

Article 158

When a motion has been filed for the purpose of passing a vote of no-confidence in the Prime Minister, Such motion must nominate the suitable next Prime Minister who is also a person under section 171 paragraph two and, when the motion has been submitted, the dissolution of the House of Representatives is not permitted, except that the motion is withdrawn or the resolution is passed without being supported by the vote in accordance with paragraph three

When the Democrats filed their motion they nominated Abhisit as the Next Prime Minister.

Paragraph three states what is required:

The vote of no-confidence must be passed by more than one-half of the total number of the existing members of the House of Representatives.

If I remember correctly, Cabinet Members are not classified as being members of the House of Representatives, regardless of whether they have been elected or not and therefore do not have the right to vote in a censure debate, I also believe that the Speaker of the House of Representatives is also barred from voting. If the motion is passed then Abhisit becomes the next Prime Minister. If all the coalition members of Parliament vote against Samak, then they probably have sufficient numbers to pass the motion. However if Abhisit does become Prime Minister, the PPP would also have sufficient numbers by themselves to win a vote of no - confidence in Abhisit, if the Democrats use MP's to fill Cabinet Seats.

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Interesting, but what is the procedure if PPP wants to nominate a new Prime Minister?

OMR, I don't think Chalerm will have enough support in his own party to get nominated, let alone the military.

Surapong is a better bet, though I'm not sure he'd make a better PM at the time of confrontation, he lacks weight, popular appeal, and leadership qualities.

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Interesting, but what is the procedure if PPP wants to nominate a new Prime Minister?

OMR, I don't think Chalerm will have enough support in his own party to get nominated, let alone the military.

Surapong is a better bet, though I'm not sure he'd make a better PM at the time of confrontation, he lacks weight, popular appeal, and leadership qualities.

Surapong is too weak in the PPP. He doesnt have a a huge faction and is a lightweight. If he became the man he would have little control, and would just be beholden to had put him there. He also lacks any talent, which of course in the PPP doesnt count in whether you get a job but just saying like.

One of the things many miss in the current conflict is that the PPP have become very divided themselves with certain factions contolling everything while others go hungry. While the government looks as though it will only be short lived this will only get worse.

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He, reportedly, has a backing of Newin, which makes him a shoe in.

He also hasn't got any known enemies.

Cheers for that. I wasnt saying he wouldnt get the post just that he would be useless as he has no power and so becomes just Newin's mouth. Even some cabinet ministers under Newin have been complaining that he doesnt let them do anything except obey master Newin's directives.

If we get Surapong we get the real hard line PPP and can expect a ratcheting up of conflict.

If you are Newins man you automatically then get enemies which includes some in the PPP.

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Here is a littel gem from TOC

Just as people are saying one way to difuse the situation is through openess in parliament:

The Senate reveals it has cancelled the session on Monday, after the government refused to accept the general-debate motion presented by senators.

Deputy Senate Speaker Nikom Wairatpanit reveals the Senate will cancel its session on Monday as it has received a letter stating that Cabinet is not able to attend the general debate as proposed by the senate members, according article 161.

The Deputy Senate speaker says that today is, therefore, the final day that the senate is hosting a meeting during the special Parliamentary session. Next week, the House of Representatives' meeting to discuss the 2009 budget will begin.

Nikom says the senate has appointed a senatorial special committee to study the bill proposing the 2009 budget, and the team, consisting of 25 senate members, will look into the matter after it is approved by the House of Representatives.

Regarding the current atmosphere in front of Parliament, reporters reveal that a police team of 153 police officers from Kanchanaburi Province is stationed in the area to monitor the situation closely and prevent the PAD from moving into Parliament.

Meanwhile, First Deputy Senate Speaker, Nikom Wairatpanit and Second Deputy Senate Speaker, Tassana Boontong also hosted a press conference, urging the government to rely on peaceful methods in dealing with the ongoing People's Alliance for Democracy rally and urges the police not to use force against the protesters. The senators also urge the PAD not to incite violence as it could lead to serious confrontation between the opposing groups.

The senators urge that the Army remain patient and not stage a coup but respect the democratic principles and Parliament as a priority.

The Senate also expresses support for social critic Prawes Wasi and academics who have been proposing possible solutions to end the national conflict.

However, the Senate asks the government to reconsider accepting the motion requesting a general debate, passed earlier by 61 senators. The Senate says that if a general debate were to be hosted on Monday, it would be a merit for the government as the public is allowed to acknowledge the administrative performance of the government.

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Meanwhile, over on the Senate version of the debate issue...

Senators threaten to prosecute PM for avoiding the general debate

A group of 61 senators on Thursday vowed retaliation after Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej had declined to attend the general debate on performance, scheduled for June 23.

First up, a u_turn.png for Samak...

Samak agrees to face grilling by senators

Embattled Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej agreed Saturday to attend a debate on national problems to be held by the Senate on Monday, Deputy Senate Speaker Nikhom Waiyaratphanit said.

Nikhom said he asked the Senate Secretary-General to tell Samak to reconsider his stand over the debate.

Nikhom said Samak replied through Parliament President that he would attend the debate Monday to answer senators' questions on national problems.

- The Nation


and now.... add the Lower House censure to his week's schedule as it's going through...

Thai PM to face no-confidence vote

BANGKOK — Thailand's embattled Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej will face a no-confidence vote this week, a senior official said Saturday, as thousands of protesters continued to rally at his office gates.

House Speaker Chai Chidchob set the debate to begin on Tuesday in a bid to defuse the political crisis engulfing the premier's four-month-old rule.

A final vote is expected Thursday.

"I don't know how long the debate will take but a vote of all members will be arranged as soon as the debate ends," Pitoon Pumhiran, secretary-general to the House of Representatives, told AFP.

The motion comes as Samak vowed not to quit on Saturday after supporters of the anti-government People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) broke through a police barricade to surround Government House a day earlier.

The motion was lodged against Samak and seven cabinet colleagues last Wednesday by the opposition Democrat Party, but the government had said it could not pursue the matter before the parliamentary session ends on June 28.

Opponents accuse Samak of acting as a proxy for deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was banned from politics for five years in 2007 by a constitutional tribunal.

If a simple majority of parliamentarians voted against the government, Samak would be forced to step down.

The ongoing political turmoil has raised doubts about Thailand's political future and battered the Thai stock market, which has dropped 15 percent since protests began four weeks ago.

- AFP (an hour ago)

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No-confidence debate to be held on Tuesday, Wednesday

The government has agreed to allow a no-confidence debate to be held on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva said House Speaker Chai Chidchob agreed to put the no-confidence motion on agenda for a debate on Tuesday and Wednesday.

- The Nation

Edited by sriracha john
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