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I find myself in a slightly different version of visa uncertainty than is usually posted and was wondering if other TV members in similar circumstances had any difficulties, or whether or not my inexperience with dealing with visa applications for partners to visit the UK is showing through.

My Girlfriend is in the Middle of her UK tourist visa application.

We intend to go back for a two week visit.

We are flying business class (she paid for her own ticket).

She is MD of her family company with a significant monthly turn over.

She has no specific income – just spends whatever she needs from the company (on her company credit Card) – This part of the application was tricky as she has no specific proof of income into her account. But the company account with records is in her name (as a 1/3rd shareholder along with her brother and father, she has provided documented proof of all this).

Basically she is wealthy and can easily support herself, she also needs to return back to Bangkok for her work.

As we will be staying with my Parents in the UK, we have used that address on the visa application form.

After submitting the details to the UK visa centre she has been asked to return with proof of our relationship and a photocopy of my passport.

We have plenty of photos to choose from and I’ve provided her with a photo copy of my passport.

Only 3 years separates us, we are young so I have no concerns that the photos will raise any questions.

BUT, I am wondering why she has been asked to jump through these little hoops.

A few years ago an ex and I visited the UK for a quick trip and none of this ‘proof of relationship’ with photo’s etc was needed. The Ex is a Thai Airways flight attendant and had a company letter and salary documentation which I’m sure made things easy. My current girlfriend has a company letter, but it’s from herself to herself as she is the MD and her salary is just income into the company (from which she spends as she needs).

I’m sure all will work out well (Or rather at the moment I am hoping), but with all the negativity surrounding visa applications and then being asked to provide proof of relationship I am wondering whether or not something is amiss or if this proof of relationship is just ensuring that every base is covered? It all seems a little odd.

I’m writing this more to relieve a little frustration than anything else. But, not fitting within the proverbial box appears to make the application a little more sketchy. It all seems geared for someone with a partner who’s paying for all their expenses which I also assume could also be a sketchy application, or more for the middle of the road tourist; someone who works as an employee (not owner / partner /MD of their own) company etc

Thanks in advance for any constructive comments....


The visa officer has to satisfy himself that the purpose behind the visit is genuine. As your girlfriend has presented herself as visiting your family, it is usual that the visa officer would want to see evidence of your relationship. If, on the other hand, your girlfriend were to be visiting the UK of her own accord, and unaccompanied by you, to see the sights, then evidence of your relationship would not be a factor.



I have some very good Thai friends. A few years ago my friend and his girlfriend when studying in England visited my family coinciding with a trip I was making back to the UK.

They have expressed an interest to travel back to the UK in the future, again coinciding with a trip I would make. I guess they would need to put down my family address as a local address in the UK. While this currently remains a hypothetical situation I have wondered if or what proof of relationship might be required then....

This is all rather pie in the sky, but with proof of financial independence and proof of a career in Thailand, I’m still left wondering why such significance is placed on the relationship.

A simple work around would be to put a hotel as an address in the UK. However, I’ve also been reading up on the consequences of noting down false information.


But they won't be presenting themselves, one would think, as being romantically involved with you, so a simple letter of invitation from your family members who own the house and evidence that it is theirs to let the people stay there.


We have plenty of photos to choose from and I’ve provided her with a photo copy of my passport.

Only 3 years separates us, we are young so I have no concerns that the photos will raise any questions.

What sort of questions could the photos possibly raise???

Does she not pay tax in Thailand that would prove earnings?



if you live together then if there are any utilty bills in both your names at the same address dated back more than 12 months will give some proof of your relationship.

I would suggest that you get a letter from your parents inviting her to stay for a period of 2 weeks.his letter should also state the size of the house to prove there is room for her to stay.

I brought my now wife to the UK twice on a visitor visa before we got wed and she has since had a schengen, spouse visa and now an indefinate leave visa.

It is a problem giving proof of your relationship if you live in LOS because its not as if you have any phone records and it was phone records that we used to show contact.

My wife was asked to produce photos but we didn't take any we just said that they were in the Uk and as I was in Bangkok we could not provide these but if you have them I would take some.

I typed a letter up which included when and where we met and a brief history of our relationship which I know helped.

I now you think that a lot of the info is just the IO being a pain but from my experiance it is better to provide too much info than not enough.

I also gave my mrs my passport rather than a coppy as they always prefer originals.

I know you said your girl friend has a letter from her job I presume is taking bank statements as well as they need to she that she has funds to support her stay in the UK.

I am not sure if it has started yet but the government are now going to ask for £1000 upfront as a garauntee that oyur friend will return within the alloted time priod of the visa.

I hope this is of help , things have probebly changed in the last 3 years since our spouse visa and the indefinate leave visa was done by post in the UK and didn't require as much as the other 3 visas so my info may be a little out of date.

Good luck mate.


I don't have a definitive answer, but I think the main issue is primarily do to with your girlfriend showing proof of income and a reason to return, not to do with proving you are a couple. My girlfriend applied for a UK visa just before Christmas last year. My bank account statements were supplied as sponsor and my girlfriend had a letter from her manager at a large, well established Thai company. Our application went through without problems.

As I remember, there was no specific requirement to show proof of relationship (i.e. photos) but we submitted photos anyway. I don't think it hurts, and I think you may as well accept that as part of the 'unwrittten' requirements. Utility bills may help, but if you are not living together, that wont apply - photos alone seem to be enough to prove the relationship. A letter of invitation from your family would also not do any harm (we did that too).

However, it is the 'reason to return' that counts, and I expect you would agree that a letter from your girlfriend to herself is going to look suspicious, even though it is genuine. As you suspect, you are outside the box that people normally fit into here. I think the best option would be to put it to the embassy before you apply - or reapply. State the situation, and ask what proof can be submitted under these circumstances (at a guess - company documentation (not a letter) or affadavit, that names your girlfriend as a director, and that shows the company as a going concern that she would want to return to?)

As for proof of income, even as director, doesn't she have a nominal salary, evidenced in the accounts? She must have a salary declared, even if it does not come directly into her account on a regular basis, otherwise how does she pay personal income tax? I am director of 'my' company, and have a salary listed, although I too use 'loans to the director' to live by.

Good luck with the application. My advice would be to ask the embassy directly what proof she can provide in her circumstances.


I had a similar situation a couple years ago, my GF and I where going to England for a few days. Embassy asked for photos of us, which we provided on a second visit, and the visa was issued promptly.

a Month ago, my boss's wife wanted to bring along a Thai friend to keep her company while in the UK. That friend is also an employee of our company. Although a explanatory letter was provided and ample funds where available. The embassy's goons insisted that I sign a documents indicating that the friend was going to work as a maid in the UK and that she was a house employee here (she's in fact a secretary). I wrote a fax to explain the situation again. But since they have not yet learned how to read they still wanted me to lie in writing. I did not sign, so they refused her application. I know this seems strange, but it is that simple. The people at the UK embassy in Bangkok are rude, can't read, ask you to lie on applications, and use a random process to grant their visas.

Needless to say, we are in the process to lodge a complaint at the foreign office in London.

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