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Fahrenheit 9/11


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IamMaiC, do you realize your best buddy Bush is abusing you and your fellow Americans, squeezing every last penny out of you to make sure he and a few of his fellows remain in the 1% of Americans owning 90% of the wealth?

It just can't be sustanined and is against the general idea of democracy that "you guys" like to bring up all the time.

Bush is not the only one ABUSING us. You think the democrats are clean also?? The rich alway's abuse the poor alway's have an alway's will Your not telling me anything new.

Hey I'm voting for him It's my right call me stupid or insane or whatever but i'm keeping that no good snake John Kerry Out if i can help it.

If he is voted in Then So be it, He's talking about health care and a strong military and other things he want's to do, But how is he going to pay for it?? RAISE TAXES :o

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The Movie is <deleted>  plain and simple and why is this an on going thread here???  This is the third thread on this stupid movie   :o

Well - nobody forces you to read this post - except yourself!

And maybe it might interesting to hear from Thai viewers their opinion (?)

A Thai friend of mine saw it and voiced the most amazing part was while GWB was reading to children, America was being openly and brutally attacked. Quote: "Why didn't he do SOMETHING?..... ANYTHING???"

OK answer me this Do Something against WHO?? You make it sound soooooooo easy if you were him what would you do??

Funny you should ask....because that's exactly what happened after the comment...

as my reply at the time was... "If I were him, after I got that little whisper in my ear about the 2nd tower being hit, I'd put the book down, apologize to the children and tell them I had some important business to take care, and immediately be taken to my command center in AirForce One whereupon I would immediately attempt to assess the situation with my advisors and then act accordingly like a Commander-In-Chief. I would NOT continue to sit like a bump on the log and stare endlessly, like Elmer Fudd, at a camera while precious minutes ticked by.

My friend suggested then that I should be running for President because my response was "so much better", but I insisted that, "No, I just would have done what ANY rational and intelligent person would have done."

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...I would NOT continue to sit like a bump on the log and stare endlessly, like Elmer Fudd, at a camera while precious minutes ticked by.

My friend suggested then that I should be running for President because my response was "so much better", but I insisted that, "No, I just would have done what ANY rational and intelligent person would have done."


sri for president!

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Your a disgrace
your american
your in Thailand
micheal moore
people's mouth's
American's that live
alway's have an alway's will
Your not telling me
he want's to do
His advisor's were there

All this from one single thread...typical intellect of a Bush supporter. Too thick to be reasoned with.

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Your a disgrace
your american
your in Thailand
micheal moore
people's mouth's
American's that live
alway's have an alway's will
Your not telling me
he want's to do
His advisor's were there

All this from one single thread...typical intellect of a Bush supporter. Too thick to be reasoned with.

yeah coming from someone that dosen't live here have fun in thailand DICK where you have no voice at all in things :o

Edited by IamMaiC
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I think you mean "doesn't live here".

Again with the "you don't live here" BS.  What difference does it make where I live?

OK DICK I fixed it, You happy now?? I think it matters quite a bit but that's my opinion, I hope your absentee ballot dosen't get lost in the mail :o

Edited by IamMaiC
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Most of F 9/11 is a 100% match against my memory of what I saw on TV during and after 9/11, I have no reason to believe the remaining parts are not 100% correct as well.

Bush is a moron and the movie just makes it so clear. Every question he has to answer without being able to rely on his spinwriters prove that beyond any doubt.

The links between the Bush and Bin Laden families are just as clear and factual as the links between Chaney and Haliburton. 

Bush & Chaney are a disgrace to USA!

Your a disgrace to the human race you <deleted> You actually belive this movie??

You do understand they use digital special effects nowadays. you can do anything with film now. I have a friend Air Traffic controller I went to see the movie with him, he said there were no planes up during 9/11 and if any went up they had to contact the military to shoot them down

Michael Moore aka The Massively Moronic Masticating Michigan Manatee couldn't make a decent film if his next meal depended upon it. :o

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...I would NOT continue to sit like a bump on the log and stare endlessly, like Elmer Fudd, at a camera while precious minutes ticked by.

My friend suggested then that I should be running for President because my response was "so much better", but I insisted that, "No, I just would have done what ANY rational and intelligent person would have done."


sri for president!

LOL..... hey, that gif not all that far off from reality.... :o:D

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Michael Moore aka The Massively Moronic Masticating Michigan Manatee couldn't make a decent film if his next meal depended upon it. :o

85% of reviewers gave F9/11 positive reviews:

Rotten Tomatoes Film Review Meter

Looks like your opinion is in the small minority. Thankfully, though, we can all make up our own minds now that the film has opened in Thailand.

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Michael Moore aka The Massively Moronic Masticating Michigan Manatee couldn't make a decent film if his next meal depended upon it. :o

85% of reviewers gave F9/11 positive reviews:

Rotten Tomatoes Film Review Meter

Looks like your opinion is in the small minority.  Thankfully, though, we can all make up our own minds now that the film has opened in Thailand.

I agree.

What really must hurt for all the Bush supporters who refuse to EVER back down a single centimeter despite their precious commander's abundant mistakes, is that you cannot sue Michael Moore for lying - because he is not lying. He may be spinning the truth quite liberally, but that is no different from what for example Fox News are doing. His statements are just as true (or false). :D

Not revealing ALL of the truth is not the same thing as lying. The parts of the truth presented by Michael Moore are well worth uttering, regardless of what you think of his methods. While I definitely prefer journalism which strives for objectivity, I can see how Michael Moore turns his opponents' weapons against him, and very skilfully at that.

Just like Bush, he pretends to be a bit thick in order to get to the "average Joe" who normally do not give a rat's haemorrhoids about politics unless it bites him right in the face. Just like Bush, he knows how to manipulate the crowd.

IamMaiC - "Anyone can make a movie"... Comment of the year?

In order to increase comprehension by using monetary terms - How many MILLIONS of dollars do you think this movie has generated thus far?

If "Anyone" can make a movie, howcome you do not make one yourself and become a millionaire?

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Michael Moore aka The Massively Moronic Masticating Michigan Manatee couldn't make a decent film if his next meal depended upon it. :o

85% of reviewers gave F9/11 positive reviews:

Rotten Tomatoes Film Review Meter

Looks like your opinion is in the small minority.  Thankfully, though, we can all make up our own minds now that the film has opened in Thailand.

I agree.

What really must hurt for all the Bush supporters who refuse to EVER back down a single centimeter despite their precious commander's abundant mistakes, is that you cannot sue Michael Moore for lying - because he is not lying. He may be spinning the truth quite liberally, but that is no different from what for example Fox News are doing. His statements are just as true (or false). :D

Not revealing ALL of the truth is not the same thing as lying. The parts of the truth presented by Michael Moore are well worth uttering, regardless of what you think of his methods. While I definitely prefer journalism which strives for objectivity, I can see how Michael Moore turns his opponents' weapons against him, and very skilfully at that.

Just like Bush, he pretends to be a bit thick in order to get to the "average Joe" who normally do not give a rat's haemorrhoids about politics unless it bites him right in the face. Just like Bush, he knows how to manipulate the crowd.

IamMaiC - "Anyone can make a movie"... Comment of the year?

In order to increase comprehension by using monetary terms - How many MILLIONS of dollars do you think this movie has generated thus far?

If "Anyone" can make a movie, howcome you do not make one yourself and become a millionaire?

Because he has generated millions from this movie makes it true??? It's bullshite and i'm not saying because I'm a bush follower, It's a movie!!!!! Because it's done by "Micheal Moore" makes it true?? it's not a documentary, far from it. I love how all you people in THAILAND are worried about what the United States does, looks like you got your own problems in the "MUSLIM SOUTH"

If I wanted to make a movie I would make a "MOVIE" not a "lieumentary"

If the US gets hit again and what i seen today with the new bin laden tape looks like it may happen if it does i say we get all the US military out of the middle east and NUKE everything

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....  I love how all you people in THAILAND are worried about what the United States does,  looks like you got your own problems in the "MUSLIM SOUTH" 

I don't think the people in Thailand are worried that much about what the USA does. There is a movie shown which was hotly discussed in the press as well as in here on TV.

So, why not watch and make up your own opinion or just laugh...? Up2U

...if it does i say we get all the US military out of the middle east and NUKE everything

This, of course, would be the perfect solution. Nuke them all, this will teach them freedom and democracy once and for all. :o

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....   I love how all you people in THAILAND are worried about what the United States does,  looks like you got your own problems in the "MUSLIM SOUTH" 

I don't think the people in Thailand are worried that much about what the USA does. There is a movie shown which was hotly discussed in the press as well as in here on TV.

So, why not watch and make up your own opinion or just laugh...? Up2U

...if it does i say we get all the US military out of the middle east and NUKE everything
This, of course, would be the perfect solution. Nuke them all, this will teach them freedom and democracy once and for all. :D

I watched the Micheal Moore Movie and laughed the whole time.

Look what happend to Japan after we dropped the bomb on them, Economical World Power Go figure :o

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Michael Moore aka The Massively Moronic Masticating Michigan Manatee couldn't make a decent film if his next meal depended upon it. :o

85% of reviewers gave F9/11 positive reviews:

Source? :D

Did you bother to click on the link I posted? It evaluates 200 reviews of the movie, of which 169 were positive and 31 were negative. And there are links to all 200 reviews.

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Michael Moore aka The Massively Moronic Masticating Michigan Manatee couldn't make a decent film if his next meal depended upon it. :o

85% of reviewers gave F9/11 positive reviews:

Source? :D

Did you bother to click on the link I posted? It evaluates 200 reviews of the movie, of which 169 were positive and 31 were negative. And there are links to all 200 reviews.

No I didn't bother, I was thinking of something about the movie. If the Bush's were doing dirty deals with the saudi's then why videotape their meetings. even the saudi's would be smart enough not to do this, I think.

I'm going to read people's opinions of a movie when they get paid to watch it!!! They can say anything, I'm going because I want to go and be entertained because that's what the Movie Fahrenheit 9/11 did. From beginning to end Very Funny :D

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If the US gets hit again and what i seen today with the new bin laden tape looks like it may happen if it does i say we get all the US military out of the middle east and NUKE everything

Fundamental extremist comes out of the woodwork and say what he's really been thinking all along. (both of you!) :D

It is exactly this reaction which legitmises Michael Moore's movie, and helps to show the rest of the world why we should be scared about another govt. under Bush et al. :o

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