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Time Difference?


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Yeah dude, now you know why you've been one hour late to everything for the last three months! :o

No, actually...

1) Thailand doesn't participate in Daylight Savings Time. As you've probably noticed, if you've been here at least 12 months, the hours of daylight vary little throughout the year which makes the usefulness of a Daylight Savings Time scheme a moot point. Most of my (untraveled) Thai friends are amazed that, in my home country, it gets dark at 10pm in the summer, and 4:30pm in the winter. They have no concept of "Yeah, we change around the clock in the spring so we can get an extra hour of daylight for the next six months!" Reaction --> :D

2) My time stamp for your post actually read 2:39pm (14:39). So...

3) It's probably your issue might be with your settings. If you use Windows, get into your Control Panel and check Date and Time. If that's OK, then check Regional and Language Options.

4) If that doesn't work, search "time stamp" in Thai Visa. This has been discussed in previous threads.

Good luck, and don't throw away your wristwatch, yet! :D


Edited by toptuan
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As Toptuan says, check your board settings. Click on My Controls and under Options select Board Settings. Make sure it is set to GMT+7(Bangkok). I have DST checked though it shouldn't influence the time in Thailand.

//edit - since this is not CM specific will move to Forum Support.

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