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Testing Your Thai Lady


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"So many stories of woe on here almost everyday, regarding getting ripped off by a Thai lady, you begin to question everything in your own relationship. So what is the ways to uncover these fraudulent relationships before they cost you a house, children or much more. What are the signs?? Whats the advise??"

If you feel necessary to "test" your GF to assure her honesty, you should get out NOW. With a paranoid mindset, there's nothing she can do to make you feel secure.

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Most of the guys that I know as long term expats are always cheating on their wives at any opportunity, while the wife is at home looking after the kids or cleaning the house.

Mind you, these guys live in Pattaya, so........ rolleyes.gif

Are any of these guys married to a woman who didn't go to Pattaya to sell herself?

I find it strange that a normal Thai woman would choseto live in Pattaya with a cheating husband.

Apparentley they all met at overseas universities and the wives all come from influential familes. :o

Edited by Maigo6
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"So many stories of woe on here almost everyday, regarding getting ripped off by a Thai lady, you begin to question everything in your own relationship. So what is the ways to uncover these fraudulent relationships before they cost you a house, children or much more. What are the signs?? Whats the advise??"

If you feel necessary to "test" your GF to assure her honesty, you should get out NOW. With a paranoid mindset, there's nothing she can do to make you feel secure.

Exactly why these type of threads are started.

Trolls are alive and well on ThaiVisa.

Jeeez mate, don't believe all the rubbish you see on internet forums.

Edited by Maigo6
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We're talking tests?

Here's a winner - tell her you're chronically ill and can't earn any more, the budget will have to be cut to the bare minmum.

If she's still with you after, say 3 months.........................................

Good one to do, in my case it was genuine.

Wife (UK) and I had been seperated for a couple of years so went back the UK infrequently. Still paid all household expenses for her plus an allowance until the house was sold and she could keep all the proceeds, everything had been agreed.

Well she decided to report my credit/debit cards as stolen and I was in hospital (Actually offshore Indonesia) No ATM would work and had to borrow money to get home (Pattaya). She later said she was drunk and could not remember doing it, denied it was her at first

Had to tell the GF I had no money, company flew me back to the UK as per leave agreement, where it was all sorted.

Arrived back in Pattaya nine days later to find all her belongings and mine all packed? ? ? ? ?

She said "We move back Sia Khao, Mama and Papa take care us".

To me the cards were a minor matter. To her it was "No more money" that was so serious, her family were rallying around to help.

Any doubts I had vanished, took a while to explain I had money, just could not get access to it at that time. What helped is that every leave the GF and I would go up country and stay with her parents for a week. Eating and sleeping in their home with the traditional amenities we all know of.

Still together and has total control of my salary, pays everything and saves every satang.

There are good ones out there, just as there are good farang ladies.

I met a bad farang, met a good Thai..................its luck

Good story. I believe my wife would be the same. She has offered her parents location on several occasions if finances ever decline. I believe her. As far as farang women being the same - never experienced it.

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Arrived back in Pattaya nine days later to find all her belongings and mine all packed? ? ? ? ?

She said "We move back Sia Khao, Mama and Papa take care us".

To me the cards were a minor matter. To her it was "No more money" that was so serious, her family were rallying around to help.

Any doubts I had vanished, took a while to explain I had money, just could not get access to it at that time. What helped is that every leave the GF and I would go up country and stay with her parents for a week. Eating and sleeping in their home with the traditional amenities we all know of.

Still together and has total control of my salary, pays everything and saves every satang.

Unbelievable. Do you really believe that people in Si Khao would financially look after a 'farang' that their daughter met in Pattaya if they didn't think they'd be reimbursed 100-fold?


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Most of the guys that I know as long term expats are always cheating on their wives at any opportunity, while the wife is at home looking after the kids or cleaning the house.

Mind you, these guys live in Pattaya, so........ rolleyes.gif

Are any of these guys married to a woman who didn't go to Pattaya to sell herself?

I find it strange that a normal Thai woman would choseto live in Pattaya with a cheating husband.

Apparentley they all met at overseas universities and the wives all come from influential familes. :o


But of course Maigo, this is TV, where all wives and gfs are 'different' and of course from the upper echelons of society - or if they didn't, they are poor as dirt but just love TV memebers for their hearts (clogged arteries included). You forgot to mention 'Chinese' as the de riguer description...

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Arrived back in Pattaya nine days later to find all her belongings and mine all packed? ? ? ? ?

She said "We move back Sia Khao, Mama and Papa take care us".

To me the cards were a minor matter. To her it was "No more money" that was so serious, her family were rallying around to help.

Any doubts I had vanished, took a while to explain I had money, just could not get access to it at that time. What helped is that every leave the GF and I would go up country and stay with her parents for a week. Eating and sleeping in their home with the traditional amenities we all know of.

Still together and has total control of my salary, pays everything and saves every satang.

Unbelievable. Do you really believe that people in Si Khao would financially look after a 'farang' that their daughter met in Pattaya if they didn't think they'd be reimbursed 100-fold?


Seeing how cheap it is to live up country .........Yes.

Who said I met her in Pattaya????????????

Again people posting with their own assumptions..... when you assume your an ass(ume)


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From your own testimonials here, sounds like its you been behind the PC 33 years.

Old quotation for you " if the cap fits- wear it "

My dear Wiresock,

Reading your comment, I feel that I was correct. Being a gentleman prohibit me to give you the evidence to contradict your statement :o

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A financial judgement is part of what most women - Thai or non-Thai - make when assessing the suitability of a man as a long-term partner or husband. Especially if the woman is younger and wants children (or already has children). They have to decide whether it's reasonable or not to expect the guy to potentially provide for the whole family.

Does that make all women gold-diggers? Maybe. But then people tend to react to basic biological imperatives. A woman will look for a good provider. A man will look for an attractive mate.

Many of the men who go to live and holiday in Thailand are older. Many of their Thai partners are considerably younger. What many of the farang-Thai match-ups do is lay bare or make obvious these basic imperatives. But Western women have the same imperatives. They may dress it up as wanting a man with 'drive', 'focus' or 'ambition' but it amounts to the same thing. Money.

To see if I'm wrong about these, ahem, basic instincts, then flip the situation round. How many rich guys do you know that go out with ugly women?

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A financial judgement is part of what most women - Thai or non-Thai - make when assessing the suitability of a man as a long-term partner or husband. Especially if the woman is younger and wants children (or already has children). They have to decide whether it's reasonable or not to expect the guy to potentially provide for the whole family.

Does that make all women gold-diggers? Maybe. But then people tend to react to basic biological imperatives. A woman will look for a good provider. A man will look for an attractive mate..........................................

I agree that this is normal all over the world, but the point of this topic is the scammers, those with more than one man supporting them or those with the intention of squeezing a man dry before moving on to the next victim.

I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that if i had an income of 5000 Baht a month, the relationship with my lady would never have happened. We have a good relationship now even though her first thoughts were obviously about my ability to support her.


Re posters who married over 30 years ago, I'm sure that things were different back in the times at the end of the Vietnam war. Maybe there wasn't the opportunities for the scammers then. There weren't the quantity of gullible tourists arriving then as there are now. Long haul flights were expensive then and out of the majority's price range.

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A financial judgement is part of what most women - Thai or non-Thai - make when assessing the suitability of a man as a long-term partner or husband.

A woman will look for a good provider. A man will look for an attractive mate.

What many of the farang-Thai match-ups do is lay bare or make obvious these basic imperatives.

But Western women have the same imperatives. They may dress it up as wanting a man with 'drive', 'focus' or 'ambition' but it amounts to the same thing. Money.

To see if I'm wrong about these, ahem, basic instincts, then flip the situation round. How many rich guys do you know that go out with ugly women?

Apologies for abridging your comments.

Excelent point on how we (men) look at women and vice versa.

How many attractive, succesful woman do you see with an ugly poor man at her side.

Usually it is a successful man, is that the female subconcious working, on her mate's ability to provide for her at a later date.

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Re posters who married over 30 years ago, I'm sure that things were different back in the times at the end of the Vietnam war. Maybe there wasn't the opportunities for the scammers then. There weren't the quantity of gullible tourists arriving then as there are now. Long haul flights were expensive then and out of the majority's price range.

I think this was meant for me. 40 years ago not many Europeans went to Thailand, Pattaya was still a small village, only when the American fleet was anchored in the bay the girls where waiting, and also its was the place where GI's from the Vietnam war took some R&R. That's was the start of becoming the Brothel of Asia.

BTW I did meet my wife in my home town on a

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A financial judgement is part of what most women - Thai or non-Thai - make when assessing the suitability of a man as a long-term partner or husband. Especially if the woman is younger and wants children (or already has children). They have to decide whether it's reasonable or not to expect the guy to potentially provide for the whole family.

Does that make all women gold-diggers? Maybe. But then people tend to react to basic biological imperatives. A woman will look for a good provider. A man will look for an attractive mate.

Many of the men who go to live and holiday in Thailand are older. Many of their Thai partners are considerably younger. What many of the farang-Thai match-ups do is lay bare or make obvious these basic imperatives. But Western women have the same imperatives. They may dress it up as wanting a man with 'drive', 'focus' or 'ambition' but it amounts to the same thing. Money.

To see if I'm wrong about these, ahem, basic instincts, then flip the situation round. How many rich guys do you know that go out with ugly women?

Of course if the assumption that most women look for 'a provider' is wrong then the case built on that assumption is also likely to be wrong.

My own observation of Thai women's attitudes to choosing a mate is that many, and perhaps most, have hopelessly romantic ideas of what they are looking for, practical issues such as money seem not to be an issue.

Of course when the hopeless romantic relationship has left them with a child or two to feed and cloath they might become a bit more 'practical' in what they are looking for.

And please, let's not forget, if the basis of a relationship started with a financial transaction then one should not be surprised if things continue along those lines.

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Maybe I am one of the fortunate ones my wife had more money then I when we got married. I guess she could test me?

Indeed that can be the case. As I married young (one year apart between us) my wife didn't have much to her name (still being in University) but her family of course has way more than I. Which can lead to other problems in themselves...but that is another thread.

Guys marrying women they meet via a service involving monetary transaction and the exchange of bodily fluids or most likely not that many amongst TV-members. However I have seen some in flights going back home (two 45+ year olds waiting for two 22 year olds in the airport when we arrived in snowy Scandinavia for instance) but I seriously doubt they would be on TV. Just a hunch.

Edited by TAWP
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Re posters who married over 30 years ago, I'm sure that things were different back in the times at the end of the Vietnam war. Maybe there wasn't the opportunities for the scammersscammers then. There weren't the quantity of gullible tourists arriving then as there are now. Long haul flights were expensive then and out of the majority's price range.

I think this was meant for me. 40 years ago not many Europeans went to ThPattaya Pattaya was still a small village, only when the American fleet was anchored in the bay the girls where waiting, and also its was the placGI'sere GI's from the Vietnam war took some R&R. That's was the start of becoming the Brothel of Asia.

BTW I did meet my wife in my home town on a

BTW I did meet my wife in my home town.

The nightlife in Bangkok was quite different than now, due to the facts that you described above. Two famous Night clubs of that time where Sani Chateau (Japanese owned) big stars like Johnny Matthis, Pat Boon, Andy Williams, Brenda Lee, Nanci Sinatra and others performed there. Very Hi-End, the girls where employed to entertain the guests by dancing with them and no hanky Panky was allowed, and it was also forbidden to go out with clients( immediately discharged) the other one was Cafe the Paris. In both Night-clubs the girls where wearing evening gown's and the male guests tuxedo's or suit and the femevensoests evenso evening gowns. Its was obliged that the girls talked fluent English. The price of a drink was 200 Bath indeed 200 Baht and that was 40 years ago. The girls who worked there where realy classy and almost all of them Bangkokians with a good education.

The low end clubs where at Patpong Road, but comparing whit today is was like a girls boarding school.

But it where different times and attitudes.

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