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Testing Your Thai Lady


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i am happy for you G54 and hope that you have finally met the right lady for you.

why is it that so many men allow themselves to be bitten so many times by thai ladies, yet one bite from a western lady will turn you against them all? i just dont understand why us thai girls are chased over and over again, by men who have been mixed up with the wrong ones. and they usually get mixed up with the same kind of girl.

why is that so? can anyone explain this to me as i am really confused.

Isn't that the same for ladies? That confuses me aswell.

If you're not carefull, fall in love easily or simply have bad luck you gonna get bit everywhere, no matter by who or where.

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It is difficult to give an advise for testing Thai ladies, it depend on personal qualities of the person who you want to test and nobody can read inside their mind ; what you can do is use your feeling and try to learn about them as much as you can and another thing if they begin to lie (in whatever reason)since in begining, will be not worth to trust .

In my idea and sitting in opposit side, better to take more time to learn each other and follow your mind,

if you feel not good to give some small present (money,gold,...) to your Thai lady, you should not do it and it will be not nice also if she ask you to buy for her (my opinion; the present should give from your offer, not because she required; may be because I never ask anyone to buy a present for myself), you should to be free to dicide to give or not give, and for a big thing like a house, condo, car,... that is another case and there are so many difference stories.

I give when I want and when I can (after feel this is a right person, maybe I am right or may be wrong that is my responsible), without thinking that my partner is a sucker or not, many time you are happier to give something to somebody you like/love more than to give to yourself; that is another case.

I do not want to test my partner and I think he does not need to test me too, I talk open my life to him since begining so he know all my life in a short time, , no secret and talk everything to each other that is the best way for a couple life for me and I am still happy to keep doing .

Relationship is come first,do not bring financial or all matirial things to mixed with relationship

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To some considerable degree, I'm willing to cough up because the odds of finding a woman some 40 years younger than myself back home are not even worth thinking about. I think all you can really do is to set a limit on how much you're prepared to put into the pot as it were and make sure you don't exceed that figure. If she's not happy with it, then she's probably a gold digger and better that the two of you split up now and go your separate ways before you get hurt.

That can be difficult sometimes especially if you're older. Time is not on our side unfortunately and there will come a time when travelling across several continents will become impossible due to ill health. So make the most of it while you can even if it does cost you a small fortune. After all, when the time comes for you to depart these shores, you won't be able to take your remaining assets with you now will you? :o

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i have only just joined thai visa as i was looking for farang women to be friends with.

after reading some of the messages on this thread, i, as an educated thai woman, i have to question why so many of you are involved with women you do not trust.

and if you are talking about security checks on them, how would you feel if she were to do the same to you?

im not provoking an argument, just asking the question here.

Who said it is a bad idea?

Men are inheritly unfaithful and if that is something that bothers you, try your new man out.

"Men are as faithful as their options."

True so true


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Most people seem to have forgotten to add ,

Just check how many phones she has,

one for family and friends and a 2nd one for work ,

normaly the cheap crappy phone is for working and to convince new boyfriends she needs a new reliable phone,

the other one is the latest model, (the exception to this rule is she will use this one when with the guy who brought it )


So much crap here, my wifes got 3 phones she's never been near a bar or solicited for business she just doesnt like throwing anything away and they all work and she uses them all.

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No need to test, common sense should be your guide, most if not all Thai women aren't scammer they are just looking for someone to take good care of them and their kids/extende :D d family. In other words a better way of life. :o

Crikey someones got it right!!!! But arent we all looking for this?

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There are a lot of men who have this rose tinted spectacle idea that they are saving their girl from life in the bar. Sometimes they do, more often not!

Many women have been abandoned by their husbands, left holding the baby literally. They see others who have gone to work in Pattaya or bangkok and returned with a rich Farang husband. In no time at all they have a new motorbike, maybe a car and building a new house. They compare their situation with these other girls and obviously want the same.

They go in search of a rich man, but almost invariably they have to work in the bar and all that means.

There is nothing wrong with that in my eyes, they are looking for a better life.

What is wrong is when they do find a man who is willing to take care of them, some are never satisfied , the greed takes over.

Wages have increased lately in the area I live. Now ordinary working people seem to be on an average of 200 Bt a day, when work is available. If 2 adults in the household working, will have a monthly family income of about 10,000 Bt when times are good and half that when not so much available. But sometimes nearly zero. These people don't have beautiful houses, don't have cars, only a motorbike, but they are happy with their lot.

A friend of my lady is in my opinion one of the bad ones. Unusually, her child is living with it's father and she pays nothing to support it. She has an American boyfriend who can only visit a few months each year and sends her 20,000 baht every month. He has also paid 650,000 to build a house for her. Most families would be over the moon with a house and income like this, but she is a single person and still not satisfied. She complains that her boyfriend is stingy. She was recently working, plying her trade in Pattaya and one of her customers, an Australian took a shine to her and after 5 days had promised to support her. She went back to her village as her American was due to visit and he went home to Australia with the promise to send 10,000 Baht every month. She told my lady that she was worried that the Australian lied to her and wouldn't fulfill his promise. That's the joke, she's worried that HE lied to HER! This girl is a scammer, a liar and a cheat!

The problem is the amount of stupid foreigners that just throw money at these girls, buying cars and houses after knowing them for 5 minutes. They set precedents and the Thais think that all Farang can do this. Now it is expected. Many Thais really do think that every farang can just throw away a few million Baht and think nothing of it.

I grew up in a poor household, My father worked all hours to support us 6 Kids. My father did his best for us and I am grateful for that. We were poor by today's standards but we were happy. Because of my childhood, I appreciate the value of money, the security and I am careful, not stingy but careful. I love going out and spending money, but only if I can afford it and as long as I have something to fall back on. I think about the future.

With many if not most poor Thais, the opposite applies. If income doubles, expenditure trebles. My lady used to have an income of 4000 Baht per month to support herself and 2 children. Now she has 1000 Baht a week , for want of a better word, pocket money. This she can do with what she likes. I pay all the bills and groceries. I control the money, I have to. If I don't control the finances her spending will spiral beyond all reason, and certainly beyond my income. This is NOT scamming , this is just her inability to economise and spend within her means. From what I have seen a poor Thai can cope with a low income usually, but finds it impossible to cope with a relatively high income.

Edited by loong
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i am happy for you G54 and hope that you have finally met the right lady for you.

why is it that so many men allow themselves to be bitten so many times by thai ladies, yet one bite from a western lady will turn you against them all? i just dont understand why us thai girls are chased over and over again, by men who have been mixed up with the wrong ones. and they usually get mixed up with the same kind of girl.

why is that so? can anyone explain this to me as i am really confused.


you should not get confused, by the comments of those men. If they not get cheated by a Thai lady they will get cheated by some so called Russian Internet mail bride, or some other East European scam or some women in their home country.

Most of them looking for a Thai lady for all the wrong reasons, They like to have a GF 20 or 30 years younger then them, using them for cheap sex and as domestic slave, and they bragging back home how this girl is very lucky to find somebody like him who take responsibility of her whole family, and how excellent and cheap her sexual performances are. When he invite his friends home he shows no respect what so ever towards her and treat her like a servant and make bad jokes about her. In many cases he don't look for an equal partner but somebody he can control. I personally witnissed it many times too much. One of the reasons I never go to expat bars in Thailand or Thai circles or pubs in my home town.

He think hes god because he can spend some more money than the average Thai. When hes in Holiday he act like a big spender but don't tell he made a loan in the bank to pay for it, and hes not the big earner like he pretend to be, sometimes the contrary. I know many Thai women in my country who find this out when they married and came living abroad. Suddenly their prince on white horse is in reality an average man who have problems to make ends meet at the end of the month(nothing wrong with that). And suddenly he shows his real nature, becoming a stingy and bickering pain the neck.

And if a man is cheated by a woman its because he liked to be cheated, and he will always be cheated by one woman or another.

I have a friend who in 5 years was married 6 months with an Russian Internet bride who he ask to marry1 week after he visited her in Kirghizia, after that he find a new Turkish love in an holiday resort in Turkey, she run away after she stayed 1 week with him, now he is looking in Poland for a new love.

Personally I'm married for 32 years with the same Thai lady(meet her in my home country), and I know a lot of Thai women in my home town, also, most of them are hard working and devoted mothers and wives who stand by their man, even some of them are ex prostitutes from Pattaya. And of course there are others but this is so in every society and culture.

I'm not angel and I had my encounters and affairs but NEVER I was cheated or felt cheated by any Thai women. IMHO its all depend on your own behaviour towards the lady's and I mean lady's not some 18 or 20 years old, but mature women with an career and financially independent. But most men find it too difficult to win the hearth of such lady.

BTW I wonder why all of this men who get cheated by Thai women still stay in Thailand, many of them have to make border runs, why they do like this, is it maybe because they have no future in their home country?

But honestly I think those who have bad experiences with Thai ladies are a small minority amongst foreigners who have an relationship with a Thai Lady.

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for many of you that doesnt sound too difficult. :D

if you know what i mean. :o


G54 I agree with your statement.

But to complete my story, I came to Thai twice this year (May, August) for a total of 9 weeks. So I did my homework, so I thought. This one really blind sided me. I don't regret coming to Thai even if this marriage doesn't work. I did want to live here.

This really leaves me feeling pretty stupid now. Typical for Thai I am assuming.

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But honestly I think those who have bad experiences with Thai ladies are a small minority amongst foreigners who have an relationship with a Thai Lady.


Unfortunately he's not joking!!

Men come here to find the sort of woman they can't find in the West, i.e. a woman who will find them attractive!

The few that are attractive enough to find a Western woman, are looking for someone who will be subservient to them. Western women only want an equal partnership.

It comes as a nasty suprise to them to find that they are only wanted for their money. Why does it come as such a shock? It's hardly 'news' that Thai women are desperate to find a farang in the hope that they can make money from the relationship!

The 'rose tinted glasses' factor comes into play!

Yes, there are a VERY few Thai women who genuinely fall in love (much the same as there are a few women in the West who fall in love with a man from an entirely different culture and marry), but it is very rare.

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only the time can tell you the truth.

I read in another thread that someone is gonna marrie his GF after he saw her 2 or 3 times and had online contact with her :o

How stupid can someone be to marrie someone without knowing her and even don't speak the same language?

Most thai woman speak only some basic english (yes, no, up to you). Is this enough for a lifetime desicion?

Where did you met here?

Do you know her background?

Her family?

Some guys here need really to use their brains.

sorry for my bad english, I'm not fluent

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I will tell you why. Because Farang men can have all the beautiful 18+ years old girls here, even if you are 70+, they never can have in Farangland. This girls will never criticise the relationship or analysis it like Western women would do. They mostly will take care of older men like lovers, mothers, nurses..., if the older men just contribute one thing to her life: to pay what they want.

The whole issue is just a perfect illusion for Farang men, which is known and simultaneous accepted by them or not known and therefore ignorant experienced happily having that beautiful young lady on their side.

Boy there is a lot of stuff in this thread that I would agree to be true in a minority of cases, but certainly not as a generality (let alone as the blanket rule some posters seems to suggest). Birdman's is just one example. Just a few observations:

In Chiang Mai where I live (and where there are plenty of thai/farang couples) one of the things that surprises me somewhat is the very LOW incidence of couples where the thai partner is either young or attractive. So clearly the guys are not seeking sex kittens, presumably looking more for something on the inside.

People tend to overlook the fact that Thailand has a long history of mia noi, younger cuter second wives for guys who could manage the added expense. It is not just a farang thing.

I know of couples where there is a very substantial age difference and where the farang guy was not made of money. I saw genuine love and affection and not a parasite/host relationship. In one case where a fellow died (in his 90's I recall) there was genuine and sincere mourning by his wife - not popping of champagne corks.

As a general rule Thai people don't analyse ANYTHING the way farang people do

Of the scores of thai/farang couples I know or have met I can only think of one that truly falls into the model of 'farang man as domineering pig wanted submissive slave'. So they are out there (at least fleetingly) but I suggest much more the exception than the rule.

I could go on, but time to pass the baton

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only the time can tell you the truth.

I read in another thread that someone is gonna marrie his GF after he saw her 2 or 3 times and had online contact with her :o How stupid can someone be to marrie someone without knowing her and even don't speak the same language?

Most thai woman speak only some basic english (yes, no, up to you). Is this enough for a lifetime desicion?

Where did you met here?

Do you know her background?

Her family?

Some guys here need really to use their brains.

sorry for my bad english, I'm not fluent

Where did that thread go? Was one of the funniest threads for months. :D

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The only bad relationships i have seen in thailand with farang/thai are always the farang fault.

i know this is not always the case but i can only go by my 5 years here and as i say,the farangs go out most nights,smoke heavy,give no repect to the lady,shout at her in public.i could go on more but thats my view.i am not saying the ladies are the best in the world but they are decent human beings unlike what some farangs think.

some of these guys are english/ozzy/welsh/new zealand/danish,so you cant say one race is worse than the other

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QUOTE (LadyPenelope @ 2009-01-02 19:16:33) *

i have only just joined thai visa as i was looking for farang women to be friends with.

after reading some of the messages on this thread, i, as an educated thai woman, i have to question why so many of you are involved with women you do not trust.

and if you are talking about security checks on them, how would you feel if she were to do the same to you?

im not provoking an argument, just asking the question here.


You sound very much(style of writing) like a guy who used to post here pretending to be a Thai woman in order to troll.

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There are a lot of men who have this rose tinted spectacle idea that they are saving their girl from life in the bar. Sometimes they do, more often not!

Many women have been abandoned by their husbands, left holding the baby literally. They see others who have gone to work in Pattaya or bangkok and returned with a rich Farang husband. In no time at all they have a new motorbike, maybe a car and building a new house. They compare their situation with these other girls and obviously want the same.

They go in search of a rich man, but almost invariably they have to work in the bar and all that means.

There is nothing wrong with that in my eyes, they are looking for a better life.

What is wrong is when they do find a man who is willing to take care of them, some are never satisfied , the greed takes over.

Wages have increased lately in the area I live. Now ordinary working people seem to be on an average of 200 Bt a day, when work is available. If 2 adults in the household working, will have a monthly family income of about 10,000 Bt when times are good and half that when not so much available. But sometimes nearly zero. These people don't have beautiful houses, don't have cars, only a motorbike, but they are happy with their lot.

A friend of my lady is in my opinion one of the bad ones. Unusually, her child is living with it's father and she pays nothing to support it. She has an American boyfriend who can only visit a few months each year and sends her 20,000 baht every month. He has also paid 650,000 to build a house for her. Most families would be over the moon with a house and income like this, but she is a single person and still not satisfied. She complains that her boyfriend is stingy. She was recently working, plying her trade in Pattaya and one of her customers, an Australian took a shine to her and after 5 days had promised to support her. She went back to her village as her American was due to visit and he went home to Australia with the promise to send 10,000 Baht every month. She told my lady that she was worried that the Australian lied to her and wouldn't fulfill his promise. That's the joke, she's worried that HE lied to HER! This girl is a scammer, a liar and a cheat!

The problem is the amount of stupid foreigners that just throw money at these girls, buying cars and houses after knowing them for 5 minutes. They set precedents and the Thais think that all Farang can do this. Now it is expected. Many Thais really do think that every farang can just throw away a few million Baht and think nothing of it.

I grew up in a poor household, My father worked all hours to support us 6 Kids. My father did his best for us and I am grateful for that. We were poor by today's standards but we were happy. Because of my childhood, I appreciate the value of money, the security and I am careful, not stingy but careful. I love going out and spending money, but only if I can afford it and as long as I have something to fall back on. I think about the future.

With many if not most poor Thais, the opposite applies. If income doubles, expenditure trebles. My lady used to have an income of 4000 Baht per month to support herself and 2 children. Now she has 1000 Baht a week , for want of a better word, pocket money. This she can do with what she likes. I pay all the bills and groceries. I control the money, I have to. If I don't control the finances her spending will spiral beyond all reason, and certainly beyond my income. This is NOT scamming , this is just her inability to economise and spend within her means. From what I have seen a poor Thai can cope with a low income usually, but finds it impossible to cope with a relatively high income.

My wife has all the money and I rarely look at the bank account it never even crosses my mind she will run off with it. Married 2 years known each other for 3.

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The only bad relationships i have seen in thailand with farang/thai are always the farang fault.

i know this is not always the case but i can only go by my 5 years here and as i say,the farangs go out most nights,smoke heavy,give no repect to the lady,shout at her in public.i could go on more but thats my view.i am not saying the ladies are the best in the world but they are decent human beings unlike what some farangs think.

some of these guys are english/ozzy/welsh/new zealand/danish,so you cant say one race is worse than the other

You're absolutely right - I've no idea where the stereotype came from.

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The only bad relationships i have seen in thailand with farang/thai are always the farang fault.

i know this is not always the case but i can only go by my 5 years here and as i say,the farangs go out most nights,smoke heavy,give no repect to the lady,shout at her in public.i could go on more but thats my view.i am not saying the ladies are the best in the world but they are decent human beings unlike what some farangs think.

some of these guys are english/ozzy/welsh/new zealand/danish,so you cant say one race is worse than the other


Thai ladies generally become involved in relationships with farang gents because they have suffered a bad marriage with a previous Thai spouse who go out most nights, smoke heavy, give no respect

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The only bad relationships i have seen in thailand with farang/thai are always the farang fault.

i know this is not always the case but i can only go by my 5 years here and as i say,the farangs go out most nights,smoke heavy,give no repect to the lady,shout at her in public.i could go on more but thats my view.i am not saying the ladies are the best in the world but they are decent human beings unlike what some farangs think.

some of these guys are english/ozzy/welsh/new zealand/danish,so you cant say one race is worse than the other


Thai ladies generally become involved in relationships with farang gents because they have suffered a bad marriage with a previous Thai spouse who go out most nights, smoke heavy, give no respect

Or have more ladies!!


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The only bad relationships i have seen in thailand with farang/thai are always the farang fault.

i know this is not always the case but i can only go by my 5 years here and as i say,the farangs go out most nights,smoke heavy,give no repect to the lady,shout at her in public.i could go on more but thats my view.i am not saying the ladies are the best in the world but they are decent human beings unlike what some farangs think.

some of these guys are english/ozzy/welsh/new zealand/danish,so you cant say one race is worse than the other


Thai ladies generally become involved in relationships with farang gents because they have suffered a bad marriage with a previous Thai spouse who go out most nights, smoke heavy, give no respect

Or have more ladies!!


Sorry, you're kidding yourself, Thai women go out with farang men 'cos they think there's money there.

Full stop, no other reason.

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The only bad relationships i have seen in thailand with farang/thai are always the farang fault.

i know this is not always the case but i can only go by my 5 years here and as i say,the farangs go out most nights,smoke heavy,give no repect to the lady,shout at her in public.i could go on more but thats my view.i am not saying the ladies are the best in the world but they are decent human beings unlike what some farangs think.

some of these guys are english/ozzy/welsh/new zealand/danish,so you cant say one race is worse than the other


Thai ladies generally become involved in relationships with farang gents because they have suffered a bad marriage with a previous Thai spouse who go out most nights, smoke heavy, give no respect

Or have more ladies!!


Sorry, you're kidding yourself, Thai women go out with farang men 'cos they think there's money there.

Full stop, no other reason.

Sorry,I was talking about the bad Thai marriage!!


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There is another reason. Thai women go with Farang becasue they have been married once already (either Thai or Farang) and no self resepecting Thai man would marry a woman that has already been married (unless she had plenty of dough) ...

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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There are a lot of men who have this rose tinted spectacle idea that they are saving their girl from life in the bar. Sometimes they do, more often not!

Many women have been abandoned by their husbands, left holding the baby literally. They see others who have gone to work in Pattaya or bangkok and returned with a rich Farang husband. In no time at all they have a new motorbike, maybe a car and building a new house. They compare their situation with these other girls and obviously want the same.

They go in search of a rich man, but almost invariably they have to work in the bar and all that means.

There is nothing wrong with that in my eyes, they are looking for a better life.

What is wrong is when they do find a man who is willing to take care of them, some are never satisfied , the greed takes over.

Wages have increased lately in the area I live. Now ordinary working people seem to be on an average of 200 Bt a day, when work is available. If 2 adults in the household working, will have a monthly family income of about 10,000 Bt when times are good and half that when not so much available. But sometimes nearly zero. These people don't have beautiful houses, don't have cars, only a motorbike, but they are happy with their lot.

A friend of my lady is in my opinion one of the bad ones. Unusually, her child is living with it's father and she pays nothing to support it. She has an American boyfriend who can only visit a few months each year and sends her 20,000 baht every month. He has also paid 650,000 to build a house for her. Most families would be over the moon with a house and income like this, but she is a single person and still not satisfied. She complains that her boyfriend is stingy. She was recently working, plying her trade in Pattaya and one of her customers, an Australian took a shine to her and after 5 days had promised to support her. She went back to her village as her American was due to visit and he went home to Australia with the promise to send 10,000 Baht every month. She told my lady that she was worried that the Australian lied to her and wouldn't fulfill his promise. That's the joke, she's worried that HE lied to HER! This girl is a scammer, a liar and a cheat!

The problem is the amount of stupid foreigners that just throw money at these girls, buying cars and houses after knowing them for 5 minutes. They set precedents and the Thais think that all Farang can do this. Now it is expected. Many Thais really do think that every farang can just throw away a few million Baht and think nothing of it.

I grew up in a poor household, My father worked all hours to support us 6 Kids. My father did his best for us and I am grateful for that. We were poor by today's standards but we were happy. Because of my childhood, I appreciate the value of money, the security and I am careful, not stingy but careful. I love going out and spending money, but only if I can afford it and as long as I have something to fall back on. I think about the future.

With many if not most poor Thais, the opposite applies. If income doubles, expenditure trebles. My lady used to have an income of 4000 Baht per month to support herself and 2 children. Now she has 1000 Baht a week , for want of a better word, pocket money. This she can do with what she likes. I pay all the bills and groceries. I control the money, I have to. If I don't control the finances her spending will spiral beyond all reason, and certainly beyond my income. This is NOT scamming , this is just her inability to economise and spend within her means. From what I have seen a poor Thai can cope with a low income usually, but finds it impossible to cope with a relatively high income.

My wife has all the money and I rarely look at the bank account it never even crosses my mind she will run off with it. Married 2 years known each other for 3.

Yabaaaa, I'm not sure if you have read my post properly as I do not see how your reply is relevant.

Your situation is different to most people here, your wife has the money, not you. We don't know if your wife came from a poor background or a middle class/wealthy family.

My post was meant to show that not all Thai girls are scammers, but some are unable to cope with sudden (relative) wealth. I have had many problems regarding finances with my lady,some of them stem from other people sticking their noses in. ie "If you have a Farang why don't you have a car, why aren't you dripping with gold?" etc etc. Peer pressure can be a bad thing at times. Because of pressure from other people, she tried to put pressure on me to spend more, she wasn't scamming just giving in to pressure from others. It's this strange mentality here, I believe that for some time my lady was a little ashamed that I only had 10 times the income of the average Thai here.

Her attitude has changed now, she realises that it's more important that her children have a good father who takes his responsibilities seriously and makes sure that the household is well taken care of.

I had a bit of extra cash last month and was able to spend an additional 60,000 Baht - new fridge freezer, washing machine etc. I do know that she enjoyed rubbing this in with some of these people, especially the one who referred to me as Kii Nok Farang. For those who don't know, that is worse than Kii Neow. Difficult to translate, but means something like worthless, no good, low class backpacker.

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Actually, that isn't necessarily true. My widowed neighbor lady recently remarried. But alot of Thai men (and women) look at divorced people and wonder what was wrong with that person to make the relationship sour.

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There is another reason. Thai women go with Farang becasue they have been married once already (either Thai or Farang) and no self resepecting Thai man would marry a woman that has already been married (unless she had plenty of dough) ...

Wow! I totally disagree with that!! (with respect to you)


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There is another reason. Thai women go with Farang becasue they have been married once already (either Thai or Farang) and no self resepecting Thai man would marry a woman that has already been married (unless she had plenty of dough) ...

That means that there are a H*ll of a lot of Thai men with no self respect!

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There is another reason. Thai women go with Farang becasue they have been married once already (either Thai or Farang) and no self resepecting Thai man would marry a woman that has already been married (unless she had plenty of dough) ...

That means that there are a H*ll of a lot of Thai men with no self respect!

There are, indeed.

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Actually, that isn't necessarily true. My widowed neighbor lady recently remarried. But alot of Thai men (and women) look at divorced people and wonder what was wrong with that person to make the relationship sour.

Ok, that happens everywhere in the world. Agreed.

... My understanding is ( and this is understanding gathered from the majority populace in rural Thailand), that in general Thai males looking to get married would not consider a divorcee high on the list when choosing a prospective bride. In fact it would be, in certain instances considered to be a last resort.

Therefore it follows that a Farang is a better financial option for a Thai female divorcee. He has the money and he is not worried about a previous failed marriage or children from said marriage. hel_l, he will even pay the sin sod!

Please tell me that I am right, or have I been living in a different country to you for the last eight years?

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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