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Supreme Court Sentences To Six-months In Jail Lawyer In Pastry Gate


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I love it when this kind of news pops up abroad, I bet his morning boiled rice turns sour over there in the UK. :o

Now, when will someone dig a little deeper into his PhD and add to what we already know? It`s about time that one is made public and shows the world the fraud that he is.

The world does not care about Thailand and Thaksin is only noticeable because of Man City.

People on this board need to realise their obsession with Thailand is particular and most other people do not care a jot about the place - even in the region never mind on the other side of the worl.

Most Americans could not place it on a map!

I have to disagree with you, at least regarding Europeans, there's been a lot of tourists to Thailand the last 20 years, many farangs have married Thais, their families have visited Thailand, quite a few keep an eye open for news about Thailand.

Incidentally what are you doing spending so much time on a Thai related forum? Is Singapore visa.com too dull, or is Singapore itself too boring to occupy one's time?

What is fascinating about Thailand politically at the moment is the attempts to form a working democracy with all the attendant growing pains that entails. And some of the characters involved really beggar belief, the last few years would be dismissed as too improbable if they'd been created in a novel.

So some people who once went to Thailand and some guys who married Thai's - ROFL

Yeah all those vistors to Spain and elsewhere keep a beady eye out on the minutae of Spanish politcs too afer a visit ;-)

- you are kidding yourself if you think anybody bothers about Thailand apart from a very small minority - do you remember extensive reporting about Black May back home - I think the Guardian wrote a bit but Kare Adie was not standing in front of the tanks like in Tianamen

And as I said - even in the region nobody gives a shit about the place never mind a few sex tourists from the other side of the world

I agree with you about Thailand being a soap opera though - a piss poor one but a soap opera none the less - it would be an afternoon Aussie one if shown in the UK

As for Singapore - its great down here and for me a much better place to work than Thailand - Thailand is for a couple of things only

Edited by Prakanong
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I love it when this kind of news pops up abroad, I bet his morning boiled rice turns sour over there in the UK. :D

Now, when will someone dig a little deeper into his PhD and add to what we already know? It`s about time that one is made public and shows the world the fraud that he is.

The world does not care about Thailand and Thaksin is only noticeable because of Man City.

People on this board need to realise their obsession with Thailand is particular and most other people do not care a jot about the place - even in the region never mind on the other side of the worl.

Most Americans could not place it on a map!

I have to disagree with you, at least regarding Europeans, there's been a lot of tourists to Thailand the last 20 years, many farangs have married Thais, their families have visited Thailand, quite a few keep an eye open for news about Thailand.

Incidentally what are you doing spending so much time on a Thai related forum? Is Singapore visa.com too dull, or is Singapore itself too boring to occupy one's time?

What is fascinating about Thailand politically at the moment is the attempts to form a working democracy with all the attendant growing pains that entails. And some of the characters involved really beggar belief, the last few years would be dismissed as too improbable if they'd been created in a novel.

So some people who once went to Thailand and some guys who married Thai's - ROFL

Yeah all those vistors to Spain and elsewhere keep a beady eye out on the minutae of Spanish politcs too afer a visit ;-)

- you are kidding yourself if you think anybody bothers about Thailand apart from a very small minority - do you remember extensive reporting about Black May back home - I think the Guardian wrote a bit but Kare Adie was not standing in front of the tanks like in Tianamen

And as I said - even in the region nobody gives a shit about the place never mind a few sex tourists from the other side of the world

I agree with you about Thailand being a soap opera though - a piss poor one but a soap opera none the less - it would be an afternoon Aussie one if shown in the UK

As for Singapore - its great down here and for me a much better place to work than Thailand - Thailand is for a couple of things only

Didn't know Tesco was considered a "sex tourist". They certainly give a dam_n, or they wouldn't have slapped a billion baht law suit on a couple of critics of their aggressive expansion policy. Oh yes, and by the way, Thailand is mentioned in today's papers in connection with this case, not the anti-govt protests, as "Britain falls out of love with Tesco". :o:D

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Finally some special sweet underground natural paper movements of the Thaksin's family come to light. :o

I just hope that not only the postmen will be jailed? They need to follow up of course!

Cross my fingers. Justice shall prevail!

One of the lawyer is in Bumroongrath Hospital on 7 floor. He suppose to be is in jail with the other lawyers.

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In most cases you can get out of any difficulty in Thailand as long as you have the money. I expect Thaksin will not do any time. Make a poll. He has made arrangements and the stunt with the pastry box is just that a stunt to distract or distort the case. Now he can claim it will be an unfair trial based on the bad doings of other. Thrown out!

Lots of smoke over these lawyers, but they are only victims of a political agenda. Hope they get paid well.


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I'd post a pic of the missing desperado to assist in his apprehension and detainment, but haven't found any with either his English transliterated name or with it in Thai script. Most unusual for anyone associated with Thaksin.
I found this image on a Thai forum:

< Image Deleted >

This is either the missing Mr Thana or just some innocent Thai who happens to have the same name!

It's the latter. I saw that pic too during a search, but it's not him, although they have the same name.

Perhaps we may suspend posting the photo? and I will endeavor again to track something down on the really elusive Khun Thana? He's slippery as an eel... no wonder Thaksin hired him as a lawyer.

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Finally some special sweet underground natural paper movements of the Thaksin's family come to light. :o

I just hope that not only the postmen will be jailed? They need to follow up of course!

Cross my fingers. Justice shall prevail!

One of the lawyer is in Bumroongrath Hospital on 7 floor. He suppose to be is in jail with the other lawyers.

Dr. Clifton's diagnosis : Full of sh*te.

Dr. Clinton's treatment : Daily enema for two weeks.

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Police to find owner of 2-million baht bribe

Commander of the Metropolitan Police Bureau Region 1, Pol.Maj.Gen.Amnuay Nimmano, says police will find the owner of a two-million-baht bribe offered to officials of the Supreme Court’s Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions by legal advisors of former premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

The commander says the investigation has not yet started and he is not concerned over the case as the court has laid down all investigation criteria and interrogation guidelines.

He also affirms police will uphold the court’s decision on the matter and investigate the case honestly. The commander says the witnesses will be summoned to provide information on June 30th.

Pol. Maj. Gen.Amnuay says police will finish interrogating two of the alleged people within these 1 – 2 days before requesting for arrest warrants from the court.

- ThaiNews


Democrats call on PM to announce stance on bribery case

The Democrat Party called on the prime minister and the justice minister to announce their stance on the case of two-billion-baht bribe offered to officials of the Supreme Court.

Deputy Spokesman of the Democrat Party, Sathit Pitutecha, says the premier and the justice minister can help boost people’s confidence in the justice system by announcing their stance on the case.

He says that former premier Thaksin Shinawatra, whose lawyers offered the bribe to the court officials, still has influence in the justice system following a remark by an investigator in the case that there was no attempt to persuade the court to rule the case in favor of Thaksin.

Meanwhile, Democrat Spokesman Ong-art Klampaiboon requests former Supreme Commander General Chaiyasit Shinawatra, who said that there are movements to destroy the reputation of Thaksin, to submit relevant information and names of people involved in the movements to the government.

- ThaiNews

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Less sugar-coating than the ThaiNews article...

Democrat flays police chief over Pastrygate

Democrat Party Deputy Spokesman Sathit Pitutecha yesterday attacked a high-ranking policeman in charge of the Bt2-million Pastrygate case for jumping to a conclusion that there were not enough grounds for police to press charges.

Metropolitan Police Region Bureau commissioner Maj-General Amnuay Nimmano, chief investigator, reportedly said the case lacked legal grounds because the culprits had not persuaded anyone to commit wrong, so there was no intention to commit a crime - a deciding factor in a criminal case.

The three lawyers involved in the case were subsequently sentenced to six months in jail for contempt of court.

"If he [Amnuay] really said that, it means the Thaksin regime still haunts the justice system, from police to public prosecutors. Investigators have duties to find evidence and question people involved and to trace the route of the 2 Million Baht. They must raise questions such as who benefited from the attempted bribery," Sathit said. *absolutely*

A Supreme Court source claimed that on the day the three lawyers offered a pastry box stashed with Bt2 million to a senior judge, former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra also went to the court.

Thaksin is to stand trial in the Ratchadaphisek land case at the same court where his lawyers turned up with the money.

Investigators must assume there was an attempt to bribe judges if only half the evidence pointed to a crime of bribery, the source said. In most bribery cases, there is no evidence, but investigators can depend on circumstantial evidence, the source added.

Dr Wisut Boonkasemsanti was sentenced to death for murdering his wife, even though there was no hard evidence, but only circumstantial evidence.

"In this case, police must take time to collect evidence. It is not right to say that the case lacks evidence two days after the complaint was leveled," the source said. *absolutely*

"The Supreme Court is the damaged party in this case. This is about the integrity of judges. Judges across the country are watching how the case will be wrapped up. The fact that the court ruled that a complaint must be filed with police shows that judges are confident that something went wrong." *absolutely*

Corrections Department director-general Wanchai Rujanawong said Pichit Chuenban and Suphasri Srisawat, two of the jailed lawyers, had been able to adjust to living conditions in prison after four days.

"They do not show any mental problems and only looked stressed in the first few days," he said.

- The Nation


On the positive side, it's good to know the criminals are becoming more comfortable of their prison surroundings. :o

Perhaps the old EC should give it another go. If they had only stuck it out during the relatively rough initial days time, they could have proudly proclaimed, "we did our time"... which would improve their standing amongst criminals, as supposedly it's a badge of courage.

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Democrat flays police chief over Pastrygate

Democrat Party Deputy Spokesman Sathit Pitutecha yesterday attacked a high-ranking policeman in charge of the Bt2-million Pastrygate case for jumping to a conclusion that there were not enough grounds for police to press charges.

Metropolitan Police Region Bureau commissioner Maj-General Amnuay Nimmano, chief investigator, reportedly said the case lacked legal grounds because the culprits had not persuaded anyone to commit wrong, so there was no intention to commit a crime - a deciding factor in a criminal case.

- excerpt from The Nation newspaper

Yet again, we're let down by police heads - and reminded that some police brass are still beholden to big money, and don't have the cojones to buck the trend and do the right things.

It's interesting the police are such adept mind-readers also. How they can so quickly gauge that 2,000,000 baht will not serve to 'persuade' any Thai person to do (or not do) something - is phenomenal.

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"Didn't know Tesco was considered a "sex tourist". They certainly give a dam_n, or they wouldn't have slapped a billion baht law suit on a couple of critics of their aggressive expansion policy. Oh yes, and by the way, Thailand is mentioned in today's papers in connection with this case, not the anti-govt protests, as "Britain falls out of love with Tesco""

The BBC world service is carrying nothing about Thailand - the Malay Deputy PM and his sodomy accusations features prominently though :o

The Straits Times on Saturday did have almost two pages on Thailands woes with 3 or 4 stories on one double page spread but as its a PAP mouthpiece they do like to gloat over the trials and tribulations of other countries in the region to remind Singaporeans they have it so good and look what it could be like

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Well my wife and I are living in the USA at this time. ASTV has been going non stop 24 hours a day about this and Thaskin.

Some facts that are being reported here are:

1. A monk that was a life long friend of the attorney talked to him prior to when he became associated with Thaskin. He told him that only bad would follow, and if any thing happened Thaskin and his wife would pretty much trow him under the bus and not look back. He went to visit him in prison, then he finally saw the truth in those words, and want to say sorry....

2. There was a total of 10 million baht of which only 2 million was wrapped in the candy box....(Wonder if somebody was skimming again?)

The local Thai's here (that were here in my home watching ASTV) believe that in 8 days some change will be forced in this government, even though Thaskin has already bribed the upper military.

I hope that the turmoil has ended by the time we come in December.

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Well my wife and I are living in the USA at this time. ASTV has been going non stop 24 hours a day about this and Thaskin.

Some facts that are being reported here are:

1. A monk that was a life long friend of the attorney talked to him prior to when he became associated with Thaskin. He told him that only bad would follow, and if any thing happened Thaskin and his wife would pretty much trow him under the bus and not look back. He went to visit him in prison, then he finally saw the truth in those words, and want to say sorry....

2. There was a total of 10 million baht of which only 2 million was wrapped in the candy box....(Wonder if somebody was skimming again?)

The local Thai's here (that were here in my home watching ASTV) believe that in 8 days some change will be forced in this government, even though Thaskin has already bribed the upper military.

I hope that the turmoil has ended by the time we come in December.

I got the information 1 week, but I can't tell if it is just the hope of someone or based on some real informations.

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Finally some special sweet underground natural paper movements of the Thaksin's family come to light. :o

I just hope that not only the postmen will be jailed? They need to follow up of course!

Cross my fingers. Justice shall prevail!

One of the lawyer is in Bumroongrath Hospital on 7 floor. He suppose to be is in jail with the other lawyers.

Dr. Clifton's diagnosis : Full of sh*te.

Dr. Clinton's treatment : Daily enema for two weeks.

Conclusion / cure

The Nation breaking news June 30, 2008 : Last updated 06:02 pm

Thaksin's lawyer taken to prison from hospital

Thana Tansiri, one of the three members of ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra's legal team who were last week sentenced to six months in jail for acting in contempt of court, was finally taken to prison on Monday.

The lawyer was absent when the Supreme Court on Wednesday read out its ruling against his colleagues Pichit Chuenban and Supasri Srisawat and sent them to jail.


Nice one

marshbags :D

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worthy of posting all of it, my friend....

article continues:

The court issued a warrant for Thana's arrest, but it was later discovered that he had been admitted to Bamrungrad Hospital for stress.

On Monday, when his doctors agreed that Thana's condition improved, police accompanied him from the hospital to the Supreme Court. The court read out its verdict, giving him six months' imprisonment, the same penalty as the two other defendants in the case.

Thana, who wore sunglasses and a cap to conceal his face, was later handed over to Corrections Department officials and taken to the Bangkok Remand Prison. :o

Wanchai Rujanawong, director-general of the Corrections Department, said Thana would be in the same detention area as his colleague Pichit. That area is for convicts facing imprisonment of no longer than six months, Wanchai explained.

The case against the trio was in connection with an allegation that Thana gave a paper bag filled with Bt2 million in cash to a court official who dealt with a separate court case against their boss Thaksin. Thana claimed that it was a matter of mix-up as his driver picked up a wrong bag instead of the one containing a gift of chocolates.

Thana, Pichit and Supasri have also been accused of bribing an official.

- The Nation

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Ousted premier's 'candy box' lawyer put behind bars

BANGKOK, June 30 (TNA) - Thai police Monday escorted a lawyer for ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra to a six-month prison term for alleged involvement in the attempted Bt2 million bribery at the Supreme Court here.

Lawyer Thana Tansiri, who was earlier assigned to fight the Bangkok land case lawsuit on Thaksin's behalf, was escorted by police to Bangkok Special Prison after he was taken to hear the Supreme Court verdict charging him and two other lawyers for attempting to bribe a court official.

On June 25, the Supreme Court sentenced Thana along with Pichit Chuenban and his aides, Suphasri Srisawat to six-months each in prison.

Police had earlier arrested Pichit and Suphasri and sent them to Bangkok Special Prison after the verdict was passed, but not Thana who was then receiving medical care at a private Bangkok hospital.

Thana, who had allegedly handed over bribe money in 1,000-baht banknotes in a snack box to the court official, had said it was just a pack of chocolates when the incident was brought to light. :o

The lawyer will be spending his time in the same cell with his two colleagues. :D

Police said they would continue investigation and determine the real owner of the bribery money. :D

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Article prior to Thana's apprehension and subsequent incarceration...

Department of Corrections ready to cooperate with Police to interrogate former PM's lawyers

Director of the Department of Corrections Wanchai Rujonwong revealed to the media that his department is ready to facilitate investigative officers from the Chana Songkram Police Station if they request to interrogate detained lawyers Pichit Chuenbaan and Supasri Srisawas.

Both lawyers for former Premier Thaksin Shinawatra are two of three lawyers sentenced to 6 months imprisonment by the Supreme Court due to their implication in a bribery case involving a dessert container stuffed with 2 million baht.

Wanchai said that the corrections department is prepared to give police an interrogation venue but cannot allow the detainees to be released for fear of their escape. :o

Nonetheless, the department has not received any requests to meet the lawyers as of yet.

Reports have indicated that Chana Songkram Police will request a copy of Supreme Court proceedings on the case to use as part of their investigation statement.

- ThaiNews

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The other person in prison, Supasri Srisawas:


The remaining person who was just put in prison today, Thana Tansiri

images5353.jpg *still no luck*

Relatives and friends visit imprisoned lawyer

Groups of relatives and friends of Pichit Chuenbaan, a lawyer to former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, totaling over 10 people traveled today to visit to give moral support to Pichit at the Bangkok Remand Prison.

Pichit has been sentenced by the Supreme Court to six months in prison for his involvement a bribery case at the Supreme Court.

The lawyer's friends revealed that he has been able to adjust somewhat to life in detainment, but is still experiencing some stress.

They stated however that they have not discussed the case with Pichit. His relatives today are speaking with prison authorities on leaving him personal items and food.

- ThaiNews

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The other person in prison, Supasri Srisawas:


The remaining person who was just put in prison today, Thana Tansiri

images5353.jpg *still no luck*

Relatives and friends visit imprisoned lawyer

Groups of relatives and friends of Pichit Chuenbaan, a lawyer to former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, totaling over 10 people traveled today to visit to give moral support to Pichit at the Bangkok Remand Prison.

Pichit has been sentenced by the Supreme Court to six months in prison for his involvement a bribery case at the Supreme Court.

The lawyer's friends revealed that he has been able to adjust somewhat to life in detainment, but is still experiencing some stress.

They stated however that they have not discussed the case with Pichit. His relatives today are speaking with prison authorities on leaving him personal items and food.

- ThaiNews

Looks like Supasri may use the same hair stylist young Oak uses. Same gormless look as well. Wonder if they're snorting the same shit?

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Ousted premier's 'candy box' lawyer put behind bars

BANGKOK, June 30 (TNA) - Thai police Monday escorted a lawyer for ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra to a six-month prison term for alleged involvement in the attempted Bt2 million bribery at the Supreme Court here.

Lawyer Thana Tansiri, who was earlier assigned to fight the Bangkok land case lawsuit on Thaksin's behalf, was escorted by police to Bangkok Special Prison after he was taken to hear the Supreme Court verdict charging him and two other lawyers for attempting to bribe a court official.

On June 25, the Supreme Court sentenced Thana along with Pichit Chuenban and his aides, Suphasri Srisawat to six-months each in prison.

Police had earlier arrested Pichit and Suphasri and sent them to Bangkok Special Prison after the verdict was passed, but not Thana who was then receiving medical care at a private Bangkok hospital.

Thana, who had allegedly handed over bribe money in 1,000-baht banknotes in a snack box to the court official, had said it was just a pack of chocolates when the incident was brought to light. :o

I'm surprised these clowns haven't yet pushed for a bill proposing something bigger than a 1000 baht note to facilitate their bribes with smaler packages.

The lawyer will be spending his time in the same cell with his two colleagues. :D

Police said they would continue investigation and determine the real owner of the bribery money. :D

In the same manner they have investigated the New Year bombings and multiple other bombs in Bagkok and conveniently (for the Thaksin camp and hired thugs) failed miserably every time? :D

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We now have 3 down, 121 more to go...

Third Thaksin lawyer begins jail time

A third member of Thaksin Shinawatra's legal team yesterday began serving a six-month jail sentence over the two-million-baht snack box cash incident. Thana Tansiri, a relative of Thaksin's wife Potjaman, was seen being whisked away from Bamrungrad hospital by police and corrections officials to the Supreme Court. Handcuffed, he wore a cap, sunglasses and had covered his mouth with a gauze mask. :o*some new treatment for stress?* The team's legal coordinator faced an arrest warrant after he failed to show up when the Supreme Court handed down its guilty verdicts and jail sentences for contempt of court on June 25. After the court read out its verdict yesterday, Thana was sent to Bangkok Special Prison where lead lawyer Pichit Chuenban is already serving a six-month sentence. Legal assistant Supasri Srisawat was also sentenced to six months' imprisonment for contempt of court in the same case. Pichit was representing Thaksin in both the Ratchadapisek land plot case and in the SC Assets Co share concealment case. Thana had reportedly been set to turn himself into the police today but decided to do so yesterday instead. A source said that the reason the defendant gave himself up was because he did not want reporters to follow him around everywhere. *apparently that would involve loss of face, which he wished to avoid on his way to going to prison* :D The Supreme Court yesterday issued a statement on the bribery case, saying the matter would now be handled by police and the prosecution. The statement followed a Supreme Court judge's earlier comments that judges were keeping a close watch on the investigation into the case.

Continued here:


Edited by sriracha john
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Ousted premier's 'candy box' lawyer put behind bars

BANGKOK, June 30 (TNA) - Thai police Monday escorted a lawyer for ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra to a six-month prison term for alleged involvement in the attempted Bt2 million bribery at the Supreme Court here.

Lawyer Thana Tansiri, who was earlier assigned to fight the Bangkok land case lawsuit on Thaksin's behalf, was escorted by police to Bangkok Special Prison after he was taken to hear the Supreme Court verdict charging him and two other lawyers for attempting to bribe a court official.

On June 25, the Supreme Court sentenced Thana along with Pichit Chuenban and his aides, Suphasri Srisawat to six-months each in prison.

Police had earlier arrested Pichit and Suphasri and sent them to Bangkok Special Prison after the verdict was passed, but not Thana who was then receiving medical care at a private Bangkok hospital.

Thana, who had allegedly handed over bribe money in 1,000-baht banknotes in a snack box to the court official, had said it was just a pack of chocolates when the incident was brought to light. :o

The lawyer will be spending his time in the same cell with his two colleagues. :D

Police said they would continue investigation and determine the real owner of the bribery money. :D

How can that be? Do they have mixed sex prisons in Thailand? That would be a good idea for the rapists...NOT.

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Bangkok Remand Prison to receive last lawyer sentenced to six months

Director of the Department of Corrections Wanchai Rujonwong commented on the Supreme Court's submitting of lawyer for former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Thana Tunsriri, for detainment.

He said the Bangkok Remand Prison will send a prisoner transport vehicle to receive Thana from the Supreme Court to the prison and hold him at the preliminary zone alongside Pichit Chuenbaan, another lawyer in the case.

Both have been sentenced to six months in prison for attempted bribery of Supreme Court employees.

Mr. Wanchai asserted that both lawyers would be treated just as other prisoners, with the same visitation rights and treatment.

- ThaiNews

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Mr. Wanchai asserted that both lawyers would be treated just as other prisoners, with the same visitation rights and treatment.

- ThaiNews

The fact that this was actively asserted tells me the truth lies elsewhere.

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Thana claimed that it was a matter of mix-up as his driver picked up a wrong bag instead of the one containing a gift of chocolates.

Thana had three boxes in the car that day, one contained 2 mil(gift for mistress), the second, a gift of chocolates (for the missus), and the third was 8 mil (for the court).

He was in a hurry that day and presented the the wrong box :D

Now all the receipient are pissed-off :o

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Mr. Wanchai asserted that both lawyers would be

1. treated just as other prisoners,

2. with the same visitation rights

3. and treatment.

- ThaiNews

The fact that this was actively asserted tells me the truth lies elsewhere.

Could well be the truth if the responses for 1 - 3 actually do apply to most prisoners:

1. like dirt

2. very little

3. very rough

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We now have 3 down, 121 more to go...

Third Thaksin lawyer begins jail time

A third member of Thaksin Shinawatra's legal team yesterday began serving a six-month jail sentence

make that 122... :o

Anek appointed new defence lawyer for Thaksin

Defence lawyer Anek Khamchum said on Tuesday he has been appointed to represent former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and his wife Pojaman for the graft litigation on the Ratchadapisek land case.

Anek said he has been part of the defence team from the beginning and will replace lead lawyer Pichit Chuenban who is serving the six-month jail term for contempt relating to the 2 Million Baht Pastrygate scandal.

The defence team is fully ready carry on the trial proceedings, starting with the cross examination of prosecution witnesses scheduled for July 8, he said.

- The Nation

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Tracked down that elusive, obscure, slippery eel Thana Tunsriri and can post his picture at last. He certainly doesn't like his photo being taken and in that way seems much like that mafioso Peeshit with his suit-jacket covering his handcuffs..

He's the "stress-induced" balding guy on Thaksin's left, encircled in white....


Naewna Newspaper


Enjoy your stay at the Bangkok Remand Prison, Mr. Thana... and I hope you brought your own condoms...

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Amazingly, Thaksin has TWO lawyers named Thana, so it's understandable that this earlier news article post mistook Thana Benjathikul for Thana Tunsriri....

Life is like a box of chocolates.

You never know what you are going to get. And so it is the case for Thana Benjathikul, a lawyer for former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Thana became the man in the news when he was appointed to defend Thaksin in the legal cases against him. But now the lawyer is making the headlines as one of the "usual suspects" accused of trying to bribe the judges. Matichon yesterday interviewed Thana to find out what he had to say about the episode on June 10 when a box of pastries filled with Bt2 million in cash was discovered at the Supreme Court.

The other Thaksin lawyer, Thana... the Benjathikul one, however, has an equally disreputable past...

Former lawyer of ousted PM jailed for contempt of court

Criminal Court sentenced a former lawyer of ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra to six months in jail and a fine of Bt70,000 for contempt of court.

However the court put Thana Benjathikul on probation for two years.

The court found Thana guilty of contempt of court for criticising the court on jailing three former Election Commission members.

Source: The Nation - 28 June 2007


Ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's lawyer Thana Benjathikul, second from right

and now he's back in the news again in own right, separate from the other Thana attempting to bribe judges... Thaksin's Cabinet has just appointed him to be a Board member.... :o

Thaksin lawyer to join Consumer Protection Board

The Cabinet yesterday appointed Thana Benjathikul, a lawyer for former PM Thaksin Shinawatra, as a member of the Office of the Consumer Protection Board (OCPB). Government Deputy Spokeswoman Weerinthira Nathongborcharas said PM's Office Minister Chusak Sirinil, as OCPB chairman, submitted the names of eight people, including Thana. Thana unsuccessfully defended former EC commissioners Wasana Permlap, Prinya Nakchudtree and Veerachai Naewboonnien in court when they were accused of mishandling the April 23, 2006 elections. The Cabinet also appointed Chamnong Kongsil a member of the Office of the Rubber Replanting Aid Fund, replacing Wichai Atkongharn who resigned. Earlier, the Assets Scrutiny Committee had ruled that Chamnong was linked to the fraudulent procurement of the 90 million rubber saplings during Thaksin's administration. Back then, he was a project executive and a member of a bidder selection committee. The appointments are effective on

Continued here:



The government is in tatters and all they can do is appoint convicted criminals and suspects to important positions? :D

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