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Looking At Your Phone


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Trust me, they all do it.

If you think your missus doesn't... then you just haven't caught them doing it yet!

........... " they all do it " wow u know everything :D

Yes, they all do it.

And yes, we know everything.


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My Mrs asked to see the pictures on my phone one night as I had just returned from a business weekend in Phuket and she is quite jealous.

I said "Sure, no problem, I have nothing to hide and do you think I would be stupid enough to have incriminating photos on my phone?"

Oh, how confident I was...

Imagine the look on my face when she asked "Who are they?" and showed me 2 pictures of bargirls!

It took several hours to convince her that the girls must have picked up my phone when I was in the toilet and taken the pictures themselves.

She still doesn't really believe me and occasionally brings it up.

And I know exactly what reaction I am going to get when I tell her I have to go to Phuket again next month...

Oh, the joys of relationships....


You went on a business weekend, and ended up with pics of 2 bargirls in your phone???

And you went to the toilet, leaving your phone behind, on the table?

Im not accusing you of anything here Mate, but I understand why your Mrs had a hard time believing you.


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Here's what I do.............

get a phone with internet access, my iphone doest it really nice, use GPRS to link up to yahoo.com or hotmail.com. Keep any names/phone numbers deals you want out of public viewing, and with the iphone you can dial direct from the internet based address book. Helps also if phone is lost, coz you have immedieate access to your address book with a new phone. Acts as a backup plus remote phonebook. Takes me 15 seconds to login with DTAC GPRS through a password protected webpage. Always log out!

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Here's what I do.............

get a phone with internet access, my iphone doest it really nice, use GPRS to link up to yahoo.com or hotmail.com. Keep any names/phone numbers deals you want out of public viewing, and with the iphone you can dial direct from the internet based address book. Helps also if phone is lost, coz you have immedieate access to your address book with a new phone. Acts as a backup plus remote phonebook. Takes me 15 seconds to login with DTAC GPRS through a password protected webpage. Always log out!

Very interesting.

A few Q's:

Is this only possible with an Iphone?

Do you pay for the service when you browse through the numbers, etc? I guess you are online then, so it will be like a phone call each time you look through the address book?

Are the SMS' stored on internet then? Or both?

Btw, I have a password protected Simcard. If I lose my phone, the numbers will not be lost as I always save them on the card.

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Goes through my mobile - check texts, wants passwords to my email accounts - believes I have someone in the office taking a fancy on me - when being called by the Technical manager at my job on my mobile after 7 pm at first she accused me of the said woman in the office calling but when I said it was a man, she replied "maybe gay"!!! - if I go alone in taxi I have to hand over phone to the taxi driver who will then where I am at - and where I was picked up from - check the phone, and my work apartment during the week for pictures of her/us missing or changed position on the shelves - checks computer if "sweet pictues" of us on as desktop wall paper has been changed (same on my phone) - she has waited outside my work apartment after midnight 2 hours during the week once when I was out with the office for a innocent night out - she has attempted to forcibly open my door to surprise me with another woman (noone there, I was alone) 3 AM at night - analyse my emails, text, wordings (getting them translated for the real, thai, subjective and emotional meaning by friends of her) - if I'm out and come home late in the evening she used to sit at the door waiting for me.

However it's getting better now, and I do take it in a stride. But I do delete text messages that can be interpreted as suspicious, even when they're not. Don't lock the phone though.

I try to understand with the perspective that it's not easy for anyone with a jealous mind to feel or "get crazy" like this, so I do try to assist and have an understanding, relaxed attitude about it. Help her trust you without compromising your freedom and personal space, because in their mind (or any jealous mind for that matter) they will plot, fantasize about the worse things that can happen picking up the smallest "clues" that they "discover". It can create an evil spiralling circle and will create a lousy atmosphere, boiling over at the slightest little thing.

"I see stabbing and blood in your future."

Seriously, get out. What could she possible have that would balance this out?

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Trust me, they all do it.

If you think your missus doesn't... then you just haven't caught them doing it yet!

ur all very sad in ur relationship if u think there going behind ur back " they all do it " wow u know everything :o

Are you in a hurry?

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My Mrs asked to see the pictures on my phone one night as I had just returned from a business weekend in Phuket and she is quite jealous.

I said "Sure, no problem, I have nothing to hide and do you think I would be stupid enough to have incriminating photos on my phone?"

Oh, how confident I was...

Imagine the look on my face when she asked "Who are they?" and showed me 2 pictures of bargirls!

It took several hours to convince her that the girls must have picked up my phone when I was in the toilet and taken the pictures themselves.

She still doesn't really believe me and occasionally brings it up.

And I know exactly what reaction I am going to get when I tell her I have to go to Phuket again next month...

Oh, the joys of relationships....


You went on a business weekend, and ended up with pics of 2 bargirls in your phone???

And you went to the toilet, leaving your phone behind, on the table?

Im not accusing you of anything here Mate, but I understand why your Mrs had a hard time believing you.



Yeah, looking at it now it probably does look a bit suspect but it was all innocent - I swear guv'nor! :D

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Well, today I got a phone call from my last g/f.

She is not a happy bunny at being phoned up to 50 times in 3 days. Silent phone calls in the main until today.

Today the caller - a man - asked for her by name. When she acknowledged that was her he got nasty.

He told her she was trouble and was going to be kicked and fought (boxing as she put it) and she would soon die.

She gave me the telephone number but I do not recognise it. I phoned and it was deffo a Thai man who understood little or no English. Or so he said.

This after I caught the current g/f looking t my phone. Maybe a coincidence, I do not know, especially as it is a man calling and not a woman as in my current g/f.

I am at a loss what to do about it as the ex g/f number is a business number in use for a lot of years.

Most likely the caller has a sim card that cannot be traced by name or address so I do not see what the police or her service provider can do.

Any ideas?

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My friend never ever checked her husband's smss/ emails. Simply had no interest/curiosity for that. But once her husband was downstairs, he left his phone inthe apartment and she heard an sms tone. She assumed it was from their friend (someone was in the hospital and they were in touch through smss) and she read the message.

Honey, miss you, bla bla bla... dream, love, etc.

Being six month pregnant with their second baby, my friend thought the world had collapsed.(When I have time I will post more details on this story - my friend and I want to get some advice on this. we did sort out some kind of short term solution, but need a fresh look from outside.)

Since then I stopped :o reading my hubby's personal correspondence too... There is a saying - the less you know, the better you sleep...

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Here's what I do.............

get a phone with internet access, my iphone doest it really nice, use GPRS to link up to yahoo.com or hotmail.com. Keep any names/phone numbers deals you want out of public viewing, and with the iphone you can dial direct from the internet based address book. Helps also if phone is lost, coz you have immedieate access to your address book with a new phone. Acts as a backup plus remote phonebook. Takes me 15 seconds to login with DTAC GPRS through a password protected webpage. Always log out!

So ur a professional player and not involved in any way, right..........kudos to you :o

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Btw, I have a password protected Simcard. If I lose my phone, the numbers will not be lost as I always save them on the card.

Just a thought - but wouldn't the numbers on the sim card be in the same 'lost' place as the phone? :o

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Goes through my mobile - check texts, wants passwords to my email accounts - believes I have someone in the office taking a fancy on me - when being called by the Technical manager at my job on my mobile after 7 pm at first she accused me of the said woman in the office calling but when I said it was a man, she replied "maybe gay"!!! - if I go alone in taxi I have to hand over phone to the taxi driver who will then where I am at - and where I was picked up from - check the phone, and my work apartment during the week for pictures of her/us missing or changed position on the shelves - checks computer if "sweet pictues" of us on as desktop wall paper has been changed (same on my phone) - she has waited outside my work apartment after midnight 2 hours during the week once when I was out with the office for a innocent night out - she has attempted to forcibly open my door to surprise me with another woman (noone there, I was alone) 3 AM at night - analyse my emails, text, wordings (getting them translated for the real, thai, subjective and emotional meaning by friends of her) - if I'm out and come home late in the evening she used to sit at the door waiting for me.

However it's getting better now, and I do take it in a stride. But I do delete text messages that can be interpreted as suspicious, even when they're not. Don't lock the phone though.

I try to understand with the perspective that it's not easy for anyone with a jealous mind to feel or "get crazy" like this, so I do try to assist and have an understanding, relaxed attitude about it. Help her trust you without compromising your freedom and personal space, because in their mind (or any jealous mind for that matter) they will plot, fantasize about the worse things that can happen picking up the smallest "clues" that they "discover". It can create an evil spiralling circle and will create a lousy atmosphere, boiling over at the slightest little thing.

I would have put up with that crap for about 5 minutes and then showed her the door. Life's too short to share with neurotics and jealous types.

My ex lasted just one minute when she tried that crap.

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My other half is always checking my phone, emails and Messenger. He even answers my phone sometimes just to check if it's a bloke ringing me. More often than not it is a bloke as most, not all, of my friends and customers are male.

I just let him carry on but I do get the - who is he? how do you know him? is he a special friend?

If a woman did that to me in a serious manner I would point my finder to the door kick her out then lock it!!!

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Btw, I have a password protected Simcard. If I lose my phone, the numbers will not be lost as I always save them on the card.

Just a thought - but wouldn't the numbers on the sim card be in the same 'lost' place as the phone? :o

You can get a new simcard from that provider, and all the numbers will still be there.

I lost a simcard once. I was changing over cards, and when I came home I noticed the other card was lost. I bought a new card, contacted the company. Used the same code when I put it in the mobile, and voila, the numbers where there.

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Had one g/f I caught looking through my contact directory in my mobile phone as I walked through the door unexpectedly. Seems she did not really know what she was looking at as the first entry was my UK bank and on checking the phone log I saw she had already phoned them.

When I asked her about it she said I was on the computer a lot and she wanted to know what other women I had and who I was seeing. ( no-one as it happens, but I do chat to friends on the computer from various countries. Some female and she saw that and jumped to conclusions).

Needless to say that I coded the mobile after that.

Anyone else caught their g/f or b/f out doing something they shouldn't? And what did you do about it?

Gordon Bennet what an untrusting lot many of you are here, my wife can have my phone all day if she wants its never locked same with the laptop. Sheeeeeesh maybe your g'f wanted some security.

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?! do you think your current gf has a hit put out on your ex gf or something?

Not sure. But the ex is now very worried. Shame really as she is a good friend now and a good source of help and information.

I would hate to lose a friend like that as they can be hard come by :o

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Btw, I have a password protected Simcard. If I lose my phone, the numbers will not be lost as I always save them on the card.

Just a thought - but wouldn't the numbers on the sim card be in the same 'lost' place as the phone? :o

You can get a new simcard from that provider, and all the numbers will still be there.

I lost a simcard once. I was changing over cards, and when I came home I noticed the other card was lost. I bought a new card, contacted the company. Used the same code when I put it in the mobile, and voila, the numbers where there.

Are you saying that your telecoms provider keeps a record of the contacts you have on your password protected simcard?

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?! do you think your current gf has a hit put out on your ex gf or something?

Not sure. But the ex is now very worried. Shame really as she is a good friend now and a good source of help and information.

I would hate to lose a friend like that as they can be hard come by :D

This is the one that told you she was a virgin, but turned out to have two kids and a Thai bf in Chiang Mai?

Yes, sounds like gold dust. :o

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Btw, I have a password protected Simcard. If I lose my phone, the numbers will not be lost as I always save them on the card.

Just a thought - but wouldn't the numbers on the sim card be in the same 'lost' place as the phone? :o

You can get a new simcard from that provider, and all the numbers will still be there.

I lost a simcard once. I was changing over cards, and when I came home I noticed the other card was lost. I bought a new card, contacted the company. Used the same code when I put it in the mobile, and voila, the numbers where there.

Are you saying that your telecoms provider keeps a record of the contacts you have on your password protected simcard?

I believe so.

I dont have other explanations for it.

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Trust me, they all do it.

If you think your missus doesn't... then you just haven't caught them doing it yet!


No they don't ALL do it, just as ALL Farangs are not all Fat bald and ugly.

You mean your missus does it and maybe your ex gf's done it, I very much doubt that that number makes up the entire Female population of Thailand.

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Trust me, they all do it.

If you think your missus doesn't... then you just haven't caught them doing it yet!


No they don't ALL do it, just as ALL Farangs are not all Fat bald and ugly.

You mean your missus does it and maybe your ex gf's done it, I very much doubt that that number makes up the entire Female population of Thailand.

That goes without saying.

Very often, as you know, when someone says " we all......", "they all.....", or "everybody.....", etc, it really means something like " in my oppinion, most (or the majority)........".

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Very often, as you know, when someone says " we all......", "they all.....", or "everybody.....", etc, it really means something like " in my oppinion, most (or the majority)........".

........................ of people they know.

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Very often, as you know, when someone says " we all......", "they all.....", or "everybody.....", etc, it really means something like " in my oppinion, most (or the majority)........".

........................ of people they know.


And based upon that we (people in general) make a quick stat on it.

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Very often, as you know, when someone says " we all......", "they all.....", or "everybody.....", etc, it really means something like " in my oppinion, most (or the majority)........".

........................ of people they know.


And based upon that we (people in general) make a quick stat on it.

Then I guess mine's Different. :o

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Since many g/fs are 'bar girls', isn't a lack of trust to be expected? Every man is a 'sweet mouth'. Providing reassurance in behaviour and not just words, would go a long way.

For some, psychological and psychic/spiritual wounds run far too deep.

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Here's what I do.............

get a phone with internet access, my iphone doest it really nice, use GPRS to link up to yahoo.com or hotmail.com. Keep any names/phone numbers deals you want out of public viewing, and with the iphone you can dial direct from the internet based address book. Helps also if phone is lost, coz you have immedieate access to your address book with a new phone. Acts as a backup plus remote phonebook. Takes me 15 seconds to login with DTAC GPRS through a password protected webpage. Always log out!

Very interesting.

A few Q's:

Is this only possible with an Iphone?

Do you pay for the service when you browse through the numbers, etc? I guess you are online then, so it will be like a phone call each time you look through the address book?

Are the SMS' stored on internet then? Or both?

Btw, I have a password protected Simcard. If I lose my phone, the numbers will not be lost as I always save them on the card.

GPRS cost me 399 a month for 100 plus MB of traffic, never get anywhere near using it all. No additional costs. There is no SMS transaction, so dont know what you mean. It's like login into yahoo.com via a computer, and calling by clicking on the number. The only thing is I am accessing through Safari on the iphone, the number automatically allows me to click on it. When I do, the iphone asks if I want to continue with the call or to cancel in case I had accidently hit the number. There is no telephone call until the call has been initiated, but searching numbers on the net through Safari has nothing to do with a telephone call, it is all done in GPRS mode, or some call this EDGE. Searching the database can also be done in WIFI mode as well. Again, at the point a call is made, it then becomes a telephone call.

RE loosing the phone, if the SIM is in your phone, how is it you will not loose the numbers if the phone is lost. As I see it the card and phone go together, therefore they are both lost! Saving numbers on your computer is normal, but also able to be accessed by gf, wifey or whoever.

Edited by jayjayjayjay
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?! do you think your current gf has a hit put out on your ex gf or something?

Not sure. But the ex is now very worried. Shame really as she is a good friend now and a good source of help and information.

I would hate to lose a friend like that as they can be hard come by :D

This is the one that told you she was a virgin, but turned out to have two kids and a Thai bf in Chiang Mai?

Yes, sounds like gold dust. :D


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