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Frenchman Attempts Suicide


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In the early hours of Friday Morning, Police and rescue workers received an urgent call to the PJ Inn Apartments in Soi A.R. in Central Pattaya following reports of a foreign man who appeared to have attempted suicide.

Arriving at the scene rescue workers made their way to a room on the 4th floor and attended to Mr. Stephane Verraes aged 38 from France. He was lying on the bed in a considerable amount of pain.

Pools of blood were seen around the room and a number of deep cuts were evident on his right wrist along with burn marks from a cigarette on his hand.

The room owner, Khun Daroong aged 28 explained to Police that she met the Frenchman on the beach and he explained that she looked similar to his former girlfriend.

When the pair went back to the room, Mr. Verraes became emotionally unstable and began to harm himself with a cigarette.

He then found a razor inside the room and slit his wrist.

He is now undergoing psychiatric tests at Hospital and is receiving consular assistance from French Embassy Officials.

Pattaya One News

howling at the moon :o

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I guess when you've got thousands of tourists a day (on average) coming and going (from Pattaya), you're bound to get a few that are "less stable" than normal.

you mean "One flew over the Cuckoo's nest?" :o

no, he means he's a fakkin loony (who could probably do with a shower) :D

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I guess when you've got thousands of tourists a day (on average) coming and going (from Pattaya), you're bound to get a few that are "less stable" than normal.

you mean "One flew over the Cuckoo's nest?" :D

no, he means he's a fakkin loony (who could probably do with a shower) :D

Surely (or is that Shirley :D ) you're not suggesting that the root cause of this drama is the fact that the young lady, realizing this guy was a soap-dodger, demanded he have a shower ?

The thought of having to apply scented soap to his physique distressed him so mightily, that he resorted to painful measures such as cigarette burns and razor cuts to avoid it ? :D

(and here I thought it was only Brits that did that !) :o

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