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Bio Diesel, What's The Deal?

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sorry if this has been asked before, but what's the story with bio diesel? the cost is almost the same as normal diesel at the moment, 41b/ltr vs. 42b/ltr for normal.

does it get better or worse mileage than normal diesel?

can you put it in any diesel car or truck, like my Vigo?

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sorry if this has been asked before, but what's the story with bio diesel? the cost is almost the same as normal diesel at the moment, 41b/ltr vs. 42b/ltr for normal.

does it get better or worse mileage than normal diesel?

can you put it in any diesel car or truck, like my Vigo?

I think it is good for your fuel system. The vegetable oil has a detergent affect and should help keep your injectors clean. I have been using it whenever I can get it. I can tell no difference in performance or economy.

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sorry if this has been asked before, but what's the story with bio diesel? the cost is almost the same as normal diesel at the moment, 41b/ltr vs. 42b/ltr for normal.

does it get better or worse mileage than normal diesel?

can you put it in any diesel car or truck, like my Vigo?

There's a ton of info online about this.

Gary A is correct in what he said. Some folks have problems when they start using bio diesel, but that's almost always a problem that could have been solved by regularly replacing their fuel filter... especially often in the initial stages. Once your system is clean again it's not an issue.

The cheapest way is to make it yourself. It's not overly complicated. Used cooking oil is a good source as it is not seen as competing with food stock... which is the biggest argument against using vegetable oil. However, there is not really a food shortage on planet earth. There is a poor distribution system though. Farmers in the US are paid by the government NOT to grow food crops sometimes. In Southern Thailand, the vast majority of the jungle has been cut down to plain rubber trees... not a food crop.

Perhaps the first place for you to start looking if you'd like to make it yourself is YouTube. There are plenty of videos online.

Best of luck to you!

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