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Distressed Australian Tries To Hang Himself

libya 115

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SOURCE: Pattaya People: June 28th 2008

Distressed Australian Tries to Hang Himself

Pattaya Police were notified by Bangkok Hospital Pattaya on the 28th June that a man had been admitted after attempting suicide.

Australian native, Mr. Robert Grey, aged 76 was about to hang himself when he was seen through the window by a neighbour Mr. Thirayut Rashitha who immediately rushed over to save him.

Investigating the man’s room at the Paad Condos in Central Road, officers found a suicide note and recorded message.

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SOURCE: Pattaya People: June 28th 2008

Distressed Australian Tries to Hang Himself

Pattaya Police were notified by Bangkok Hospital Pattaya on the 28th June that a man had been admitted after attempting suicide.

Australian native, Mr. Robert Grey, aged 76 was about to hang himself when he was seen through the window by a neighbour Mr. Thirayut Rashitha who immediately rushed over to save him.

Investigating the man’s room at the Paad Condos in Central Road, officers found a suicide note and recorded message.

It really is sad that a man who's lived 76 years would turn to that in a Pattaya condo. He must have been done over nicely by some pretty face.

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Kudos to Khun Thirayut who did the human thing as opposed to shrugging his shoulders and walking away, gawping or videoing the whole thing on his mobile for the titillation of his friends and family or possibly resale.

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It really is sad that a man who's lived 76 years would turn to that in a Pattaya condo. He must have been done over nicely by some pretty face.

Very sad but in the UK depression is highest amongst the elderley then any other age group.

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Kudos to Khun Thirayut who did the human thing as opposed to shrugging his shoulders and walking away, gawping or videoing the whole thing on his mobile for the titillation of his friends and family or possibly resale.

If someone of sound mind chooses to end his life is it right to step in and stop him/her ? :o

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Why do you assume he has been ripped of by a thai girl????

Maybe he has spent his money on himself and decided to end it all rather than go back to oz.He could be a sick man which is quite normal for that age and decided he has no quality of life.


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Why do you assume he has been ripped of by a thai girl????


UH,,,,let me think about this.

Perhaps it's because he's living in a notorious bar district.

I'm sorry, I should have mentioned that he could have been ripped off by a Thai boy.

No...maybe that's wrong...he must have come here for the beautiful beaches and fresh air.

Get real dude. Australia is a beautiful country. There's no other reason for an elderly Australian to come here. Where have you been?

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Why do you assume he has been ripped of by a thai girl????

Maybe he has spent his money on himself and decided to end it all rather than go back to oz.He could be a sick man which is quite normal for that age and decided he has no quality of life.


I would like to think that too, but on a similar topic someone ells assumed the same, and was proven wrong.

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"Get real dude. Australia is a beautiful country. There's no other reason for an elderly Australian to come here. Where have you been?"

Never mind the elderly - I bet 99% of the guy's on this board came for the women (or men) whether pay for play or a genuine relationship.

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elderley .

I'm not surprised....getting old can be very depressing.

I suppose it could, but it can also be one hel_l of a lot of fun if you do it right. :D

Okay, I'll bite.

How do you do it right?

Practise, practise, practise !

If you get it wrong, try again. Keep trying until you get it right.

Two Wongs can make it right (if their first names are Suzi and Sally !) :o

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I am glad there was a good samaritan around to save the guy, although I do believe it's a persons right to end their life if they chose too. Preferably it would be because there simply was nothing to look forward to and that a person was facing either a degenerative disease or no hope of recovery.

I have no plans to stay around if I get a debilitating illness in my elder years--and can't enjoy some quality of life. Basically, I say that, but I am a big chicken, so I'll have to find someone to assist. I don't think I'll do something like try and hang myself when the neighbors are watching.

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... so I'll have to find someone to assist. I don't think I'll do something like try and hang myself when the neighbors are watching.

Well, jumping from something higher than 4-5 floors has seemed to be a fail-safe method. Although it's a bit of an imposition for the clean-up crew, I would surmise. :o

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elderley .

I'm not surprised....getting old can be very depressing.

I suppose it could, but it can also be one hel_l of a lot of fun if you do it right. :o

Okay, I'll bite.

How do you do it right?

It dosen't really take all that much. Have enough money to live comfortable and not worry about it. Have a good mate that makes you laugh and is a joy to be around. Enjoy every day. Don't read to many depressing TV threads. It's worked for me. I figure I will be around until at least 96 and I look forward to every day of it. :D

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Although it's a bit of an imposition for the clean-up crew, I would surmise. :o

The clean up crew have plenty of hands-on experience in Pattaya....and it sells newspapers too.

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Why do you assume he has been ripped of by a thai girl????

Maybe he has spent his money on himself and decided to end it all rather than go back to oz.He could be a sick man which is quite normal for that age and decided he has no quality of life.


I think they call it " The Law of Averages " Bratpack... :o

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I am glad there was a good samaritan around to save the guy, although I do believe it's a persons right to end their life if they chose too. Preferably it would be because there simply was nothing to look forward to and that a person was facing either a degenerative disease or no hope of recovery.

I have no plans to stay around if I get a debilitating illness in my elder years--and can't enjoy some quality of life. Basically, I say that, but I am a big chicken, so I'll have to find someone to assist. I don't think I'll do something like try and hang myself when the neighbors are watching.

Yes, I agree 100%. If fate doesn't take me by a certain age and quickly enough, I do believe I'll wipe myself out.

All living things have this built-in survival instinct that doesn't know when to quit. I think it sickens the minds of people, keeps them afraid of dying even if life isn't worth living. Even if every moment is one of suffering.

Even brainless plants have this built-in survival instinct. Once a study was done where a person completely destroyed one of two plants in a room. Next time he walked into the room, the second plant's stress readings were jumping off the scale. (I want to quote this study which I'm sure I read, but can't find it right now.)

Is a plant's life worth living? They don't have brains and don't think a single thought in their lives. Yet their survival instinct keeps them doing everything required to live.

If I had to choose between waking up tomorrow as a 95 year old who's suffering from a painlful, terminal disease, or not waking up at all, I'd choose to not wake up at all.

The only difference is time. It's not tomorrow. It's many years down the line.

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