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A Hero's Tail...


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I've always been an animal lover and it's been quite distressing at times here inThailand to see the way some dogs are treated, so to read this thread about the kindness to this poor little dog has quite made my day. I would love to know how he is doing and if he will make a full recovery.

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Well, he's off to BKK today for surgery on his jaw.

The missus informs me that he seems his usual mad self and was very excited to see them all yesterday afternoon.

It broke her heart as he was trying to lick her hand but his mouth it so broken that he couldn't do it.

It looks as though physically he is doing well and will recover. They just have to get his jaw working properly so he will be able to eat and drink without assistance.

Hopefully there will be some good news to report on Monday or Tuesday.

Thanks again for all your kind words.


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Well, he's off to BKK today for surgery on his jaw.

The missus informs me that he seems his usual mad self and was very excited to see them all yesterday afternoon.

It broke her heart as he was trying to lick her hand but his mouth it so broken that he couldn't do it.

It looks as though physically he is doing well and will recover. They just have to get his jaw working properly so he will be able to eat and drink without assistance.

Hopefully there will be some good news to report on Monday or Tuesday.

Thanks again for all your kind words.


Great! Thinking of him and fingers crossed that everything goes well!

Good luck!!

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Hello Mr HowardJohnson

A few of us TV animal lovers have been following the story of this brave little dog. Have you got an update for us, please :D .

I'm sure he's OK but it would be nice to here just how his progress is doing.

Thank you. :o

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Not any good news I'm afraid.

The vet in BKK has quoted around 20k for the operation and, of course, will not proceed until he has that money.

Unfortunately the owner does not have this kind of cash and niether does the owner of the 2 dogs. After having to pay my 6 monthly tax bill, I'm kinda short myself.

She is currently looking into finding a government vet (if there is such a thing) who will do it a lot cheaper. Any ideas anybody?

If that doesn't happen then they are looking at a temporary fix to enable him to come home and do the operation some time in the future.

I wish I could help more but its just not possible right now.



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This is so sad, but 20,00 is an awful lot of money. There used to be a charity organisation here in Pattaya called PAWS (Pattaya Animal Welfare Society), I haven't heard anything about it for a while so not sure if it still exists. Do any TV members know about it? If so, perhaps you can publish some information.

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And I hope the owner of the 2 savage dogs is going to be a responsible owner and is picking up all the bills and having her mutts put down for attacking 2 children?

And if not I hope that you will be reporting the attack on the children to the dog pund to have the savages taken away?

The owner of the 2 dogs does not appear to be the nicest of people and apparently was pretty rude when asked about contributing.

That's not something I think we can really get involved with as he is not our dog.

Well it was your daughter being attacked that lead to the problem if I understand the story right ... I wouldn't let something like this pass just like that. Fortunately I live in a moo ban with clear rules about free running dogs.

Isn't Tony (of Tony's fame) one of the protagonists of PAWS, perhaps he has some spare cash to help with ...

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I really do hope that this poor little dog will not be put down. He saved the little girls and in return gets put down? If he hadn't have done what he did then you may have had a much larger hospital bill for you're daughter. Please try everything you can... He does not deserve to be put down as another poster said :o

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Thanks for the referals to PAWS. I understand they are no longer active in Pattaya and are now based in rayong?

Anyway, the good news is that they have managed to find somebody to do the surgery at a greatly reduced cost. I am not sure if it is a government vet or a charity. Either way it is going to happen over the next few days.

Putting him down was never an option. As many of you know, Thai people won't even consider this. It's one of the main reasons we have so many soi dogs around. No matter what the injury or affliction or the suffering the dog is exposed to, their view is that it is not our decision to do "the kind thing" and it must be left to a higher authority.

I remember the first time I pointed out to my missus that it was silly to round up the soi dogs to give them rabies jabs when it would be kinder, in my view, to put them down. She looked at me as though I was the devil in disguise!

Needless to say, I never mentioned it again!

Thanks again for all the kind words.

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What a lovely post and the little rat is a hero and a brave dog.You too my friend.are a very warm considerate person and i hope the little fella recovers well.

If you had known the don he could have taught the dog some spin kicks lol.ONLY JOKING.

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Thailand is NOT a paradise for animals. It is by the kindness of a few, like HJ, that compassion and hope shines through.

I hope the little guys gets well soon. He deserves a nice home for risking his life to protect your step-daughter. I hope she's ok emotionally. This had to be hard on her too.

You're a great guy for taking care of the medical bills.

Let us know about the little guy's recovery, please.

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We have a little street dog that my wife rescued who this sounds a lot like. He is fearless but only weighs 20 lbs. His name is Nanu which means rat face so i am told.

He is the best guard dog we have though. Too bad he and I dog see eye to eye though. The other dogs were easy to train this one just prefers not to listen , end of story. He is a little s*** head but the wife loves him so we tolerate each other. Rat face has already broken his leg and dislocated his shoulder, first the wifes sister ran over him then he jumped out of the back of the pickup going to the vet a few months later.

Good luck to the little rat hero and hopefully he will recover fully!

Edited by tuffy
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Sorry, have been a bit hectic.

I haven't really heard much else. As far as I can gather he is at this place waiting for his operation.

I imagine that it is probably pretty busy if it is a subsidised hospital.

As soon as I hear more I will let you know.

Many thanks,


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Sorry, have been a bit hectic.

I haven't really heard much else. As far as I can gather he is at this place waiting for his operation.

I imagine that it is probably pretty busy if it is a subsidised hospital.

As soon as I hear more I will let you know.

Many thanks,


Did he have the operation, or what?

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Quite a provocative statement McGinty. Please leave your assumptions at home.

He is back at the local vets after having surgery. He is recovering and eating. Although he is bouncing around like a punk rocker on acid, it will take some time before he is back home.

Thanks for your continued interest and support.


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