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Major Airlines To Cut Long-haul Flights To Thailand


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Airlines to cut long-haul flights to Thailand next year

BANGKOK: -- Several major airlines including Thai Airways International are cutting long-haul flights into Thailand next year in line with a forecast 12-per-cent drop in the number of inbound tourists, said the Association of Thai Travel Agents.

ATTA president Apichart Sankary said that although the Tourism Authority of Thailand targets 17 million visitors next year, only 15 million may arrive.

Starting from today, THAI will suspend its New York-Bangkok service. The company has also reduced flight frequencies, re-routed flights with particular impact on its US operations and introduced other cost-cutting measures.

"Other airlines such as Lufthansa are also considering reducing long-haul flights between Thailand and Europe," said Apichart.

Thailand is expected to miss this year's visitor target of 15.7 million. ATTA, which encompasses inbound travel agencies, expects the number to reach only 15 million.

While domestic tourism will be more sluggish than last year due to political conflict, Apichart attributed the lower number of foreign visitors to efforts in Europe and the United States to lure tourists from the Middle East.

Maitree Narukhatpichai, president of Phuket Tourism Association, admitted that foreign tourists' bookings for the island this month had dropped 15-20 per cent from last year's level due to political tensions, which were driving away visitors from major markets.

Seni Phuwasethavorn, president of the Koh Samui Tourism Business Association, said the high season would not be as active as last year due to the higher cost of travelling.

For instance, the ferry fare from Surat Thani to the island will soon be increased by 20 per cent. Currently, Samui's hotel occupancy rate is at 60 per cent, down from 70-80 per cent in the same period last year.

-- The Nation 2008-06-30

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That a lot places have destroyed nature (so many scuba diver go somewhere else), some places overcharge extreme, a lot of the Thai friendliness is replaced with greed, silly laws of closing times and very rude comments against backpack tourists have nothing to with.

A drop would be good to wake up.....

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Prime destination, doubt it will be as dire as the article makes out. :o

I agree regardless of internal price increases in Thailand they are still very cheap for the likes of Europeans and Americans. Heck I opened the Daily telegraph this morning to see Etihad offering return flights from London to BKK for only 420 UK pounds, admittedly for Sept/oct travel.

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Prime destination, doubt it will be as dire as the article makes out. :o

Prime destination....prime destination ? For whom Brit ? I disagree with your thoughts.

+60% of total tourism are Asians coming to Thailand and Asian tourism to LOS declined already last year.

The price for middle to long haul tickets is rising sky high and people will decide to go somewhere else. Short flights, up to 2-3 hours are rising sharp as well, worldwide.

Tourism to LOS will decline no matter what everybody says unless oil prices go down with 20-30%.

If not....? Talk to bars, restaurants and hotels; they will know.


The first signs of declining tourism in Europe (and the US !) are already there.....no escape possible unless oil prices decline.


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This only means that major airline companies don't care about their customers rather than only themselves.But that is already an open door isn't it. If you can't keep your service open to all, others will fill the gap. Economic laws will rule again.

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I assume the biggest drop of the number of visitors will come from the worsening global economy, higher costs of living, oil prices etc.

And I am certain that not only Thailand will be hit.

Nevertheless it would be a good idea for the Thai administration to develop the tourism centers in a more ecologic way, there is still much to be done.

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Dunno just bought a ticket, same price its been for years. :D Perhaps it might dip for some, but those who can afford it will carry on, and those that won't will stay at home. Pretty simple. :D

:o I agree..it's simple; the majority can't afford to pay the prices anymore, some will. You were lucky to pay the same price as before but it won't last any longer, soon.


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Its a bit more of a problem if you can only fly during peak price times

the August school holiday times,Christmas new year.

I booked for 6 January a week later than normal, cost euro50 more

than last year, and theres a 45 euro eco/stealth tax thats new.

Just drink a bit less, drop down a class in hotel go easy on the

lady drinks.

I wont notice any thing :o

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Nothing surprising in this.

It is just a reflection of "Household Finances 101".

When costs of essentials (such as food and winter heating) go up, there is no money (or less money) for the householders' holidays. So they take plan to take a 'stay-at-home vacation' (as many Americans are reported to be planning to do this summer) or plan to just go to somewhere nearer.

The airlines 'keep their finger on the pulse' of this forward planning by surveys and their contacts among the travel agents; they sense the coming downturn in business; and they cut their flights to the number that they can fill.

The top man at BA signalled this some weeks ago.

Avoiding being dramatic, he used the phrase 'concentrating on the non-discretionary passengers' when announcing a trimmed down BA for the future.

But it was clear that less holidaymakers were seen to be in the offing.

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Ahh the half empty brigade is in full force, and no worries I can afford whatever price is set. :D

oOoOoO you must be sexy man. Big money you ! You buy drink for me ? :o

When you going to be back in town ?

If oil keeps going up and up for no apparent reason (other than pure speculation), not only are more airlines going to go under, but the ones that survive may not be able to pick up the slack.

Even with the more fuel efficient engines on the new 777 DreamLiners and A380s, I'll bet a lot of airlines may be scaling back or cancelling some of their new jet purchases. That would be bad news for Boeing and Airbus (and their subsidiaries of course).

This kind of reminds me of the big oil crisis in the mid-70's that basically saw the big block V-8s (in cars like the Firebirds and Trans Ams), go the way of the dinosaurs.

We've crept back from the brink of the abyss, and seem to be teetering on the edge once again. Already some of the automakers are scaling back production of the gas-hogs (like the Hummer), as sales start to tumble.

I can't recall what effect the crisis in the 70's had on the airlines at the time, but it sure is hitting them good now.

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Brit...I'd sure like to know how you'd pay the same price for an international air ticket now...as you paid in past years.... considering all the carriers have raised their ticket prices and fuel surcharges...

I bought a BKK to L.A. RT economy ticket on EVA a couple months ago...that I just used this month for June travel...that cost $1400....all inclusive.... The same ticket a year ago cost about $1000 all inclusive....

Back when I was a tourist...I was coming to LOS 3-4 times a year....usually for a couple weeks at a time... With today's airfares...and them heading even higher for the near future.... I doubt I would/could have kept up the same pace of travel....

Could I have afforded the tickets...? yes... sure... But would I have been willing to spend that much for travel??? No... probably not... I would have cut back on the frequency of my trips...for sure....

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I find this rather odd as Gulf Air tells me there are no seats available in July,

High Season is the reason they give................

I think TAT is telling porky pies............ :o

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Dunno just bought a ticket, same price its been for years. :o Perhaps it might dip for some, but those who can afford it will carry on, and those that won't will stay at home. Pretty simple. :D

I have seen general increases in the prices of flights here and to Thailand. You just might have lucked out. I know I did, but, by and large, they have increased. Soon, there will be fewer tourists coming from Europe or America, for sure, or retirees, staking out places in Thailand. Tourism in Thailand will suffer, but price of everything will keep climbing. Even though competion will increase and keep prices somewhat lower, speculative rises in the price of food and gas will affect everyone at the end. Companies have to make a profit. And if they cannot sustain losses, they will shutdown, increasing unemployment, unrest, robberies, crime,... And, as I predict, if a global recesssion occurs, everyone is going to be affected, even retirees with pension plans, walking in an alley or resting in their houses, unless of course they buy the services of guards and/or place mines and gates around their houses. Airplance companies are laying off employees, left, right, and center. It will affect many people. The multiplier effect in the economy is going to be great. How much fun will it be to drive in the streets? BKK or Chiang Mai will not be as much fun as they used to be, except perhaps for the ones who can take the hit. But there will be consequences for all. How much will it cost you to go abroad when many of the players have closd their shops? How much will it cost you to drive or take that one tuk-tul that could weather the storm?

Oil speculation needs to be controlled.

Until then, everyone will suffer. Even you!

Edited by rethaired
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If it wasnt for Thai women...no farang would come here. The government needs to treat visitors and people living here like we are welcome. Dont they know that we email to all our frienda around the world about all of their stupid immigration rules. People are taking their cash to better places. Check in every 90 days...help make more traffic jams and more polution just to play a silly game that a fool put into law. THAILAND ...LISTEN AND LEARN ABOUT THE GLOBAL TRAVELLER WITH MONEY...YOU ARE LOSING.

Edited by IAMSOBAD
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Wouldn't part of this article be PR to cover Thai Airlines withdrawal from the NY route, which was a money loser from day one? You know. "Things are tough out there for all the airlines, that's why we are scaling back this flight?"

I pre-booked my next four flights through a consolidator between the Midwest and LOS last March in the $1,100 range so I'm set through January. But the last minute shopper will be in for a bit of a surprise. Most of those tickets are several hundred dollars higher now.

Pinched between rising household expenses and increasing costs of an asian holiday, some will postpone or cancel. Simple.


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I find this rather odd as Gulf Air tells me there are no seats available in July,

High Season is the reason they give................

Hahaha, guess I got the last one !

Actually, I booked my tickets a couple of weeks ago, and originally my agent had me as "wait-listed" on the flight from Bahrain to Bangkok. I told him that was no good, because if I didn't make that flight, I'd miss the connections in Bangkok. Not sure what he did, but the next day I was confirmed all the way.

Obviously, as airlines cut back on flights, the ones remaining are going to be jam packed full. Little chance for free upgrades in the future.

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I find this rather odd as Gulf Air tells me there are no seats available in July,

High Season is the reason they give................

I think TAT is telling porky pies............ :o

Many carriers are cutting down on the number of flights to accommodate lower demand. Air Canada has. Many employees have been laid off. I am sure others will. I hear some carriers are on the brink of bankrupcies.

Seeing how the price of food (and other commodities) is going, pork pies will not be affordable for many! :D Heck! Judging how things are going, you might have to bag a sandwich (or pie) for your next flight home! :D

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It's not just in Thailand, it's everywhere...

World tourism: Caribbean headed for crisis?


"Causing particular alarm is the decision by US-based American Airlines to dramatically curtail the number of flights to the region. Some have already been cancelled, and more suspensions will take effect in September. Delta and US Airways have also cut back on the frequency of flights. Continental and United Airlines say that cuts are imminent, and there is fear that European airlines may soon follow suit."



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Maybe the Thai government gets a bit friendlier to their tourists and investors. For the drop in tourist in Phuket, it is a typical case of som nam naa. Ripping off tourists with absurd prices and selling the place as pristine is damaging to the country.

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Maybe the Thai government gets a bit friendlier to their tourists and investors. For the drop in tourist in Phuket, it is a typical case of som nam naa. Ripping off tourists with absurd prices and selling the place as pristine is damaging to the country.

A shame but true. Every year the ripoffs and scams get more in number in Phuket and the prices just keep going up for no reason at most places. Without thai ladies I don't know where the place would be. The only problem is I don't see anything changing because of a small drop in numbers. May just mean the folks that do go get hit even harder. Let's hope not.

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