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Percentage Of Farangs In Thailand Who Are Here For Sex?


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So, and let me get this straight, you have a Stalin avator because it reminds you of Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator. That, actually, I wouldn't have a problem with. An avator of Chaplin, I mean. Or, should I take your avator to mean you use it as a derisive mockery of Joey. Chaplin was much better at it. They have just re-released his movie made right after the war. Which, at the time, was panned. For it's politics. Almost black-listed him. Totally irrelevant to the topic of sex and Thailand, but I would like to see it. The movie, I mean. I have to be careful with what I say to my son, also.

Enough about sex and Thailand. It's all smoke and mirrors.

With respect, I didnt bring up my avatar. You and bobbin did.

And, no, I don't have a Stalin avatar because it reminds me of Chaplin. The truth is it was the first interesting and non-twee one I found when searching one morning. And I couldnt be bothered looking any further. Because, let's face it, it's not really important is it?

But don't tell anyone, ok? Cos it's more fun to pretend I have it to deliberately alarm and annoy the sanctimonious and politically correct.


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According to most of the posters on this thread, all these single men really move to Thailand because of its wonderful beaches, golf and fishing.

Funny, for that sort of stuff, I would much prefer Hawaii or Florida and there are plenty of great beaches in Australia, France, Italy where a guy can buy a house and property and doesn't need to have a work permit or do visa runs or get ripped off every time one wants to go to a public park.

Those beaches in Thailand must really be something! :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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So, and let me get this straight, you have a Stalin avator because it reminds you of Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator. That, actually, I wouldn't have a problem with. An avator of Chaplin, I mean. Or, should I take your avator to mean you use it as a derisive mockery of Joey. Chaplin was much better at it. They have just re-released his movie made right after the war. Which, at the time, was panned. For it's politics. Almost black-listed him. Totally irrelevant to the topic of sex and Thailand, but I would like to see it. The movie, I mean. I have to be careful with what I say to my son, also.

Enough about sex and Thailand. It's all smoke and mirrors.

With respect, I didnt bring up my avatar. You and bobbin did.

And, no, I don't have a Stalin avatar because it reminds me of Chaplin. The truth is it was the first interesting and non-twee one I found when searching one morning. And I couldnt be bothered looking any further. Because, let's face it, it's not really important is it?

But don't tell anyone, ok? Cos it's more fun to pretend I have it to deliberately alarm and annoy the sanctimonious and politically correct.


With respect, it's reassuring to know it was thoughtless. I'm sure you didn't mean it to be alarming, and I'm far from the other things you mentioned. It was a little annoying at first. I thought you didn't give a shit?

To get back on topic, there are many tourists who come to Thailand for sex. If you took a pole in Nana, Pattaya, Patong, and the like, I'd say 95% are here for sex. Mostly because they couldn't get laid in their home countries. Other places wouldn't be anywhere near that. If you look at all of Thailand, I'm sure the % would be much, much lower. If sex was all Thailand had to offer, it would be in more trouble than it is presently.

That's what I said. I meant a Polish man. No offense intended to any of my Polish brothers.

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To get back on topic, there are many tourists who come to Thailand for sex. If you took a poll in Nana, Pattaya, Patong, and the like, I'd say 95% are here for sex. Mostly because they couldn't get laid in their home countries. Other places wouldn't be anywhere near that. If you look at all of Thailand, I'm sure the % would be much, much lower. If sex was all Thailand had to offer, it would be in more trouble than it is presently.

Obviously if you take a poll in an area that has the highest concentration of hookers in the city, you'll find that most of the men there are there for sex.

If you took a poll in an ice cream shop, you'd find that most of the people in there were looking to buy ice cream.

If you had been doing a poll at my last birthday party, you'd have found that 95% of the guys there own Harleys (and that 95% of those guys are Thai, and 95% are married).

I'm not in Thailand for the beaches, or the fishing/diving/golf/etc.

The first time I came here, it was actually option C of my holiday plans. The first option ended up being a no-go, then I found that the second option was going to be almost as expensive (flight costs) as Thailand. I thought this might be the only chance I have to go somewhere exotic and warm and off I went. At the time, all I knew about Thailand was the song (One Night in Bangkok), and about a quarter of the movie "The King and I" (Yul Brenner version).

Years later, when I was looking for a nice place to retire to, Thailand came out on top of the list of places I had been researching. One of the main attractions for me is the fact that IT NEVER SNOWS in Thailand, and IT NEVER FREEZES !

Yeah, there are other countries like that, and as I mentioned in one of the (many) other threads, after running some of those countries through a checklist of factors, Thailand came out as #1.

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I think the question is imprecise. I propose that people want sex anyplace they are. Coupling that with a visit to Thailand is a small piece of the intersection of the sets. I have been 8 times and just plain old enjoy the place. I am a walker and love to just wander everywhere and look around. I think the woman are beautiful, most of the little shop keepers are fun to chat with. I like the weather and the sea. Great food, both Thai and from other countrie's expats that are there. Beautiful scenery, beaches. Mass transit is pretty good. BKK to pattaya buses. Buses to BKK, trains to the north. Not hard to arrange. BTS in Bangkok is nice. Hotels and condo rentals are very affordable. Overseas flight is long but no problem. Catch some sleep, eat some OK food, catch up on a few movies. Thai massage is fun. Foot massage in the quiet places is great for a snooze. Oil massage in the hotel for $10 USD is tought to beat for an hour. Internet cafes make staying in touch and doing any necessary banking or stock trading is easy and cheap. Thai cell phone was cheap and prepaid sim and calling cards are easy and pretty cheap. Hotel pool is nice. Thai temples are beautiful. Outdoor gardens and some of those crocodile parks are fun. Gee. After all this, anything else is just icing on the cake. I feel sorry for someone that stays there a lot just for sex. They are missing an awful lot.

I can't wait to go back.

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I will be in Thailand next Jan on a full time basis. Im not going for the sex, im going for the adventure and the excitement that I get everytime I go to Thailand. I love the food, the people, the traffic, the chaos, looking at thin girls instead of beach whales.

To me Thailand is my paradise, might change my mind in a few years of being there, but I'm addicted to the place at the moment

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real answer is people here for the sex and mostly sad degenerates and want everyone else to be sad sacks with them as well.

At least I am honest enough to admit..... I am the daddy mac (gonna make you jump). And sex is not really 'my thing' for being anywhere.



Possibly a decent jazz act

not too many idiots, and a few people to have interesting thought provoking chats with (about a variety of subjects)

some other sports to dabble in

Decent tax regime and good work

I could happily live the rest of my life never having sex again if I had the first 2 with the last one to fund it. Same as food, I could happily eat cow poo the rest of the my life if it was nutritious.

Main difference is I am educated enough (from reading books etc) to know enough that not everyone thinks the same as me.

Others might consider reading a few books to realise that their own lives aren't reflective of the other 5 billion plus people on this little planet.*

* your mileage may differ

Edited by steveromagnino
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According to most of the posters on this thread, all these single men really move to Thailand because of its wonderful beaches, golf and fishing.

Funny, for that sort of stuff, I would much prefer Hawaii or Florida and there are plenty of great beaches in Australia, France, Italy where a guy can buy a house and property and doesn't need to have a work permit or do visa runs or get ripped off every time one wants to go to a public park.

Those beaches in Thailand must really be something! :o

Actually, pretty much no posters wrote that. I did bring up those activities because someone asked for any other activities available, and those are valid activities. And even if by law of averages, at least some men must come for things like that.

But I doubt if anyone believes that "all these single men really move to THailand ..." as you posted that most of the posters here beleive..

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Some estimates from an article in Prospect by Alex Renton


" ... huge numbers of non-Asian visitors buy sex in Thailand. But how many? Sex tourism is notoriously difficult to measure. How can you ask at immigration if tourists have arrived in Thailand primarily for the prostitution? How do you know if a man on a business trip is likely to visit a sex venue with his Thai colleagues? Yet while the government, and the tourist and aviation industries, resist attempts to measure the significance of the sex trade, there is one way to gauge the extent of sex tourism, even if in fairly crude terms. A look at the Thai immigration department's statistics, culled from the cards foreigners must fill in on entry, reveals an interesting discrepancy: 60 per cent of visitors are male and only 40 per cent female. The gap grows when you look at arrivals from the rich countries who come to Thailand on holiday in large numbers—the US, Japan, Britain, France. For these places, nearly two males arrived for every female in 2003.

More British citizens visit Thailand than those of any other non-Asian country. In 2003 (the last year for which full figures are available) some 545,000 British residents arrived on visits. If you remove the children, and the British citizens visiting for business or reasons other than a holiday, you arrive at about 489,000—314,000 men and 175,000 women. That is 139,000 more British men than women coming to Thailand for a holiday—a gap of 28 per cent. The French gender disparity—60,500 more men than women—is 32 per cent, about the same as that of visitors from the US. The Japanese, at 35 per cent, is the highest—over 300,000 more men. If you take Europe as a whole (though there are some countries, like Finland and Sweden, with virtually no disparity) the gap is 25 per cent—494,000 more men than women.

A look at the major rich-nation visitors—those from the US, Australia, Europe and Japan—shows that 952,000 more men than women visited Thailand on holiday in 2003, a disparity of 28 per cent. (The 2004 statistics, not yet complete, will show a slight narrowing of this gap, but a leap of overall numbers of around 20 per cent.) This pattern is unique among major tourist destinations. Take, for example, the Caribbean, another popular tropical destination for economy tourism. Here, the disparity runs at 2 or 3 per cent—the only country with a significant gap in favour of men, nearly 11 per cent, is Cuba, the Caribbean country most notorious for sex tourism.

Do nearly a million men from the rich world come to Thailand to buy sex every year? The proposition deserves challenge. Men are capable of holidaying for reasons other than fornication with strangers. There is golf, after all. I asked Sasithara Pichaichannarong, director general of the Thai government's office of tourism development, how she accounted for the discrepancy. "Businessmen!" she said promptly. "They're counted as tourists in the statistics." But I had factored them out—and in any case, only 31,000 Britons stated business rather than holiday as the purpose of their visit in 2003, less than 6 per cent of the total. So did sex explain the extra 950,000 men that arrive from wealthy countries? "Probably," she said. "But sex tourism exists everywhere, not just in Thailand." Not in such numbers, however. These extra men represent 10 per cent of all international arrivals in Thailand.


Sex tourism is a significant part of Thailand's economy. Tourism overall has been the country's major foreign currency earner since 1982. In 2003, international tourism alone accounted for 309.26bn baht (£4.56bn) in receipts—about 6 per cent of GDP—ranking Thailand 15th in the world. That year, the extra adult male holidaymakers from around the world probably generated almost £1bn—over 1 per cent of Thailand's GDP.


Most of the traditional tourist attractions are disappearing. The country's beaches are overexploited, its forests shrinking and the islands poisoned by tourists' waste. But Thailand and its neighbours retain one renewable resource for the tourists that is not in danger of running out—the supply of poor, smiling women.

Edited by sylviex
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thank god we all dont think like stevem or else thailand would suck!

middle east got oil. thailand got thai girls!

'we' don't all think the same about anything.

That is the beauty of having free thought.

If someone want to think about the unattractive skanky hos in Nana Plaza who I would not sleep with the majority of even if paid, then that's their choice.

The brain of the Thai sex tourist is a riddle wrapped in a condom :o:D

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Sex is a big part of our day to day lives, and if you are a middle aged guy in a country where women have options and wont prostitute's themselves for the cost of a paper back novel, obviously, Thailand is going to look attractive to you.

Sex is like money, its only an issue if you aren't getting it. As someone who is in a long term relationship, I can say definitively that I am not in Thailand for sex. Of course, it is fun to go outside everyday and see cute Asian girls.

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(Sex is like oxygen. It's only important when you aren't getting any !!) :o

i usualy relate sex to a toilet. when you need one you need one. after you,ve used said toilet you feel good with the world. i use a toilet , for defacation once a day , no matter if im in thailand or anywhere else, or in transit, so whats the deal with where you are in relation to using said toilet???.lol

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Sex is like money, its only an issue if you aren't getting it. As someone who is in a long term relationship, I can say definitively that I am not in Thailand for sex. Of course, it is fun to go outside everyday and see cute Asian girls.

Especially cute Asian girls who flirt with you and are interested in you and smile when you walk by and who you can sleep with if you want to and so on.

"Here for sex" isn't just about prostitutes and quick shag.

It is about all the middle-aged guys who think that they are handsome who try to date Thai girls like they were girls from home - except young girls in the West want nothing to do with them - and can't understand why their relationships never work out and all the married guys who have mistresses on the side that they tell themselves they are not paying for - but they are. The married guys that glory in all the attention from women they get here and only slip once in a while, but they are not only here for sex.

All the dorky young guys who couldn't do much with the girls back home, but suddenly become convinced that their ugly duckling has turned into a swan, and the old farts are dirty and pathetic and nothing like them.

Almost no one is here only for sex, but the flirting and attention from females and certain knowledge that sex is available if they want it is the main attraction that brings them here and keeps them here. There are beaches all over the planet. What keeps all these guys going to these particular beachs?


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Sex is like money, its only an issue if you aren't getting it. As someone who is in a long term relationship, I can say definitively that I am not in Thailand for sex. Of course, it is fun to go outside everyday and see cute Asian girls.

Especially cute Asian girls who flirt with you and are interested in you and smile when you walk by and who you can sleep with if you want to and so on.

"Here for sex" isn't just about prostitutes and quick shag.

It is about all the middle-aged guys who think that they are handsome who try to date Thai girls like they were girls from home - except young girls in the West want nothing to do with them - and can't understand why their relationships never work out and all the married guys who have mistresses on the side that they tell themselves they are not paying for - but they are. The married guys that glory in all the attention from women they get here and only slip once in a while, but they are not only here for sex.

All the dorky young guys who couldn't do much with the girls back home, but suddenly become convinced that their ugly duckling has turned into a swan, and the old farts are dirty and pathetic and nothing like them.

Almost no one is here only for sex, but the flirting and attention from females and certain knowledge that sex is available if they want it is the main attraction that brings them here and keeps them here. There are beaches all over the planet. What keeps all these guys going to these particular beachs?


One of the very few honest answers in the lot. The sex market in Thailand has multiple parameters, so it is not just the bar girl scenario we are talking about when discussing "sex" in Thailand. There are much more and larger age gaps, a larger freelance market and many more young women who have made it a career path to land a wealthy and/or foreign male, either as a girlfriend, wife or mia noi. The market is diversified and abundant, with both supply and demand increasing.

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Hey my fellow twin. Happy be-lated birthday, brother.

The "foreign" market is the tip of the iceberg, but it is surely growing. When you factor in the export of transnational arrangements, either through commercial sex-for-sale or commercial marriages, it's growing.

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Some estimates from an article in Prospect by Alex Renton

But Thailand and its neighbours retain one renewable resource for the tourists that is not in danger of running out—the supply of poor, smiling women.

My g/f is renewable ? :o

Oooo I don't think she's going to like hearing that. :D

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real answer is people here for the sex and mostly sad degenerates and want everyone else to be sad sacks with them as well.

Patpong and Pattaya are not Thailand.

Nor Bangkok, Nor Phuket, Nor Chiang Mai - real thailand is out in the villages. :o

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Sex is like money, its only an issue if you aren't getting it. As someone who is in a long term relationship, I can say definitively that I am not in Thailand for sex. Of course, it is fun to go outside everyday and see cute Asian girls.

Especially cute Asian girls who flirt with you and are interested in you and smile when you walk by and who you can sleep with if you want to and so on.

"Here for sex" isn't just about prostitutes and quick shag.

It is about all the middle-aged guys who think that they are handsome who try to date Thai girls like they were girls from home - except young girls in the West want nothing to do with them - and can't understand why their relationships never work out and all the married guys who have mistresses on the side that they tell themselves they are not paying for - but they are. The married guys that glory in all the attention from women they get here and only slip once in a while, but they are not only here for sex.

All the dorky young guys who couldn't do much with the girls back home, but suddenly become convinced that their ugly duckling has turned into a swan, and the old farts are dirty and pathetic and nothing like them.

Almost no one is here only for sex, but the flirting and attention from females and certain knowledge that sex is available if they want it is the main attraction that brings them here and keeps them here. There are beaches all over the planet. What keeps all these guys going to these particular beachs?


Its pathetic that you cant think of any reason to be here besides cheap sex.

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Not here for cheap sex, am here with my wife but the thread is spot on. Most [and that is not all] come here for sex, witness the guys with pony tails and huge guts with the pretty Thai girls, a lot of guys who are married are here because they can't hack it anywhere else.

I know this will p a lot of people off but it is true if you stop and really look.

You can qualify it all you like and slag me off but it is true.

Lets at least be honest, you aren't here for the fortune you can make, you are here for the laid back attitude and the girls that will lay down with somone thirty years older than them.

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