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Percentage Of Farangs In Thailand Who Are Here For Sex?


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People with limited incomes who tend to be anything but soarers gravitate to thailand. I doubt the well to do find thailand amusing , to say the least. Nice long posts by steve, but nothing but hooey.

Thailand caters to tourists of many types and has some of the best hotels in the world. Go to a local bookstore and peruse a couple travel magazines. Thailand is an exciting and beautiful travel destination and most tourists aren't sex tourists.

I've stayed in 15k bt per night hotels in Phuket and avoided the darker side of Thailand's tourism. Personally, I would rather stay in $1k bt hotel and walk the streets at night. That's my preference, but most tourists are here to enjoy the culture and beauty of Thailand.

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President Bush is coming, im sure its not the sex hes after. Op is interested in those that spend their own money to live here long time.

Oh, now I feel insulted. I'm one of the losers that plans on living in Thailand. Are my reasons not valid?

* The low cost of living

* Excellent food

* Great weather ( to each his own )

* Safety

* Lots to do ( boating, fishing, biking, bar hopping...)

* Health Care - not a concern now, but I plan on getting old

* nice beaches, mountains, rice fields...

Most would consider myself financially successful and I could afford/experience all the things above in America, but I wouldn't be able to stop working at 41.

There has to be a story behind your views. Why do you view most x-pats as losers?

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There has to be a story behind your views. Why do you view most x-pats as losers?

Cos he's financially insecure himself and cannot afford to live in Thailand, therefore anyone that has the capability / funds to live in Thailand is a mark for his venom.


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There's nothing wrong with sex, it's just the way that you handle it (Chuck Berry).

So I don't see any point in the question which percentage come to Thailand only for sex.

Why not question which percentage come only for the Thai food?

May be the question only reflects the prejudices, obsessions and repression of sex in the western world.

This repression leads to an excessive and unnatural interest in the subject.

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I may not be the heaviest hitter in my own arena but some who are include the guys working for Cobra and CMI, Starboard and the rest of the guys who come out here related to the windsurfing industry. Lawyers, teachers, doctors.

I have been out to the Cobra plant, and the farang vice-presidents and top management are probably doing much better at Cobra than they would be doing back at from France, the US, or wherever they call home. And that is undoubtedly true for guys working for a lot of other companies as well.

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I dont view most ex pats as losers. I just disagree on reasons why most who choose to live here give. Its a party town and i think thats why it attract a lot of men, alot of them undesireables. Same with las vegas in usa.

Siam there are cheaper places you could move to in asia. Lots of places meet your requirements.

Why guys dont want to admit bkk is a fun place to live is a wonder. We dont know who you are.

One guy says guys who come here at their own expense come to further their careers. Do they? Another says its the land of oppurtunity(for farangs). Is it?

Edited by cynthialee
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I have appreciated the candid comments made by many in this thread. And since I asked the original question, I guess it is only fair if I state my own situation about living here.

I am 50 years old, an age where sex and companionship is very easy to get back in the US. I am average looking, I have a pretty good physique, and I am fairly well off financially. But any hetro guy my age in the US is able to find dates. I usually date from 35-45 in the US, and this suits me as women this age are more sure of themselves, have higher libidos and are more apt to let men know what they want (which is good as I am not very aggressive in pursuing intimacy) and are quite frankly more skilled in bed. Many women in this demographic are more open-minded--and since my personality is such that I tend away from monogamy, it is fairly easy to find like-minded patners.

But in Thailand, my dating age ranges from maybe 25-35. Of course this is nice as far as aesethics, but since my ex-wife could not have children, I have this unfulfilled part of my life. Most women I have dated in the US either have already had children or do not want them, but in Thailand, the age range I date do want children.

I came to Thailand strictly for work reasons. While I like Thai culture, people, and the nation itself, it was work which brought me here. But since I am here, I do enjoy and take the opportunity to date younger women than I am able to date at home. And if I find the right one with whom to raise a family, well, that would be great. Otherwise, I am happy to enjoy a string of casual flings.

I don't really go to the bars. There are numerous opportunities for intimacy and relationships without going to Nana or Soi Cowboy. And I do pursue those opportunites.

I came here for work. But my best friends are Thai and I like the country. And yes, one of the things I like is the fact that I can date women of an age who would never go out with me at home. And while I also like to golf and dive, and I like the food and culture, that fact is right up there as far as nice fringe benefits for working here.

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I am 50 years old, an age where sex and companionship is very easy to get back in the US. I am average looking, I have a pretty good physique, and I am fairly well off financially. But any hetro guy my age in the US is able to find dates.

You must be VERY well off. I haven't been in America for 20 years, but I have friends with all the same qualifications and they all say that it is impossible to get laid at 50.

Do you have anything in common with John Holmes? :o

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I don't doubt what your saying UG, but I would wonder about your friends who pass on this info about the US. They must be hanging out in kiddy land somewhere or have a very inflated feeling of self worth.

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Actually maybe the problem is question is asked poorly. When you think about no one is here only for sex. What about do you partake in thailands ez sex things?

of course the majority will say they do not,......lol. bucnh of liars......lol.

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Actually maybe the problem is question is asked poorly. When you think about no one is here only for sex. What about do you partake in thailands ez sex things?

of course the majority will say they do not,......lol. bucnh of liars......lol.

Can we have that again in English please?

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I dont view most ex pats as losers. I just disagree on reasons why most who choose to live here give. Its a party town and i think thats why it attract a lot of men, alot of them undesireables. Same with las vegas in usa.

Siam there are cheaper places you could move to in asia. Lots of places meet your requirements.

Why guys dont want to admit bkk is a fun place to live is a wonder. We dont know who you are.

One guy says guys who come here at their own expense come to further their careers. Do they? Another says its the land of oppurtunity(for farangs). Is it?

Please tell, which other countries meet my requirements. Also, most posters don't deny Thailand is a fun place to live. You are a bore and really make little sense.

"Some" people do come here to further their careers. Other stay here to party and have a good time. You should give it a try - having fun that is.

Edited by siamamerican
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Actually maybe the problem is question is asked poorly. When you think about no one is here only for sex. What about do you partake in thailands ez sex things?

of course the majority will say they do not,......lol. bucnh of liars......lol.

Can we have that again in English please?

Cynthia needs to stop boozing and indulge in some disgusting sex with a man. lol...bucnh of liars ....lol, that was fun... lol...bucnh of liars ....

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btw people r answering the wrong question, op didnt ask how many tourist cum for sex.

he asked of those who choose to live here did availability of bkk nightlife play a part.

The most direct question in the OP was this, "For the men who regulary post and continually refer to sex, are these men who came here and live here for that, or are they here for other reasons but take advantage of the sexual opportunities?" Little if anything about BKK night life.

I came here for lots of reasons, and Thai women were not on the long list (but they are nice people). I came here partly so that for the first time in my long and accomplished life, I could be who I am, without fearing a gun at my back or a knife in my stomach. Yet even here, farang men threaten to kill me because my final choice in sex partners disagrees with their choice (even though I don't compete for their Thai girl). I came here to be taken advantage of TEFL course providers, Thai government schools, the occasional barboy, Honda CBR1510R salesmen, hit and run drivers, etc. And I ain't complaining about the Thais.

On another note, expats are usually not losers. Many expats are winners who chose to live in Thailand with our winnings,.

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I am new to this forum but i would like to give my input.All countries have there own sex trade in one form or another so Thailand is not unique in this.Of all the countries i have been to there is not one which does not offer sex for sale so i think the post is quite irrelavent.

My reason to retire in Thailand was to have sunshine all year round and for my money to last me for as how long i am alive.The private health in Thailand is more competively priced and gas,electric,food etc is the same.My early days in bk were a mixture of cutlure and debauchery and the amount of so called non bar girls was incredible,no money but meals and clothes were far more expensive than an arranged price.The dating sites on the internet were quite rewarding too,as i actualy thought they wanted a long term farang,until the colour of money was shown.

Anyway i am much wiser now and move about to different parts of Thailand but still love the non bar girls more because it is much more of a game to bed them.

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See a lot of references to men here for sex, and comments made by alleged females. What about the female farangs, did a large percentage of them move to Thailand for sex? Doubt that many farang of either sex is going to answer in the affermnitive except to pull someones chain. Another question that does not appear to have a snowballs chance of a varifiable answer.

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The problem with these threads is that no matter what anyone says, there are always going to be those with their pre-concieved notions, that will absolutely refuse to believe anything unless it fits those notions.

When I'm in Thailand, I live pretty much the same way as I did back in Canada, with some slight differences. In Canada, if I had the time, I might hike up into the mountains just to see if there are any fish in some tiny puddle I saw on a map. If I wasn't doing that, I'd be partying with friends, or shopping, reading, watching movies, surfing the 'net, etc.

In Thailand, I might take a trip to Mae Hong Son, or Petchabun, or Nakhon Phatom (Phanom ? location of the largest chedi in the world, which allegedly houses a relic of Buddha) or Laos, and when I get to these places, guess what I do ? I tour temples, historical areas and the natural wonders.

I'll bet I took pictures of every single temple in Mae Hong Son (at last those within 5kms of the city center), and I had to hike my butt off to get to a couple of them. (In between temples, I also did the elephant riding thing, bamboo rafting thing and yes, visited one the long-neck villages)

In Petchabun, I visited/toured temples, caves, historical sites (like Sri Thep), and some local cultural activities (and a water park) :o .

And when I'm not wandering around poking my nose into places like that ? I party with friends, and shop, read books, watch movies, surf the 'net, etc.

Those are the things I like to do when I'm home, but because I'm single, and male, some here assume that I have to be a sex tourist. :D

So, when I went to Bangkok last December, with my Thai friends (and a couple other farangs) to celebrate the King's Birthday along with a couple thousand other Harley enthusiasts, I guess that was because I'm was there for sex.

And when I'm taking to various companies and individuals about the possibility of recruiting Thai nationals to work for us in Kandahar, that's just a cover for me being in Thailand for sex.

And when I help my landlady move some furniture, or hang a flag on her awning, or fix a drain pipe, it's just to disguise the fact I'm only here for sex.

When I shelled out 750,000 baht for my Harley last April, was that because I'm only in Thailand for sex as well ? Hmmmm, I'm not sure, but I think I could probably have a lot more sex if I had kept the money instead of spending it on the bike.

But hey. I'm male, and single, so obviously I'm only here for sex.

Yeah, right.

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99.9% are here for sex and the rest are liars. :o

What self opionated claptrap -

OK. Make it 100%. I'm not shy about sex. As long as I'm breathing. I'm available at the moment. I'm no better than GW or Thaksin.

Oh yeh, I saw a picture in the paper where a dolphin was beached in Phuket. The poor bastard looked like he wanted to come here. and then I thought, what if there's a shortage of female dolphins or did all the male dolphins turn gay or vice versa. Maybe they're here for the same reason as me, GW, and Frankie (Sinatra). I realize they're mammals and all, but these girls can really get under your dolphin skin.

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I am 50 years old, an age where sex and companionship is very easy to get back in the US. I am average looking, I have a pretty good physique, and I am fairly well off financially. But any hetro guy my age in the US is able to find dates.

You must be VERY well off. I haven't been in America for 20 years, but I have friends with all the same qualifications and they all say that it is impossible to get laid at 50.

Do you have anything in common with John Holmes? :o

My only qualification is that I am hetero and I try to treat women with respect. And all men my age I know have no problem finding partners. The difference is in Thailand I might have a 30-year-old partner while is the US she might be 40. Both are good in their own way and I feel lucky to have their company. When I was 20, it was hard for me to find a partner. I am not very aggressive, and at 5' 8", I was shorter than many other men. However, let's say I aged well, and my lack of aggressiveness does not matter with older women in the US or younger women in Thailand, so I rather enjoy the change in my fortunes.

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Please, I mean this most seriously. I am an amateur sociologist and have published often on sociological subjects......

What a load of rubbish, if that were true you would understand men on this PLANET are here for sex, not just the ones coming to Thailand.


I agree this is a very trollish thread.

I give it another half an hour before it really de-generates and gets binned. :o

I totally agree. if he has to ask, then he needs to be somewhere else.

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