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High Speed Internet Access In Bkk


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I'm considering accomodation options in the Big Mango (for a few months) but definitely need broadband internet access - who doesn't?! This seems to be available in some of the serviced apartments, but what about regular apartments, is it common? Is it easy to get hooked up? Are there wifi sites (like at Startbucks or something)? Costs?

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Some upscale apartment buildings have broadband connections over a dedicated ethernet connection. I own a condo which I rent out to foreigners which is so equipped. The condo association charges baht 800 per month, which I believe is a straight pass-through from the ISP. I let the tenant pay this directly to the condo association if the tenant wants broadband.

It may also be possible to arrange broadband via the telephone line if you have a direct phone line in the apartment. The owner of the line would have to sign up for the service on your behalf or give you permission to install a line if there is no line at present. I think most reasonable landlords would not have much problem allowing this option.

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Some upscale apartment buildings have broadband connections over a dedicated ethernet connection.  I own a condo which I rent out to foreigners which is so equipped.  The condo association charges baht 800 per month, which I believe is a straight pass-through from the ISP.  I let the tenant pay this directly to the condo association if the tenant wants broadband.

It may also be possible to arrange broadband via the telephone line if you have a direct phone line in the apartment.  The owner of the line would have to sign up for the service on your behalf or give you permission to install a line if there is no line at present.  I think most reasonable landlords would not have much problem allowing this option.

Good advice. The trick is of course to find a reasonable landlord such as khun Sulaphat.

Go with your gut feeling - if you do not like them for some reason, think twice about moving in. Many of my friends have had problems with unreasonable landlords (actually in all those cases it was landladies, not landlords).

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If your rented apartment does not have a telephone line, or the line owners are not readily available and co-operative (which is a big question) then you've little chance of getting hooked up quickly. We tried to get a Telecom Asia line (the only of the two phone companies that allow foreigners to sign up) and they told us 'the exchange on your road is full, try again in a few months.' Even if they agree to hook you up it can take months of promises 'in a few days...' 'next week'. Also why would a telephone line owner agree to subscribe to Broadband for you when you will be gone in a few months and they will have to continue paying the bills for the 1 year minimum sign up ((for TRUE service))

If it were me I would make sure that it is available before hand. And double check because sometimes here 'yes we have it' can mean 'well we were thinking of having it' or 'I know someone who has it' etc..

In short - if it is a big, well respected and westernised place ok, but if you are thinking of going more 'local' don't bank on it. Thailand is advancing but things have a habit of taking months to get organised.

Most internet cafes in tourist and expat areas have broadband, but you will have to share with the din of 100s of schoolkids playing games at high volume.

Sorry for the negative outlook but..

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Also why would a telephone line owner agree to subscribe to Broadband for you when you will be gone in a few months and they will have to continue paying the bills for the 1 year minimum sign up ((for TRUE service))

If it were me I would make sure that it is available before hand. And double check because sometimes here 'yes we have it' can mean 'well we were thinking of having it' or 'I know someone who has it' etc.. Sorry for the negative outlook but

This is also good advice and comment. Although now that broadband has become cheaper than it used to be, not having it in an upscale apartment will be seen as a disadvantage and make renting the place out a bit harder. I guess the issue of broadband is where the issue of IDD lines was 15 to 20 years ago. For a short-term rental you will probably be limited in your choices to serviced apartments.

Wifi is probably coming, but is not generally available in apartment buildings yet.

And by all means, broadband already installed is preferable to trying to get a landlord to get it for you!

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