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Is Anybody Bored Here? Feel Like They Are Stuck In A Rut?

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Good article. I think this statement:

People ranked low on a boredom-proneness scale were found to have better performance in a wide variety of aspects of their lives, including career, education, and autonomy.

tends to support my judgmental assertion.

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Sometimes i wish the UK wasn't such a sh*t hole these days

Your wish has been granted.... its not.

B****cks...when was the last time u were there??? :o


Let me just grab this from wiki: "..the individual feels a pervasive lack of interest in and difficulty concentrating on the current activity.”

We told Mama we were bored, during long summer vacations, because there was nothing to do. There was no current activity, other than contemplating our navels or torturing ants. Mama would insist there were things to do, but she was often wrong. For those of us who devoted our lifetimes to work and family, it is hard to find things to do when the family and work are gone. You can only smell the roses for a few minutes a day. You can watch paint fade. Actually, I suspect that the least intelligent people are less bored.

Good article. I think this statement:
People ranked low on a boredom-proneness scale were found to have better performance in a wide variety of aspects of their lives, including career, education, and autonomy.

tends to support my judgmental assertion.

How so? If I read it correctly, it's saying... People who aren't bored, perform better. Where does it mention a lack of intelligence or imagination as a cause?

Isn't it also relative? Mr High IQ may last about 10 minutes squirting liquid into bottles on a production line, before reaching for the razor blades, while Mr Unintelligent may enjoy every minute. One says 'this job is boring'. The other 'I like this work'. What about when two people of similar intellect are doing the same work and have opposing views. It's not a difference in intelligence or imagination but attitude or perception, based on underlying values.

Nor would I see brilliant students who are bored stupid at school or university as 'unimaginative and the unintelligent'. Quite the opposite.

The old 'soaks' in the bars, too, I would say have given up more for emotional reasons, than for any lack of intellectual capacity. One too many divorces or business failures, perhaps.

Then there are those whose nervous systems are shot and just want a quiet life. Thinking is too draining. The old chestnut.. 'You spend the first half of your life looking for excitement and the second half trying to avoid it'.

What about the 80%+ who are in jobs they don't enjoy? They could be brilliant yet trapped by having to pay the rent or having to dance to someone else's tune. You could argue they lack imagination. Maybe they just lack the freedom to choose?


Don't people have hobbies anymore. Isn't there something you would like to try, something to stimulate the mind and have a meaningfull end results? I find making fishing lures a interesting hobbie, the variety is endless, you get to use your hands, you can end up with something that can look quite brillant or a mess. Don't really do anything with them just enjoy making them.

There is more to life than TV and TV and waundering around the internet. Some forms of art can be rewarding and not terrible expensive. Gardening can be a challenge. Make pottery, play golf, write a book, try photography.

If you are bored do something even if it is wrong. Keep trying eventually you will find something you enjoy and you may even be good at it.

That' how i feel today,bored bored and bored.

Sometimes i wish the UK wasn't such a sh*t hole these days, i could have been tempted back, but not now.

Often. But I was the same back home and it was more expensive there.


This may sound silly, but try deep breathing! When life gets too overwhleming or too boring, thinking of nothing except breathing very deeply for about 10 or 20 minutes a day creates happiness again. Just really really deep breathing and everytime your thought wonders, focus on breathing again. Start with slowing down your breath to 2 times a mintue and eventually over time, to 1 time a minute. You'll be surprised that the best things in life are still free.

During the day why dont you go for a long walk and look around,then you will realise that you have done the right thing leaving uk.

its so beautiful here how could anyone want to go back to the UK

Where is 'here'

You obviously don't live in bkk??

Btw when i said the UK is a sh*thole it's a term to describe what has happened to the country ie:the general decline,the weather,high taxes,violent crime,prices etc but if we are talking about raw beauty the English countryside is far far more stunning than Thailand could ever be.

by here i meant thailand.yes the english countryside is beautiful,maybe just move out of BKK.i live on Samui and love it.

I wouldnt say i get bored i just accept that my life is in the slow lane now i have retired and savour every second.When you feel like that always remember if you have your health you can do anything my friend.

I agree with you entirely poshthai. I am retired the same as you.

retired early 5 years ago to live here and never regret it except miss family in uk.another 10 years and i get more pension yippeeeee lol.Until then i will keep fit and keep my head down with my wonderful lady and stepson and remind myself sometimes what it was like to work and live in the uk.



There are some people on this thread who should try and be a little more open minded!

I would make a bet that the people that continually slag off the UK are more likely the ones who miss it the most and would probably go back if they hadn't burned their bridges their or could get their Thai wife a passport.

The UK has its plus and minus like every other country on earth. People should try and look at it through fresh eyes.

Comments like 'but they are not Brits' when talking about more people arriving in the UK than leaving are simply ignorant and xenophobic. If Britain was so shit no one would go there. People have choices you know.

The guy who earns 100k from the Internet is not a troll. I do something similar and I am proud of myself to have created an independant way of living and not being a wage slave. I am guessing the 'troll' remarks are the result of jealousy.

In Britain once over 50, one is expected to be at home, wearing slippers in front of the fire with a cup of hot coco and the Labrador at the feet. Outings to be no more than feeding the ducks in a park or joining an old people club for whisk drives.

Yes, living in Thailand certainly can become boring, especially as so many of the social pursuits are being eroded away or becoming financially out of reach.

feeding ducks, a fire place, a Labrador, hot cocoa, old peoples club = financially out of reach in Thailand? are you feeling well? :o

You have knocked down what I said as rubbish, out of interest, explain why?

i didn't knock it down as rubbish but all you mentioned is affordable in Thailand too referring to "becoming financially out of reach". if you can afford the mentioned activities in Britain you definitely can afford them in Thailand.

The guy who earns 100k from the Internet is not a troll. I do something similar and I am proud of myself to have created an independant way of living and not being a wage slave. I am guessing the 'troll' remarks are the result of jealousy.

Thank you. The purpose of mentioning this is two fold. On one hand, I was trying to illustrate that even with more money than I can spend, I can still feel like I'm in a rut sometimes even while being surrounded with all the hedonism a person could ever ask for. Also to show others that it's possible to earn a good living while living anywhere they want. Sell online! Get paid in USD! Work naked! Stop whenever you want!

This forum is getting boring. This past 2 weeks has seen the worst assemblage of postings I've seen in the 5 years or so I've been looking in. Maybe TV should consider shutting down for a week or two (save for Visa Forum) and see if anybody has anything new to talk about.

I think there are logical reasons for that LR

If you look back at some of the "characters" who used to post here, but now do not ...

- some have shuffled off to the big bar beer in the sky

- some have shuffled off to distant shores

- some gave up on TV due to the trolls and confrontations

- some (who did deserve it) had their TV visa revoked and can post no longer

- some (who did not deserve it) had their TV visa revoked and can post no longer

All in all, it has caused a shift in the TV community population, which for old hands means more "strangers" and fewer known posters with whom there is a shared history stretching back years.

That can lead to a disconnect with the current posters and topics, and that can lead to finding the current content boring due to a perceived lack of common interest.

We can't bring back those in the celestial bar beer

We could try to bring back those on distant shores, but they'd be out of touch

We could try to re-welcome those hounded off, but would they want to return

We shouldn't try to bring back those correnctly made PNG

We should try to bring back those incorrenctly made PNG

And maybe .... just maybe .... some of the old "spark" and spontaneity would return also.



Try building on 4 or 5 Rai. I guarantee with the next to zero time left over you won't really be getting bored. Beats the <deleted> out of hanging out at the bars all day. Try a new hobby. Get an remote controlled plane- go cruise around Thailand Get a mountain bike. There are many things to fill your time with & never become complacent! Of course after many years in California & Hawaii, I am the type that can hang at the beach & listen to tunes all day long. Someday I will have some time till then I will enjoy where I am at , besides if life hands you a lemon- your lucky MAKE LEMONADE! :o

During the day why dont you go for a long walk and look around,then you will realise that you have done the right thing leaving uk.

its so beautiful here how could anyone want to go back to the UK

Where is 'here'

You obviously don't live in bkk??

Btw when i said the UK is a sh*thole it's a term to describe what has happened to the country ie:the general decline,the weather,high taxes,violent crime,prices etc but if we are talking about raw beauty the English countryside is far far more stunning than Thailand could ever be.

by here i meant thailand.yes the english countryside is beautiful,maybe just move out of BKK.i live on Samui and love it.

Samui? Now there is one place i despise,that place is becoming like Pattaya,i wouldn't live there if somebody paid me.

Hua hin is where i'm heading :o

There are some people on this thread who should try and be a little more open minded!

I would make a bet that the people that continually slag off the UK are more likely the ones who miss it the most and would probably go back if they hadn't burned their bridges their or could get their Thai wife a passport.

The UK has its plus and minus like every other country on earth. People should try and look at it through fresh eyes.

Comments like 'but they are not Brits' when talking about more people arriving in the UK than leaving are simply ignorant and xenophobic. If Britain was so shit no one would go there. People have choices you know.

The guy who earns 100k from the Internet is not a troll. I do something similar and I am proud of myself to have created an independant way of living and not being a wage slave. I am guessing the 'troll' remarks are the result of jealousy.

What a fool!

You know it seems to be alot of UK critisims in this thread. A a Swede the second chise after Thailand is UK. Be proud of yuo county.

Oh, I'm proud of my county. Essex is doing well v Glamorgan in the cricket :o

Buggerd if I wanna go back, though.


I do not wish to appear to criticise my country but I still wish to move out. Reasons are many:

1) The climate (about four days sunshine in the last two years)

2) Have worked full time in Britain for the past 45 years, very small wages, ok I am not a go getter was just a counter clerk for the local Council

3) Now retired find that although I consider myself a very tolerant, even tempered person, am now paying outrageous amounts of money for

all comers benefits so we have a voting system and anyone can come here and work hard and buy property good luck to them. As I have

said before on other threads I admire success. What I am against in Britain is a welfare state which provides for all and sundry - the ones

I resent most are my own countrymen and women who live off the state. Who can blame others for coming in and jumping on the bandwagon.

In this respect Thailand has got it entirely right especially for incomers to their country.

Just my opinion.


I'm surprised no one has brought up the big D .. Depression,

What may be perceived as a rut may in fact be depression, many causes, many treatments,

Boredom comes and goes, if day after day nothing interests you, no pleasure is derived from anything, something else may be going on.

I just kick one of the local soi dogs on my daily walk, nothing lets you know your still alive like a crazed dog chasing you down the street, your results may vary ... :o

The guy who earns 100k from the Internet is not a troll. I do something similar and I am proud of myself to have created an independant way of living and not being a wage slave. I am guessing the 'troll' remarks are the result of jealousy.

Alas, if he was who I think he is, then he was actually worse than a troll (and if he is who I thought he was, most everything that comes out of his mouth his BS, and if he was earning 100k/week on the internet, well, let's just say that there are probably a lot of very PO'd people out there in cyber-space).

Of course, if he wasn't Harris, then he bore some very remarkable similarities. :o


After umpteen trips to Thailand and once having spent 5 years there, I can never recall being bored there.

Okay, I'm a misfit here, I'll get my coat.

You want boredom, try teaching English to adults who don't want to learn it and are only there under orders.

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