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Siam Ocean World

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But any form of confrontation is disliked by the Thai people, and our negotiating a cheaper entry causes much embarrassment to our Thai wives, girlfriends, mothers in law etc. Not a pleasant way to start what should be a happy family day out.

wrong! bargaining is a key part of thai culture - watch the haggling at a market. it is not confrontation to try and get the best price for yourself.

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In my view, I think all foreigners should pay double for everything, even at shopping centres. Fuel should cost us more and even our airfares to Thailand should be doubled.

What's your purpose, really?

Technically I thought discrimination based on race or nationality was against Thai law, and this counts as discrimination.

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In my view, I think all foreigners should pay double for everything, even at shopping centres. Fuel should cost us more and even our airfares to Thailand should be doubled.

What's your purpose, really?

Technically I thought discrimination based on race or nationality was against Thai law, and this counts as discrimination.

Discrimination based on nationality is definitely not illegal. The Thais are very discriminating when it comes to foreign nationals holding elected office, owning land, owning airplanes, etc. Nothing wrong with discrimination.

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Yes, but you're talking about government office and established laws. Far, far cry from business practices. I'm saying that there are laws in Thailand to prevent discrimination for consumers and people in general society. Your argument is a misdirect.

I've had a look at the websites for the aquariums in Australia run by the same company as Siam Ocean World. I saw no evidence of double pricing although it doesn't mean it isn't happening. Appeared to be same for all. However Australia has the disadvantage of English being the main language so it's much harder to trick people.

So, basically we have the apologists like sunrise07 who absolutely refuse to believe there is any racism involved in double pricing practices and will always have an argument to defend Thailand. Then we have those who are crying bloody murder and calling them bastards and extreme racists for their double pricing and believe all Thais are "out to get us". It's most likely somewhere in between.

Edited by Jimjim
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In Germany one of the smaller parties in the election wants to have one price (high) for black tourists and one (low) for whites. (They are also thinking about having carriages on trains that only whites can use and others for the blacks.)

If this is implemented, would people like 'theDon' still say "Blacks, just pay up and stop your complaining or dont go in"?

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Stadium. Lumpini Park tickets are bundled with the tours they sell you at the airport.


Boxing fans are a whole other category :D Double the price, triple whatever, they will pay it.

Of course, especially when they have no choice.


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Yes it is an Australian (listed) company. I am going to try to get some one to take this up in Australian press.

You need to do a press release and send it to all the news papers, as well as the tabloid TV shows like Today Tonight and ACA.

You need to use provocative language and identify it as much as possible with Australia, otherwise the media there won't give two craps about this:

Title: Aussie company found ripping off Aussie Tourists in Thailand.

The report should include language like:

Siam Ocean World is one of the most popular desitnations for Aussie tourists visiting Thailand. Managed by Australian company *****, Siam Ocean world has been discovered using racist pricing tactics for overcharging innocent Aussie tourists looking for a cheap holiday to Thailand, practices which would be illegal in Australia.

(insert picture of cute little blond haired blue eyed Aussie girl and her 'battler' mum and dad having to pay double to enter the park).

Despite repeated attempts to contact their management (send 2 emails to their website - which they will never answer) the Australian representives of Siam Ocean world in Thailand offered no comment as to why they undertake dispicable practices which simply end up giving other good Aussie export companies such as bad name.

Ahh PR: you have to love it.....

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I've said this before - if the same 'double pricing' was implemented in tourist attractions in, for example, London there would be uproar. What's happening here is deceitful and shady at best. Has anyone seen clear signs in English showing or explaining the pricing policy of this and other venues? I think the National Parks are or were the only example I've seen myself.

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Just had a look at the Siam Ocean World website to see the pricing. I noticed above the pricing in English there was some Thai script followed by Thai numerals. I got a Thai friend to translate and as I suspected there was a different price…..the price written in English was double!

When it comes to double pricing I am generally not that happy about it…..but in this case I'm fuming.

What is their excuse for this policy!!?

I'm guessing the reason they put the Thai price in Thai scipt is so that no tourists would ever spot the different price......perhaps they feel that it's not justified!?

If it's that Thai people can't afford the higher 'foreign' price, I would say how many working class Thai's go there? I bet you the kind of Thai family that you'll see at Ocean World has a nice car, house, plus the essential nanny or two.

What's your opinion?

Last year they had a Westener boss replaced by a Thai, this is what they do, 450 Adult Thais 850 farangs, 280 child Thai, 650 child farang................ great, a**holes. never going there again.

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So, of those who have emailed the operators on this issue, has anyone received a response? If yes, what did they say?

I emailed them a couple of days ago when I first read this thread - a nice email from a potential visitor mind you - but haven't heard anything back.

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To me double pricing is fine if it something justifiable like one price for Thais and another for any non-thais for parks, zoos, etc. Any public entity can make the claim that Thai taxes help build it, therefor they should pay less. It happens in the States and other western countries all the time. Just because you are now the visitor, don't think its a ripoff. My Thai friends who visit me have to pay more than I here.

However, any other double pricing is just a ripoff and I refuse if I know about it. Thankfully my fiance lives there and we pay what the market rate should be. If they insist I pay more because I am farang, I walk away.

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Just had a quick look at the website and the prices are:

Thai Adult 560 Child 280

Everyone else Adult 860 Child 650

If you're all getting in for 400 baht at the door then why bother complaining? Its even cheaper than the price quoted on the site for a Thai!

OMG!!!! <deleted>? that's a total rip off!!

i have to pay 560 baht while the kids pay 280, tsk tsk... double pricing

I remember I got furious when Bed club did'nt charge the ladies while the guys had to pay 600 baht as entrance fee. Their so-called "Ladies Night" is a mockery to gender equality. Supposedly this could also be regarded as double pricing.

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So you're Thai, Steele404?

Fact is even 560 is pushing it for that place. 850 is just outrageous for anyone to pay for an aquarium in Thailand.

Also, good to see the post above which shows that when a Thai director took over the place, double pricing began.

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The corporation that operates Siam Ocean World also operates 4 other similar tourist attractions, in 3 other countries. Admission fees are as follows:-

Underwater World Mooloolaba (Queensland) $26.50 for adults of any nationality excluding students and people aged 65+ who pay $21.00

Melbourne Aquarium $26.50 for adults of any nationality excluding students and people aged 65+ who pay $18.00

Busan Aquarium (South Korea) 16,000 won for adults of any nationality, 12,500 won for adults aged 65+

Ocean World Shanghai 120 RMB for adults of any nationality or 100 RMB prepaid via the internet

The corporation has a differential pricing policy only in Thailand because Thai law allows it and the other 3 countries forbid it (with the exception of the generally accepted student / pensioner discounts).

There are many good things about Thailand and also many not-so-good things. The dual-pricing policy abhorrent because it is racist.

Many years ago I took a Vietnamese friend to the Grand Palace. The ticket seller spoke English. She did not attempt to speak with my friend. The ticket seller asked me for 220 baht ( i.e. 200 baht for the white man and 20 baht for the Asian).

If I wanted to protest against Siam Ocean World’s pricing policy, I would write a letter to the editor of the Melbourne Sun-Herald and the Brisbane Courier Mail.

Edited by laowai1960
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So you're Thai, Steele404?

Fact is even 560 is pushing it for that place. 850 is just outrageous for anyone to pay for an aquarium in Thailand.

Also, good to see the post above which shows that when a Thai director took over the place, double pricing began.

No suprise then. :o

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FYI - even though they overcharge for the single ticket, an annual ticket is still 1200 baht for all people. My wife has got one and takes our daugther there all the time...good value for money..

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FYI - even though they overcharge for the single ticket, an annual ticket is still 1200 baht for all people. My wife has got one and takes our daugther there all the time...good value for money..

Not much use to a family of tourists is it?

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FYI - even though they overcharge for the single ticket, an annual ticket is still 1200 baht for all people. My wife has got one and takes our daugther there all the time...good value for money..

Not much use to a family of tourists is it?

sorry, was trying to point out the stupidity in the pricing system..not stick up for it. Read my previous posts in this thread and there will be some context.

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Nowhere (on the web site, at least) does it say tourists are charged one rate, Thais another. It simply lists the prices twice in two different languages.

When you go, if the signs at the venue use the same system, just pay the cheaper rate and say you are choosing to pay at the rate quoted on the Thai script sign, which says nothing about that being a Thai person's rate, it's just written in a different script.

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Nowhere (on the web site, at least) does it say tourists are charged one rate, Thais another. It simply lists the prices twice in two different languages.

When you go, if the signs at the venue use the same system, just pay the cheaper rate and say you are choosing to pay at the rate quoted on the Thai script sign, which says nothing about that being a Thai person's rate, it's just written in a different script.


Yeah, I've tried that before. It doesn't work. They just go in to silence mode when you ask why the prices aren't the same.

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Yeah, I've tried that before. It doesn't work. They just go in to silence mode when you ask why the prices aren't the same.

No need to ask them why the prices are the same, just hand over the smaller amount and, if they ask for more, just read the Thai sign out to them, pointing at the letters and numbers as you do it.

Would be different if it said "Thai adults: 560 Baht". But it doesn't, it just says "Adults: 560 Baht", but in Thai script. You're within your rights to pay at the advertised rate.

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Gotta be a millionaire tourist to visit Thailand nowadays with their SKY HIGH prices so these admission charges are really only peanuts......yeah :o best to just pay up and shu...............

Also with Thailand financial problems its about time foreighners paid more to use Taxis...say 500 bt a flag drop...BTMA buses ...100bt is reasonable ...and the overheard railway is worth at least 250bt for a wee run....init.

In fact a good idea would be to sell compulsory visitors passes to all the happy "feringi punters" on arrival at Suwanna for say 50,000 bt a throw with no refunds and hand out leaflets to inform them that tipping is part of the economy with a minumum of say 100 bt (on a bottle of beer)and maybe 50 for a visit to the local john...

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Yeah, I've tried that before. It doesn't work. They just go in to silence mode when you ask why the prices aren't the same.

No need to ask them why the prices are the same, just hand over the smaller amount and, if they ask for more, just read the Thai sign out to them, pointing at the letters and numbers as you do it.

Would be different if it said "Thai adults: 560 Baht". But it doesn't, it just says "Adults: 560 Baht", but in Thai script. You're within your rights to pay at the advertised rate.

You're right in theory, but here it will not work because the xenophobic and prejudiced attitudes that came up with the idea (manager) is common to the staff too. laowai1960 showed it as it is:-

"The corporation that operates Siam Ocean World also operates 4 other similar tourist attractions, in 3 other countries. Admission fees are as follows:-

Underwater World Mooloolaba (Queensland) $26.50 for adults of any nationality excluding students and people aged 65+ who pay $21.00

Melbourne Aquarium $26.50 for adults of any nationality excluding students and people aged 65+ who pay $18.00

Busan Aquarium (South Korea) 16,000 won for adults of any nationality, 12,500 won for adults aged 65+

Ocean World Shanghai 120 RMB for adults of any nationality or 100 RMB prepaid via the internet

The corporation has a differential pricing policy only in Thailand because Thai law allows it and the other 3 countries forbid it (with the exception of the generally accepted student / pensioner discounts)."

Thais are behind the times with regard to xenophobia and prejudice. The state of politics here reinforces, no fundamentally encourages, this viewpoint in order to more easily empower themselves. It's wrong.

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How about this for a fun idea?

Organize through this very site a specific date and time (weekend) for 100 farangs to show up, with the EXACT CHANGE, for the Thai price?

Have each one stand on line, each one have the fare refused, and each one walk away in disgust?

How about it?

Normally we are not in a position to protest the racism against us. As the owner is an Aussie corp and the venue is in an upscale mall, I think such an action would be perfectly fine, legal, safe to do, and make the point real well. Bring cameras and video cameras for youtube.

I suggest grouping first in a single line before approaching the ticket window en masse, so there is one going after the other, without any "real" customers ruining the purity of the effect.

OK, I do realize this is probably not going to happen. Maybe a thread organizing it would be stopped by the site. Its just we whine so much and we never actually DO anything about it. I would like to see that change, just a little.

Edited by Jingthing
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And afterwards all file a complaint with the tourist police. I did that once regarding dubble pricing. The did investigate it and came to the conlcusion that no criminal law was broken. However they adviced to take it to civil court and the tourist police was willing to testify.

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Some people just want to stick by their beliefs come what may.

The double pricing was in place BEFORE the Thai took over. I was first there just after it opened and that was the deal then. And secondly as I have said previously (on this thread) they are happy to accept evidence that you are resident or working here and give you the "local" rate.

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