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Food Safety


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Hey all,

I got very unfortunate last Monday to catch a food poisoning in a leading restaurant chain in Bangkok. What I am wondering is how much of a problem is this, even with the more high scaled establishments?

I've been here for almost 3 years now and this is my first time getting sick. I've heard of people getting sick over and over again but never really believed it until my mother came to visit last year and after a few days she fell ill to food positioning (also just eating at "good quality" restaurants).

Any input would be greatly accepted :o


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Rather than the occasional shits or a bout with real food poisoning lasting a few days, I'm a lot more concerned about the poisons in my food that may have much longer-lasting effects. There are basically zero controls here in that regard, it seems to me. I must say though that I've only been really sick once, many years ago...

Lots of foreigners get the shits here at first...Travel stress, heat, local microbes...I got the shits every time I went to California to visit :o

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hey thanks for the replys :D

Just to clarify a bit, I was hospitalized for two days due to servear de-hydration so it was not a casual stumac ake, plus the lab test showed it was indeed a bacterial infection :o

And I'm not sure if Japanese food classifies as farang food? :D To elaborate I had my lunch at Fuji in Future Part Rangsit. Love their food, adicted too it but i think I'm going to give it up for a while, until I get my food-confidence back lol. And the second meal of the day was a home-made lasagnia cooked for over an hour because I forgot it in the oven, too well cooked to pose any threat lol... so i'm 99% sure it was Fuji :D

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Just as an aside, we have had a bout of something going through Koh P, lots of people (thai and farang) getting terrible vomiting, diarrhea, fever and headache. First time it happened we thought food poisioning but then so many other people were getting it from all different places that we decided it must be a virus.

Just something to remember, not all stomach problems are food related. You get all these tourists bringing their nasty European diseases over you never know what you might have!:o

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Sometime in 1990 I got sick from eating Thai food that my wife made for me. I could taste that a slice of tomato was off but I ate it knowing that if it made me sick then there was no better place to be than my wife's house and, I figured I may as well start getting my stomache used to eating bad food.

Sure enough, maybe about 30 mins later I had to run to the bathroom.

Since then I've only had the Thai Two-step on 3 ocassions. Once was from a flu that was going around and a few friends had also caught it at the same time.

Another time was when I bought some frozen fish fingers and foolishly let them thaw before putting then into the freezer at home. I was sick for three days and as soon as I got back on my feet again, I ate some chicken that wasn't cooked properly and was out of action for 2-3 days.

I eat at street stalls quite often but find that the food courts are more hygenic. Maybe I've just been lucky or have got good immunity from food bugs. :o

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And I'm not sure if Japanese food classifies as farang food? smile.gif To elaborate I had my lunch at Fuji in Future Part Rangsit. Love their food, adicted too it but i think I'm going to give it up for a while, until I get my food-confidence back

Fuji is shit. I got the shits once by eating there. try somewhere else for Japaanese food. Alot of these food chains are not the best.

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And I'm not sure if Japanese food classifies as farang food? smile.gif To elaborate I had my lunch at Fuji in Future Part Rangsit. Love their food, adicted too it but i think I'm going to give it up for a while, until I get my food-confidence back

Fuji is shit. I got the shits once by eating there. try somewhere else for Japaanese food. Alot of these food chains are not the best.

I ate there a bunch of times and never got sick. Last time at Fuji's was my last time in BKK about 2 years ago.

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Rather than the occasional shits or a bout with real food poisoning lasting a few days, I'm a lot more concerned about the poisons in my food that may have much longer-lasting effects. There are basically zero controls here in that regard, it seems to me. I must say though that I've only been really sick once, many years ago...


I agree and have the same concerns. Borax on meat products and formalin on everything else. Not to mention the pesticides and herbicides used in the fields.

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I have owned and been running restaurants for over 30 years. Some of them World class establishments. In my experience it is impossible to absolutely guarantee your food is always 100% safe, particularly if you are serving seafood.

You simply can not tell what that particular prawn, fish or shelfish was swimming in or eating prior to being caught and seafood is normaly best served raw or somewhat undercooked, (in comparison to meat).

As a diner, you always take a risk, and this risk is exascerbated if you are in a foreign clime because you are unused to the dominant bugs there.

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I have owned and been running restaurants for over 30 years. Some of them World class establishments. In my experience it is impossible to absolutely guarantee your food is always 100% safe, particularly if you are serving seafood.

You simply can not tell what that particular prawn, fish or shelfish was swimming in or eating prior to being caught and seafood is normaly best served raw or somewhat undercooked, (in comparison to meat).

As a diner, you always take a risk, and this risk is exascerbated if you are in a foreign clime because you are unused to the dominant bugs there.

Good answer :o I guess I'll stop eating at all! (Guess that will change tomorrow when I wake up hungry :D )

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In 15 years of eating all types of food in LOS I have only had major gut cramps & the trots. Once from eating some dim som from down stair in the Robinson's on Sumkivit Soi 19. The other was from eating a pizza from a out door joint in Phuket. Never been ill eating local food up country or else where.

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People's stomachs are so different. On many occasions I have gotten the runs where my girlfriend did not, and when travelling with other westerners, I am sometimes the only one who does NOT get the runs.

I have had dysentery here twice and that is not a wholly pleasant experience to be sure. Fortunately, the broad-spectrum antibiotics the Thai doctors churn out for everything from a runny nose to anthrax and severed body parts (well almost), does actually kill any and all evil microbes attacking you, so you will be ok... in the end.

The poisons worry me too. Is there really nobody here that can recommend a place that has quality-controlled food? It is bound to come around sooner or later, I am sure there will be a market for it as soon as the public become more aware of all the pesticides being used... :o

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A couple of years ago I got the Following whilst in Thailand...

Giardia lamblia Link


Campylobacter Link


Salmonella Link


I took nearly 2 months to get rid of these using some kick ass antibiotics ( with which you cannot drink alcohol :o )

Probably got infected from the water on Koh Samet (Mostly transpoted to the island in Boats then kept in storage tanks)... chicken no properly cooked ( I love chicken ), and possibly coming into contact with the animals ( cats and dogs ).

Has it put me off... not a chance, I still eat the same things from the same places, I just put it down to bad luck :D

totster :D

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The poisons worry me too. Is there really nobody here that can recommend a place that has quality-controlled food? It is bound to come around sooner or later, I am sure there will be a market for it as soon as the public become more aware of all the pesticides being used...  :o


Greatly enjoyed your Sunday appearance. Good one...

You have been here long enough to know how easy it is to get "Certification" for almost anything. Driving Licence Sir, That'll be 500 Baht please and you are officially allowed out on the roads to kill, maim and destroy property in one of the most dangerous weapons available to the public these days.

How much to poison them. 50, 100, 250 Baht. And Sir wishes to use What? Prussic Acid! That's an extra 25 Baht, Oh, and we throw Botulin in free.

Have a good day Sir...

(Sorry, I'm in a mood.)

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My wife and I decided to buy a chicken burger each at the local, newly opened "family chicken restuarant" for dinner.

It was great, aroi maak.

Come midnight I woke and felt a little starnge so I went to the toilent, next thing I exploded from both ends, I put up with this for two days. I slept in the bath because I had no control over my bowels. I kept the water in the bath warm so I could sleep. this meant I had to sleep in my own sh1t.

My wife ended up taking me to hospital, where I was kept for the next 7 days on a drip. I was not even allowed to drink water...

I am sure I still suffer from this as it is very rare I have a solid stool, and more often than not it hurts...this has occured for the last 3 or 4 years...

I have been to doctors etc, and they all say that I have a bug that cannot be gotten rid of, I have just learnt to live with it...


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I am sure I still suffer from this as it is very rare I have a solid stool, and more often than not it hurts...this has occured for the last 3 or 4 years...

Same same

I've been told the same thing... but then I've also been told it could be IBS... for instance if I eat eggs I get terrible stomach cramps and diarrhoea ( not just eggs either ) !

totster :o

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I am sure I still suffer from this as it is very rare I have a solid stool, and more often than not it hurts...this has occured for the last 3 or 4 years...

Same same

I've been told the same thing... but then I've also been told it could be IBS... for instance if I eat eggs I get terrible stomach cramps and diarrhoea ( not just eggs either ) !

totster :D

same same

Lost 5 kgs in two days a few years ago.I get a reoccurrence at least once a year.

Does keep the weight off though :o

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I am sure I still suffer from this as it is very rare I have a solid stool, and more often than not it hurts...this has occured for the last 3 or 4 years...

I have been to doctors etc, and they all say that I have a bug that cannot be gotten rid of, I have just learnt to live with it...


I have had several very bad bouts of diarrhea in LOS which has left me with similar symptoms. The doctors back in the West seem to have no clue as to what is wrong - stool tests find nothing. Maybe its just irritable bowel.

Funnily enough some visitors never seem to get ill - I guess maybe genetics play a part.

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hey thanks for the replys :D

Just to clarify a bit, I was hospitalized for two days due to servear de-hydration so it was not a casual stumac ake, plus the lab test showed it was indeed a bacterial infection :o

And I'm not sure if Japanese food classifies as farang food? :D  To elaborate I had my lunch at Fuji in Future Part Rangsit.  Love their food, adicted too it but i think I'm going to give it up for a while, until I get my food-confidence back lol.  And the second meal of the day was a home-made lasagnia cooked for over an hour because I forgot it in the oven, too well cooked to pose any threat lol... so i'm 99% sure it was Fuji :D

I've been here over two years and never really had a problem, but sometimes too many "Isaan sausages" with chilli and ginger are a bit much for my stomach. I too like Fuji restaurants and was there this week (Central Festival, Phuket) - but I like cooked food (salmon steak, Fuji beef steak, omelettes, etc). I never have their raw fish because I don't like it.

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Sufferers of unknown conditions could try parasite formula tincture from www.iherb.com . Immuno and Caisse (Essiac) are other good herbal tinctures which strengthen the immune system. Naturopathic doctors recommend Immuno over all the toxic vaccinations your doctor will prescribe. And these herbals all cost next-to-nothing.

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Hi from Maui..

There's an herb which comes from South America known as Quasia. If you put a tea spoon of this in a glass of water every morning, and drink it down, you will never get sick..However, hold your nose, because it is God awful tasting! Chase it with lemon..It helps! The prob. is, I don't know where you can get it over there..I plan to take plenty with me when I come, and have a friend send me more when I need it! Perhaps go on the web and research? It might be available over there for all I know? Try an herb shop or health food store..

When I did a trek in the Himalayas some years back, on my way down I stayed in this guest house where this fellow was bent over in pain, groaning from such bad dysentary..I gave him a bag of quasia, and immedietly he got relief..he was so greatful to me for saving his trip!

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It happens from time to time and there is not a lot you can do to avoid it.

I agree with the comment that street food is rarely the cause.

Just get to a doctor, they will do the tests within 1 hour, possibly less,

and treat you accordingly.

Could you get that service in your own country? Probably not,

and certainly not at the same low price

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The poisons worry me too. Is there really nobody here that can recommend a place that has quality-controlled food? It is bound to come around sooner or later, I am sure there will be a market for it as soon as the public become more aware of all the pesticides being used...  :D

Living in a highly corrupt society with few controls, makes me suspicious and mistrusting of anyone professing to sell 'clean and safe' produce of any kind that garners a higher price... Just no checks and balances except the rare inspection in Bkk- which always shows massive violations.

I guess the only answer is to grow your own under your own controlled conditions. Not a practicality for me, to be sure.

So I continue to hope for the best. Better than driving myself nuts. :o

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Just something to remember, not all stomach problems are food related.

That's right SBK, food always comes to peoples minds first when they get sick. Nobody ever thinks about what they've been touching all day, ie handles, money, etc., when they use their fingers to get something off the tip of their tongues. :o

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I have only ever gotten sick having eaten at a 'nice' resturarant. Never from street food, where I can see them cook it and tell if it hasn't been cooked properly.

ditto here ,

sick for 10 days after eating at the famous "fresh seafood" place in Patong , bangla road ,

ruined holiday.

never sick from a streetstall...

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The poisons worry me too. Is there really nobody here that can recommend a place that has quality-controlled food? It is bound to come around sooner or later, I am sure there will be a market for it as soon as the public become more aware of all the pesticides being used...  :D

Living in a highly corrupt society with few controls, makes me suspicious and mistrusting of anyone professing to sell 'clean and safe' produce of any kind that garners a higher price... Just no checks and balances except the rare inspection in Bkk- which always shows massive violations.

I guess the only answer is to grow your own under your own controlled conditions. Not a practicality for me, to be sure.

So I continue to hope for the best. Better than driving myself nuts. :o

What's the average lifespan in Thailand ?Is it shorter than in the US?

The US has a legal system and local govt inspections - if someone is negligent they'll be driven out of business. Obviously it doesn't work that way in Thailand , but is it even moving in that direction?

Is it going to take some rich and famous Thai dieing from food poisoning to get things changed?

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Another point is it does not matter how fresh the food is,if basic hygiene is not carried out people will get sick.That could be the reason why the more expensive places are a risk,simply there are more persons handling your food

It is down to education of the food handler,firstly, I wonder how many don't wash their hands after going to the toilet.

Mixing raw and cooked food on the same preparation table,dirty wipe down clothes ,touching nose or hair,improper pest controls in the food area,not reheating food to a save temperature.

Since I've been coming to Thailand the worst for me was raw oysters,I only eat one and was very sick,now just the smell of one makes me feel sick.

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