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Finishing A House

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Began building 3 plus months ago. We had the builder sign a contract to complete the house within 90 days. We also put in a penalty clause of 500 Baht a day for every day after the 90 days.

We also put 4 steps with progress payments for completion of each step.

Somehow he manged to persuade us to not worry if he had not completed certain Steps as he would do all by the end, in any case.

Now we are heving problems with whinging workers.

We had Requests for advances before Steps were completed.

I wish they had building inspectors over here.

That would assist in Certifying their workmanship.

The sad fact is they have never heard of countersinking screws before.

Cut steel in front of the Tiles.

Building in Thailand.

What a nightmare.

Good Guy

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Seems to be a lot of cowboys in this country. Being a tradesman myself. Always baffled by how long Thais take to do the most simple thing. ie connecting a socket. 2 hours i seen it took 2 people at my school(handymen) . Go figure. Thai time is Thai time. But come on. I could get an apprentice do it in 10 minutes at most.

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About four years ago I came very close to building a house. We had picked out a lot in a Land and House development in the northern outskirts of Bangkok. In the end, decided against it. Partially because it was just too far from my place of work and, just as importantly, I did not have the time and patience to go through all the nonsense with contractors and workers. The added stress would have crushed me. In the end, we found a L&H development much closer in with new, completed houses for sale. Cost a bit more, but was worth it to me not to go through the construction process.

I'm sure that there are things wrong with the house that someone more experienced than I could have spotted during construction, but I guess I'll just have to deal with them later if they show up. So far, so good however.

Good luck with your house!

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Our single level, 2 bedroom house took 17, yes, s-e-v-e-n-t-e-e-n months to build. The whole interior was mistakenly painted "swimming pool green" :o .

Lots of things were badly designed and built but I had fun correcting and patching up. We're quite happy with the end result.

Thanks to all who gave great advice on here.

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Our single level, 2 bedroom house took 17, yes, s-e-v-e-n-t-e-e-n  months to build. The whole interior was mistakenly painted  "swimming pool green" :o .

Lots of things were badly designed and built but I had fun correcting and patching up. We're quite happy with the end result.

Thanks to all who gave great advice on here.

Similar for me. The place was supposed to take 3 months to complete and will now be more like 6 or 7, probably more when taking into account the landscaping and dressing up of the exterior.

Like you, I'm already putting together a list of things that I'm going to want to fix to the point where I'm satisfied with them.

Also, like you, when things are done we will be happy and are also grateful for advice found herein.

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Our single level, 2 bedroom house took 17, yes, s-e-v-e-n-t-e-e-n  months to build. The whole interior was mistakenly painted  "swimming pool green" :o .

Lots of things were badly designed and built but I had fun correcting and patching up. We're quite happy with the end result.

Thanks to all who gave great advice on here.

Ours is finished pal...please come visit and give us your eye, what was that? 17 months? how big is the floor space? :D just kidding (dont tell the wives, we will have a few beers at the same time...look forward to catching up with you mate.)

But please come tomorrow (Sat), otherwise I will be on my way to Aust...

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Our single level, 2 bedroom house took 17, yes, s-e-v-e-n-t-e-e-n  months to build. The whole interior was mistakenly painted  "swimming pool green" :o .

Lots of things were badly designed and built but I had fun correcting and patching up. We're quite happy with the end result.

Thanks to all who gave great advice on here.

Ours is finished pal...please come visit and give us your eye, what was that? 17 months? how big is the floor space? :D just kidding (dont tell the wives, we will have a few beers at the same time...look forward to catching up with you mate.)

But please come tomorrow (Sat), otherwise I will be on my way to Aust...

I'll be there tomorrow. Early spin on the motorcycle and extended pit stop afterwards. :D

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When building my House, i was very lucky, the workmanship was as good if not better than a english builder, i have had guys come round and they have asked me who has built it, as they were astounded that a thai had built it, it took about 8 months to complete, my thai brother in law built it with some of the guys in the village, me and the mrs well pleased, it cost us about 2.5 million 3 years ago, 2.5 million well spent, also other ferangs say i got a bargain its like a 6 million baht house, if you want to check it out, its on my website.

www.gandajones.co.uk go to ians pics, last page. i would appriciate your comments.

cheers guys.

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Our house up in Khampaeng Phet took about 8 months to complete but we did build a small 1 bed house for my wife to live in while they were building the big one. It is a 3 bedroom place with 2 shower/toilets and is about 200 sq m floor space. my wife was on site from day 1 and we paid for the materials ourselves with the builder contracting people as and when required.

Because she was on site all the time any problems were resolved on the spot.

We had Egat wire up the small house, 5 lights and 6 double sockets they said would take about 3 hours, actually took 2 days. When I showed them the 3 metre ground rod they didn't seem to know what it was and took it away to check it and i have not seen it since. I put another one in myself later. We had had a good electrician to do the main house and no problems there. I suppose that it cost about 1.5 m Baht in all but we had the land already so there was no extra cost. My wife had the plans drawn up a few years before and the house is more or less as the plans say. Downstairs is brick and concrete and the upstairs is mostly old teak that she has had for a long time. The small house is mainly eucalyptus which she had grown especially fot that purpose. We have mains electricity and water though there is a lot of sediment in the incoming water and we have to use a filter to clean it.

Sewage is a septic tank.

The house and land are in her name and I am on the Tabien Baan as the father of our son.

We have had a few people, Thai and Farang come to look at it and the easiest way to find it is to ask in the village " Baan farang, Ti Ni"? The answer is "Noon 6 km, Kwa, Baan Yai" and that will find us easily.


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