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(ab)using Chilldren For Political Stuff. What's Your Opinion?

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My child, 6 years old, is studying Pathom 1 English Program at SCHOOL NAME REMOVED AT OP'S REQUEST

A Christian oriented College.

Every morning, she needs to stand in the school's square with hundreds of others students, listening to the national hymn, the school's own hymn, a Christian song, and announcements of the school staff.

About 15 to 30 minutes, standing in the sun heat and the hot asfalt of the school square.

Today, the day of the school Saint as I was told by one of the teachers, the children had to listen to all kind of religious stuff after the daily 15 to 30 minutes.

As the school wanted to combine their Saint with the forthcoming Buddhist holidays, some Buddhist monks were attending the ceremony as well (err.. Buddhist monks don't participate in earth ceremonies) and as the ice of the cake, the school had invited some politicians to say a word as well.

I knew from the beginning that my child was enrolled in a Christian school and knew that she had to "accept" some things like the morning hymn and prayer.

But standing in the sun and the heat from 7:45 AM until 9:30AM was something I didn't expect from any school.

As the ceremony went on, Christian monks, Buddhist monks and politicians held their speech.

A speech which almost none of the younger children understood a word of it and their only taught was to get in the classroom, out of the heath.

The something happened what I wouldn't accept from any school.

A politician was holding his speech in front of the children (and the staff and monks) and he braugth the subject about Cambodia and Angkor wat.

My Thai is not perfect and thus I asked a Thai teacher what he was talking about.

The Thai teacher confirmed my suspicion.

I was furious that the school was allowing a politician to bring his anti-government and told the head of the English Program that my child would be tomorrow at school at 9:30 AM as the school is planning to hold tomorrow again the same ceremony.

The response from the head of the English Program was that my child would be too late at school if I would bring her at 9:30 AM and she would get bad results on her rapport for that.

I will not bring my child to school tomorrow at 7:45 AM anyhow, but I like to know what the other members think about this attitude from a school.


Every morning, she needs to stand in the school's square with hundreds of others students, listening to the national hymn, the school's own hymn, a Christian song, and announcements of the school staff.

About 15 to 30 minutes, standing in the sun heat and the hot asfalt of the school square.

Humm,... .it was rather a long time ago, but I do remember enjoying the morning assembly ritual. (convent school in BKK) I started out reading you post thinking "but it's not hot at that time in the morning". But then yes, I suddenly remembered those "special assemblies" and boy, were they boring! I'd agree that by 9:30 it is hot and all a bit much for a 6 year old.

I think you are doing the right thing bringing it up with the school, but if you do it as a grumpy farang parent, you probably won't get very far. It has probably "always been done this way" so to the staff, it would be normal.

I am relly happy to see on this visit to Thailand, for example, that the school kids in BKK now use official back packs as school bags. When did that happen? I remember my mother trying to reason with the school that those lovely looking leather briefcase school bags laden with books were doing our spines no good at all. They probably thought she was mad. They also said that I would lose points off my report card if I did not stick to the regulation school bag.

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