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Well myself and my friend (being ladies) find it hilarious to see the Guy on steriods - you can tell a mile off what they are taking, and the way they walk, like they are carrying a couple of coconuts (under there arms), yes, under there arms, certainly not somewhere else i have heard.....its pathetic.

My Partner has a lovely muscly body and trains every day for Muay Thai Boxing and he is a Black Belt Champion in Kung <deleted> - He would never touch steriods. Also most of these guys who take these drugs look old in there face.

There are plenty of good Gyms to train in Pattaya to get in shape, why resort to taking steroids to produce a false impression of what you really are!!!! and I wonder, what happens when you stop taking them, cannot take them forever.....

Well 'girl, if you browse back through the thread, most of the steroid proponents ARE old geezers struggling to keep their 'yoof'.

Apart from the ones who just wanna look good for the boys that is.

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to help you get over the issues of your worry that they all have small peckers then i would just like to remind you of something.....i dont know if you have seen any straight pornos but there are a lot of guys out there working in the industry that are well endowed and definitely on steroids.....and also in general male strippers take steroids and tend to be bigger than the average guy.

anyway i better stop writing now as im worried you may be getting off on it........we all know you rugby boys like a good bath together ...whats that all about then :D:o:D:D

Thanks t'tdrob for pointing out ANOTHER steroid benefit, you may end up looking like a porn star. Never thought of that as a positive but there you go. Add that to looking good in the mens shower and keeping your youth.... nah, I'm still not sold on the <deleted>.

And those pumped-up American football players and baseball stars that pat their buddies <deleted> whenever they get a touchdown, home run, because they can, etc.? Not quite as bad as soccer's male-only love-fest every time the ball hits the back of the net but all still very questionable IMHO.


The biggest muscle-freaks are pr. definition sick and belong under the anorectic/bulemic definitions.

I have heard 6 ft. 200 pund guys calling themselves skinny, and meaning it. And they do see a skinny guy in the mirror- thats the sick part.

Steroid use as such gets a pretty much undeserved and wrong presentation in the media, lots of propaganda here...

I guess lots of people on this forum use steroids. Catabolic steroids that is, such as cortisol etc. Catabol actually meaning "breaking down"....

My point is that there ARE good indications for use of anabolic steroids, but this is highly politically uncorrect.

Example :

43 years old guy. Smokes, drinks and has never been to the gym. After beeing warned by the doc or the body itself he decides to go to the gym...

Chances are big that after a month he quits, having experienced NO benefits or health progress whatsoever.

If this guy after say the first 2 weeks of training had put himself om some 4-5 week low-potent testosteron course, he would have felt progress. He would have

started loving the gym and kept coming back. With great health benefits!

By the way:

I do not belive there are any studies saying that most anabolic steriod users are gay, and its not my impression form psychiatric work with these people either.

And, beeing a cynic I don't belive any pro figher or any other pro athlete saying he never used performance enhanceing drugs!

It's not steroid use makes the dick smaller, it only 'looks' smaller because everything around it is now so much bigger.

Same principle as never date a girl with big hands. They will make your dick look small.


And hear I thought I only dated girls with small mouths in the hopes they would be quieter ! :o

As mentioned above, watch out for girls with big hands, especially if they also have big feet, big adams apples and, well, you know. :D

I've been reading this thread hoping to find out which corners the "steriod" types seem to be hanging out on. Why would they be hanging out on street corners anyways, when they could be admiring themselves in the mirrors of whatever gym they work out in ?

Steroids were developed for a reason, but I don't think the original intent was just so people could get bigger faster. However, that seems to be their number one purpose these days.

When I was posted to Germany in the 80's, steroids were illegal, but readily available just across the border in France. A few of our guys started juicing up. Unfortunately, they weren't smart enough to regulate either their use or their workouts (as in, they didn't have a solid, smart program to follow).

One guy went from being my size (but a bit taller) to a mini-Hulk in a very short time. Problem was, he spent too much time just trying to increase mass, and not doing a well-rounded work-out routine. He got to the point he couldn't take his own t-shirt off, as he couldn't reach his neck with his hands.

One the other hand, we had a guy who was 5-6 inches shorter than me, but had biceps larger than my thighs. He didn't juice (he was a power-lifter, not a body builder). But what he would do is quaff loads of aspirin just before a workout (10-20 tablets at a time).

He figured this would increase his pain threshold and allow him to lift heavier and heavier weights (he was kicked out of two gyms in our area for breaking their equipment by loading too much weight onto them. He would load the bars with the maximum possible, and then get people to sit on the weights).

He too ended up with problems. Had to have operations to remove muscles from his calves at one point, because everytime they would flex (walking up stairs or whatever), they would literally be splitting the skin (even his stretch marks had stretch marks). :D

Lately, I get most of my exercise from running around in circles, flying off the handle, and jumping to conclusions. Then, after 3 months of that (here in AssCrackistan), I'm primed for some different "exercises". :D

I cant help but notice the growing number of pumped up, brainless, steriod nuts coming to Pattaya. They are on every corner. Ok everyone likes to be in shape but surely this is some kind of psychological disorder.

What do you think?

To each his own! These guys have a right to be here just like you and I. Don't worry, though, girls don't really like huge muscles. Less competition for the rest of the guys.

I use steroids for HRT at age 49, and one side benefit is that my pre-diabetic condition has totally normalized. Being able to push weights like I'm still in my 20's doesn't hurt either. I hadn't touched steroids until I was 47 but I wish I had started ealier.

I am over 70 - still working - still working out.

I have never taken any performance enhancing drugs and never will.

Being by far the oldest guy on the site in an ASEAN environment should cive me some degree of respect among the thirty-year-olds. What happens is that when more water is needed for the water cooler, or boxes of stationary are required on the top floor, they come and ask me to do it - 'cos I run up and down the stairs faster than they do.

I allso still go on training runs, skip, do hand weight curls. Some flab, but not so much here in Vietnam because the food ain't great.

But I can now see why we get so many angry posts from you.

Why do you think most juicers are gay? Or turn gay?

And why would your manhood shrink by taking steroids?

Why do you think steroid users don't all have a purpose?

Your sweeping generalisations only serve to weaken your case and make your desperate attempts to validate your own self loathing meaningless.

These are just the excuses you use to make people like you feel better about yourself. But that's ok. We understand.

No doubt some women, and clearly men, are intimidated by "musclebound freaks".

But why do you care? Repeat after me "steroid users are not better than me". And get over it.

Steroid users get very angry very quickly

how do you know that most juicers are gay then????and supposedly go to boyztown.....you must be a regular there to have any substance to your statement!if not then you seem to be obsessed that steroid guys are gay...maybe its your fantasy and you need to adress your own issues with big guys,or is it that you been turned down by some big gay steroid guy in the past???

to help you get over the issues of your worry that they all have small peckers then i would just like to remind you of something.....i dont know if you have seen any straight pornos but there are a lot of guys out there working in the industry that are well endowed and definitely on steroids.....and also in general male strippers take steroids and tend to be bigger than the average guy.

anyway i better stop writing now as im worried you may be getting off on it........we all know you rugby boys like a good bath together ...whats that all about then :D:o:D:D

Steroid users get very angry very quickly

how do you know that most juicers are gay then????and supposedly go to boyztown.....you must be a regular there to have any substance to your statement!if not then you seem to be obsessed that steroid guys are gay...maybe its your fantasy and you need to adress your own issues with big guys,or is it that you been turned down by some big gay steroid guy in the past???

to help you get over the issues of your worry that they all have small peckers then i would just like to remind you of something.....i dont know if you have seen any straight pornos but there are a lot of guys out there working in the industry that are well endowed and definitely on steroids.....and also in general male strippers take steroids and tend to be bigger than the average guy.

anyway i better stop writing now as im worried you may be getting off on it........we all know you rugby boys like a good bath together ...whats that all about then :D:D:D:D

Steroid users get very angry very quickly

bloomin hel_l..........you lot are enough to put anyone in a rage. if my humour is seen as anger then im fcuked! where was the anger in my post? ......anyway to set things straight you dont have to be on steroids to make positive comments about muscle heads .ive not taken steroids for a long time but might again......as thats completely up to me. people smoke and they know its gonna kill them,at least with steroids you look good on the outside even if insides are fcuked :o

Your "pre diabetic" may very well have changed either due to a change in diet, increase in exercise or a normal physiological compensation mechanism. Pregnant women also develop "pre diabetic" conditions. Your situation proves nothing.

No, no, no. I tried all the diet modification before I started on HRT and let me tell you, it was only after taking steroids that my BG levels became perfectly normal. What that means is that I can consume carbs at high levels and maintain normal BG levels both post prandial and FBS.

I'm not trying to prove anything to you at all...I'm just mentioning in passing a profound benefit that I personally have had.

However, you're off the mark. HRT (TRT) is an accepted and proven medical practice for older men with falling testosterone production. Where have you been? Find your own scientific articles...there are plenty.

To each his own! These guys have a right to be here just like you and I. Don't worry, though, girls don't really like huge muscles. Less competition for the rest of the guys.

People like to believe this because it's a great excuse to stay skinny or out of shape...something almost anyone can achieve without effort.

My (Asian) girlfriend loves big muscular guys 3x her size and more. She always reminds me to take my injections lol. Her idol is Jay Cutler, so there's no chance I'm ever going to get too big for her either.

Some fool on here (I think Pattaya_girl) mentioned that steroids make the face old. People guess that I'm in my early 30's although I'm almost 50. Beer guts age people like nothing else.

I am over 70 - still working - still working out.

I have never taken any performance enhancing drugs and never will.

That's a shame. You'll never, ever know the difference then.

Steroid users get very angry very quickly

It depends on what they take and how much. There 100's of different compounds available.

Low (normal) dosage HRT will not affect aggression at all.


We all seem to love different parts of our body.

Me ..............I especially love my belly. :o

What else part take so tender care of all the goodies I eat and drink?

Most valued me thinks! :D


These guys who take Steroids and walk around thinking they are something special really do make me laugh.... Some of them really do seem to think that they are Mr Universe, the fools :o . If I met a guy who told me he was taking steroids, it would instantly put me off, I don't like 'fakers'... :D Thumbs up to those on here who do it the good old fashioned way and work hard in a gym for their muscles.

These guys who take Steroids and walk around thinking they are something special really do make me laugh.... Some of them really do seem to think that they are Mr Universe, the fools :o . If I met a guy who told me he was taking steroids, it would instantly put me off, I don't like 'fakers'... :D Thumbs up to those on here who do it the good old fashioned way and work hard in a gym for their muscles.

some of them are mr universe or have been mr universe or better,there are a lot of top level bodybuilders that live or holiday here.

if you dont like fakers then i would suggest that you are living in the wrong town as most people that live here are fakers ie bullshitters....from the women down to the tourists etc. not saying all but a hel_l of a lot more than any other place ive visited/lived.

as to you taking an instant dislike to someone telling you he has taken steroids then just goes to show your personality .....would you prefer someone to lie and say he has never taken steroids....that annoys me more as then he is pretending it is just his hard work etc.

and i also say thumbs up to those that do it the old fashioned way but i tried that for 10 years and basically got nowhere as my genetics are completely wrong for bodybuilding but it happens to be my passion .....so after getting nowhere(by this i mean maybe putting a pound or two of muscle on a year,and this was with eating properly and trainng very very hard etc), i took steroids and put on a years worth of work in a few weeks so this is why most guys take steroids and to be really honest i wish i hadnt of wasted....yes felt like a waste... the 10 years i trained first .

if you dont like fakers then also you wont like most sports people in the last 15 years or more as the majority have tried some form of performance enhancers.

also where do you draw the line...is taking extra protein or creatine supplements cheating ?

i do agree though with a lot of people that some steroid guys do tend to be idiots etc but thats down to there personality rather than just taking steroids.please lets not put all steroid users in the same group as this doesnt seem fair.its like saying all yanks are big mouthed , all germans push in queues or all english are football hooligan thugs . :D


I also like girls who have it the "good old fashiond way" - natural DD's.

Unfortunately, few Thai girls of under 45kg have natural DD's, so they opt for breast enhancement or nose jobs, liposuction, botox and other enhancements.

Do I consider that cheating? hel_l no. I thank God everyday.

These guys who take Steroids and walk around thinking they are something special really do make me laugh.... Some of them really do seem to think that they are Mr Universe, the fools :o . If I met a guy who told me he was taking steroids, it would instantly put me off, I don't like 'fakers'... :D Thumbs up to those on here who do it the good old fashioned way and work hard in a gym for their muscles.

Lucky for you it's unlikely you'll ever be hit on by a steroid taker in Pattaya. Most of them are here for the Thai women, not Farang chicks. Your attitude reminds me why I like Asian chicks so much.

These guys who take Steroids and walk around thinking they are something special really do make me laugh.... Some of them really do seem to think that they are Mr Universe, the fools :D . If I met a guy who told me he was taking steroids, it would instantly put me off, I don't like 'fakers'... :( Thumbs up to those on here who do it the good old fashioned way and work hard in a gym for their muscles.

Lucky for you it's unlikely you'll ever be hit on by a steroid taker in Pattaya. Most of them are here for the Thai women, not Farang chicks. Your attitude reminds me why I like Asian chicks so much.

Phew... You obviously don't know me as you have certainly got it SO wrong... Im tired of fighting them off.. :D

Your attitude reminds me why I like Asian guys so much. :D


You just can't let go of the kitten episode, can you? :D LOL :D


That reminds me, I've been missing those "roid rages" need to go to the pharmacy and pick-up

some more pills...but...can't...reach...wallet...in...back...pocket...not...flexible...enough...aarrgghh

That reminds me, I've been missing those "roid rages" need to go to the pharmacy and pick-up

some more pills...but...can't...reach...wallet...in...back...pocket...not...flexible...enough...aarrgghh

Just take the bb (baht bus) and for sure someone will help to empty your pockets :o


I agree with Tattoodrob that you are lumping all steroid users into the same category - despite that some are using for HRT, to improve their appearance or as a professional athlete. The "freaks" you see represent less than 5-10% of people taking steroids and usually genetically gifted or extreme users.

Tropo is also correct in my experience. Most guys who take steroid to improve themselves become rather discerning about the women they like. If you are not at least an 8/10, with a decent body and a fair rack, you aren't ever going to have to worry about being hit on. And maybe that does explain a lot of the females comments.

Too get an idea of what you find acceptable or desireable, which image would you want to look like, or go out with? These are 4 random images I got from Google.



I have been watching this thread with interest but avoided taking any direct involvement.

There are many different ways to exercise and to be honest my knowledge of steroid use is extremely limited. I know it is used under strict guidance by people who are recovering from accidents and has been pointed out there are benefits for people as HRT. It is also used as performance enhancement and as is being discussed her for aiding muscle growth in body building. Whether one form is legitimate and another not is personal opinion. For various reasons performance enhancement drugs are banned in sport. It concerns me that the major issue is quality of the steroid - human versus animal and the knowledge required to use it safely.

My personal preference is running not body building but I know that anyone who spends time and effort to build a body that they are proud of is preferable to letting oneself go to fat and ruin as a result of bad diet, smoking and drinking to excess.

In my opinion - lets put up our opions but accept that not all will agree with us. That does not give anyone the right to denegrate others.



Tropo, you called me a fool in one of your previous posts, because I was merely adding to the thread and giving my views, I though that was what this was all about - so come on, stop posting your negative comments, never seen you post a positive one yet. I dont need steroids or anything like that to look good, just take care of yourself and dont burn the candle at both ends, and you wont need rubbish like that, giving false impressions of what you wish you were naturaly.

I agree with Tattoodrob that you are lumping all steroid users into the same category - despite that some are using for HRT, to improve their appearance or as a professional athlete. The "freaks" you see represent less than 5-10% of people taking steroids and usually genetically gifted or extreme users.

Tropo is also correct in my experience. Most guys who take steroid to improve themselves become rather discerning about the women they like. If you are not at least an 8/10, with a decent body and a fair rack, you aren't ever going to have to worry about being hit on. And maybe that does explain a lot of the females comments.

Too get an idea of what you find acceptable or desireable, which image would you want to look like, or go out with? These are 4 random images I got from Google.

I would absolutely not date any of these :o

I agree with Tattoodrob that you are lumping all steroid users into the same category - despite that some are using for HRT, to improve their appearance or as a professional athlete. The "freaks" you see represent less than 5-10% of people taking steroids and usually genetically gifted or extreme users.

Tropo is also correct in my experience. Most guys who take steroid to improve themselves become rather discerning about the women they like. If you are not at least an 8/10, with a decent body and a fair rack, you aren't ever going to have to worry about being hit on. And maybe that does explain a lot of the females comments.

Too get an idea of what you find acceptable or desireable, which image would you want to look like, or go out with? These are 4 random images I got from Google.

Ohhh Pictures C & D are nasty.. Thanks, I just had my dinner :D:o

These guys who take Steroids and walk around thinking they are something special really do make me laugh.... Some of them really do seem to think that they are Mr Universe, the fools :D . If I met a guy who told me he was taking steroids, it would instantly put me off, I don't like 'fakers'... :( Thumbs up to those on here who do it the good old fashioned way and work hard in a gym for their muscles.

Lucky for you it's unlikely you'll ever be hit on by a steroid taker in Pattaya. Most of them are here for the Thai women, not Farang chicks. Your attitude reminds me why I like Asian chicks so much.

Phew... You obviously don't know me as you have certainly got it SO wrong... Im tired of fighting them off.. :D

Your attitude reminds me why I like Asian guys so much. :D


You just can't let go of the kitten episode, can you? :D LOL :D

My comments on a steroid thread have not been influenced by your kittens.

In your dreams buff steroid guys are hitting on you. It is hard to understand why Farang girls are attracted to skinny Thai men, but you must just have a skinny fetish therefore your disgust toward guys with decent physiques is quite understandable.

Let me educate you. Well-built guys have absolutely no problems attracting girls in Asia or in Farangland.

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