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Okay, maybe not quite as much. But I'm up there, maybe at 70-80% of what those guys can do.

And I believe you about the 100 lb increase, but that's never been my goal.

I have natural athletic strength. I can do 30-32 chin ups in a single set, 40 dips in a single set.

I mention these because to this day I've never seen another guy in a gym I've been in, even come close to me on these.

30 - 32 chin ups is very good for sure, but how much do you weigh?

Most strength athletes are not concerned with high reps. Once you reach 15 - 20, even very strong individuals can find the going tough because endurance becomes the primary factor. Most world record pullup/chinup champions are skinny.

pull up record

How much can you deadlift, squat, bench press and military press are the questions I'd be asking?

Not skinny like that guy. I guess if I put my mind to it, I could challenge the world record.

But I'm well rounded, strong in all muscles, which makes me a bad candidate for the record due to my "extra" muscle mass. Don't desire to beat the record anyway.

I think I get to my first 30 before he does, so too bad for me it's not a 30 second test.

I'm 75 kg and can bench press almost twice my weight. (My target for next year, as I'm still getting stronger)

I don't deadlift, do overhead presses as opposed to military presses, and do leg presses as opposed to squats, in order make my legs the limiting factor instead of my shoulders.

However, as much as I want to address specific questions about my ability, I feel that I've already crossed the line into conceited boasting about myself.

I didn't mean to do that, but had to answer "I doubt it".

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If I could move some of the "extra muscles" around my belt area,......I probably would look impressive :D ...................................................(to some) :o

Okay, maybe not quite as much. But I'm up there, maybe at 70-80% of what those guys can do.

And I believe you about the 100 lb increase, but that's never been my goal.

I have natural athletic strength. I can do 30-32 chin ups in a single set, 40 dips in a single set.

I mention these because to this day I've never seen another guy in a gym I've been in, even come close to me on these.

30 - 32 chin ups is very good for sure, but how much do you weigh?

Most strength athletes are not concerned with high reps. Once you reach 15 - 20, even very strong individuals can find the going tough because endurance becomes the primary factor. Most world record pullup/chinup champions are skinny.

pull up record

How much can you deadlift, squat, bench press and military press are the questions I'd be asking?

Not skinny like that guy. I guess if I put my mind to it, I could challenge the world record.

But I'm well rounded, strong in all muscles, which makes me a bad candidate for the record due to my "extra" muscle mass. Don't desire to beat the record anyway.

I think I get to my first 30 before he does, so too bad for me it's not a 30 second test.

I'm 75 kg and can bench press almost twice my weight. (My target for next year, as I'm still getting stronger)

I don't deadlift, do overhead presses as opposed to military presses, and do leg presses as opposed to squats, in order make my legs the limiting factor instead of my shoulders.

However, as much as I want to address specific questions about my ability, I feel that I've already crossed the line into conceited boasting about myself.

I didn't mean to do that, but had to answer "I doubt it".

You are more of an athlete than a body builder. Body building is about gaining weight and size and the way to do this is to eat big, do compound excercises with as much wieght as you can handle on low reps the sleep big.

look around the gym and you will see they guys with the acne covered back and the watery muscles walking around like they are carrying a pair of buckets. These are the steroid takers the ones with the 'bitch tits' and no nuts.

I have nothing against the steroid takers as it is their choice and yes there are benefite to taking steroids in some cases. That is the reason that they were developed. In my experience the guys that took the steroids were far lazier in the gym than the ones that did not because they expected gains whether they worked hard or not.

As for the scabby back i don't think that many women would find that attractive.

Cheers, Rick

Not skinny like that guy. I guess if I put my mind to it, I could challenge the world record.

But I'm well rounded, strong in all muscles, which makes me a bad candidate for the record due to my "extra" muscle mass. Don't desire to beat the record anyway.

I think I get to my first 30 before he does, so too bad for me it's not a 30 second test.

I'm 75 kg and can bench press almost twice my weight. (My target for next year, as I'm still getting stronger)

I don't deadlift, do overhead presses as opposed to military presses, and do leg presses as opposed to squats, in order make my legs the limiting factor instead of my shoulders.

However, as much as I want to address specific questions about my ability, I feel that I've already crossed the line into conceited boasting about myself. I didn't mean to do that, but had to answer "I doubt it".

You can say that again!

Claiming you can bench almost 150kg AND rep 30 pullups faster than the world record holder at a heavier bodyweight is certainly hard to believe.

BTW, the one minute chinup record stands at 53. That's with a supinated grip.

Do you rep 32 to full extension and chin over the bar with no kipping? If so, I'm impressed.

muscles are not a sign of strength or being fit

Making comments like that is certainly a sign that the brain has not been engaged.

This thread is an excuse for all the out-of-shape people to show their insecurities.

I issue a challenge to anyone. Take lots of steroids and stay at home drinking beer...I guarantee the result will be zero muscle gains.

Steroids, good food and a LOT of dedicated hard work are required to develop the physiques that so many of you secretly envy.

The people I pity are the guys who get around looking 9 months pregnant....too numerous to count.

Catching sidelong glances of my beer-belly this evening, after taking a shower, I felt slightly depressed.

Now, after reading your risible post I feel curiously elated.

"Secretly envy"; are you having a laugh?

Steroid-Body-Builder types are not all bad, I know quite a few, but I have concluded that nearly all (of them) have personality disorders.

Observe yourself: Narcissistic Personality Disorder

If having a beer-belly is acceptable to you, then go for it...you're fortunate that it won't require too much effort.

According to your definitiion, anyone concerned about their physique or looks would have a personality disorder? That covers a lot of territory doesn't it?

You are more of an athlete than a body builder. Body building is about gaining weight and size and the way to do this is to eat big, do compound excercises with as much wieght as you can handle on low reps the sleep big.

look around the gym and you will see they guys with the acne covered back and the watery muscles walking around like they are carrying a pair of buckets. These are the steroid takers the ones with the 'bitch tits' and no nuts.

I have nothing against the steroid takers as it is their choice and yes there are benefite to taking steroids in some cases. That is the reason that they were developed. In my experience the guys that took the steroids were far lazier in the gym than the ones that did not because they expected gains whether they worked hard or not.

As for the scabby back i don't think that many women would find that attractive.

Cheers, Rick

You're making a lot of assumptions here Rick.

Firstly, not all people using steroids will have bitch tits, a scabby back an no nuts. These can all be easily avoided.

Secondly, most succesful steroid using bodybuilders train harder than naturals to make full use of their investment. They have a more positive and enthusiastic approach to their training...and certainly enjoy it more than most natural trainers.


'lets be honest here though most guys are a bit jealous of the guys with a bit of muscle(not the freak size) or at least wouldnt mind getting the ladies they get!!! '

it's not difficult to pull a pro, just stick your hand in your wallet same as they have!!!

They can also be used safely without any side effects by intelligent users who know what they are doing and do careful blood work.

I use steroids for HRT at age 49, and one side benefit is that my pre-diabetic condition has totally normalized. Being able to push weights like I'm still in my 20's doesn't hurt either. I hadn't touched steroids until I was 47 but I wish I had started ealier.

Maybe you should publish your study as it would be of great interest to pathologists and pharmacologists. Steroid use in older males is particularly dangerous becuse the liver and kidneys are more suseptible to damage. That's part of the aging process. Your "pre diabetic" may very well have changed either due to a change in diet, increase in exercise or a normal physiological compensation mechanism. Pregnant women also develop "pre diabetic" conditions. Your situation proves nothing.

Blood work? All that will tell you that your cholesterol levels are out of wack and that maybe there is a liver and kidney dysfunction. It's not going to give insight to your prostate,and vital organ physical changes.

I can cite lots of research on the detrimental effects of steroids but none of the proponents of non- medical use can provide one study with clear cut benefits. There's lots of money to be made with steroids, so that's an incentive for people to go out and show the benefits outweigh the costs, but they can't. I also marvel at the expertise shown by backers of non medical steroid use. So what if they have no understanding of biochemistry, physiology or pharmacology. They read on the internet that steroids are good, so hey they gotta be good. the guy in the internet ad was wearing a white coat and he's a doctor!

Tell you what, when you drop dead of a stroke at age 60 let's have a look at your heart liver and kidneys. If everything is fine, I promise that I will say that I am wrong and you were right ok?

The cost of the roids is door sun. When your girl goes whats dat pointing at once was an enhanced member mow 1/3 the size. And once your off the roids if you don't work out forever- all the muscle mass sags- not to mention I think the brain shrinks as the Ego increases. Where is snap kick to the head at anyway......surprised not to see him posting!

lets be honest here though most guys are a bit jealous of the guys with a bit of muscle(not the freak size) or at least wouldnt mind getting the ladies they get!!!

ohmygosh!!! another legend in his own lunchtime!

All together now...

"I'm too sexy for TV, too sexy for TV,..... " ad nauseum.

If you read correctly then you would see i wasnt talking about me...thats why i wrote "they" ,should have put your reading glasses on first and then replied "there too sexy for tv".

i was just being honest and its a shame some people cant be....i am jealous of the young guys in great shape and aint afraid to say it. it dont eat me up or nothing or even bother me to any degree but if i could be in great shape or fat, then i would want to be in the former.......just too dam_n lazy to put the effort in nowadays.

as to the ladies front then yes we can all buy a lady here but the young muscley guys get them cheaper/free and also the sexier ladies tend not to go with the older fat guys , because they can be choosey.have you seen many old fat guys with real stunners...i havent ,unless there mega loaded that is,and even then they dont seem to smile.


What about HGH? Is that classed as a steroid? I heard that its a good anti ageing thing to take and that it takes years off you and gives you more energy. I wouldnt want to look like a steroid guy, but would think about anti ageing once Im over 50 (45 now) as I know my energy levels arent what they were in my 20s.

And argueing about who gets the best girls in the easiest place in the world to get laid is bizarre. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So we all think we have the hottest women.


What is most interesting is the fact that these gorillas need to get pumped up to go stand in some Pattaya disco to pick up a 'working girl'.

Can only think that...

A) they think by having big biceps that they qualify for a discount or can get it free

:o they really like getting hit on by ladyboys

C) somehow someway the ugly tattoos on their bg gf will be less obvious on the back a 400cc motorbike because everyone will be looking at their muskels

D) having big arms offsets somehow offsets the lack of hair on their head

E) they believe it makes them manly when standing next to a Thai

or my favorite

F) when they leave for a visa run to cambodia they get to say (outloud or to themselves)..."I'll be back".

You are more of an athlete than a body builder. Body building is about gaining weight and size and the way to do this is to eat big, do compound excercises with as much wieght as you can handle on low reps the sleep big.

look around the gym and you will see they guys with the acne covered back and the watery muscles walking around like they are carrying a pair of buckets. These are the steroid takers the ones with the 'bitch tits' and no nuts.

I have nothing against the steroid takers as it is their choice and yes there are benefite to taking steroids in some cases. That is the reason that they were developed. In my experience the guys that took the steroids were far lazier in the gym than the ones that did not because they expected gains whether they worked hard or not.

As for the scabby back i don't think that many women would find that attractive.

Cheers, Rick

You're making a lot of assumptions here Rick.

Firstly, not all people using steroids will have bitch tits, a scabby back an no nuts. These can all be easily avoided.

Secondly, most succesful steroid using bodybuilders train harder than naturals to make full use of their investment. They have a more positive and enthusiastic approach to their training...and certainly enjoy it more than most natural trainers.

I am speaking from experience Tropo as i was a serious bodybuilder when i lived in the UK. I saw what i saw at the gym and i have passed on my experience. I know that it is dangerous to generalise and it's different strokes for different folks. Taking other chemicals will indeed keep the side effects at bay, but how far do you go? I requented a weights only gym with not one excercise machine in sight and this type of gym attracted the 'juice' types.

I stated before that i have nothing against steroid users, but they should be aware of the side effects that are possible when using these substances.

Cheers, Rick

What is most interesting is the fact that these gorillas need to get pumped up to go stand in some Pattaya disco to pick up a 'working girl'.

Can only think that...

A) they think by having big biceps that they qualify for a discount or can get it free

:o they really like getting hit on by ladyboys

C) somehow someway the ugly tattoos on their bg gf will be less obvious on the back a 400cc motorbike because everyone will be looking at their muskels

D) having big arms offsets somehow offsets the lack of hair on their head

E) they believe it makes them manly when standing next to a Thai

or my favorite

F) when they leave for a visa run to cambodia they get to say (outloud or to themselves)..."I'll be back".

hmmmmmm.......i dont think many guys/gorillas actually decided to take steroids just so they could go to a pattaya disco and pick up a working lady...i may be wrong(but i doubt it...lol)

to answer your points;

a)just having big biceps dont qualify for cheap/free but maybe on a young good lookin dude it does.

:D you didnt have a :D but il comment........doesnt everyone get hit on by ladyboys

c)dont think there bothered what you think about there bargirls tatts as they have more than the ladies.

d)your right there,cant have hair and big arms so its skinny and hair or large and skinhead.

e)we all look big dont we standing next to a thai!!!! your not a midget by any chance are you...no offence intended if you are.

f)your favourite......i think you watch too many action movies or something...anyway when they leave anywhere ie hotel room ,bar,shop etc they could say/think "il be back"......not just a visa run !!!! if they were that way inclined.

what worries me is how much thought you put into your post......sounds like jealousy to me ......only joking so dont have a cow man!

What is most interesting is the fact that these gorillas need to get pumped up to go stand in some Pattaya disco to pick up a 'working girl'.

Can only think that...

A) they think by having big biceps that they qualify for a discount or can get it free

:o they really like getting hit on by ladyboys

C) somehow someway the ugly tattoos on their bg gf will be less obvious on the back a 400cc motorbike because everyone will be looking at their muskels

D) having big arms offsets somehow offsets the lack of hair on their head

E) they believe it makes them manly when standing next to a Thai

or my favorite

F) when they leave for a visa run to cambodia they get to say (outloud or to themselves)..."I'll be back".

hmmmmmm.......i dont think many guys/gorillas actually decided to take steroids just so they could go to a pattaya disco and pick up a working lady...i may be wrong(but i doubt it...lol)

to answer your points;

a)just having big biceps dont qualify for cheap/free but maybe on a young good lookin dude it does.

:D you didnt have a :D but il comment........doesnt everyone get hit on by ladyboys

c)dont think there bothered what you think about there bargirls tatts as they have more than the ladies.

d)your right there,cant have hair and big arms so its skinny and hair or large and skinhead.

e)we all look big dont we standing next to a thai!!!! your not a midget by any chance are you...no offence intended if you are.

f)your favourite......i think you watch too many action movies or something...anyway when they leave anywhere ie hotel room ,bar,shop etc they could say/think "il be back"......not just a visa run !!!! if they were that way inclined.

what worries me is how much thought you put into your post......sounds like jealousy to me ......only joking so dont have a cow man!

Not jealousy, just empathy. Sorry if I struck a nerve. Hope you will be able to look in the mirror again and not get too self-conscious.


Every day there's another post that alludes to the fact that it's all about men hanging out with men and men wanting to look good in the eyes of other men.


Hey 'whatsoever' they are not only on street corners.

For the first time in a long time I turned on Pattaya People News on the TV. I thought at first I had the wrong channel.

Nope, it WAS the news channel - there were these 3 guys, 1 British and 2 Thai guys. The British guy was big and all three were covered in Tattoos and talking as if they were suffering symptons from long term steroid use.

Naturally, as they look very tough and I may bump into them in Pattaya, I would like to say that I think they are great people.

Sadly I missed the climax of their presentation, which was about the colour of the presenters underpants after his bungy jump. Pattaya at its best.


I've never taken steroids. But I exercise regularly, eat well and am naturally athletic, which makes me as strong as the guys on the juice, though not as muscle bound.

I'm more ripped and I think I look much better than those guys anyway.

Sorry mate

You might think you are as strong as a guy on roids but you are not for sure, In my younger days I took steroids (no longer for 12 years) and when on roids the power you have is unreal, when workingout in the gym you push tremendous weight and are extremely unaturally strong.

I never experinced roid rage or a change of temperment but then again I took a very safe cycle and only for 6 months but the result was amazing and thats why people take them, they work

I've never taken steroids. But I exercise regularly, eat well and am naturally athletic, which makes me as strong as the guys on the juice, though not as muscle bound.

I doubt this.

The strength gain from using steroids can be extremely dramatic. It's hard to believe you can lift what juicers do no matter how athletic you claim to be.

True or not, you should be able to increase your key lifts by 100 lbs or more with one decent, well run course.

Okay, maybe not quite as much. But I'm up there, maybe at 70-80% of what those guys can do.

And I believe you about the 100 lb increase, but that's never been my goal.

I have natural athletic strength. I can do 30-32 chin ups in a single set, 40 dips in a single set.

I mention these because to this day I've never seen another guy in a gym I've been in, even come close to me on these.

Used to be my speciality. 120 chin ups without my feet touching base. Now I'm older, I concentrate on quality not quantity. No supplements ever.

muscles are not a sign of strength or being fit

Making comments like that is certainly a sign that the brain has not been engaged.

This thread is an excuse for all the out-of-shape people to show their insecurities.

I issue a challenge to anyone. Take lots of steroids and stay at home drinking beer...I guarantee the result will be zero muscle gains.

Steroids, good food and a LOT of dedicated hard work are required to develop the physiques that so many of you secretly envy.

The people I pity are the guys who get around looking 9 months pregnant....too numerous to count.

Great comment!!!

Most people have no idea how hard bodybuilders work to attain such physiques, they just think it's a matter of taking roids and you get huge.....NO IDEA PEOPLE!

muscles are not a sign of strength or being fit

Making comments like that is certainly a sign that the brain has not been engaged.

This thread is an excuse for all the out-of-shape people to show their insecurities.

I issue a challenge to anyone. Take lots of steroids and stay at home drinking beer...I guarantee the result will be zero muscle gains.

Steroids, good food and a LOT of dedicated hard work are required to develop the physiques that so many of you secretly envy.

The people I pity are the guys who get around looking 9 months pregnant....too numerous to count.

Great comment!!!

Most people have no idea how hard bodybuilders work to attain such physiques, they just think it's a matter of taking roids and you get huge.....NO IDEA PEOPLE!

Quite honestly, most people don't really care how they got their muscles, but then again most people don't care how lady boys get they fake boo#$#$#ies either.

muscles are not a sign of strength or being fit

Making comments like that is certainly a sign that the brain has not been engaged.

This thread is an excuse for all the out-of-shape people to show their insecurities.

I issue a challenge to anyone. Take lots of steroids and stay at home drinking beer...I guarantee the result will be zero muscle gains.

Steroids, good food and a LOT of dedicated hard work are required to develop the physiques that so many of you secretly envy.

The people I pity are the guys who get around looking 9 months pregnant....too numerous to count.

Great comment!!!

Most people have no idea how hard bodybuilders work to attain such physiques, they just think it's a matter of taking roids and you get huge.....NO IDEA PEOPLE!

I think you may find that most normal people would prefer to be in the company of a friend with a pot belly than some self obsesed twitching steriod freak! It is odd, always was, always will be. Then again you obviously like your friends to be showing their viens :o


Do you guys get so upset with girls that get breast enhancements to alter their looks?

Most steroid users, including myself, use them wisely to achieve the goal we want – and that can be anything from a “fitness model” look, to the “freak” look and anywhere in between. The Steroid types you refer to are the more extreme form of steroid users, not the true representative.

By saying “Brainless” in front of “Steroid types” and arguing from a position of ignorance only makes you look foolish. Others have done a good job of rebutting the myths associated with steroid usage, so I won’t bother.

If you’re happy with a big belly, man-boobs, and a low enough self esteem to post about guys living their life and not bothering you...more power to you. That's your choice, but I'm not going to start a thread about you.

However, for those that are interested in feeling better, looking better and not having to resort to blue diamonds, you should look in to Hormone Replacement Therapy if you are over the age of 40. I highly recommend it.


Excuse me, I must have accidentally stumbled into the gay forum.

As mentioned before, most juicers are gay, and the ones that aren't will soon turn after a few girls laugh at the size of their manhood. I once read that long term steroid users are similar to penguins, in that their sex can only be determined by surgery (apologies to Dr Pong).

The vast majority of Thai girls I have met cringe at musclebound freaks, they're generally a bit scared of them, and know they are poorly endowed.

I used to work out alot when I played rugby, and am more trim than the average guy, so I understand the desire, but I used to do it for a purpose, not just to look good in Boyztown.

Very entertaining thread BTW, for sure 'I'll be back' :o

Excuse me, I must have accidentally stumbled into the gay forum.

As mentioned before, most juicers are gay, and the ones that aren't will soon turn after a few girls laugh at the size of their manhood. I once read that long term steroid users are similar to penguins, in that their sex can only be determined by surgery (apologies to Dr Pong).

The vast majority of Thai girls I have met cringe at musclebound freaks, they're generally a bit scared of them, and know they are poorly endowed.

I used to work out alot when I played rugby, and am more trim than the average guy, so I understand the desire, but I used to do it for a purpose, not just to look good in Boyztown.

Very entertaining thread BTW, for sure 'I'll be back' :o

Why do you think most juicers are gay? Or turn gay?

And why would your manhood shrink by taking steroids?

Why do you think steroid users don't all have a purpose?

Your sweeping generalisations only serve to weaken your case and make your desperate attempts to validate your own self loathing meaningless.

These are just the excuses you use to make people like you feel better about yourself. But that's ok. We understand.

No doubt some women, and clearly men, are intimidated by "musclebound freaks".

But why do you care? Repeat after me "steroid users are not better than me". And get over it.


It's not steroid use makes the dick smaller, it only 'looks' smaller because everything around it is now so much bigger.

Same principle as never date a girl with big hands. They will make your dick look small.


Excuse me, I must have accidentally stumbled into the gay forum.

As mentioned before, most juicers are gay, and the ones that aren't will soon turn after a few girls laugh at the size of their manhood. I once read that long term steroid users are similar to penguins, in that their sex can only be determined by surgery (apologies to Dr Pong).

The vast majority of Thai girls I have met cringe at musclebound freaks, they're generally a bit scared of them, and know they are poorly endowed.

I used to work out alot when I played rugby, and am more trim than the average guy, so I understand the desire, but I used to do it for a purpose, not just to look good in Boyztown.

Very entertaining thread BTW, for sure 'I'll be back' :D

how do you know that most juicers are gay then????and supposedly go to boyztown.....you must be a regular there to have any substance to your statement!if not then you seem to be obsessed that steroid guys are gay...maybe its your fantasy and you need to adress your own issues with big guys,or is it that you been turned down by some big gay steroid guy in the past???

most thai girls and actually most girls everywhere cringe at the freaky size of some bodybuilders ....i dont blame them, as some bodybuilders do go beyond the realms of normality.this is the extreme user of steroids but the girls dont cringe at the guys with a six pack,manly chest and good sized arms!

also do you think that thai girls dont cringe at the sight of an obesely overweight sweaty farang who cant even see his manhhod as covered in rolls of fat...maybe you dont see them cringe as much but thats just because there used to seeing such farangs in thailand over many years now.

to help you get over the issues of your worry that they all have small peckers then i would just like to remind you of something.....i dont know if you have seen any straight pornos but there are a lot of guys out there working in the industry that are well endowed and definitely on steroids.....and also in general male strippers take steroids and tend to be bigger than the average guy.

anyway i better stop writing now as im worried you may be getting off on it........we all know you rugby boys like a good bath together ...whats that all about then :D:o:D:D


Well myself and my friend (being ladies) find it hilarious to see the Guy on steriods - you can tell a mile off what they are taking, and the way they walk, like they are carrying a couple of coconuts (under there arms), yes, under there arms, certainly not somewhere else i have heard.....its pathetic.

My Partner has a lovely muscly body and trains every day for Muay Thai Boxing and he is a Black Belt Champion in Kung <deleted> - He would never touch steriods. Also most of these guys who take these drugs look old in there face.

There are plenty of good Gyms to train in Pattaya to get in shape, why resort to taking steroids to produce a false impression of what you really are!!!! and I wonder, what happens when you stop taking them, cannot take them forever.....

Same principle as never date a girl with big hands. They will make your dick look small.


I thought the girls with big hands ....... weren't ?


Not sure how related it is to the topic, but any girl I have met over the years has only ever been concerned with the size and strength of one muscle.

But it's only three inches, however the Mrs likes it that wide.

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