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Negative Postings

Big Guy

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I come to ThaiVisa to express opinions.

Are you sure you are strong enough to express an opinion here ? :D

Aren't you worried all the weaklings will gang up on you and sissy-slap you around ? :o

I have to admit, The Don is a bit scary - That right arm of his looks like it's had a lot of exercise.

That's what compulsive masterbation does.

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I come to ThaiVisa to express opinions.

Are you sure you are strong enough to express an opinion here ? :D

Aren't you worried all the weaklings will gang up on you and sissy-slap you around ? :o

I have to admit, The Don is a bit scary - That right arm of his looks like it's had a lot of exercise.

That's what compulsive masterbation does.

So now we know he is right handed ? :D

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I come to ThaiVisa to express opinions.

Are you sure you are strong enough to express an opinion here ? :D

Aren't you worried all the weaklings will gang up on you and sissy-slap you around ? :o

I have to admit, The Don is a bit scary - That right arm of his looks like it's had a lot of exercise.

That's what compulsive masterbation does.

So now we know he is right handed ? :D

As it's so fashionable to have polls these days, then why not set one up.

Is the Don right handed?





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But look, I've got lurker friends who always tell me "It's just the same old ppl being dicks posting all the time.' And then inevitably "....Well, I'd post, except everybody's such an ar$hole on there, so I don't really wanna...."

Well guess what ? It's YOUR forum and it's what YOU make of it. If all the good ppl are gonna hold out because of some other ppl or any other excuse, they're just selling themselves short, and depriving plenty of sane and interesting ppl who do frequent TV a chance to get to know them. It's a lame excuse and a bummer. Make this a positive place one post at a time. Anybody can make this a great forum starting right now. And then just go about your business ignoring that which should be ignored.

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People are allowed to say what they like, as long as it is within forum rules, you sign up to them rules so abide by them, within those rules people criticise, sometimes unfairly and sometimes without reason, if you read enough you will pick out the Usual Suspects and just skim over the content of their oft ill advised diatribe.

This poor attempt at trying to get a biassed view across because of a malady within their reason because of a misfortune, generally of their own making, that has blighted their view on Thailand, fortunately there are the older hands who have 'done that' and 'been there', who give a plain and honest appraisal of the situation, you pays your money and you take your pick.

As for moderation, I have made my views clear on many occasions and as has been suggested try other 'Boreds', see which you prefer.

Boards, they are like a box of Candy, after you pick one or two, you know which one generally you will choose next time.


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That's what compulsive masterbation does.


I hadn't seen this when I posted, I can see very clearly now, although I am not so sure about Don :D


Well Moss, I was always told that it makes you go blind, so....... :o

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That's what compulsive masterbation does.


I hadn't seen this when I posted, I can see very clearly now, although I am not so sure about Don :D


Well Moss, I was always told that it makes you go blind, so....... :o

I heard it also makes hair grow on the palm of your hand. Notice you don't see the palm of Don's avatar?

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People are allowed to say what they like, as long as it is within forum rules, you sign up to them rules so abide by them, within those rules people criticise, sometimes unfairly and sometimes without reason, if you read enough you will pick out the Usual Suspects and just skim over the content of their oft ill advised diatribe.

This poor attempt at trying to get a biassed view across because of a malady within their reason because of a misfortune, generally of their own making, that has blighted their view on Thailand, fortunately there are the older hands who have 'done that' and 'been there', who give a plain and honest appraisal of the situation, you pays your money and you take your pick.

As PB said

"Good night, don't let the bedbugs bite."

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Ratree sawad khrab :o

However we are still counting, but drifted a little close to discussing moderation issues, so if we don't want this to be censored, closed or enter the realms of the disappeared, I would suggest and it is only a suggestion, we drift back to making fun of Don :D

I would suggest and it is only a suggestion

Red Rag to a Bull, I suppose, 3,2,1 BANG :D


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............................................post infrequently because there are so many negative people posting on this forum. ................................................................................

.................., but so many people are so negative about everything.

Big Guy,

With only 2 pages of responses, your point has been proven!

Everything has seemed to stop. Recon that most members have gone to sleep.

I believe that by this time tomorrow enough negative responses will have been given to create a listing of members that can be "Charter Members" of

the New Thaivisa Forum titled

"I hate it here .. I hate it there .. Baa Humbug!!!!!!!!!"

If ThaiVisa is lacking sufficient funds for this new forum, I do believe that solicitation of current ThaiVisa Members could raise the required funds.


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Posts have been deleted. Discussion of moderation actions will get this thread shut down and posters warned. If you have issues with moderation the open forum is not the place to air those grievances. Feel free to email support if you have problems.

As for the topic, I think realthaideal has made an extremely valid point:

Well guess what ? It's YOUR forum and it's what YOU make of it. If all the good ppl are gonna hold out because of some other ppl or any other excuse, they're just selling themselves short, and depriving plenty of sane and interesting ppl who do frequent TV a chance to get to know them. It's a lame excuse and a bummer. Make this a positive place one post at a time. Anybody can make this a great forum starting right now. And then just go about your business ignoring that which should be ignored.
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I have been a board member here for quite a long time but post infrequently because there are so many negative people posting on this forum. There is lots of useful information for falangs interested in thailand or involved already, but so many people are so negative about everything. If they dislike it so much, just leave the place alone. If you can't make constructive posts don't make any. Just get a life. And to the Mods, I believe this to be the view of many expats, and others involved in thailand, It is up to you to help sort it out.

Sounds like the OP has been in Thailand for to long. :D

To be quiet about bad things, stick your head in the sand and pretend everything is fine is a typical Thai thing. Don't make anyone loose face, it's bad for everyone. :o

Criticism is essential for improvements, if bad things are not pointed out and discussed they will never be taken care of.

In the end I don't think Thais and farangs are so different, most of the bad things pointed out on this forum would be considered bad by most Thais as well.

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My hat is off to the moderators. It must take a lot of their time. In order to relieve some of the responsibility, I would suggest a mechanism to report repeat offenders by the members themselves. That way, you can look at some postings by a particular person objectively. The forums seem to have their own way of handling off-topic and negative posters, and some other offenses. Having to micro-manage the forums, sometimes detracts from the flow of it. It must be difficult to keep so many threads in perspective and be able to identify a non-constructive post on a particular thread. I don't mean this as a left-handed compliment (I think that's right).

Edited by Shotime
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I say it all the time, "I love TV!" For the most part the moderators do a great job. I don't mind when they remove stuff after I've read it but I sense I'm missing something worthwhile when things start to disappear. I feel I'm not in the loop unless I get to read some of the craziness that goes on here.

The OP is not taking into account human nature and the environment that causes all the negativism he mentioned. In fact I find his post mildly negative. I think the polls done on Thai Visa in the past are telling. Many posters were forced to be born and raised in very cold, dark and wet conditions. Some were even trapped on islands for years while they went to state sponsored schools. It was more than enough to drive people nuts and cause long term psychological problems that manifest themselves in TV everyday. Some of these posters are not nor can they ever be happy. Kind of sad really but I do get a kick out of their posts.

The bottom line is that trolls and flamers must be edited. Thank you to the moderators who cannot always please everyone. :o

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My hat is off to the moderators. It must take a lot of their time. In order to relieve some of the responsibility, I would suggest a mechanism to report repeat offenders by the members themselves.

That ability is already in place.

If you see a post that you think is offensive or in violation of the forum rules, you just have to click the "Report" button at the bottom left corner of the post. This lets the mods know right away that there may be an issue they have to deal with.

However, if you start using it every time you see a post that you simply don't like, or doesn't conform with your ideas, you may find that you suddenly have lots of time to browse other places. :o

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Im all for "freedom of expression", but too many people like to use that as an excuse to be rude, goad, and insult. Go ahead with free speech, and do it as you please, but I think a persons point comes across better if they say what they wish to say in a reasonable and well thought out way.

I dont mind people complaining either. If someone wants to complain, go ahead. I dont always have to read or listen to it. Sometimes I may share the same complaint, so its interesting to read others opinions. Again, a complaint can be worded in a thought out way, rather than "I dont get this! Why are they so stupid! Everything sux!", etc.

Some use the forum to voice out things that they cant (or wouldnt) do outside with friends/partners. A way to vent out frustrations. So thats got to be a good thing, right?

But yeh, some people cant help being negative, or throwing out some negative comment (often quite childish). I dont know if they are like that always in life but either way, dont let it get to you, they are they ones that have to live with themselves. :o

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You will find good information, bad information and often simply BS from self proclaimed experts who know absolutely nothing. Quite often there are people who like to rant and complain just to stir up the more serious members.

Sometimes this forum makes me feel totally superior and other times causes me to realize just how little I actually know. You have to take the good with the bad. Maybe you will actually learn something once in a while if you learn to sift through the BS. Without Thai Visa, I'd have to find some other way to amuse myself.

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Just get a life.

I've never understood why people use this expression........

I guess if you're a coroner "hey pal (slapping the dead guy) why are you dead, get a life" I guess it might apply, but otherwise if you are on the correct side of the lawn I believe there is life. Stupid expression, pompous.

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Of all the forums I peruse about the glorious "Land 'O Thais"; I find T/V easily the most entertaining. It is also the one where, more times than not, IF I have a valid question concerning my existence here I can get answers by the different 'people in the know' who populate the various and sundry sub-forums.

It is amusing to see the "wanna-b-thai" faction and the "thai-bashing" faction spar it out in some threads, although it has become predictable to a degree.

Opinions are like bowel movements, everyone usually has one about once a day. Some you strain at expressing and others just slide out quickly (opinions; that is).

Surprisingly, it is our very differences of opinion and viewpoint which give the forum the diversity it needs to survive. Were we all mindless sheep-like sock puppets, parroting the same views it would be a very boring forum.

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