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You can imagine the other side of this story when the guard is off duty with his mates.............

"You wouldn't believe what I got today. There I am doing my 4 hours of road security - yep, a lot of fun as we know. Up drives this farang with his sticker not even fixed to his windcreen. So, of course, I get him to stop and wind down his window and I take the sticker and tell him to U-turn. The guy gets hopping mad - like that's going to cut any ice with me. Wait for this - then he gets his girlfriend to come and argue with me. Sure - you can imagine I'm going to change the rules for her........... No, wait - it gets better. The guy drives off and before you know it he's back with............. you're not going to believe this......... his lawyer! If I hadn't been in uniform, I could have died laughing. Some of these farang, eh....... they don't know they're born".


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I had a 'fun' experience today with the little guys that control the gates to the airport road.

To those of you that don't know how this works. Every year, around December you apply for a sticker to use this private road. Owned by the Thai military. This road let you take advantage of a nice shortcut.

Today I went through to go to the immigration office and I place my sticker in the front window. As many other people I don't like having all the stickers glued on, since I would end up blind the passenger side completely.

On the way back I am stopped at the checkpoint and they notice that it isn't glued on and ask me to roll down the window. When my passenger rolls down the window the guard grab the sticker and tell me to make a U-turn. I ask him in English, 'what is wrong?', since my Thai is pretty limited. He then in a VERY firm tone say: 'U-TURN', like it is the only English he know. I reluctant make the U-turn and step out of the car to find out what is going on and he just blabbers in Thai, which I tell him that I don't understand. Then he tell me in Thai that he will call someone that speak English. I go back to the car and wait for roughly 30 minutes and my patience is getting to a very low point. I decide to go back to this guy and explain him that I just want my sticker and I will go the other way around. He refuse and continue to explain me all kinds of things in very rapid Thai. At this point my temper is about to explode. I tell him, in Thai, that he talks too much, which he probably think is rude. I then call my Thai girl friend to have her talk to him, which he refuse.

At this point I see no way out and decide to go pick up my lawyer who work very close by. At least this guy can communicate with them.

15 minutes later I am back with my lawyer, who has already told me that there isn't much he can do, cause it is a private area. I have ensured him that all I need it someone that can communicate with this guy so I can clear this misunderstanding, get back my sticker, and go the other way around.

My lawyer, who is way older and more educated than this guy, lowers himself and respectfully try to get the sticker back and all he is being told is that the guard made his decision and refuse to change it, cause I had been impolite.

I would have to wait till December and apply again, was all he could say.

This is the first time I have had this kind of conflict with any Thai official and I must say I have been disgusted.


Anyone else had similar experiences?

You are not for real ,the sooner you go the better.


Pontius Pilate: "Who shall I set free today Barabas or niller74?"

Chiang Mai TV Crowd: "Barabas!!!"

Pontius Pilate: "And what would you have me do with niller74?"

Chiang Mai TV Crowd: "Crucify him!!!"

Talk about a lynch mob, you guys should give old niller a break, he probably realises by now that he f*cked up big time in having his spoilt western brat-style tantrum but I echo the sentiment I made in an earlier post when I say, who hasn't allowed their ire to get the better of them when falling foul of bureaucracy or rule sticklers in this country?


I am closing this topic - too many off topic posts, flames and silliness here. If the OP wishes it to be reopened, please PM me.

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