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- to George and Invision

Having complained until I was blue in the face about problems with the forum after the recent upgrade, I am now very much red-faced red_smile1.gif as I discovered that all the problems I complained about disappeared after I uninstalled all the Firefox "extensions" from the browser.

So now I will re-install the extensions one at a time to determine which cause a problem.

Again, apologies to George and Invision.


Now I realise that all these "user posted image" messages that I see in people's posts work perfectly with Internet Explorer.

Oh... I thought it was a linking problem.... so it works on IE eh... Hmmm :D

totster :o



Could you please compile one single post with all the issues that you and other have found here, and I will be happy to forward it to the priority support team at Invisionboard.

Thanks in advance!



Now I realise that all these "user posted image" messages that I see in people's posts work perfectly with Internet Explorer.

Oh... I thought it was a linking problem.... so it works on IE eh... Hmmm :D

totster :o

Oh! So you get this problem too? But you don't get the non-working smilies problem :D Very strange. Can you confirm that you get the "user posted image" text in Firefox but not in IE, please?

I think I'm gonna uninstall Firefox and all it's extensions and start again. :D


Could you please compile one single post with all the issues that you and other have found here, and I will be happy to forward it to the priority support team at Invisionboard.

Thanks in advance!



OK George. It'll take some time as I want to start from a clean installation of Firefox and extensions. I'll add the post to this thread.



Since the big board upgrade I have problems staying logged in more often than not. I have the "remember me" option active, when visiting the pager I usually am seen as guest. After logging in (my username and password (*****) are visible I sometimes survive three, four or five clicks on the forum, then I am back to guest ......

There were days when it worked better, and days where I rarely survived more than one click, sometimes I even get logged out right after the intermediate "please wait while ...." screen.

Any solution in sight?

Firefox 1.0 (final now, pre-release before, cookies accepted from the main page only, no other settings I would suppose making problems; same functionality fully working at lots of other boards)


Since the big board upgrade I have problems staying logged in more often than not. I have the "remember me" option active, when visiting the pager I usually am seen as guest. After logging in (my username and password (*****) are visible I sometimes survive three, four or five clicks on the forum, then I am back to guest ......

There were days when it worked better, and days where I rarely survived more than one click, sometimes I even get logged out right after the intermediate "please wait while ...." screen.

Any solution in sight?

Firefox 1.0 (final now, pre-release before, cookies accepted from the main page only, no other settings I would suppose making problems; same functionality fully working at lots of other boards)


Me too! Annoying isn't it! I am now using "Firefox 1.0 final" but also have tried "1.0PR" and "0.93" since the upgrade. I think I have had this problem with all these versions.

It is really annoying when you want to reply to a post, you click the reply button, you enter your message, you click on "Preview post" or "Add reply" and you get the very annoying message "You are not allowed to post a reply.....because you are not logged in"! Aaaaaarrrghhh! :o

So then you log in and get redirected to the main forum. Your post is lost! :D:D So then you use the back arrow on the browser to get back to a page where you can see your post, you copy it, go forwards to where you are logged in, find the forum and post you want to reply to, click on "Reply", paste your post back in and pray that you can post it without being told that you are not logged in again. :D

Fortunately this doesn't happen often, but I don't believe it used to happen at all before the upgrade. And when it does happen, it happens for a long time - maybe an hour. And then it stops. :D

PS All the other problems I had with Firefox I now believe were caused solely by the "Adblock" extension - I'm still checking, but I think all the other extensions are working OK and all the forum features are working OK.


Please try to delete all cookies from this forum (on the forum index page). That should solve the problems with Firefox.

I am in contact with the Invisonboard Support team FYI.

Will revert ASAP, as I am travelling right now this Sunday and are temporarily accessing from an Internet cafe.

PS All the other problems I had with Firefox I now believe were caused solely by the "Adblock" extension - I'm still checking, but I think all the other extensions are working OK and all the forum features are working OK.

Remember this thread RDN? Replies #19 + #20. :D

Also, FWIW l haven't really had any problems using Firefox with Thai Visa. Cookies, images, logging in etc. all o.k. Because of some other problems l'm not currently using Ad-block so maybe AdBlock was your problem as you say. :D

The logging in problems are almost certainly cookie related. Are you using any privacy type extensions that clear your cookies, stored passwords etc? Even though there are options to save all these items some privacy extensions override the options no matter how you set them. :o

PS All the other problems I had with Firefox I now believe were caused solely by the "Adblock" extension - I'm still checking, but I think all the other extensions are working OK and all the forum features are working OK.

Remember this thread RDN? Replies #19 + #20. :)

Also, FWIW l haven't really had any problems using Firefox with Thai Visa. Cookies, images, logging in etc. all o.k. Because of some other problems l'm not currently using Ad-block so maybe AdBlock was your problem as you say. -_-

The logging in problems are almost certainly cookie related. Are you using any privacy type extensions that clear your cookies, stored passwords etc? Even though there are options to save all these items some privacy extensions override the options no matter how you set them. :D

:o:D:D Yeeeeees, I remember that thread :( and I am now positive that "Adblock" is the culprit! Hope they update it soon :wub:

As for the logging in problem, it is very sporadic - for example today it hasn't happened at all. I don't think I have any privacy setting problems but I'll check. I will also try deleting the cookies for TV, and let new ones be created.

But at the moment, having "Adblock" disabled (but still installed) allows everything (I think) to work on the forum - and if I want to do some other web browsing, I just enable it again.

One last thing I could try is a clean install of Firefox 1.0 Final. But I can't be bothered just yet :D

Thanks for your input Highwayman :)

Please try to delete all cookies from this forum (on the forum index page). That should solve the problems with Firefox.

I am in contact with the Invisonboard Support team FYI.

Will revert ASAP, as I am travelling right now this Sunday and are temporarily accessing from an Internet cafe.

Deleted all my TV cookies, logged in again and enabled "Adblock" - still get the problems. So I disabled "Adblock" and everything appears OK again.

So it certainly looks like it's just Adblock that causes the problem. I don't think Invisionboard can do much about it :o

Edit: Fixed It!

I removed an odd-looking script (it had 'IPB' in its name) from my list of "Adblock-able" items, and *magic* I can now have Adblock enabled while browsing ThaiVisa AND the forum functions work! So it looks like I was blocking a script that needed to run!

So the problems have now gone!

Apologies for wasting your time, george :D

Cheers, RDN

Edit: Fixed It!

I removed an odd-looking script (it had 'IPB' in its name) from my list of "Adblock-able" items, and *magic* I can now have Adblock enabled while browsing ThaiVisa AND the forum functions work! So it looks like I was blocking a script that needed to run!

So the problems have now gone!

Apologies for wasting your time, george  :o

Cheers, RDN

Can you tell me how to remove an entry from the Adblockable script list? Seems I am stuck with samesame problem, have some scrips with IPB im my list, but no idea how to delete it?


....Can you tell me how to remove an entry from the Adblockable script list? Seems I am stuck with samesame problem, have some scrips with IPB im my list, but no idea how to delete it?


Sure, no plomplem :o :

In Firefox, click Tools / Adblock / Preferences. Use the scroll bar on the right to find "http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/jscripts/ipb_bbcode.js". Select it by clicking on it, then right click, and select "delete". Then click "Done". You'll probably have to re-load the page you're on (ctrl-R) and then "fingers crossed" it should all start to work!

Let us know how you get on! :D

RDN, if you look in the bottom left corner of your screen, just above the word Google........  :D

Sorry, Highwayman, but I have the Google .gif file blocked by Adblock :o:D:D (waste of bandwidth!). Let me put it back and I'll see what you're on about :wub:

OK, done that. So I have "IPB Default Skin" and "English" above "Google". I know I'm going to regret this, but what are you on about ? :D

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