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Is Your Wife The Most Important Thing In Your World?


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Work, home, friends, family? Does your wife come out on top? If you had to make the choice would you choose her above all? Obviously for most it is rarely tested but for some it is. For example would you give up your job to keep your wife?

For those that say no, what is more important?

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Work, home, friends, family? Does your wife come out on top? If you had to make the choice would you choose her above all? Obviously for most it is rarely tested but for some it is. For example would you give up your job to keep your wife?

For those that say no, what is more important?

Sorry mate, this topic doesn't meet the standards according to the description set forth in another heading by the powers that be. May I suggest you rename it something like..... Is your wife intelligent enough to impress those discerning TV members, if not would you still love her.

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Work, home, friends, family? Does your wife come out on top? If you had to make the choice would you choose her above all? Obviously for most it is rarely tested but for some it is. For example would you give up your job to keep your wife?

For those that say no, what is more important?

This is absolutely nothing to do with Thailand but it's actually a decent question.

My priorities in order:




Family (Parents, sister,brother etc)


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My priorities in order:




Family (Parents, sister,brother etc)


Yup, except we don't have any kids (and don't intend having any, both too old) so wifey is No.1

  1. Wife
  2. Work (to maintain No.s 1, 3 and 4.)
  3. Family (Parents, sister, brother etc)
  4. Wifeys family (Parents, sister, brother in-law etc)
  5. Friends

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My priorities in order:




Family (Parents, sister,brother etc)


Yup, except we don't have any kids (and don't intend having any, both too old) so wifey is No.1

  1. Wife
  2. Work (to maintain No.s 1, 3 and 4.)
  3. Family (Parents, sister, brother etc)
  4. Wifeys family (Parents, sister, brother in-law etc)
  5. Friends

1- Daughters


3-My family




7-Her family

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I'm the most important thing in my world. Same deal with everyone not all will admit it though.

Judging by the comments so far the rest of you are being dishonest, or living in some sort of dreamland world.

You mean to say that everybody is like you, even though they don't admit it?

Any children yet?

Because that will change your centre of the universe.

Well, unless one is a sociapath.

i'm suprised your still here, colpyat :o

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I'm the most important thing in my world. Same deal with everyone not all will admit it though.

Judging by the comments so far the rest of you are being dishonest, or living in some sort of dreamland world.

So,do you put yourself before your wife, any kids ?..nothing personal as i dont know you but id say anyone as selfish as you dosent deserve a wife !,,( well not a good one anyway )
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I'm the most important thing in my world. Same deal with everyone not all will admit it though.

Judging by the comments so far the rest of you are being dishonest, or living in some sort of dreamland world.

You mean to say that everybody is like you, even though they don't admit it?

Any children yet?

Because that will change your centre of the universe.

Well, unless one is a sociapath.

i'm suprised your still here, colpyat :D

Aren't you from Buriram ? :o

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I'm the most important thing in my world. Same deal with everyone not all will admit it though.

Judging by the comments so far the rest of you are being dishonest, or living in some sort of dreamland world.

So,do you put yourself before your wife, any kids ?..nothing personal as i dont know you but id say anyone as selfish as you dosent deserve a wife !,,( well not a good one anyway )

Dreamland? Quite possibly.

I believe in equality so my wife is not a higher priority than myself.

Roy gsd

Edited by roygsd
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I'm the most important thing in my world. Same deal with everyone not all will admit it though.

Judging by the comments so far the rest of you are being dishonest, or living in some sort of dreamland world.

So,do you put yourself before your wife, any kids ?..nothing personal as i dont know you but id say anyone as selfish as you dosent deserve a wife !,,( well not a good one anyway )

Take a good hard look in the mirror, mate. grow a pair and stop lying. simple as that.

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I'm the most important thing in my world. Same deal with everyone not all will admit it though.

Judging by the comments so far the rest of you are being dishonest, or living in some sort of dreamland world.

So,do you put yourself before your wife, any kids ?..nothing personal as i dont know you but id say anyone as selfish as you dosent deserve a wife !,,( well not a good one anyway )

Take a good hard look in the mirror, mate. grow a pair and stop lying. simple as that.

For you maybe, dont think we are all the same,..If i wanted to be a selfish <deleted> i wouldnt have got married,.
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I'm the most important thing in my world. Same deal with everyone not all will admit it though.

Judging by the comments so far the rest of you are being dishonest, or living in some sort of dreamland world.

So,do you put yourself before your wife, any kids ?..nothing personal as i dont know you but id say anyone as selfish as you dosent deserve a wife !,,( well not a good one anyway )

Take a good hard look in the mirror, mate. grow a pair and stop lying. simple as that.

Grow what?

A pair of horns?

'Coz that's what one would very possibly get if ones takes you as his marriage counselor.

People divorce or runway with different women everyday leaving there mess for others to clean up, people take there own life “Suicide” leaving family’s behind. I’m sure a lot of people on this forum have left there wife’s to live in Thailand with there new wife. MrPeppers Words have some truth to them. but a bit over generalizing.

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For me my daughter comes first and foremost, closely followed my my wife.

I do consider my own status quo (Work & Earnings) a high priority though because if I can't support myself, then how can I support my family?


I have just noticed this post:

I'm the most important thing in my world. Same deal with everyone not all will admit it though.

Judging by the comments so far the rest of you are being dishonest, or living in some sort of dreamland world.

<deleted>? Maybe you have just not found the person who will make you happy, your post sounds very very bitter.

Rather than being angered by your comment, I choose to pity you instead, as it is sad that you have not experienced the emotion of caring about another person more than yourself. Give it a try sometime.

Edited by globalj
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My Thai wife was the most importasnd person in the world until I discovered her real itinery.


A case of <deleted>? Bring it on. And I might believe that a snake travels in a straight line, that Thai ladies speak the truth and that the world is flat.

<--- hides head even deeper under the sand to avoid the flack :o

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in first place is my Son and my Wife, my family.

the job ranks very high because I need it to stay here, if I lost that then the chances are I would have to go back home with my family to be able to support them. so my job is also very important to us.

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I'm the most important thing in my world. Same deal with everyone not all will admit it though.

Judging by the comments so far the rest of you are being dishonest, or living in some sort of dreamland world.

So,do you put yourself before your wife, any kids ?..nothing personal as i dont know you but id say anyone as selfish as you dosent deserve a wife !,,( well not a good one anyway )

Take a good hard look in the mirror, mate. grow a pair and stop lying. simple as that.


Appreciate your honesty,

I believe in equality, so no I dont put the wife first, 50/50 no more no less.

Its bad enough the Thai government tilt the balance in favour of the Thai wife without Farangs falling over themselves to embrace and promote that policy.

... "NOTHING PERSONAL AS I DONT KNOW YOU BUT I'D SAY Some one as selfish as you does'nt deserve a wife"( "well not a good one anyway")??????? &lt;deleted&gt;???

Sounds pretty personal to me, I guess the person who wrote that comment must have his own "Lonely Hearts Club Band"

but he seems out of tune to me. :o:D:D

Roy gsd

Edited by roygsd
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Does your wife come out on top?


If you had to make the choice would you choose her above all?


For example would you give up your job to keep your wife?

not applicable if one married Miss "Right"

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My son is first, I am second, and my wife is third.

I never thought that it would be possible to be more concerned for someone other than myself until my son came along.

I personally think that loving my wife (or any partner) more than myself would be a recipe for disaster.

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First would be my brother.. Then my LT GF..

I would die for either of them but if they both needed a heart and mine was the only one then my Bro would get it.

I'm the most important thing in my world. Same deal with everyone not all will admit it though.

Judging by the comments so far the rest of you are being dishonest, or living in some sort of dreamland world.

Horse shit.. I would gladly take a bullet for my brother, not a pause in thought..

I would have died for the first wife too.. And nearly did after she passed.

As for comparing loved ons to something as mundane as a job.. Jesus !! I have walked out on 600k per annum business simply due to being bored with it. How could something as mundane as work come in any way close to how you are to family baffles me

Edited by LivinLOS
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My priorities in order:




Family (Parents, sister,brother etc)


Yup, except we don't have any kids (and don't intend having any, both too old) so wifey is No.1

  1. Wife
  2. Work (to maintain No.s 1, 3 and 4.)
  3. Family (Parents, sister, brother etc)
  4. Wifeys family (Parents, sister, brother in-law etc)
  5. Friends

1- Daughters


3-My family




7-Her family

My Children

My Brothers / Dad






Her family


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