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Well, I was trying to be subtle but I think Sam has been more forthright :D

As to his clinic, Sam has the right idea, vote with your feet :D:D(Sorry, terrible but I couldn't resist) :D

Yeah I noticed that. What's up with the matching surnames anyway?

If you read through ZapperGeck's posts you will learn he and his Thai male patner/wife/husband :D were "married" in a civil ceremony in Germany. It would appear he has some issues that said marriage is not recognised in Thailand and is apparently somehow involved with certain Gay activists who aren't winning any awards for popularity right now. :D:) Trying to be subtle again.......

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Well, I was trying to be subtle but I think Sam has been more forthright :D

As to his clinic, Sam has the right idea, vote with your feet :D:D(Sorry, terrible but I couldn't resist) :D

Yeah I noticed that. What's up with the matching surnames anyway?

If you read through ZapperGeck's posts you will learn he and his Thai male patner/wife/husband :D were "married" in a civil ceremony in Germany. It would appear he has some issues that said marriage is not recognised in Thailand and is apparently somehow involved with certain Gay activists who aren't winning any awards for popularity right now. :D:) Trying to be subtle again.......

I'm not concerned about his personal life at all but last I heard, same-sex marriages, civil unions, etc. were not recognized in Thailand.

I also don't care about people's sexual orientation when I do business with them or go to see them as doctors, dentists, hairdressers, etc. If they are good professionals that is all that matters to me. What would concern me a great deal is a professional that blatantly lies on an Internet forum. That tells me something about the person and their honesty and integrity.

I would also think that since they were advertising themselves as professionals and as one of them even states "...a Podologist is a medical foot therapist near to a physician.", that they would not advertise their personal lives (i.e. matching surnames, personal photos, etc.) so much in the advertising of "professional services". Personal and professional lives should be separate.

These guys are NOT doctors by any stretch of the imagination. Their advertising is deceptive. Diabetics should use extreme caution and read their qualifications more closely before visiting these guys. My mother was a diabetic and each month saw a podiatrist in the USA (licensed surgeon with 5+ years of college education + residency training). Eventually she had to have her foot amputated because of gangrene. Fortunately, these kind of hacks are non-existent in the USA. They are NOT "near to a physician". Diabetic foot care is a serious situation and requires the care of a trained foot surgeon.


I have done a little "research on Podology V Podiatry" and what has been written by some posters "myself included" is largely correct.

A 'podologist' generally does surface & non-invasive treatment of the foot (feet) They will often do minor surgery for things like "in-grown toenails", and treatment for fungal infections etc.

Podiatrists can do invasive surgery however that is little comfort to anyone living in the realm as there are no 'podiatrists' in Thailand. Indeed a sad indictment for the country.

And Trink was reporting this as much as twenty years ago. So another case of TIT

Some orthopaedic surgeons (however not very many in Thailand) carry out surgery of the feet (or foot if that is the case)

  • 2 weeks later...

An off-topic and nonsensical post about "Red shirts" has been deleted.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



An off-topic post apparently quoting from an unnamed law about the use of the title “doctor” has been deleted. There has been no suggestion in this topic that somebody is illegally using an academic title.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



A third nonsensical, off-topic post, all three by the same member, this time about unspecified prices of unspecified persons’ services, has been deleted.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


Yeah I noticed that. What's up with the matching surnames anyway?


Anyway, Dirk is a great podologist but as others have pointed out it's different from a "Podiatrist". A podologist is the go to guy if you have an ingrown toe nail, or other things that are close to but a bit more advanced than medical pedicure. Probably not what the OP wanted, to be honest.

He saved me from ingrown toe nails and if you ever had this, or know somebody who did, you know it's quite the feat. My brother's wife had one for 6 months now, she went to surgery (her father is a surgeon so she has connections) - nothing helped. She still has this issue.

If Zappergeck is Dirk, then I think you have some explaining to do, mainly about the "I have been to their clinic once... " sentence. Trust is hard to gain but easily lost, and quite essential for medical procedures. If you're not the german podologist yourself, then say so. The Podology clinic doesn't really need false advertisement, I think the services there can stand on their own...

  • 1 month later...

I just picked up a copy of the new Citylife and on page 22, these same jokers have taken out a full-page ad where in the ad this guy Dirk refers to himself as "Dr. Dirk" 4 different times. Isn't there a law in Thailand (like in other countries) against people misrepresenting themselves to be doctors and/or using academic titles?

I just picked up a copy of the new Citylife and on page 22, these same jokers have taken out a full-page ad where in the ad this guy Dirk refers to himself as "Dr. Dirk" 4 different times. Isn't there a law in Thailand (like in other countries) against people misrepresenting themselves to be doctors and/or using academic titles?

Might he have a doctorate in some subject other than " Podology", would this allow him to use the title Dr. ?


not likely to have any 'doctor' credentials. in december, he was awarded the 2009 european tolerance

award for work as a human rights activist. founded an organization in germany, friends of thailand,

to perform charitable works in thailand. no usage of title doctor in the german article.

the charity org's website has dirk listed as the chairman, no use of 'doctor.'

the wellness center was founded in 2004 in birkenheide, doesn't seem to have a website.

it offers professional thai massage.

not likely to have any 'doctor' credentials. in december, he was awarded the 2009 european tolerance

award for work as a human rights activist. founded an organization in germany, friends of thailand,

to perform charitable works in thailand. no usage of title doctor in the german article.

That's because in Germany one is not permitted to loosely use the title of "Doctor". In Germany a Doctor is a Doctor - whether the degree is in medicine, physics, engineering or whatever.


As a "former" Ultramarathoner whose ultra distance career was cut down by the dreaded PF, I can surley feel your pain.. one of the hardest things to heal.

Heelspurs dot com is one of the sights where you can get the full skiddy.

Tons of treatment info.

Rest, rest, rest, rest, rest.....

I just picked up a copy of the new Citylife and on page 22, these same jokers have taken out a full-page ad where in the ad this guy Dirk refers to himself as "Dr. Dirk" 4 different times. Isn't there a law in Thailand (like in other countries) against people misrepresenting themselves to be doctors and/or using academic titles?

Hey you guys must be wrong - the chiang mai mail this weeks states he is a Dr. the article about when he visited the blind school - not the article when the thailandfreundes each gave each other a congratulatory award.

  • 2 months later...
The guys at the Podology Center are not Podiatrists. They refer to themselves as Podologists. From what I know, a Podiatrist is a medical doctor. A podologist is not.

I was introduced to Podology after I complained to a friend of 10 years of foot problems. I had been to Podiatrists in USA and they all wanted to do surgery, knowing full well it would destroy the nerves to the toes. I am an old dancer, and elected to live with the pain rather than never being able to dance again. After two trips to Podology Center in Chiang Mai I was pain free!!!!! Have been pain free for over one year.

Since, I have sent several people to the clinic and they have all been very happy I sent them.

The Podology Center

Medical Foot Therapy

ph #053 038 084

San Sai, Chiang Mai


How come the email address is not deleted as by FORUM RULES??

As the above post there is different rules for differnet business

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There is no podiatrist in CNX.

Just orthopedic surgeon best reputation one so far DR. Suthee

You must look at this web site if onlt to get a great laugh at the hair cuts on these dudes. Are they Doctors? This would not be within the law in the USA. The Podology that is-the hair cut would be fine.


According to you, you know very little about USA law. Most medical decisions are created without an MD, and pursued by Pharma. I have worked in both places. I have also read the laws.

I also have had 10 very painful years of "Morton's Neuroma" on my foot. I refused to get the surgery done because without feeling in my toes, falling becomes a major problem. I am also a very old dancer, and refuse to give it up just because three podiatrists wanted the money from surgery.

Money drives the American Medical programs. Health does not!!!!!!

Find something good to do with your life and stop being such a child.


Well I follow this discussion now for a while - seriously it is just pathetic. If you guys look at the topic there was somebody asking for a Podiatrist - he is surely not better off with all this discussions about who is who. He is not looking for a Podologist that is clear. So what is all that fuss about??? I agree totally with urnotary, I would rather keep my foot instead of losing it. But if somebody else rather gets rid of - it is his decision and should be respected as well. Doctor - no doctor - Chiang Mai Mail article - what does it change? I've seen enough mistreatments carried out by doctors with full academic graduation to know that there is no guarantee for anything in MY opinion. Others may think different about it - that's ok by me. I was treated several time by these *funny looking guys* and have no complains about it. That is for me - perhaps somebody have different experiences. But I really have to say this discussion is that far from the topic in the meanwhile - why you don't open a new one? For instance about the foreigners here which are so bored that they need to create senseless writing about nothing in particular. I see that in other cases the members of this board are a lot more helpful for someone in need. On the other hand I read almost daily about Thais who will be a threat to foreigners - well in other countries you have obviously no maniacs on the street and all dealers are absolutely serious and never cheat or at least attempt to do so? I seriously doubt that!!! Well I'm a foreigner here and I consider myself as a guest in this country so it is not up to me to change it - that is up to the Thais! If I consider how little we all pay here for service and food and even medical services... I think most of these guys who wrote here endless complains about Thailand and the conditions forgot already how it is at home. They expect 100% performance for 30% payment. Will they do the same work for the same salary? I doubt that too! A little more respect for the Thais who work for so little and still be nice (in most of the cases I know) will certainly not hurt anybody but can be a basis for a better understanding for all of us!


All I can write is that the discussion is funny. I agree with HSD that the people lost the way out of their eyes what the topic was about.

By the way I am the German guy the discussion is about and I can only smile what people create. That seems to happen as soon as you become famous and people write about you in newspapers. So far I am not the mentioned person Zappergeck. Somebody uses that profile to cause trouble. Somebody who is very clever and has the intention to cause rumor. But what ever I would write here I know that a lot of people will go on to blame me and my partner so it is really hopeless. :D

About my doctor title. It is a PhD title. I got it in 2009 in march. It is an honorary degree. Indeed in a total different field than Podology. But that is none of your business isn't it?? In Germany people are only allowed to use that titles if they are completely mentioned. But I am not living in Germany any more so the title is not used there. The Wellnesscenter Birkenheide was a business which is sold since 2008. The website is not existing any more. Why you people don't just call me or Khun Wuttipong in our office in the mentioned business? I do not use the name of our business. Because in this case some people would write as comments we would make some kind of illegal advertising. However - hopefully that discussion has ended now. If you have questions about the field of Podology, Chiropody or Podiatry the difference and anything else we offer to explain free. With the very best regards the German guy with the funny hair cut or one of the victims of Chiang Mais witch hunt number one :):D:D:D:D:D:D:cheesy:

  • 4 weeks later...

Any of you runners out there have a recommendation on where to seek help in CNX for shin splints? I just started running again and start having pain after two consecutive days or light running. I heard orthotics can help, but I'm not sure where in CNX I can get them fitted and made. Also, I'm not sure if a Podiatrist the the right person to see about this.

  • 2 months later...

Some cynics may think I am promoting a client, but out of hundreds over the years, I only personally recommend those I have felt deserve recommendation (advertising and recommendatoins are two completely different things). Having suffered from crippling ingrown toe nails for most of my life, I don't care anything about what personal views people have about the Podologist Centre, to me he is a miracle worker and my feet have never felt so healthy, or pain free. Take it as you will, but why suffer - or lose half a foot! - when you can get it fixed. And well too. Five stars from me. And yes, he is a client, and yes, there will be a photo of them in Citylife next month, and yes he just gave me a nice bottle of wine after my treatment today, and yes he can fix all manner of foot problems...my tuppence, and full disclosure!

  • 11 years later...

Bumping this article as I've been recently "treated" by the guys mentioned in this topic. I won't go into detail but please send me a DM if you're considering using their services here in Chiang Mai.


Bumping this thread as I've been recently "treated" by the guys mentioned in this topic for an ingrown toenail. I won't go into detail (you know, libel laws) but please send me a DM if you're considering using The Podology Center Chiangmai.


A podiatrist is not a medical doctor as we had them in the orthopedic Dept as an employee but not on the medical staff….


that said, they are well trained medically, serve a very useful service and can do extensive foot and ankle surgery….


they are just not MDs but have their own DPM licensing process and protocol to adhere to. But that is in the west and not here in thailand…


your safest bet is the ortho  clinic at RAM hospital…

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