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A Farewell To Pattaya: More People To Leave?

libya 115

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From MailBag

yes we are all, ok mabye there are still some who are fluctuating and not listening now.

Farewell Pattaya

Dear Editor,

My wife and I have been visiting Pattaya and the rest of the Kingdom for the last ten years. Sadly, the levels of greed, early closing times, prejudice directed at farangs, police indifference, crimes against persons and raising prices with reduced service have helped make our decision to go elsewhere for our holidays.

I can’t say that all is bad in the Kingdom. Issan is a kinder, gentler place, but lacks the ocean sea-breezes, shopping, dining and “lights of the big city” that attracts us to Pattaya. Koh Samui and Phuket are nice, but captive and pricey to get to.

I’ve yet to figure out why a government that relies so heavily of tourism cannot grasp the concept that competition from surrounding countries is a reality.

With that thought, we say farewell to Thailand and we will cherish the fond memories of our Thai friends and experiences from holidays past.

Goodbye Thailand. Our money is going elsewhere.

Ben and Ruth Martinez

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I lived in Pattaya ten years ago and was just down there this long weekend along with my 3-year old son and we stayed at a clean budget hotel (yes, those things do exist in Pattaya). The staff was grumpy and atypically unfriendly at first. But you get the sense that you might be the same way if you were assailed by bus load after bus load of mainland Chinese tourists — who are way too loud and have no concept of personal space, let alone good manners. Cultural idiosyncrasies, so live and let live. There were several families of Indian tourists staying there, elderly couples from Spain and a few Turkish singles set to cruise the scene.

Things have changed in the last ten years. More high rise condominiums and malls are crowding the beach skyline. Although a lot has stayed the same. The beach is still polluted with garbage, the traffic is still as chaotic, and the local trades people are still scamming. On the flip side of things the local residents are still fun loving and friendly. I did feel safer visiting there on those three short days, then I felt living there for over two years.

Maybe the trick to enjoying Pattaya is to just visit every ten years and not stay.

— Möe

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"I can’t say that all is bad in the Kingdom. Issan is a kinder, gentler place, but lacks the ocean sea-breezes, shopping, dining and “lights of the big city” that attracts us to Pattaya. Koh Samui and Phuket are nice, but captive and pricey to get to."

I dont understand how some people who cannot get on with their life in Pattaya feel the need to move to Issan or Chang Mai or anywhere else - why not just move to Huay Yai, Ban Amphur, Bang Saray etc. totally different quality of life, yet not stuck in the remote wilderness with no water, no access to beaches, no shops, no hospitals..........??

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As a relative new comer (2.5 months) to Pattaya (though not to living in Thailand) let me share my thoughts.

The first is that, geographically, Pattaya will never die due to its proximity to Bangkok. The nationality and income bracket of visitors may change but they will still come.

Second, Thai's seem to have a more benevolent take on the seedier side of Pattaya and are able to ignore what they want and take what they want,

Should Thailand change it's laws on gambling I would put money on where the casino's will go up and then watch the boom.

From a personal perspective I came here as my head office relocated here having previously lived in Bangkok. I am what some posters deem stupid as I spent several million on a condo. From my perspective it is my home so I don't view it solely as an investment (though I would hate to lose the money) and it is bigger and in a better location than a similar priced property in Bangkok.

In the morning I can have tea on my balcony and look at the sea. If I want I can walk the 75 metres to the beach (though work commitments have meant I have not had the time to do so yet) and, although the far end of Jomtien beach is a long way from Pattaya central I can get onto Sukhumvit and drive into work in 15 minutes.

I tend not to go to Pattaya at night but can and have. It costs 20 baht on a songtaew to be driven the 8 kms home at anytime of day or night. Food is cheaper and the supermarkets have pretty much anything I want or need.

Yes there is crime but where is there not? I think of Brighton as slightly similar being a similar distance from London with a seedy reputation (though nothing like Pattaya's). There is plentiful crime and scams but house prices are similar to London and there is a lot of people who would love to live there.

Since moving here I have not regreted it. Before moving I always said I didn't like the place but that was from a perspective of a visitor who had only seen the bar life. Living here is a different kettle of fish so the doom and gloom merchants who have never lived here really need to think about the perspective they have. I may grow tired of the place but for now I am liking it here.

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This is a 2008 topic about more people leaving Pattaya and is probably more relevant today than back then but don't lets stray into the property market with it please.

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......and I wonder why those all topic-Zombies (year 2008!) are brought back to live...... same as the "Chiang Mai Exodus" - Topic that was revived yesterday.

Really, the MOD-team should consider to close topics that have not been active for 1 year or more.

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"I can't say that all is bad in the Kingdom. Issan is a kinder, gentler place, but lacks the ocean sea-breezes, shopping, dining and "lights of the big city" that attracts us to Pattaya. Koh Samui and Phuket are nice, but captive and pricey to get to."

I dont understand how some people who cannot get on with their life in Pattaya feel the need to move to Issan or Chang Mai or anywhere else - why not just move to Huay Yai, Ban Amphur, Bang Saray etc. totally different quality of life, yet not stuck in the remote wilderness with no water, no access to beaches, no shops, no hospitals..........??

I agree with you. Did the same myself and haven't regretted it!

I think the reason is, it's not on the Pattaya tourist maps and their TGFs aren't from around here.

Ssh... Don't tell them. Let it be our secret... :whistling:

Otherwise we'll have to move!

Just 5 years ago, no one knew about Ban Amphur, you could spend a day at the beach by yourself with family and friends. Now its starting to get crowded.

Edited by BB1950
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The numbers of people living in Pattaya should be dropping a little bit. The Thai government decided to use stricter visa rules specifically to ensure a number of people would not stay. I am not sure if new arrivals moving in will make up the numbers. I assume the rules that would have forced some of the people out would likely prevent some others from moving in. I am not complaining about the new rules, if they were designed to limit people from staying and they are working I guess that's a good thing.

As far as tourists go this should be a hard year. I can only imagine something will go on right about high season to make a mess of it again. Anybody with a grievance whether it is real or imagined always makes sure to pull shenanigans during peak season to make sure the absolute maximum economic damage is done.

As far as the long term future goes, that is anybodies guess. I as others can't see them replacing the nightlife industry and catering to families. If they go this route then tourism will decrease. Whether this is a good or bad thing is a matter of opinion. Some people would love Pattaya to be cleaned up and shrink while others wish it was more seedy.

I think they should just leave it to do what it wants to do. We all know what is there. There are so many cleaner or family orientated places around the globe that Pattaya should not bother anybody. I am normally a pretty liberal guy but there are places in Pattaya that freak me out a bit. Though just because I don't want to hang out on Soi 6 doesn't mean that a normal German family would hesitate to drag their kids through there. LOL

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I am normally a pretty liberal guy but there are places in Pattaya that freak me out a bit. Though just because I don't want to hang out on Soi 6 doesn't mean that a normal German family would hesitate to drag their kids through there. LOL

If you don't like it there, don't go there. Very simple.

I think the upscale development did not work so good so far and there is a lot of money in the entertainment industry not only by private investors but also by other sources. Turning Pattaya into another boring HiSo beach resort would be a major mistake! There is no nice beach and the city itself is already too big to be a charming resort. People should think about it. Leave it as it is, control it a bit better and let people have their fun. Nothing wrong about it, imho.

If you don't like Soi 6 you can always go to Pattaya Floating market or many other boring places lol

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I am normally a pretty liberal guy but there are places in Pattaya that freak me out a bit. Though just because I don't want to hang out on Soi 6 doesn't mean that a normal German family would hesitate to drag their kids through there. LOL

If you don't like it there, don't go there. Very simple.

I think the upscale development did not work so good so far and there is a lot of money in the entertainment industry not only by private investors but also by other sources. Turning Pattaya into another boring HiSo beach resort would be a major mistake! There is no nice beach and the city itself is already too big to be a charming resort. People should think about it. Leave it as it is, control it a bit better and let people have their fun. Nothing wrong about it, imho.

If you don't like Soi 6 you can always go to Pattaya Floating market or many other boring places lol

You know I lived in Pattaya for five years before moving to Korat, and never went to soi 6. The closest I've gotten was soi 6/1 to eat at Tropical berts which is a very nice venue, with excellent food and drink.

Their are a couple nice places to eat on soi 6 ( No pun intended), but never tried them as the atmosphere of the soi in general is not to my liking.


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......and I wonder why those all topic-Zombies (year 2008!) are brought back to live...... same as the "Chiang Mai Exodus" - Topic that was revived yesterday.

Really, the MOD-team should consider to close topics that have not been active for 1 year or more.

Poster Bizz appears to have revived several old topics recently.

It's kind of interesting to see these again, and to see that there's still apparently quite a bit of life left in them.

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I am normally a pretty liberal guy but there are places in Pattaya that freak me out a bit. Though just because I don't want to hang out on Soi 6 doesn't mean that a normal German family would hesitate to drag their kids through there. LOL

If you don't like it there, don't go there. Very simple.

I think the upscale development did not work so good so far and there is a lot of money in the entertainment industry not only by private investors but also by other sources. Turning Pattaya into another boring HiSo beach resort would be a major mistake! There is no nice beach and the city itself is already too big to be a charming resort. People should think about it. Leave it as it is, control it a bit better and let people have their fun. Nothing wrong about it, imho.

If you don't like Soi 6 you can always go to Pattaya Floating market or many other boring places lol

I thought i pretty much stated that I don't hang out there. I also basically said let the sex tourists and people like yourself keep it how they want it. I don't live in Pattaya and seldom go there. If an earthquake opened up a hole under Pattaya and swallowed it and closed again I wouldn't really care. FWIW the nightlife doesn't really bother me but I find what goes on in Soi 6 a little bit too grimy for my tastes. If you hang out there everyday that is cool it is your choice.

You quoted me and then go on to say the exact same thing as I said. LOL Read my post I said leave Pattaya be.

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I am normally a pretty liberal guy but there are places in Pattaya that freak me out a bit. Though just because I don't want to hang out on Soi 6 doesn't mean that a normal German family would hesitate to drag their kids through there. LOL

If you don't like it there, don't go there. Very simple.

I think the upscale development did not work so good so far and there is a lot of money in the entertainment industry not only by private investors but also by other sources. Turning Pattaya into another boring HiSo beach resort would be a major mistake! There is no nice beach and the city itself is already too big to be a charming resort. People should think about it. Leave it as it is, control it a bit better and let people have their fun. Nothing wrong about it, imho.

If you don't like Soi 6 you can always go to Pattaya Floating market or many other boring places lol

You know I lived in Pattaya for five years before moving to Korat, and never went to soi 6. The closest I've gotten was soi 6/1 to eat at Tropical berts which is a very nice venue, with excellent food and drink.

Their are a couple nice places to eat on soi 6 ( No pun intended), but never tried them as the atmosphere of the soi in general is not to my liking.


I didn't know what Soi 6 was and booked into the Queen Vic for a night. I knew it was a street with bars and girls on it but didn't know it was quite so extreme. No other place in Pattaya has put me on edge as this place did. It has to be the scummiest place I have ever seen on this planet.

I know it is possible to be in Pattaya without ever being on Soi 6 because prior to this experience I didn't even know such a place existed. I didn't mean to imply that all of Pattaya is like that I just named an example of a place that made me feel very uncomfortable spending time in.

The room was ok at QV and the food was alright but my God run for your life when you leave the restaurant. I used the back door to avoid going onto Soi 6 and checked out the next day.

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I didn't know what Soi 6 was and booked into the Queen Vic for a night. I knew it was a street with bars and girls on it but didn't know it was quite so extreme. No other place in Pattaya has put me on edge as this place did. It has to be the scummiest place I have ever seen on this planet.

I know it is possible to be in Pattaya without ever being on Soi 6 because prior to this experience I didn't even know such a place existed. I didn't mean to imply that all of Pattaya is like that I just named an example of a place that made me feel very uncomfortable spending time in.

The room was ok at QV and the food was alright but my God run for your life when you leave the restaurant. I used the back door to avoid going onto Soi 6 and checked out the next day


Depending which way you turn when exiting the back door,you had better protect your back passage........better turn left and hoof it double quick

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I didn't know what Soi 6 was and booked into the Queen Vic for a night. I knew it was a street with bars and girls on it but didn't know it was quite so extreme. No other place in Pattaya has put me on edge as this place did. It has to be the scummiest place I have ever seen on this planet.

Thanks for the recommendation. I go to Pattaya all the time and have never been to this particular version of nirvana. :thumbsup:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I like Pattaya and have done for years but, like others above, I do not like soi 6 despite the fact that, in an earlier life, I frequesnted some of the establishments down there. It was pretty sleazy back then, late '90s, and against expectations it has gone downhill mainly due to the infestation of life forms of the third category. As already said if you take the rear exit from the QV turn left and step it out or you'll find someone using the rear entry.

The QV is the only reason I go down that way these days and then it's morning time for breakfast, brunch or lunch depending on the night before. I've never stayed there but the bar is quite nice and, though I wouldn't exactly describe it as good, the food ain't bad if you want a good old Brit Pub belly filler.

I did wonder why this old topic had been resurrected (I knew it was old as the OP is Libya115) but it goes to show that the exodus has been going on for a good while now.

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I can't stand the place anymore either. Me and my GF are leaving in the next month.

Maybe we will head to Chiang Mai or Isaan. Pattaya is not fun anymore for me. Too much congestion for my tastes and the prices for many things are too expensive. We can live much cheaper up north.

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I am normally a pretty liberal guy but there are places in Pattaya that freak me out a bit. Though just because I don't want to hang out on Soi 6 doesn't mean that a normal German family would hesitate to drag their kids through there. LOL

If you don't like it there, don't go there. Very simple.

I think the upscale development did not work so good so far and there is a lot of money in the entertainment industry not only by private investors but also by other sources. Turning Pattaya into another boring HiSo beach resort would be a major mistake! There is no nice beach and the city itself is already too big to be a charming resort. People should think about it. Leave it as it is, control it a bit better and let people have their fun. Nothing wrong about it, imho.

If you don't like Soi 6 you can always go to Pattaya Floating market or many other boring places lol

You know I lived in Pattaya for five years before moving to Korat, and never went to soi 6. The closest I've gotten was soi 6/1 to eat at Tropical berts which is a very nice venue, with excellent food and drink.

Their are a couple nice places to eat on soi 6 ( No pun intended), but never tried them as the atmosphere of the soi in general is not to my liking.


I didn't know what Soi 6 was and booked into the Queen Vic for a night. I knew it was a street with bars and girls on it but didn't know it was quite so extreme. No other place in Pattaya has put me on edge as this place did. It has to be the scummiest place I have ever seen on this planet.

I know it is possible to be in Pattaya without ever being on Soi 6 because prior to this experience I didn't even know such a place existed. I didn't mean to imply that all of Pattaya is like that I just named an example of a place that made me feel very uncomfortable spending time in.

The room was ok at QV and the food was alright but my God run for your life when you leave the restaurant. I used the back door to avoid going onto Soi 6 and checked out the next day.

Google usually helps before any trip / booking :-) Apart from this, this place is very funny from time to time. If you uncomfortable spending your time there, this does not mean that all people share your opinion.

Cheers anyway

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I have spend 7 years in Pattaya and then moved to Cambodia 2 years ago. I was loving Pattaya, the girls and all the attractions. Then I used to come every 3 months for shooping and for visiting my friends.

But each time i was asking me "why did you stay so long in this place" . Now i don't even want to come back, to see old and very fat foreigners walking in the streets with their young issan girlfriend (or boyfriend) going hand by hand. Before it used to make me smile , now it's make me throw up. I can unserstand why most of the thai people doesn't like farangs.

I Have leaved Pattaya and Thailand only because in my opinion it was realy becoming unfriendly with foreigners, especialy when you compare to the neighbouring countries. Next year i will move to Laos , where peoples are still smilling and it is mostly "genuine" smile.

Now all my best friends have packed , sold their assets and business and move to a more friendly environement.

I wish good luck to those who still stay and I agree with them Pattaya is a paradise on earth.

So please don't leave your "paradise" and enjoy it , please don't come to Laos..... Anyway some countires in SEA have very friendly immigration polities , but they are not looking for retired people or Sexpats , Sure you won't ever find soi 6 and gogo's , but it is still SEA, so with some skills and money you will find easily a guest for the night or for life.

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I didn't know what Soi 6 was and booked into the Queen Vic for a night. I knew it was a street with bars and girls on it but didn't know it was quite so extreme. No other place in Pattaya has put me on edge as this place did. It has to be the scummiest place I have ever seen on this planet.

Thanks for the recommendation. I go to Pattaya all the time and have never been to this particular version of nirvana. :thumbsup:

I am guessing you are a much stronger man than I am UG. Just make sure you have your rain coat. :D

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Guys the reality is that as fewer people visit Pattaya local crime will go up, also there is a growing drug problem which requires feeding and in most cases will also be funded by criminal means. Prices have also been going up, like I have said on many posts - there should be nothing here that is more expensive than back home, local produce is very cheap and accounts for 90% of meats and Veg served to you, if you think you should be paying 300-500baht for a meal which contains chicken, pork, local beef and Veg then you are a fool.....you are being ripped off, those that can actually see this are getting more and more disgruntled, I would also say it is mostly greedy falang that are doing the ripping off, Thais are just copying where they can, add this to the growing crime rate filthy beach corrupt Auth*******ies and all of this getting worse by the month and it's not a surprise people are leaving, Pattaya/Thailand needs to hit the reset button before it's too late.

I am staying but I find myself being more observant to my suroundings than I needed to be before, where I would have walked home I now take a MB taxi etc, I also eat at home or in local cheap thai Restaurants and drink Tiger beer for less than 50baht a bottle.......my choice

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Guys the reality is that as fewer people visit Pattaya local crime will go up, also there is a growing drug problem which requires feeding and in most cases will also be funded by criminal means. Prices have also been going up, like I have said on many posts - there should be nothing here that is more expensive than back home, local produce is very cheap and accounts for 90% of meats and Veg served to you, if you think you should be paying 300-500baht for a meal which contains chicken, pork, local beef and Veg then you are a fool.....you are being ripped off, those that can actually see this are getting more and more disgruntled, I would also say it is mostly greedy falang that are doing the ripping off, Thais are just copying where they can, add this to the growing crime rate filthy beach corrupt Auth*******ies and all of this getting worse by the month and it's not a surprise people are leaving, Pattaya/Thailand needs to hit the reset button before it's too late.

I am staying but I find myself being more observant to my suroundings than I needed to be before, where I would have walked home I now take a MB taxi etc, I also eat at home or in local cheap thai Restaurants and drink Tiger beer for less than 50baht a bottle.......my choice

Well the import tax must be really high as everything foreign is very expensive. I know that imported things sometimes have a premium price associated with them. However I am from the USA and many of these items are also imported into the USA and much cheaper than Thailand.

Take a look at French wines or something like Spanish olives. Insanely expensive in Thailand but still relatively cheap in a country like the USA. Don't even get me started on cheese. LOL I am not talking about the higher end luxury brands here as they are expensive anywhere.

I guess my point is you say that it is mostly greedy Farang that are responsible for the prices. However for many of the things Farang want the greedy customs man has already got his cut before the greedy Farang takes his cut.

It would be interesting to see how import taxes compare for Thailand for things as compared to other places. I could be entirely wrong but if so why are imported goods relatively so expensive here as opposed to other places? I am thinking it is most likely protectionism on the part of the Thai government so foreign goods aren't able to compete with local products.

As for 300-500 for a meal, well you are paying largely for service or atmosphere and that happens everywhere in the world. I do find that a lot of what is sold at these prices isn't that good. For me I don't enjoy it so I usually pass on it in Thailand but if I really enjoy something I don't feel like I am being cheated to pay 500 for a main course. I always feel like I am being a bit cheated on wine though.

When I first came to Thailand I thought it was great how there was western food available everywhere. After going a couple of times and having a wide variety of experiences eating around my thoughts went to okay there is western food everywhere but none of it is very good. I am a bit shocked that the food quality in Phnom Penh or Vientiane is better than that found in Pattaya. The places to get it there aren't as numerous but quality wise it is better. Many people might not agree with me on this and that is okay.

The topic is why people may choose another locale to spend time in other than Pattaya and the food is one reason for me. Obviously Thai food beats the bejesus out of Lao or Cambodian food. I don't like Asian food that much and not being able to eat well is one reason I prefer other places. If Pattaya offered better international food it may attract more of my money over the years than it does now.

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Well the import tax must be really high as everything foreign is very expensive. I know that imported things sometimes have a premium price associated with them. However I am from the USA and many of these items are also imported into the USA and much cheaper than Thailand.

These items are mostly meant for Westerners - not a lot of Thais buy them - and are imported into the U.S. in much larger quantities which might be why they are cheaper there - Just a guess. :unsure:

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Well the import tax must be really high as everything foreign is very expensive. I know that imported things sometimes have a premium price associated with them. However I am from the USA and many of these items are also imported into the USA and much cheaper than Thailand.

These items are mostly meant for Westerners - not a lot of Thais buy them - and are imported into the U.S. in much larger quantities which might be why they are cheaper there - Just a guess. :unsure:

I eat standard food, I didn't mention imported stuff and standard food covers a lot............don't be fooled by this import tax crap some would have you believe, most of what you eat here is grown or raised in Thailand excluding speciality items like campbells soup Hienze beans and the like or where you specifically choose imported meat even then it's questionable, I went for a breakfast to a place I am not going to mention the name......it was recommended as a great breakfast for 100baht, 1 sausage 1 tiny strip of bacon 1 egg, 2x toast and tea, all the items are produced in Thailand and extremely cheap except perhaps the tea bag, this was the worst breakfast I have ever had here, the owner claims he sells it at a loss........rubbish, well I'll save him money by not going back

Edited by smedly
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Pattaya Expats - The most depressed people in the world.

lighten you miserable old gits! biggrin.gif

Kopite is sooo correct, food is great and relatively inexpensive, sometimes people have too much time on their hands and have a predisposition to whinging. I can't think of too many other places in the world I would rather hang my hat when you include weather, safety, being seaside, costs, friendliness of people, food, entertainment etc. I think after a while we forget why we came here in the first place, if you start hating the place - move on.

Edited by gerry53
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