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Where Would You Be If Not Thailand?


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That's easy, I pick New York any day.

Long before we retired to Florida. I had done quite a bit of traveling to some cities in Europe, Asia, South Afirca. Most places usually staying up to two months, doing so to get the feels how it would be like if we decide to live there. :o

We even spent a few years living in Tokyo and Taipei and a year in BKK.

After weiging all the pros and cons, living in the US suits us best, NY was on the top of our lists in that matter.

Like Plato said..." Everything changes, except the changing."

Hubby couldn't stand the extremed cold winter in NY, :D so Florida is our home now. :D

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you live in New York?? wow ur a rich one>>

I have tired living back in the states ( last time was in 98) but only lasted 14 months

and what all this talk of walmarts and shopping, You all sound like my 14 year old!! What do u need big steaks and shopping malls for?

I Love Phnom Penh for the people, the expericne of being somewhere on the border and having only one shopping mall is not a negaitve,

I feel americans atre always in debt cause they just love to spend money...You dont need 75% of the things they buy.

Unless ur in a city in america u never see people, go to any suburb and u never see people unlike aisa where everyone is outside.

Thailand is fast becoming like the west ( at least for farangs) but still for the locals its trying to make a better life for themselves or get whiter skin so they can look like a farang

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you live in New York?? wow ur a rich one>>

I have tired living back in the states ( last time was in 98) but only lasted 14 months

and what all this talk of walmarts and shopping, You all sound like my 14 year old!! What do u need big steaks and shopping malls for?

I Love Phnom Penh for the people, the expericne of being somewhere on the border and having only one shopping mall is not a negaitve,

I feel americans atre always in debt cause they just love to spend money...You dont need 75% of the things they buy.

Unless ur in a city in america u never see people, go to any suburb and u never see people unlike aisa where everyone is outside.

Thailand is fast becoming like the west ( at least for farangs) but still for the locals its trying to make a better life for themselves or get whiter skin so they can look like a farang

I will move to Italy, the most beautiful country in the world. Its just have everything to have the prefect life. But the costs of living are only 1/3 in Thailand. compared with any developed European country.I think that's the main reason why people move to the Kingdom.

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i agree with you when it comes to middle america, which is a wasteland of ignorant sheeple...

seen from the perspective of an arrogant citizen of the Greatest Nation on Earth™ who's spanish is limited most probably to "how many paysados is this? no, no! esto mucho expensivo. make barato! :o

By "middle america", she was referring to the middle of the US not to Central America.

Come on Naam say you made a mistake (happens to everyone you know). Most of your posts are spot on, don't make yourself look bad.

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i cant fathom having to live in america. its a souless place and money has nothing to do with it. the food is horrible. the religion. the lack of culture in the face of sheer consumerism. the government. jesus. i get the shakes just thinking about it. thank god i escaped at a young age.


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i cant fathom having to live in america. its a souless place and money has nothing to do with it. the food is horrible. the religion. the lack of culture in the face of sheer consumerism. the government. jesus. i get the shakes just thinking about it. thank god i escaped at a young age.


You don't know America if you say the food is not good. There is good and bad in every country in the world, but the food scene especially in US's cosmopolitan cities is most definitely part of the GOOD part.

Edited by Jingthing
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i cant fathom having to live in america. its a souless place and money has nothing to do with it. the food is horrible. the religion. the lack of culture in the face of sheer consumerism. the government. jesus. i get the shakes just thinking about it. thank god i escaped at a young age.


You don't know America if you say the food is not good. There is good and bad in every country in the world, but the food scene especially in US's cosmopolitan cities is most definitely part of the GOOD part.

Really. Proves what ignorant c***s*****s they are (That and spelling "hear, hear" wrong). :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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i cant fathom having to live in america. its a souless place and money has nothing to do with it. the food is horrible. the religion. the lack of culture in the face of sheer consumerism.

i agree with you when it comes to middle america, which is a wasteland of ignorant sheeple. but NY is not like that at all, and a few other cities like san francisco, boulder co, seattle, portland, etc. are good too...

Some of us sheeple from the midlands take a different view as to who have soul and who don't.

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The number 1 thing I miss is being able to legally carry my Ruger P94 9mm Auto everywhere I go. I feel naked here without any protection.

Condoms are the only protection you need to carry, only insecure wimps feel the need to carry guns.......

By the way John Wayne was a cissy too, never served a day in the military in his life but America considers him a national hero, but then so is Micky Mouse! :o

roy gsd

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i cant fathom having to live in america. its a souless place and money has nothing to do with it. the food is horrible. the religion. the lack of culture in the face of sheer consumerism. the government. jesus. i get the shakes just thinking about it. thank god i escaped at a young age.


You don't know America if you say the food is not good. There is good and bad in every country in the world, but the food scene especially in US's cosmopolitan cities is most definitely part of the GOOD part.

Really. Proves what ignorant c***s*****s they are (That and spelling "hear, hear" wrong). :D

How about ill-informed or lacking in broad experience, UG? :o

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