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Did Your Father Teach You To Work Hard And Be Succesful?


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Because if he did he was dead wrong just like mine.

This is a copy of an email from a friend in the states that used to work with. I have removed the names to protect the innocent, oh that's right none metioned in the e-mail.

What are parents should have been teaching us to fail and let others pickup the pieces, no matter how many shattered lives we left behind. You think people are not making money in the states think again.

Do you remember the ______ from school? _____ and

> _____, the parents. He was a big mucky-muck in

> Countrywide. She was very active - got the

> sports-court built. Anyway, he was all over the

> newspaper today because he was using the Countrywide

> plane to take his family to Africa for a vacation. and

> B of A, who took over Countrywide, is allowing him to

> do it. They published his severance pkg., 10+

> millions as well as the rest of the perks. Of course,

> all the little guys got screwed.

Imagine this, this was peanuts compared to some

Now makes me wonder what we are really bailing out in the financial circles. Truth is B of A could have just let them go belly up got what they have now without paying a dime. Oh darn I forgot B of A isn't paying the American citizen is doing that.

Before we get off into an American bashing trip here, remember something your home country may be next. Greed is not exclusive to one counrty.

Yep failing pays and the fringe benefits are much better

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Seems its always been this way throughout history. Crime has always paid. Exploitation has always been the way to get really rich. Murder even works. It would be nice to live in a better world but we still haven't reached that point. The corrupt are the only people who can say that the is a fair playing field. Go watch Batman that might cheer you up. It works for the rest of the masses.

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Not all anti social people are in prison.

There are many anti social people who are very successful. These people have no conscience. They will do any thing to get what they want, without regrads for right or wrong, no matter how many other people they may hurt. Combine this with the fact that power is very corrupting in itself. This may partly explain this kind of behavior.

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Topic closed Hmm thought only mods could that, oh well learn something new everyday.

Specifically Thai related no but it certianly relates to the world we live in today which I believe Thailand is a part of.

Yuo know I don't know if I'm really angry, maybe more surprised by how naive our governments think we are again that seems to extend to the world.

closing the topic a Mod wants to that is thier business , move it to another area again up to them It's in general topics. You don't want to participate then don't, but I don't remember giving you permission to censor my thoughts. :o

Edited by ray23
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Topic closed Hmm thought only mods could that, oh well learn something new everyday.

Specifically Thai related no but it certianly relates to the world we live in today which I believe Thailand is a part of.

Yuo know I don't know if I'm really angry, maybe more surprised by how naive our governments think we are again that seems to extend to the world.

closing the topic a Mod wants to that is thier business , move it to another area again up to them It's in general topics. You don't want to participate then don't, but I don't remember giving you permission to censor my thoughts. :o

But I have a talent for closing down topics as well. Not at my control command but it will close down shortly after this post!!!

Seriously not Thai Related.. CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE!!!!!

Don’t stress about government they are easy to outsmart.

Renegades are the people with our own falsify we change the course of history everyday people like you and ME!!!!

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Oh come on Saim guy probably lives in Sukunkorn, might be part of his regular diet :o

You know I'm happy to say I never lived my life like that and I'm OK these days. But I listened to my Father and I have no regrets. Does make you wonder a bit what the current generation will be like in fifty years. They are sure seeing that dog eat dog world and guess they will have to live with it.

You know this country is famous for good manners and respect to elders do you see that on the streets today. Wonder how much longer the family system will work here. It has sustained this country for many many years, it works.

My wifes aunt is staying with us at the moment. I give her 1,000 she is supposedly working. Now the truth is she do anything she wants to and that is OK with me. She raised my wife after her mother and father died.

The aunt had brain surgery about six months ago, she is a spry old girl, with a lot of pride not looking for a handout. What I do for her I would have done and did do it for my own mother. She just sent 3K to her adult daughter in Bangkok. we all chipped including the grand parents her getting through University. Darn near broke my wifes brother borrowing money from loan sharks to get that done .She has a her first job. The money is for a business suit. If she would have asked I would have given it to her once. Instead of her mother not having any money

But here her mother is recovering and sending money to her. Ok we all need a start. But that is saying this is more of a ME society, then a family society. I really hope I'm wrong about that. Yep guess that could be considered a dog eat dog thing. If that aspect of this society changes there are going to be a lot of old people suffering here. Ther really is very little esle to depend on.

So I think we are seeing self serving interest becoming more important then I can recall it ever being

Edited by ray23
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Oh come on Saim guy probably lives in Sukunkorn, might be part of his regular diet :o

I will forgive you for this insult because you’re a brother form a another mother. As for Siam he’s gone and confused me with someone’s ells be we are human and all make mistakes. :D

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It is very Thai related. Remember the old rhyme from John Gower about King Edward III's lost battle, For the want of a nail, a shoe was lost.....

The countrywide mortgage funding scandal is a part of the subprime meltdown. All those crappy subprime mortgages were sold as mortgage backed securities and were gobbled up by big financial institutions around the world. Take a look at the annual statements from the major banks and financial service firms and see the hits they took. A few billion here and there add up. Just ask Allianz that lost over $1billion USD or Deutsche Bank or Banque Nationale, and all the others that bled because they wanted high interest bearing investments. Now, guess who's paying to cover those losses? It's borrowers throughout the world that have a hard time getting loans for riskier investments and consumers that have to pay increased service fees. Thai banks are suffering the trickle down impact. If Thai banks suffer, so too do Thai consumers.

However, as for the message about not working hard, that's just sour grapes. The fellow that ran the firm was amply enabled by construction companies and consumer product retailers. Cheap financincing allowed people to buy more. As the industries pumped out more consumer items, people had jobs and prosperity. But then the bubble burst. Now, doesn't that sound like a Thai scenario, with all the cheap financing that was available?

What gets me is that this was a repeat of the S&L crisis in the USA, Trust Company collapses in Canada, the mortgage lender insolvencies in the UK, etc. etc, of the 1990's

People don't learn and regulators don't regulate to protect market integrity.

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Oh come on Saim guy probably lives in Sukunkorn, might be part of his regular diet :o

I will forgive you for this insult because you’re a brother form a another mother. As for Siam he’s gone and confused me with someone’s ells be we are human and all make mistakes. :D

Below is your post. I didn't know the post was in jest :D

Simple question, are you happy in Thailand ?-- yup its alright.

If not, why do you stay here?-- I don't have a choice but its really alright.

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I'll buy off on the sour grapes I did know the guy and he put his time in. But I think you have just said it all we just don't seem to learn.

In this case thier doesn't seem to be much penalty for not learning.

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Oh come on Saim guy probably lives in Sukunkorn, might be part of his regular diet :o

I will forgive you for this insult because you're a brother form a another mother. As for Siam he's gone and confused me with someone's ells be we are human and all make mistakes. :D

Below is your post. I didn't know the post was in jest :D

Simple question, are you happy in Thailand ?-- yup its alright.

If not, why do you stay here?-- I don't have a choice but its really alright.

Yes so? Will you marry me and give me a visa to your home country then will you? I’m a resident of Thailand dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I am free to go other plaice if get visa if need. I don’t see any relevant of your statement .

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I hope I get to post before it"s closed, if it's closed. If they close a topic, shouldn't they take it off the board? If it was closed for a good or bad reason, why leave it available to read? I know the little suitcase or whatever tells you, I think, but I haven't looked first. That still doesn't make sense to leave it there.

This topic is a little confusing. Are we talking about capitalism, and what our Fathers should have taught us? If so, I guess my Father led by example. He worked hard, he was moderately successful, and, at times, was a real capitalist. He could have been more direct, but I understood the concept of having your money work for you. Pacino summed it up pretty well in Scarface. If I remember correctly, he said that the definition of Capitalism is fuc_k You. What's so hard to understand. He kept his family together, and enjoyed life. Maybe you're right, and maybe Karma does come into play. He never killed anyone, but someone said that the logical consequence of business is murder. I wouldn't have understood anyway.

This is much too heavy for this early in the AM.

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Oh come on Saim guy probably lives in Sukunkorn, might be part of his regular diet :o

I will forgive you for this insult because you're a brother form a another mother. As for Siam he's gone and confused me with someone's ells be we are human and all make mistakes. :D

Below is your post. I didn't know the post was in jest :D

Simple question, are you happy in Thailand ?-- yup its alright.

If not, why do you stay here?-- I don't have a choice but its really alright.

Yes so? Will you marry me and give me a visa to your home country then will you? I’m a resident of Thailand dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I am free to go other plaice if get visa if need. I don’t see any relevant of your statement .

Hey Dude - my bad. So you're Thai?

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I suppose we learned a lot of lessons from our father, and mothers too. In addition to the one in the OP I learned "you don't get something for nothing". It's funny how no one has blame to apportion to the people who put zero or little money down, paid less than market interest rates (at a time of 50 year low market rates) , and whose only strategy for repaying their loans was to sell their home to somone else for more money. All, whie pulling equity out of their home each month at the ATM window.

If these companies engaged in unlawful practices I hope they penalize them and the individuals who led them harshly. I think you'll find however, that it is the people and their government that were the chief enablers. Plenty of greed at every level.

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... When the going gets rough, swimmers go swimming.

Oh well, we've had the wannabee mods screaming "Not Thai related" and "Close the thread", so let's have a bit sarcasm, too:

What are parents should have been teaching us ...

...is to learn English.


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My father taught me a lot through his bad example.

Because of him I have avoided becoming illiterate, alcoholic and violent.

My mother taught me parenting, love for others, budgeting, tolerance and above all, good English.

Edited by qwertz
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My dad gave me the right lesson for life at the ripe old age of 14 he signed me up for 15 years in the British army, see the world learn to make somtam and Lao khao in up country isaan before you are 20 :o

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