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Surin Elephant Village

prakhonchai nick

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I would 100% agree with Yorkie that the roads heading North from Krasang are TERRIBLE. The wear and tear on your vehicle and genuine danger from kids, livestock and "crazy men" from jumping in front of your vehicle are extreme on that road. I took it ONE journey as a perceived "short cut" from Surin to Satuk. As my wife said "village houses are not moved back from the road" and "First time, LAST TIME" on that road.

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I would 100% agree with Yorkie that the roads heading North from Krasang are TERRIBLE. The wear and tear on your vehicle and genuine danger from kids, livestock and "crazy men" from jumping in front of your vehicle are extreme on that road. I took it ONE journey as a perceived "short cut" from Surin to Satuk. As my wife said "village houses are not moved back from the road" and "First time, LAST TIME" on that road.

Thank for that Bob

Often wondered if there was a more direct route to Satuk. Like you, Boss always said road no good but I still wondered!


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Often wondered if there was a more direct route to Satuk. Like you, Boss always said road no good but I still wondered!


The distance on the "old" road to Satuk is less than that via Chom Pra but because of the condition of the blacktop (where there is some) and as Bob says, the proximity of the village houses, the difference in time is imperceptible. And then there's the suspension/tyre wear and tear.



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A request to those members living in the Krasang area

Is it possible to get from Krasang to the elephant village, by going north from Krasang rather than travelling to Surin first. The maps show roads, but are these of reasonable quality?

Many thanks

Hi Nick

It might be a good idea to check that they do in fact have some Jumbo's "in stock" before you set off!

They are quite often out of town at some festival or other and you could have a wasted journey. :o


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The road which is best is go to Surin from Grasang is to get on on highway 226, follow it through Surin and cross the railroad tracks out to Patamon Road heading past Toyota, stay on that road out of Surin for about 27 kilometers. North of Chompra there is a turn -- it's about about 9 kilometers up the road. See the signs that point that way to the left that takes you to Tatoom and then on to Ta Klang. From the turn it is 27 kilometers. Elephant shows are daily except for Mondays. In November for round-up in Surin all elephants will be in Surin. Usually there are between 70 and 94 elephants at the elephant study center. The road was considerably improved last year just in time for the princess' visit. The number of potholes is down considerablyas the road has recently been resurfaced. I have been going to Ta Klang regularly for the past 4 years and have been there over 30 times as we frequently have foreign visitors and that is definitely a good place to take them followed by a visit to the silver village at Khao Surin and then on to Tatsawang (silk village--- also known as the brocade silk village. The highway is the same number as the road going to Gap Choern (214). A stop at Farang Connection, just down from the bus station in Surin for lunch is a definite plus as well. Great food there and Martin is a fine fellow and a great host. The 30 minute elephant show is free but you have to be there by 10:00 a.m. Elephant bathing in the afternoons is nearby as well. Elephant rides for foreigners, aged 12 up are 200 baht per person for about a twenty minute ride and for Thai's it is 100 baht. Foreign children ride under 12 ride at the Thai rate. Souvenirs are not too expensive: elephant hair rings, ivory and bone bracelets and rings as well and of course t-shirts 150-200 baht.

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The road which is best is go to Surin from Grasang is to get on on highway 226, follow it through Surin and cross the railroad tracks out to Patamon Road heading past Toyota, stay on that road out of Surin for about 27 kilometers. North of Chompra there is a turn -- it's about about 9 kilometers up the road. See the signs that point that way to the left that takes you to Tatoom and then on to Ta Klang. From the turn it is 27 kilometers. Elephant shows are daily except for Mondays. In November for round-up in Surin all elephants will be in Surin. Usually there are between 70 and 94 elephants at the elephant study center. The road was considerably improved last year just in time for the princess' visit. The number of potholes is down considerablyas the road has recently been resurfaced. I have been going to Ta Klang regularly for the past 4 years and have been there over 30 times as we frequently have foreign visitors and that is definitely a good place to take them followed by a visit to the silver village at Khao Surin and then on to Tatsawang (silk village--- also known as the brocade silk village. The highway is the same number as the road going to Gap Choern (214). A stop at Farang Connection, just down from the bus station in Surin for lunch is a definite plus as well. Great food there and Martin is a fine fellow and a great host. The 30 minute elephant show is free but you have to be there by 10:00 a.m. Elephant bathing in the afternoons is nearby as well. Elephant rides for foreigners, aged 12 up are 200 baht per person for about a twenty minute ride and for Thai's it is 100 baht. Foreign children ride under 12 ride at the Thai rate. Souvenirs are not too expensive: elephant hair rings, ivory and bone bracelets and rings as well and of course t-shirts 150-200 baht.

Thank you very much for the detailed report.

Clearly I must travel via Surin as you suggest.

I did make a brief visit to the elephant village last week, as I wanted to know whether it was open daily. I have my daughter and family visiting in a couple of weeks so I did not want a wasted visit. I was assured there were 2 shows daily 10am and 2pm, but the main thing is that my grand-daughter can have a ride. We also tried to look at the silver village, but there was no sign of anything silver related. And as you rightfully suggest no visit to Surin is complete without a visit to FC. We were there last week, and I will take the family too.

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Clearly I must travel via Surin as you suggest.

I did make a brief visit to the elephant village last week, as I wanted to know whether it was open daily. I have my daughter and family visiting in a couple of weeks so I did not want a wasted visit. I was assured there were 2 shows daily 10am and 2pm, but the main thing is that my grand-daughter can have a ride. We also tried to look at the silver village, but there was no sign of anything silver related. And as you rightfully suggest no visit to Surin is complete without a visit to FC. We were there last week, and I will take the family too.

There is a better way that cuts out one of the most dangerous roads in Thailand ( Pattamon Road)

Take the road out past Baan Tasawang Silk Village, as if you were going to the Airport, and instead of carrying on down to Satuk, turn right about two km's after you hit the Chom Pra- Satuk road. That takes you direct into the Baan Taklang ( The Elephant village) It is signposted in Thai, and I think it might be in English now too. If you go via Krasang, and it is possible, when you hit the Chom Pra-Satuk road you must turn LEFT, and drive for around 10 km's. The road is not that bad, but then again it might have worsened since I last took it.

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