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Farang Bar Manager = Dangerous Occupation ?


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Seems that violence against farangs is ever increasing..

This never seemed to happen much in the past.

Are you jocking ?

I do remember the farang manager of Misty A-go-go seriously blood beaten about 2 years ago.

I remember the farang manager of one of Soi Diamon a-go-go beaten in the soi about 4 years ago.

I remember many many articles in the newspapers about farang bar managers involved in such troubles... :o

Nothing new, but still sad.

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I have been given updated information:

1) Ken is ok and recovering - I am sure he will be heartened to know of the public concern for his well being :o

2) there were no guns involved

3) there were three Thai males who used rocks to alter his physical features

4) Ken has about 7 stitches in his arm

5) There is no mafia or similare involvement

There have been a comment to close this topic but I will keep it open as a news item of Pattaya but only if it remains on topic and does not descend into a food fight.

btw Ken is the owner of several bars not the manager as was originally reported. He is as far as I am aware not a member of this forum and consequently cannot reply.


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Personally I reckon this thread should be shutdown, Flame away but what ever happened hasn't got anything too do with anyone else, Ken is OK and that's the main thing, speculation as to what happened and why is why these threads easily get out of hand.



Just because you own a bar as you have stated many times in the past is no reason to shut down the thread. I personally would like to know why it happened if anybody has the actual facts.

I can tell you what happened, Ken explained too me in great detail and IMO he got away very lucky, they could of killed him, as for why it happened then I don't know and I also won't be part of any speculation either. :D

There is no reason threads on bar owners should not be discussed, unless of course you’re embarrassed about owning a bar in which case you might not want to mention it so often.

I'm not embaressed one little bit, I own THE BLUES FACTORY, See I even said it loudly for you, Its not mentioned much because i'm no longer a sponser on here and when I do mention it I normally get a pm to tell me to stop advertising. :D

Also though "us" bar owners don't come on here discussing customers so why should people have the right to discuss bar owners and the things that happen to them?

And knowing you I fully expect you to come back with some silly flaming remark that makes no sense to anyone but yourself.

No silly flaming remarks other than it really isn't any of your (or my) business. :o:D

Edited by davethailand
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If Ken can`t or doesn`t explain what happened, why let this thread go on an on?

Dave, I`ll be around soon to kick your ass before I leave this crazy place for good next month. :D

Look forward too it mate. :D

A guy who owns a bar frequented by Go Go dancers in the sex capital of Thailand gets beaten up ..................shock horror

I don't believe its the selling of alcohol thats the issue.

Really is any one actually surprised this type of incident happens.....Anyhow I hope that the fella recovers and moves on to a better way of life.

perhaps he is a heavy smoker and the Thais who beat him up were incited by Seyton Clamour the worldwide renowned anti-smoking activist? :o

His bar is non smoking. :D

I'm surprised that it's been reported as involving only 2 Thais. This is the first time that I've ever heard of no less than 5 or 6 Thai men beating up on one person.

A 2 on 1 situation is the bravest odds I've ever heard of in a fight involving Thais.

It was 3, in their 20's. :D

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Why are we even concerned with managers/owners of what are in effect brothels? They are the equilivent of pond-scum and I for one don't give a wit when one of them runs afoul of the law or some of the local boys!

Tell us what you really think why don't you?

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Have lived in LOS for a decade in both Bangers and Patters with never a problem. Of course, like someone posted, usually dress nice and always polite...and have never stooped to working in a brothel (no matter how you dress-em up, BBs, discos, and Go-gos are nothing more than). I have never know of a random attack on anyone (thai or farang)...Thais are too lazy and wouldn't waste their energy on such an endeavor. He had business or personal enemies and they wanted some payback. Simple as that.

Quite right old chap. he was either banging someones wife/girlfriend or he borrowed money & wasn't meeting the payback schedule.

Simple really.

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Have lived in LOS for a decade in both Bangers and Patters with never a problem. Of course, like someone posted, usually dress nice and always polite...and have never stooped to working in a brothel (no matter how you dress-em up, BBs, discos, and Go-gos are nothing more than). I have never know of a random attack on anyone (thai or farang)...Thais are too lazy and wouldn't waste their energy on such an endeavor. He had business or personal enemies and they wanted some payback. Simple as that.

Quite right old chap. he was either banging someones wife/girlfriend or he borrowed money & wasn't meeting the payback schedule.

Simple really.

It appears to me the "speculators" have gotten out of control.

I wonder if any of these people that seem to abhor farang bar owners have ever been in one of their establishments. Let it be known I have stooped so low in the past as to patronize some of these dastardly businesses.

'Fess up now, NN2Y and dotcom. Admit you have been in at least one disco or go-go in your life. No one will think the less of you.

What a silly argument.

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I was attacked once by a machine, but that's another story. :o

Bill worked in a pickle factory. He had been employed there for a number of years when he came home one day to confess to his wife that he had a terrible compulsion. He had an urge to stick his penis in the pickle slicer. His wife suggested that he should see a therapist to talk about it, but Bill indicated that he'd be too embarrassed. He vowed to overcome the compulsion on his own.

One day a few weeks later Bill came home absolutely ashen. His wife could see at once that something was seriously wrong. "What's wrong, Bill?" she asked.

"Do you remember that I told you how I had this tremendous urge to put my penis in the pickle slicer?"

"Oh, Bill, you didn't."

"Yes, I did."

"My God, Bill, what happened?"

"I got fired."

"No, Bill. I mean, what happened with the pickle slicer?" "Oh... she got fired too."

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If Ken can`t or doesn`t explain what happened, why let this thread go on an on?

Dave, I`ll be around soon to kick your ass before I leave this crazy place for good next month. :D

Look forward too it mate. :D

A guy who owns a bar frequented by Go Go dancers in the sex capital of Thailand gets beaten up ..................shock horror

I don't believe its the selling of alcohol thats the issue.

Really is any one actually surprised this type of incident happens.....Anyhow I hope that the fella recovers and moves on to a better way of life.

perhaps he is a heavy smoker and the Thais who beat him up were incited by Seyton Clamour the worldwide renowned anti-smoking activist? :o

His bar is non smoking. :D

I'm surprised that it's been reported as involving only 2 Thais. This is the first time that I've ever heard of no less than 5 or 6 Thai men beating up on one person.

A 2 on 1 situation is the bravest odds I've ever heard of in a fight involving Thais.

It was 3, in their 20's. :D

Well, that makes more sense -- 3 men in their 20's armed with rocks against 1 (likely) unarmed man sounds much more like a typical Thai confrontation. 2 on 1 seemed far too brave.

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Why are we even concerned with managers/owners of what are in effect brothels? They are the equilivent of pond-scum and I for one don't give a wit when one of them runs afoul of the law or some of the local boys!

I know Bar/GoGo owners whom are total gemtlemen - and do a lot for local charities. Anyone who generalizes as you do is ignorant - no more than pond scum :o

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I was attacked once by a machine, but that's another story. :(

Bill worked in a pickle factory. He had been employed there for a number of years when he came home one day to confess to his wife that he had a terrible compulsion. He had an urge to stick his penis in the pickle slicer. His wife suggested that he should see a therapist to talk about it, but Bill indicated that he'd be too embarrassed. He vowed to overcome the compulsion on his own.

One day a few weeks later Bill came home absolutely ashen. His wife could see at once that something was seriously wrong. "What's wrong, Bill?" she asked.

"Do you remember that I told you how I had this tremendous urge to put my penis in the pickle slicer?"

"Oh, Bill, you didn't."

"Yes, I did."

"My God, Bill, what happened?"

"I got fired."

"No, Bill. I mean, what happened with the pickle slicer?" "Oh... she got fired too."

Pickles are good for you.

Know your pickles.

Small pickles.

Big pickles.

Hot pickles.

Sweaty pickles.

Feisty pickles.

Happy pickles.

Lying pickles.

Cheating pickles.

Rich pickles, (very very rare)

Adventurous pickles.

Smelly pickles (not to much and no billingsgate) :D

Youngish pickles.

Old pickles.

Crusty pickles (not for me)

Amazon pickles.

Unsure of type of pickle. ( jenny star bar) :D

Freshly shaved pickles :o

Gold digging pickles. Abundant in Thailand. :D

Pickles are good, Know your pickles.

you know it makes sense. :D

Edited by plasticpig
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Well, for one thing, totally random attacks here are a rare event as far as I know.

Dig deep enough (some times just scratch the surface) and you quickly see that there is more to the story than (usually) gets reported.

But of course, the victims are (usually) just innocent, 100% pure, snow white people that would never do anything to deserve what happens.

Obviously we haven't heard all the details in this case, but I would find it extremely odd if this was just a random incident. There could have been a motive behind the attack that maybe even Ken isn't aware of.

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I would expect that most business owners would run afoul of someone, sometime. Bar owners more so, since they deal with people not at their best. Easy enough to p*ss off some motorcycle taxi boys who sit in front of your business place or one of many vendors who frequent the place. Not to mention that folks you end of letting go.

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Why are we even concerned with managers/owners of what are in effect brothels? They are the equilivent of pond-scum and I for one don't give a wit when one of them runs afoul of the law or some of the local boys!

I know Bar/GoGo owners whom are total gemtlemen - and do a lot for local charities. Anyone who generalizes as you do is ignorant - no more than pond scum :o

Lots of criminals and thoroughly bad people give money to charities it doesnt make them good.

The gogo bar owners ive met do seem to be slightly shady geezers and i prefer to generalise as im prejudice towards everyone other then white English working class males, generalising makes my life and thought process far easier, however id sooner be in farang run bar then a Thai owned bar as i know where i stand with the farang.

Notnew2you, if it wasnt for respectable people like me and you going to these places then these pond-scum as you call them wouldnt exist, so maybe we're all pond-scum.

As for the guy who got a slap, if you run a bar/brothel in Walking Street for a long period of time, even if youre the most saintly chap on the planet there is a very good chance trouble will find you eventually, as after all theyre making money from prostitution, its not exactly the most honest business on the planet.

Edited by boiledegg
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"The gogo bar owners ive met do seem to be slightly shady geezers and i prefer to generalise as im prejudice towards everyone other then white English working class males, generalising makes my life and thought process far easier, however id sooner be in farang run bar then a Thai owned bar as i know where i stand with the farang."

What refreshing honesty - lets have none of that PC crap here :o

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  • 2 weeks later...
If Ken can`t or doesn`t explain what happened, why let this thread go on an on?

Dave, I`ll be around soon to kick your ass before I leave this crazy place for good next month. :D

Look forward too it mate. :D

A guy who owns a bar frequented by Go Go dancers in the sex capital of Thailand gets beaten up ..................shock horror

I don't believe its the selling of alcohol thats the issue.

Really is any one actually surprised this type of incident happens.....Anyhow I hope that the fella recovers and moves on to a better way of life.

perhaps he is a heavy smoker and the Thais who beat him up were incited by Seyton Clamour the worldwide renowned anti-smoking activist? :o

His bar is non smoking. :D

I'm surprised that it's been reported as involving only 2 Thais. This is the first time that I've ever heard of no less than 5 or 6 Thai men beating up on one person.

A 2 on 1 situation is the bravest odds I've ever heard of in a fight involving Thais.

It was 3, in their 20's. :D

I beg to differ on the no smoking point. I went into the bar on Saturday night and when someone started smoking behind us, I asked a staff member if they could have a quiet word to ask him to stop. I was told "No, big boss says its ok". I am getting too old for trouble and confrontation and so simply voted with my feet. My friends and I left and will not return unless and until I am assured it is genuinely a bar which is complying with the no smoking law.

Frankly, I am sick to death with bar owners who worry so much about the "rights" of a minority of smokers, while not giving a dam_n about the genuine rights of the majority of non-smokers. Up until the law changed, non-smokers had to put up with the risk to our health of passive smoking and of stinking of stale smoke if we have wanted to go out for a drink. The law has now changed, thankfully, but still bar owners worry about the poor smokers who have to walk a good 20 metres to pop outside for a smoke.

Leaving wasn't actually any great hardship. For a bar that used to be one of my favourites, it has gone a long way downhill. There are now a fraction of the shows there used to be and most of the time, you get nothing more than the much less attractive filler girls standing around to unbearably bad music. It was incredibly boring. Maybe Ken is still absent from the place after his attack and this may have something to do with the lack of decent entertainment, but he had better get back quickly cos on Saturday night, at a peak time, the place was half empty. That said, not really any of my concern, cos while they allow smoking I will not be back.

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If Ken can`t or doesn`t explain what happened, why let this thread go on an on?

Dave, I`ll be around soon to kick your ass before I leave this crazy place for good next month. :D

Look forward too it mate. :D

A guy who owns a bar frequented by Go Go dancers in the sex capital of Thailand gets beaten up ..................shock horror

I don't believe its the selling of alcohol thats the issue.

Really is any one actually surprised this type of incident happens.....Anyhow I hope that the fella recovers and moves on to a better way of life.

perhaps he is a heavy smoker and the Thais who beat him up were incited by Seyton Clamour the worldwide renowned anti-smoking activist? :o

His bar is non smoking. :(

I'm surprised that it's been reported as involving only 2 Thais. This is the first time that I've ever heard of no less than 5 or 6 Thai men beating up on one person.

A 2 on 1 situation is the bravest odds I've ever heard of in a fight involving Thais.

It was 3, in their 20's. :D

I beg to differ on the no smoking point. I went into the bar on Saturday night and when someone started smoking behind us, I asked a staff member if they could have a quiet word to ask him to stop. I was told "No, big boss says its ok". I am getting too old for trouble and confrontation and so simply voted with my feet. My friends and I left and will not return unless and until I am assured it is genuinely a bar which is complying with the no smoking law.

Frankly, I am sick to death with bar owners who worry so much about the "rights" of a minority of smokers, while not giving a dam_n about the genuine rights of the majority of non-smokers. Up until the law changed, non-smokers had to put up with the risk to our health of passive smoking and of stinking of stale smoke if we have wanted to go out for a drink. The law has now changed, thankfully, but still bar owners worry about the poor smokers who have to walk a good 20 metres to pop outside for a smoke.

Leaving wasn't actually any great hardship. For a bar that used to be one of my favourites, it has gone a long way downhill. There are now a fraction of the shows there used to be and most of the time, you get nothing more than the much less attractive filler girls standing around to unbearably bad music. It was incredibly boring. Maybe Ken is still absent from the place after his attack and this may have something to do with the lack of decent entertainment, but he had better get back quickly cos on Saturday night, at a peak time, the place was half empty. That said, not really any of my concern, cos while they allow smoking I will not be back.

He's in the UK and is due back anytime now (holiday wasn't anything to do with what happened either), I know he actually likes the non smoking law as we discussed it before he went although as I haven't been in there for a while I can't comment on what the rules are at the moment. :D

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philstone,if that was humour it wasnt funny,if you are serious it is very funny.

You are funny Ha Ha Ha

I bet you are a sinner

It's not sin unless you believe in a certain book. For the rest of us, it's just life.

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We all know Thai(s) don't fight faire - must be some sort of person looking to exact revenge whether it was warranted or not who knows. Hopefully Ken recovers quickly and can elaborate on this.

Fighting is not supposed to be fair, fighting is supposed to be about being victorious, the one who attacks from behind is the one most likely to emerge as the victor: the one that lives to tell the story. So in short, what you perceive as being as not fair is in fact very smart. If your small you need to be cunning, if your big you need to watchful. I am small :o

Hope Ken recovers and will be well again asap.


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