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How Boring Was Life In Farang Land?

DJ Pat

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- DJ Pat:

"Seeing all those fat, hawaii-shirt wearing, moustache-sporting cronies zooming around the roads of Pattaya and Phuket on rented 1000cc sports bikes you know these fools are are over for their two week break from their boring office job back in Europe or the UK. You know also that they are really digging being at able to buy into all those myths as to what makes a real man. The big bike, the exotic location, the hard drinking, the sexy woman ...

Then the money runs out and its back home for another 50 weeks of grey, mind-numbing banality and predicatbility ..."

Indeed sad. Well... Who T.F. are you? The 'DJ Pat' who plays records by 'profession', or 'Doctor Pat' who's recently found the (soon to be published) cure for malaria? The way you talk of others in such a 'knowingly' stereotypical way suggests there's far too much black vinyl in your life and far too little grey matter.

Maybe many of those fat 'cronies' have contributed more to society than one who's contribution to society is to increase the predilection for tinnitus in his drunken patron's later years. To the under 25's you may be a nocturnal 'demi god' of sorts, but to the over 25's (and wiser) you are just a disc jockey. You play other people's music. Perhaps no more of an asset to society than the average beer swilling biker is. So Wake Up! I'll resist the temptation to call you a loser, because maybe you saved a dog from drowning in your life, helped an old lady cross a road, bedded several million teenagers by now or (if your posts are to believed) given your ex wife a cool 400,000 GBP.

But believe it or not, some of your 'fools' actually relish returning home to a challenging and rewarding career in research, development and investment which doesn't invlove time wasted conjecturing up arrogant assumptions about others who are, by outward appearance, so beneath them. & the money doesn't necessarily have to run out either ;-)

"...and taxi drivers noticeably squirm when you give them the exact fare instead of letting them keep the change from Bht 100.

Sadly it creates the impression that the farangs living here are just being cheap."

But aren't you being cheap? And I'm not someone who's ever given a hundred baht tip to local taxi drivers either. Sometimes given the exact fare myself and I've witnessed no noticeably extra squirms after my polite 'khop khun khrap' However, it's not inconceivable that some of them are 'squirming' because they've made an assumption about you, based on (wait for it...) your appearance - Gee... sound familiar!!?

From reading a selection of your posts, it seems, so far, that there's too much time on your hands, too little respect for TGs, too much 'pulp wisdom', & too little legal tender. I stand corrected if wrong.

Nonetheless, drop the Sennheissers. Get a real job. A real career. And then spread some real money to the deserving. You might even feel better about the Hawaiian shirted...

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- DJ Pat:

"Seeing all those fat, hawaii-shirt wearing, moustache-sporting cronies zooming around the roads of Pattaya and Phuket on rented 1000cc sports bikes you know these fools are are over for their two week break from their boring office job back in Europe or the UK. You know also that they are really digging being at able to buy into all those myths as to what makes a real man. The big bike, the exotic location, the hard drinking, the sexy woman ...

Then the money runs out and its back home for another 50 weeks of grey, mind-numbing banality and predicatbility ..."

Indeed sad. Well... Who T.F. are you? The 'DJ Pat' who plays records by 'profession', or 'Doctor Pat' who's recently found the (soon to be published) cure for malaria? The way you talk of others in such a 'knowingly' stereotypical way suggests there's far too much black vinyl in your life and far too little grey matter.

Maybe many of those fat 'cronies' have contributed more to society than one who's contribution to society is to increase the predilection for tinnitus in his drunken patron's later years. To the under 25's you may be a nocturnal 'demi god' of sorts, but to the over 25's (and wiser) you are just a disc jockey. You play other people's music. Perhaps no more of an asset to society than the average beer swilling biker is. So Wake Up! I'll resist the temptation to call you a loser, because maybe you saved a dog from drowning in your life, helped an old lady cross a road, bedded several million teenagers by now or (if your posts are to believed) given your ex wife a cool 400,000 GBP.

But believe it or not, some of your 'fools' actually relish returning home to a challenging and rewarding career in research, development and investment which doesn't invlove time wasted conjecturing up arrogant assumptions about others who are, by outward appearance, so beneath them. & the money doesn't necessarily have to run out either ;-)

"...and taxi drivers noticeably squirm when you give them the exact fare instead of letting them keep the change from Bht 100.

Sadly it creates the impression that the farangs living here are just being cheap."

But aren't you being cheap? And I'm not someone who's ever given a hundred baht tip to local taxi drivers either. Sometimes given the exact fare myself and I've witnessed no noticeably extra squirms after my polite 'khop khun khrap' However, it's not inconceivable that some of them are 'squirming' because they've made an assumption about you, based on (wait for it...) your appearance - Gee... sound familiar!!?

From reading a selection of your posts, it seems, so far, that there's too much time on your hands, too little respect for TGs, too much 'pulp wisdom', & too little legal tender. I stand corrected if wrong.

Nonetheless, drop the Sennheissers. Get a real job. A real career. And then spread some real money to the deserving. You might even feel better about the Hawaiian shirted...

Reply to that! if you can :o

great post. :D

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as a matter of fact: farangland as u say my dear dj - isn't boring, at least not for me (and many others i guess). i agree, some majority of pattaya, phuket and samui 2-week-once-in-a-lifetime-tourists maybe have their boring life back home (anywhere europe, btw: what makes u think U.K. and europe isn't the same?) but who cares? obviously you do. Yeah, sure it happens to me sometimes being treated as a 2-week-tourist but - as mentioned in previous reply - just give the proper answer, show some basic (minimum!) knowledge of language and behaviour - and there is no problem any longer. I am not giving any tips to taxi drivers. I am sometimes tipping to waitress service. I am not an expat yet. But still enjoy being here as often as possible. And - finally - I am not bored at all about my "farangland" weather or work conditions (ok, I hate the tax system but that's another point)...

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:o The OECD life is not to bad unless you are poor as dirt.

Stuff works.

Stuff doesn't smell.

Bureaucratic stuff can be done in a reasonable amount of time.

Things have reasons.

BUT it is cold and sometimes a soul-less rat race.

Here has top notch food, culture, hustle and bustle (in every sense), decent weather, and a silly low cost of living.

Also, if you had a personality it wasn't that hard to get laid there either. :D

Depends what you dig, as there's more to life than the next bird.

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could it be that after a while Thailand becomes boring ? take away the bars and easy women and whats left to keep you occupied long term ?

i have seen the expats in Pattaya ,hanging around the same old places year in year out looking very bored with themselves

stick this week says >>>


So what are you going to do with your free time? Go and check out one of the local car museum? Ummm, it would be nice but just where are they? Do they even exist? How about kicking a football around with your mates in the local park? Finding a park is one thing, but convincing the weatherman to drop the temperatures 10 odd degrees is a bit trickier. How about going to watch a rugby or soccer match? While in theory you could, the level is pretty low... Nah, it ain't easy to do this sort of bloke's stuff in Bangkok, I'm afraid.

So many of the good times and experiences that Western guys have in Bangkok are those spent with the local women. It could be the drunken nights in the naughty bars or it could simply be the ease that we foreigners generally have dating local women. But for the fellow who has settled down and who now effectively finds the naughty bars off limits and cannot get close to a single woman, you remove a big chunk of his life! I have said it before and I'll say it again, one of the major reasons why Western guys find themselves down in the naughty bars is because of a lack of other things to do.

Could it be that Bangkok holds little appeal for the long term resident Westerner who does not embrace Thai culture? And let's be frank, few really do. Could it be, that the very appeal of Bangkok to many Westerners, whether they care to admit it or even realise it, is the flesh, and that when that is no longer an entertainment option, that Bangkok may not really offer that much?

One needs something beyond the professional, and for many Westerners in Bangkok that just happens to be something carnal. But if that is no longer an option, does Bangkok, good time city, place to party, actually become boring? Could it be that once you have sifted through the city's million odd single, available woman and found one who is right for you, that really, there is little point in sticking around? More than anything, could it be that when women are removed from the equation, Bangkok is not the most enticing city to the single Western man?

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I think LIFE is what one makes of it. You enjoy life if you are happy and no one else can make you happy except yourself.

Why are men happier in Thailand and think its better than "back home"?

Firstly, the cost of living here is much lower and they can afford a lifestyle they cannot back home.......secondly, lots of young women here will look at them where else most wont back home............hence, they are happy!!! No brainer there...... :D

Why is it not boring for them? Let's see.....different girl every night or easily replaced if they leave........ Everyone loves attention........especially abundant attention from the opposite sex!! (or same sex in some cases). Why else would a lowly paid English teacher earning THB30,000 be here?

There are a minority who come here for career enhancement.........but come on, lets be realistic!! :o reality check!!!

Before I get slated for this, I am NOT a lonely, fat, ugly, jealous farang woman! :D

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I think LIFE is what one makes of it. You enjoy life if you are happy and no one else can make you happy except yourself.

Why are men happier in Thailand and think its better than "back home"?

Firstly, the cost of living here is much lower and they can afford a lifestyle they cannot back home.......secondly, lots of young women here will look at them where else most wont back home............hence, they are happy!!! No brainer there...... :D 

Why is it not boring for them? Let's see.....different girl every night or easily replaced if they leave........ Everyone loves attention........especially abundant attention from the opposite sex!! (or same sex in some cases). Why else would a lowly paid English teacher earning THB30,000 be here?

There are a minority who come here for career enhancement.........but come on, lets be realistic!! :o  reality check!!!

Before I get slated for this, I am NOT a lonely, fat, ugly, jealous farang woman!  :D

I totally agree .... it is the sex and the availability of it in Thailand that makes it exciting for the fat ugly Falang! If a 50 or 60 year old chatted up a girl in her 20s never mind her teens he would be told to "<deleted> OFF PERVERT" in no uncertain terms in Europe / USA ... this doesn't happen in LOS!!

So to them Farang Land is boring

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DJ I am just hanging on wanting to retire very soon. I will be 50 soon and want to retire early to enjoy a few years in good health doing what ever I want to. AND Thailand fits the picture. Only problem is the "wife" will cost me upwards of £400,000 to pay off!!

Do I cut and run or stay in Blighty dreaming of how life would be in LOS?

Deposit 100k in her bank then leg it. Sounds fair to me.

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Every month I am reminded of why I live in Thailand. Because for 1 week every month I fly back to the UK to see my young kids. As soon as I step off the plane I long to be back in LoS. Maybe it's the wet weather or the fat women ( :o ), or the irate drivers on the M25, or the crazy prices in Tesco, or the oh-so-grey-and-dull people on the London underground, etc etc ad infinitum!!

And I avoided paying my ex-wife £400,000 by not 'exing' her!! I stay married but just friends. It also means I have a good excuse not to marry my Thai GF (one marriage was enough for me :D )

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DJ I am just hanging on wanting to retire very soon. I will be 50 soon and want to retire early to enjoy a few years in good health doing what ever I want to. AND Thailand fits the picture. Only problem is the "wife" will cost me upwards of £400,000 to pay off!!

Do I cut and run or stay in Blighty dreaming of how life would be in LOS?

Well my divorce (from one evil tempered Scottish b##ch) cost me packet but as an american friend once told me "its expensive cos its worth it". :o

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DJ I am just hanging on wanting to retire very soon. I will be 50 soon and want to retire early to enjoy a few years in good health doing what ever I want to. AND Thailand fits the picture. Only problem is the "wife" will cost me upwards of £400,000 to pay off!!

Do I cut and run or stay in Blighty dreaming of how life would be in LOS?

Well my divorce (from one evil tempered Scottish b##ch) cost me packet but as an american friend once told me "its expensive cos its worth it". :o

Yep, all about your freedom.

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Seeing all those fat, hawaii-shirt wearing, moustache-sporting cronies zooming around the roads of Pattaya and Phuket on rented 1000cc sports bikes you know the...

I am hoping to be able to sidestep all that hassle by going straight from my degree to a thai uni to keep studying. With any luck I might land a UK based job but out there, and never have to work inside the UK! Yea..wishful thinking eh? :o

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