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Baby Jabs In Thailand... Can Anyone Help?

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Mods, sorry if this is in the wrong place, but it is the most frequently read!

My daughter is almost 12 months old. If i were in the UK she wold now get her MMR jab. I live in Trang where it seems it is unheard of. Can i get this jab for her in Thailand (BKK maybe) and is it as safe as the UK/States etc. Thanks in anticipation.


The only safe vaccine is no vaccine. A billion dollar fraud that injects mercry and aspartame, neurotoxic preservatives, into newly developng neuronal systems.

Moderator interjection: The above is exaggerated and misleading. Vaccines do not contain either mercury. In the past, some vaccines contained the preservative thimerosol, a compound which prevents bcterial contamination. One of thimerosol's metabolic products is ethyl mercury. Ethyl mercury is excreted from the body much more rapidly and effectively than methyl mercury, and Although the quantitiy is minute, and studies have shown that it is completelt eliminated from the body within 30 days, with no long term accumulation, in the wake of public concern, health authorities in the U.S. recommended it not be used in 1999. Most US made vaccines are thus now thimeresol-free. I don't know about Thai manufactured vaccines; maybe on of the other readers can advise? Millions of children are vaccinated in Thailand yearly without evident ill effect, but if one is concerned, it should be possible to obtain thimerosol-free vaccination (it might, however, require a trip to one of the international hospitals in Bkk).

As for aspartame, there is ongoing controversy over its safety given the huge amounts being consumed on a regular basis by many people (diet sodas and the like); no convincing proof it is harmful but stuidies still ongoing. It is NOT used in infant/child vaccines; the usual sweetener for oral vaccines for kids is sorbitol. It is used in very minute quantities in some adult oral vaccines e.g. the oral cholera vaccine. The quantity of aspartame one would ingest that way is microscopic compared to the quantities most people ingest from a variety of processed foods.

Also a great way to spread the Aids virus. (populaton control) aka Brazil, Congo etc where pre-sexual activity age, pre drug use age youngsters, who received the small pox vaccines, became Aids infected.

Moderator interjection: this is complete nonsense. The only way that vaccination could transmit AIDs is if the needles were reused from person to person and one of the prior recipients had AIDs and their blood was still freshly wet on the needle. A highl;y unlikely scenario in child vaccination campaigns. (Of course, for other reasons, needles should not be reused -- and they aren't, in any Thai health facility I have ever seen). Smallpox has long been eradication and vaccination stopped well before the onset of the AIDs epidemic.

Save your childs future health and stay away from money grabbing, inhumane mainstrem medicine/Big Pharma profiteering. No needle goes anywhere near my son.

Moderator interjection: most of the routine child vaccinations are long off patent and not a money maker at all. In fact, many countries have had to make special legal and financial provisions to persuade manufacturers to keep producing them.

If I need a vaccine to visit a certain, country, I dont visit.

The only safe vaccine is no vaccine. A billion dollar fraud that injects mercry and aspartame, neurotoxic preservatives, into newly developng neuronal systems. Also a great way to spread the Aids virus. (populaton control) aka Brazil, Congo etc where pre-sexual activity age, pre drug use age youngsters, who received the small pox vaccines, became Aids infected. Save your childs future health and stay away from money grabbing, inhumane mainstrem medicine/Big Pharma profiteering. No needle goes anywhere near my son. If I need a vaccine to visit a certain, country, I dont visit.

I agree!

Mods, sorry if this is in the wrong place, but it is the most frequently read!

My daughter is almost 12 months old. If i were in the UK she wold now get her MMR jab. I live in Trang where it seems it is unheard of. Can i get this jab for her in Thailand (BKK maybe) and is it as safe as the UK/States etc. Thanks in anticipation.

MMR vaccine most certainly is available all over Thailand--you will find a local paediatric clinic in Trang with it--if, as I was, you are wary like the other posters--my advice, and the recommendation of other countries [Japan, for instance] would be to delay the first jab until your little one's immune system has got a bit stronger--he/she will already have had quite a few vaccines from birth, already--I held off until my daughter was 3 years old--obviously keep him/her away from anyone with Measles, Mumps or Rubella.

I, too, was very anti this particular vaccine and was influenced, to a large extent, by a lobby group in UK which was peddling scare stories about the MMR jab and links to autism etc...these, and the G.P. involved, have since been disproved and discredited.

My advice, as I say, give the vacc. but delay for a year or 2.


you may be interested in this material (google on "wiki vaccine controversy") and possibly your question might receive more sensible and informed responses in the "health" forum. the recommended vaccination schedule for thailand is actually not that dissimilar from that for Australia, so not sure why you were told you could not get the measle vaccination in trat - maybe a misunderstanding?

Netherlands, measles (1999–2000) An outbreak at a religious community and school in The Netherlands illustrates the effect of measles in an unvaccinated population.[21] The population in the several provinces affected had a high level of immunization with the exception of one of the religious denominations who traditionally do not accept vaccination. The three measles-related deaths and 68 hospitalizations that occurred among 2961 cases in the Netherlands demonstrate that measles can be severe and may result in death even in industrialized countries.

Ireland, measles (2000) As a result of the MMR vaccine controversy vaccination compliance dropped sharply in the United Kingdom after 1996.[22] From late 1999 until the summer of 2000, there was a measles outbreak in North Dublin, Ireland. At the time, the national immunization level had fallen below 80%, and in part of North Dublin the level was around 60%. There were more than 100 hospital admissions from over 300 cases. Three children died and several more were gravely ill, some requiring mechanical ventilation to recover.[23][24]

Nigeria, polio, measles, diphtheria (2001 onward) In the early 2000s, conservative religious leaders in northern Nigeria, suspicious of Western medicine, advised their followers to not have their children vaccinated with oral polio vaccine. The boycott was endorsed by the governor of Kano State, and immunization was suspended for several months. Subsequently, polio reappeared in a dozen formerly polio-free neighbors of Nigeria, and genetic tests showed the virus was the same one that originated in northern Nigeria: Nigeria had become a net exporter of polio virus to its African neighbors. People in the northern states were also reported to be wary of other vaccinations, and Nigeria reported over 20,000 measles cases and nearly 600 deaths from measles from January through March 2005.[25] In 2006 Nigeria accounted for over half of all new polio cases worldwide.[26] Outbreaks continued thereafter; for example, at least 200 children died in a late-2007 measles outbreak in Borno State.[27]

Indiana, measles (2005) A 2005 measles outbreak in Indiana was due to children whose parents had refused to have them vaccinated.[28] Most cases of pediatric tetanus in the U.S. occur in children whose parents objected to their vaccination.[29]

Mods, sorry if this is in the wrong place, but it is the most frequently read!

My daughter is almost 12 months old. If i were in the UK she wold now get her MMR jab. I live in Trang where it seems it is unheard of. Can i get this jab for her in Thailand (BKK maybe) and is it as safe as the UK/States etc. Thanks in anticipation.

MMR vaccine most certainly is available all over Thailand--you will find a local paediatric clinic in Trang with it--if, as I was, you are wary like the other posters--my advice, and the recommendation of other countries [Japan, for instance] would be to delay the first jab until your little one's immune system has got a bit stronger--he/she will already have had quite a few vaccines from birth, already--I held off until my daughter was 3 years old--obviously keep him/her away from anyone with Measles, Mumps or Rubella.

I, too, was very anti this particular vaccine and was influenced, to a large extent, by a lobby group in UK which was peddling scare stories about the MMR jab and links to autism etc...these, and the G.P. involved, have since been disproved and discredited.

My advice, as I say, give the vacc. but delay for a year or 2.

It would be interesting to see by whom the G.P. was "disproved and discredited". I wouldn't be at all surprised if the pharmaceutical industry had a heavy hand in that.

Mods, sorry if this is in the wrong place, but it is the most frequently read!

My daughter is almost 12 months old. If i were in the UK she wold now get her MMR jab. I live in Trang where it seems it is unheard of. Can i get this jab for her in Thailand (BKK maybe) and is it as safe as the UK/States etc. Thanks in anticipation.

MMR vaccine most certainly is available all over Thailand--you will find a local paediatric clinic in Trang with it--if, as I was, you are wary like the other posters--my advice, and the recommendation of other countries [Japan, for instance] would be to delay the first jab until your little one's immune system has got a bit stronger--he/she will already have had quite a few vaccines from birth, already--I held off until my daughter was 3 years old--obviously keep him/her away from anyone with Measles, Mumps or Rubella.

I, too, was very anti this particular vaccine and was influenced, to a large extent, by a lobby group in UK which was peddling scare stories about the MMR jab and links to autism etc...these, and the G.P. involved, have since been disproved and discredited.

My advice, as I say, give the vacc. but delay for a year or 2.

It would be interesting to see by whom the G.P. was "disproved and discredited". I wouldn't be at all surprised if the pharmaceutical industry had a heavy hand in that.

I have already stated that I, too, like yourself WAS against this but have since changed my opinion. Whilst I believe that everyone has a right to their own opinion I would be very wary of giving people advice that could, possibly, impact on their child's health negatively--by all means practise your own beliefs on your child; I refer you to the post from Chiangmaibruce--I suppose he works for the 'Big Pharm'??

not to vaccinate your kids is criminal! you people live in jusngle? fly your baby to the west get get immunized!

A bit harsh, Cynthialee, the OP was just trying to get info prior to doing what you recommend--not flying to the west, that is.

Mods, sorry if this is in the wrong place, but it is the most frequently read!

My daughter is almost 12 months old. If i were in the UK she wold now get her MMR jab. I live in Trang where it seems it is unheard of. Can i get this jab for her in Thailand (BKK maybe) and is it as safe as the UK/States etc. Thanks in anticipation.

MMR vaccine most certainly is available all over Thailand--you will find a local paediatric clinic in Trang with it--if, as I was, you are wary like the other posters--my advice, and the recommendation of other countries [Japan, for instance] would be to delay the first jab until your little one's immune system has got a bit stronger--he/she will already have had quite a few vaccines from birth, already--I held off until my daughter was 3 years old--obviously keep him/her away from anyone with Measles, Mumps or Rubella.

I, too, was very anti this particular vaccine and was influenced, to a large extent, by a lobby group in UK which was peddling scare stories about the MMR jab and links to autism etc...these, and the G.P. involved, have since been disproved and discredited.

My advice, as I say, give the vacc. but delay for a year or 2.

It would be interesting to see by whom the G.P. was "disproved and discredited". I wouldn't be at all surprised if the pharmaceutical industry had a heavy hand in that.

I have already stated that I, too, like yourself WAS against this but have since changed my opinion. Whilst I believe that everyone has a right to their own opinion I would be very wary of giving people advice that could, possibly, impact on their child's health negatively--by all means practise your own beliefs on your child; I refer you to the post from Chiangmaibruce--I suppose he works for the 'Big Pharm'??

Certainly nobody should base a health-related decision soley on the opinions of people who post in a forum -- any forum, especially when that person is making a serious choice for a child. We have heard from people who feel vaccines are safe and benificial and from those who feel they are not. That's the great thing about forums -- people can offer their opinions so others can have more information to use when making a decision.

I think only the most naive would completely trust the pharmaceutical industry, and I have strong feelings about that. I also think it's very naive to believe "official" looking reports, as mainstream media is controlled by business intersts.

Hopefully, this type of discussion will make the OP aware that the decision he or she must make is a serious one -- one that should be researched.

Mods, sorry if this is in the wrong place, but it is the most frequently read!

My daughter is almost 12 months old. If i were in the UK she wold now get her MMR jab. I live in Trang where it seems it is unheard of. Can i get this jab for her in Thailand (BKK maybe) and is it as safe as the UK/States etc. Thanks in anticipation.

MMR vaccine most certainly is available all over Thailand--you will find a local paediatric clinic in Trang with it--if, as I was, you are wary like the other posters--my advice, and the recommendation of other countries [Japan, for instance] would be to delay the first jab until your little one's immune system has got a bit stronger--he/she will already have had quite a few vaccines from birth, already--I held off until my daughter was 3 years old--obviously keep him/her away from anyone with Measles, Mumps or Rubella.

I, too, was very anti this particular vaccine and was influenced, to a large extent, by a lobby group in UK which was peddling scare stories about the MMR jab and links to autism etc...these, and the G.P. involved, have since been disproved and discredited.

My advice, as I say, give the vacc. but delay for a year or 2.

It would be interesting to see by whom the G.P. was "disproved and discredited". I wouldn't be at all surprised if the pharmaceutical industry had a heavy hand in that.

I have already stated that I, too, like yourself WAS against this but have since changed my opinion. Whilst I believe that everyone has a right to their own opinion I would be very wary of giving people advice that could, possibly, impact on their child's health negatively--by all means practise your own beliefs on your child; I refer you to the post from Chiangmaibruce--I suppose he works for the 'Big Pharm'??

Certainly nobody should base a health-related decision soley on the opinions of people who post in a forum -- any forum, especially when that person is making a serious choice for a child. We have heard from people who feel vaccines are safe and benificial and from those who feel they are not. That's the great thing about forums -- people can offer their opinions so others can have more information to use when making a decision.

I think only the most naive would completely trust the pharmaceutical industry, and I have strong feelings about that. I also think it's very naive to believe "official" looking reports, as mainstream media is controlled by business intersts.

Hopefully, this type of discussion will make the OP aware that the decision he or she must make is a serious one -- one that should be researched.

Fair comment--point taken.



put this one in your pipe snd smoke it, pro vaccine wingnuts, and while you are watching this video, write up for me all those scientific studies that show mercury and aspartame are safe for huimans.

Moderator Interjection: see response to prior similiar post with respect to mercury and asparatame in vaccines.

And dont forget that the polio outbreaks since Salk days have all been due to the vaccine, and smallpox outbreaks have occurred among the vaccinated, and the fraud HPV vaccine where the FDA knew five years ago that the virus doesnot cause cancer, and yes autism is caused by the vaccine, latest news, not big farma misinformation confirms it.

Moderator interjection: (1) multiple polio outbreaks have oc curred due to lack of immunization in developing countries where coverage is still low. This statement is inaccurate. (2) there has not been a smallpox outbreak in about 50 years and there has not been a single case, worldwide, sine 1977. The disease has been completely eradicated due to an aggressive immunization campaign and the fact that, unlike many diseases, it has no animal resevoir. This statement is completelty inaccurate. (3) the evidence linking HPV and cervical cancer is solid. (4) repeated studies have failed to establish a link between autism and vaccination. Since hundreds of millions of children are vaccinated annually, and very few of them develop autism, a direct casual link is imnplausible; if there is any link it must invove a third factor.

I repeat, theonly safe vaccine IS NO VACCINE. If you want to get your daughter jabbed, get the quack to put in writing that he/she guarantees there will be no side effects..


put this one in your pipe snd smoke it, pro vaccine wingnuts, and while you are watching this video, write up for me all those scientific studies that show mercury and aspartame are safe for huimans. And dont forget that the polio outbreaks since Salk days have all been due to the vaccine, and smallpox outbreaks have occurred among the vaccinated, and the fraud HPV vaccine where the FDA knew five years ago that the virus doesnot cause cancer, and yes autism is caused by the vaccine, latest news, not big farma misinformation confirms it. I repeat, theonly safe vaccine IS NO VACCINE. If you want to get your daughter jabbed, get the quack to put in writing that he/she guarantees there will be no side effects..

Firstly--as I said, I am by no means a 'pro vaccine wingnut' and you might have gleaned that if you read my post--cool down a bit and fix your link as it doesn't seem to work--then, and I'm not selling this MMR jab, take a look at another link-


from todays BBC website.

Mods, sorry if this is in the wrong place, but it is the most frequently read!

My daughter is almost 12 months old. If i were in the UK she wold now get her MMR jab. I live in Trang where it seems it is unheard of. Can i get this jab for her in Thailand (BKK maybe) and is it as safe as the UK/States etc. Thanks in anticipation.

Certainly in Bangkok all vaccines currently given in the West are available and recommended. There are also others given as routine such as Japanesse Encyphilitis. TB is automatically given to new borns, with permission, owing to incidence of TB which for that matter has now become a recommendation in the UK again.

There are also additional vacines available such as Rotadine, which although very expensive, can be a life saver for extremely young children.

Should you wish to send your daughter to Int school in thailand you will need to produce evidence of recommended innoculation anyway for admittance.

I shall not comment on the pros and cons of those proponents of no innoculations, just suffice to say that perhaps that had they had 1st hand knowledge by seeing a 7 month old child, dying from a debiltating disease, totally preventable, then they may have formed a differant opinion.

Hopefully, this type of discussion will make the OP aware that the decision he or she must make is a serious one -- one that should be researched.

Let's get back on track here. the OP did not ask for advice about whether or not to vaccinate his child and I wouldn't presume that he needs to be "made aware"of anything.

He asked where to obtrain MMR vaccination.

The answer is: it is a standard part of the Thai child immunization schedule and available from any government health center or hospital. Are you sure it hasn't already bneen given? Your child should have a booklet listing all vaccines received...check it. May not be called "MMR"in Thailand...


Sheryl Thanks!

Wow i never thought this would attract so many differing posts. For those not quite clear with my original post, i was only asking if any one knew if the MMR jab was available in Thailand. I have researched everything about the Jab, i have calculated the risks, etc etc, my daughter is the single most important thing in my life, hence if there is no joy with the jab in Thailand i will spend £2000 flying us back to the UK for the sole purpose of getting the jab. I was not after permission from people i do not know whether to innoculate my child or not (for Toptuan who clearly did not know the colloquial term is 'Jab'), to those that answered objectively i thank you all.

Sheryl Thanks!

Wow i never thought this would attract so many differing posts. For those not quite clear with my original post, i was only asking if any one knew if the MMR jab was available in Thailand. I have researched everything about the Jab, i have calculated the risks, etc etc, my daughter is the single most important thing in my life, hence if there is no joy with the jab in Thailand i will spend £2000 flying us back to the UK for the sole purpose of getting the jab. I was not after permission from people i do not know whether to innoculate my child or not (for Toptuan who clearly did not know the colloquial term is 'Jab'), to those that answered objectively i thank you all.

As far as I can remember, and I'm afraid to say I'm too .... lazy to go and dig out my daughter's vaccine schedule to check, it IS called MMR in Thailand--I know that German measles is called 'Hat Yellerman', there's also another childhood disease called 'Isuk Isai' or something and this could well be measles, I digress, anyway, just go to a decent paediatrician in Trang and ask about MMR--write it on a bit of paper--most of them will understand.


Just out of curiosity I looked up the MMR preparations in use in Thailand. There are 2; one is made by Merck and manufactured in the US; it contains no thimerosol or any other preservative.

The other is made by a company in India and I do not know what it contains in terms of preservatives if any.

Bottom line, it is possible to obtain thimerosol free vaccines here for those who are concerned about it (not in any way implying one should be).

Thanks very much folks. Excellent help!

If you need anything else send me a PM.

I can ask a colleague who is quite senior in clin research in Thailand in vaccines - she has recently been getting everything for her daughter including the expensive Prevenar from Wyeth.

Just out of curiosity I looked up the MMR preparations in use in Thailand. There are 2; one is made by Merck and manufactured in the US; it contains no thimerosol or any other preservative.

The other is made by a company in India and I do not know what it contains in terms of preservatives if any.

Bottom line, it is possible to obtain thimerosol free vaccines here for those who are concerned about it (not in any way implying one should be).

Thimerosol is not in most childrens vaccines made by the major western companies now I beleive.

The only one may be flu but I would need to check up on that - the NG (New Generation) flu vaccines are different.

Plus they are reccommending extra flu jabs this year for certain categories - 2 instead of 1 - I get mine soon at work plus they are adding the HPV jab for all women under 26

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