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We have a 4year old who speaks English with me and Thai or English with mom depending how mom started the conversation.

We now also have another baby (I blame the abysmal UBC programs :o ) and I was just wondering what language they would use with each when the baby grows up a bit.



We went to the kids fair in Bangkok and picked up a bunch of sesame street dvds and Kipper the dog in English. Would love to find Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood but I am not sure that can be found even in the USA. Found the Teletubies in Thai. So when the tube is on I try to limit it to this or music with animals or numbers. UBC will not pollute my kids mind. Thats my job!!!

My daughter at one year old speaks a mix of thai and English. She understands many of the same words in either Thai or English when spoken to. My wife and I try to limit our talking in English around her as she has so many other family members that speak Thai. Thai seems to be winning at the moment. But English will be making a strong come back in the next months as there will be more English speaking about than Thai.


We have 2 daughters, 5 and 3 y.o. and a younger brother (1;5). The sisters speak English to me, Thai (used to be Eng) with mum, Italian with the community (where we live). The daughters *usually* (neutrally) initiate a conversation in English, unless mum or other thai people are actively around (=> thai is used). When cousins or other italian friends are around they may speak Italian among themselves, although English is still predominant (we have lived here only for one year +).

If I may recommend a book on the subject, read "The Bilingual Family" by Edith Harding-Esch and Philip Riley, where the authors expose different situations. Part of the book is dedicated to convincing you that bilingual is better, fact that you have probably already decided anyway, but it is still a good read.


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