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Anytime You Hear The Word Thailand In A Film


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Dunno I watch Thai Movies, and certainly no reference about brothels as such. :o

Anyways if people are uneducated about the more positive aspects a country such as thailand has then their problem.

I have to agree here. If people want to have a narrow view about the LOS so be it! it's not going to ruin my day. Any expat or long term tourist can see beyond the sex tourism. Prostitution may be a part of Thai culture, but it does not in anyway define Thai culture. Prostituting is part of EVERY culture, but most keep it well hidden.

The bottom line is that sex sells. Sex sells music, movies, books, jeans, toothpaste, chips, dip,etc. You name it. The world is so preoccupied with sex and sex is the worlds biggest marketing tool. A large part of the Thai economy depends on tourism, so of course the sex industry is going to be part of their campaign.

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you watch a movie if thailand comes up its 99% of the time at the end of a prostitute or pedophile joke

do the Thai people care about this reputation?

go to any asia country and mention Thai and its always wink wink

why does thailand have to be known as the worlds whorehouse???

Thailand has for decades been the number one sex tourist destination in the world. It is not perception but reality. When I was young I thought it was cool but now that I live here I've become the object of this reality. When you're in your home country and you are introduced as someone who lives in Bangkok or Thailand it is often done with a smile and a wink. Not so cool anymore.

While most of the 65 million or so Thai people don't know or don't care about their country's perception on the world stage most are a very proud and nationalistic. Unfortunately, the few with the money here are holding back the hoards of surfs so the sex tourist designation is likely to remain indefinitely. Without proper education the future of most of the Thai people has already been written. Thai girl gets pregnant by local Thai boy, he runs away and the cycle is renewed for another generation. If it wasn't for the girls many of these families would have far less than they do now. Most of these poor folks are just trying to survive and being the brunt of a long running joke is not even on their radar.

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It's not the amount of prostitution in thailand, but the real problem is that certain few farangs give Thai women in general a very bad name.

One major factor is because of "the exchange rate", this makes therefore any low life scum sex tourists with colorful behaviors and boasting features can afford the comparatively cheap prostitution that they might not otherwise be able to purchase these services in their countries. It is quite common and not so difficult to see these cetain type farangs "showing off" their catch walking down the street together hand-in-hand. Most thais are very discreet, and the practices are very muted compared to what westerners do. Thai men would never be seen in public with a prostitute, and if he were to be seen with one, he would have a major loss of face. It is of "these certain groups" of the foreigners who go to Thailand and practically abuse the sensitivity of this part of the thai culture, and the global media happened to pick up on this or happened to be talking to those certain type of foriegners. So it is too much hyped up by these guys.

Also I can understand why the western media seem to justify and look down on Thai women, because I assume that they have only visited the famous places like: Pattaya, Patong, Patpong, or Hat Yai - mostly.

As far as changing it, that will take a very long time, because also the economy benefits from it.

But as the standard of living for the thais increases on par with the Western World, may be the problem will slowly disappear.

And it is also quite unfortunate reality that just only a very small percentage of thai women with high education is noticed.


I usually like your posts and agree with a lot of what you say. On this occasion though you simply highlight the core of the problem... :o

Thais blame it on foreigners, indiscretion, exchange rate, victimisation, economy, abuse of sensitivity, not listening to educated Thai women, etc etc.

The fact is that none of this would be possible if Thais and Thai women chose not to let it happen. For every disgusting farang tourist in the eyes of Thais who is indisrete, there is a Thai being equally indiscrete walking down the road or whatever with them, and another 100 Thais doing nothing and a fair few others cashing in on it in some way... There are some victims in life that don't have a choice. In this case Thailand and Thais do have a choice. They are chosing to be "victims", and chosing to let their society be "victims". The moment you choose to be a victim, you aren't one...

BTW The reason that people don't listen to your educated Thais which claim to have the answers, is that many people believe actions speak louder than words. Inaction is in itself a choice and an action...Educated foreigners are intelligent enough to realise that just because an educated Thai keeps repeating something, doesn't mean it is true... :D

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The reputation is earned and deserved, whether people like it or not. I remember during the last Michael Jackson and the young boys fiasco, they had a panel discussion on Larry King Live. One of the commentators responded to a comment about Jackson sleeping in the same bed with young boys: "This isn't Bangkok, for God's sake."

No other mention ever made in the show about another country (and none further about Thailand), but everyone seemed to know what she was talking about.

Do prostitution and other vices exist elsewhere, of course, almost everywhere. Do places get a reputation, yes they do. Two things go through my mind when the name Amsterdam is mentioned--and I love that place a lot--for reasons which aren't mentioned.

When someone mentions Hollywood Blvd what do you think of first--stars on the street or hookers?

Sorry, you sell it, you film it, you turn a blind eye toward it and everyone will know about it.

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Hiso Thais, Thai politicians, the Thai aspiring classes definitely don't like it. But where is the will to do anything about it? Close all massage places, beer bars, brothels, go gos, etc. and what jobs are going to replace all that in this land of poor education?

you got to be kidding . who has mia nois, the motobike guy?

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Well my wife hates it, when we went to Pattaya for the first time she was discusted, going down walking street she wanted to go home as she was pissed off some many of her country girls are whores

why do you keep going to pattaya? you just like wolfman who is against the industry yet between flights goes to nana plaza to chat with the girls.

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i just get tired of it

i dont think its really all that fair anyways

the same happens EVERYWHERE else in Asia

you can go to any country on the planet and buy sex at market prices. what separates los from the rest is the quality you get with thais. theres enough girls who love what they do and it shows.

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I usually like your posts and agree with a lot of what you say. On this occasion though you simply highlight the core of the problem... :D

BTW The reason that people don't listen to your educated Thais which claim to have the answers, is that many people believe actions speak louder than words. Inaction is in itself a choice and an action...Educated foreigners are intelligent enough to realise that just because an educated Thai keeps repeating something, doesn't mean it is true... :D

I know I know, and seems like I was RAMBLING on something I probably know less about. May be cuz mr teacup is not home, or I was just bored and felt like I had to do or say something…. :o

Hey 1 bad one out of 500 posts is not so bad, isn’t it? So just forget about this one…huh

What I need is to get naked and have a bubble bath ‘till he gets home :D

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you can go to any country on the planet and buy sex at market prices. what separates los from the rest is the quality you get with thais. theres enough girls who love what they do and it shows.

Welcome back Blizzard.

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Thailand is looked upon as brothel number one in the world, I think maybe that is what the OP is talking about.

It is sad, really sad.

Yes it is unfortunate.

Blame it on the biased shallowed global media and the “certain” visiting foreigners for making it appears that the whole country is doing a BOOM BOOM behind every bushes.

It’s not the amount of prostitution in thailand, but the real problem is that certain few farangs give Thai women in general a very bad name.

One major factor is because of “the exchange rate“, this makes therefore any low life scum sex tourists with colorful behaviors and boasting features can afford the comparatively cheap prostitution that they might not otherwise be able to purchase these services in their countries. It is quite common and not so difficult to see these cetain type farangs “showing off” their catch walking down the street together hand-in-hand. Most thais are very discreet, and the practices are very muted compared to what westerners do. Thai men would never be seen in public with a prostitute, and if he were to be seen with one, he would have a major loss of face. It is of “these certain groups” of the foreigners who go to Thailand and practically abuse the sensitivity of this part of the thai culture, and the global media happened to pick up on this or happened to be talking to those certain type of foriegners. So it is too much hyped up by these guys.

Also I can understand why the western media seem to justify and look down on Thai women, because I assume that they have only visited the famous places like: Pattaya, Patong, Patpong, or Hat Yai - mostly.

As far as changing it, that will take a very long time, because also the economy benefits from it.

But as the standard of living for the thais increases on par with the Western World, may be the problem will slowly disappear.

And it is also quite unfortunate reality that just only a very small percentage of thai women with high education is noticed.

Are you freaking serious?!!! Where else in the world does a family go on holiday to be faced with 'hello I lub you were you flom' down every dam_n street in the tourist/supposedly family oriented MAJOR roads - not tucked discreetly down some alleyway - every time they venture out with their wives and children for an evening stroll? Here on Phuket it's a downright embarrassment and I truly think you have NO shame. :o

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thanks. but do you agree mr maigo? you very rarely say im full of it.

I would agree that one can go to any country in the world and buy sex.

If you could get a short time in Japan with a Japanese Highschool girl for 500 Baht instead of the 10,000 Baht it actually costs, Tokyo would also be a place for sex tourists.

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but do tokyo babes have that fun factor is what im getting at. guys wash rinse and repeat with thais coz its a whole lotta fun! guys write on their experinces with vegas girls, its anything but fun. hence guys come to thailand.

Edited by moonkie
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but do tokyo babes have that fun factor is what im getting at. guys wash rinse and repeat with thais coz its a whole lotta fun! guys write on their experinces with vegas girls, its anything but fun. hence guys come to thailand.

If there was a fun factor in Tokyo, do you honestly believe the average Joe could afford to pay for it ?

It is no coincidence that poor and developing countries are the targets of sex tourists, you can get whatever you want in any country, it's just cheaper to go to poorer countries where there is no welfare state to help the less fortunate people.

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exactly. there is no reason why Thailand has to have this image. they should do something to stop all these middle class bums from the west from washing up on thai shores. burn down pattaya and push it all underground. i hope in the future thailand turns into a first world country with first world prices and first class farang. what, because you were born in a rich country you think you are better than the thai people? give me the nudge when i mention thailand and i will break your arm.

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exactly. there is no reason why Thailand has to have this image. they should do something to stop all these middle class bums from the west from washing up on thai shores. burn down pattaya and push it all underground. i hope in the future thailand turns into a first world country with first world prices and first class farang. what, because you were born in a rich country you think you are better than the thai people? give me the nudge when i mention thailand and i will break your arm.

In time this will happen , as Western countries collapse under the burden of the welfare state Asian economies will grow stronger and richer, lives for the people will improve hopefully.

You never know, maybe one day hoardes of Thai Men will be jetting off to Europe to take advantage of the cheap sex on offer. :o

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Are you freaking serious?!!! Where else in the world does a family go on holiday to be faced with 'hello I lub you were you flom' down every dam_n street in the tourist/supposedly family oriented MAJOR roads - not tucked discreetly down some alleyway - every time they venture out with their wives and children for an evening stroll? Here on Phuket it's a downright embarrassment and I truly think you have NO shame. :D

:o ...That's spot on... :D Having lived in many places in Asia, Thailand is the only place I've had this unique family experience... :D

If I think of all the times I've made efforts to stress that "this is the minority in Thailand". Introducing family to your work colleagues, day to day Thais, and sending the message that "see it's not all like the movies/the press and just stereotyping". Then you go to a "family" place like Phuket...and have it all undone in a single moment... :D

Hookers hitting on family members is definitely an embarassing experience. Your dad/brother in front of your mum/sister-in-law... while simply and innocently walking down the street. Nephews under the age of 16...the list goes on :( People associate this with red-light districts... so it's hardly surprising that many tourists take away the impression Thailand is just one large brothel, even despite your best efforts to convince them otherwise... :D

Edited by AFKAFSinLOS
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itll never happen. the western psyche is different.

I bet The British never thought they would lose their Empire, but they did.

Every dog has it's day, the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Huns, Mongols..........etc etc etc. I bet they could never envisage changes either.

Yet here we are in 2008, the British Empire consists of...ummmm....ummm... Isle of Wight ? :o

Things do change, have changed in the past and will change in the future, as to what those changes will be, we can only speculate.

Yet change they most certainly will.

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Hiso Thais, Thai politicians, the Thai aspiring classes definitely don't like it. But where is the will to do anything about it? Close all massage places, beer bars, brothels, go gos, etc. and what jobs are going to replace all that in this land of poor education?

you got to be kidding . who has mia nois, the motobike guy?

My implication was they don't like the REPUTATION of their country. I never implied they aren't PLAYERS. Got it?

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If there was a fun factor in Tokyo, do you honestly believe the average Joe could afford to pay for it ?

It is no coincidence that poor and developing countries are the targets of sex tourists, you can get whatever you want in any country, it's just cheaper to go to poorer countries where there is no welfare state to help the less fortunate people.

Sorry, but this is largely hogwash.

Japan is notorious for illicit sex trade, not only in many areas of Tokyo but in other areas as well. Although I believe they have been shut down, for many many years there were Amsterdam-like "window shopping" areas in Kawasaki and Yokohama where the going rate was 5,000-10,000 yen, or well less than 100 US bucks. Considering the relative costs of living in Japan vs. Bangkok, the normalized costs for services would probably be very similar.

The only thing different in Japan is that it is only rarely that "J-girls" get into the trade. Most girls are trafficked in from Korea, Philipines, USA, Russia, Thailand, etc., by the Yakuza. Very often, they enter the country under false pretences and are forced into the trade. Outside from the nice parts of culture, people and country, Japan can be a very decadent and corrupt place. Make no mistake about it.

Poor and developing countries aren't "targeted" by sex tourists (paedophiles aside). It's just that some "sex tourists" are more affluent and can afford to travel somewhere rather than patronizing a local establishment where they might end up caught in a police raid. And in most nations, both developed and undeveloped, these establishments are indeed numerous.

As far as the implication that government welfare helps to prevent poor people going into the sex trade, sorry, but that's more than a bit off the deep end. Welfare is proven to largely bind people to a lifestyle of poverty, and they resort to other means for "under the counter" income, including kerb-krawling. As far as the poor countries go, people are tempted into the trade because their governments don't provide for sufficient personal and economic freedom to allow them much of a belief for chance of doing anything else.

The solution is legalization with limited regulation and taxation like any other business. This would certainly benefit the service providers over the long run. While I could well be mistaken, I suspect that legalization would eventually reduce the overall size and scope of the trade.

At any rate, with respect to Thailand, I suspect the red light areas in Bangkok will be shaken up over time simply due to development. The property developers are already encroaching on places like Soi Cowboy and eventually it will become better business to put something else there, rather than a couple dozen go-go bars. When the time comes for places like Cowboy and NEP to get squeezed out, the whole question then is where they get squeezed out to and how. IMHO, the timing of these events would possibly the right time to make the political, cultural and legal changes towards legitimization of the industry.

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its sad people can come here only for sex

They don't. They come for the pristine beaches, great weather, beautiful unspoilt scenery, temples and culture. :o

its frustrating to read this.

this is a beautiful country and the only thing you can enjoy about it is cheap sex?

how many hours/minutes a day do you spend having sex?

what do you do with the rest of your time?

as someone who truely loves thailand, its just sad that people could be so disrespectful. how would a Thai working in a hotefeel if they head this comment? that the visitors to their country are only interested in exploiting its poor. its insulting, racist and moronic.

thailand has much to offer, maybe its YOU thats the problem.

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Hiso Thais, Thai politicians, the Thai aspiring classes definitely don't like it. But where is the will to do anything about it? Close all massage places, beer bars, brothels, go gos, etc. and what jobs are going to replace all that in this land of poor education?

you got to be kidding . who has mia nois, the motobike guy?

My implication was they don't like the REPUTATION of their country. I never implied they aren't PLAYERS. Got it?

The testament to the Thai way of life for the wealthy are the monoliths housing thousands of professional girls along Ratchadphisek and spread throughout Thailand. These girls are expensive and generally reserved for the wealthy Thai politicians, business leaders, high ranking police and military officers and their friends. They have private entrances and privileges only they can afford. Business hours and closing times are for other people and except for the occasional garish edifice we tend to forget about them completely. The powers that be could actually be in a meeting now, sitting in a giant hot tub with dozens of naked women laughing about the next sin tax to be imposed on the masses. I've got to make more Thai friends.

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If there was a fun factor in Tokyo, do you honestly believe the average Joe could afford to pay for it ?

It is no coincidence that poor and developing countries are the targets of sex tourists, you can get whatever you want in any country, it's just cheaper to go to poorer countries where there is no welfare state to help the less fortunate people.

Sorry, but this is largely hogwash.

Japan is notorious for illicit sex trade

:o Errrrr... I know, but my point is, it is not a sex tourist destination because of the cost involved, unlike Pattaya it isn't gonna be overrun with British roadsweepers is it ?

Tokyo offers everything at a price, and the vast majority of the people who go to Thailand for the sex scene can't afford the Japanese prices, the whole package, flights, hotels, taxis, etc etc..... way too expensive for the casual sex tourist, of course a rich guy can have a ball in Tokyo if money is no object. Just the same as a rich guy can have a ball in Geneva if he so desires.

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