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Anytime You Hear The Word Thailand In A Film


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Sorry, if you actially are the parents of a high school slut. Im just trying to make a point about thailand.

Who wants to bet that this troll doesn't make it to 100 posts. Must be related to the OP Is this cythialee back under a new user name? :o

Edited by mizzi39
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Like many people have already said, Thailand deserves this reputation and actually in many ways promotes it. The govt. here knows many farang are just here for sex. However it does bother me personally that when I go to America I am embarassed to say I live in Thailand, especially to people I meet for the first time and do not know me. Cambodia, Vietnam and all of SE Asia is the same or worse than here as far as prostitution and trafficking are concerned but if you say you were to those places I think most Americans think you are either an archaeologist or a missionary.

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Well my wife hates it, when we went to Pattaya for the first time she was discusted, going down walking street she wanted to go home as she was pissed off some many of her country girls are whores

Yeah, I'm sure she was shocked. She never knew that all the country girls who went to the city would become ladies of easy virtue. Good one Mrs. Don, at least the gullible hubby bought it. :o

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you watch a movie if thailand comes up its 99% of the time at the end of a prostitute or pedophile joke

do the Thai people care about this reputation?

go to any asia country and mention Thai and its always wink wink

why does thailand have to be known as the worlds whorehouse???

So what should it be known for?

Breakthroughs in medicine? Inventions? Technology? Can you give me one thing that Thailand/Thai people have come up with or done to make the world a better place? Any Thai Nobel prize winners?

Yes, it does have a great cuisine. Interesting temples. Decent (not great) beach areas.

If there is anything Thailand does well, it's their sex industry. They've taken it to a art form, think about the soapy body to body massages. If there is anything Thailand ought to promote, it's that. I think they ought to give the farang entertainment areas a good facelift. Look at some of those upscale type pleasure palaces for Thais on Ratchada Rd.

Let's face it. The majority of Thais follow orders well. Most Thais are not inquisitive, there not taught that in school. They're not taught problem solving, how to take inititive. I know many University graduates, the majority are idiots. They walk away with a degree, not knowing much more than when they walked in. I have friends who teach at the University level, I've sat in on classes. They are nothing like classes in the West. It's that whole 'kreng jai' thing.

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I think the same thing everyday max! Give nanaplaza and cowboy a refurbishing and i bet income would skyrocket. Same with patpong except with silom you need to blow up the whole place and start over.

Thais take too long to do things, the indians who own these places should import refurbishing crews from tokyo and things would really be hopping.

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you watch a movie if thailand comes up its 99% of the time at the end of a prostitute or pedophile joke


why does thailand have to be known as the worlds whorehouse???

The problem is if you're basing your perceptions of a what a place is like, or what happened in any given momment in history on a Hollywood movie then you are likely to come unstuck- these people are not in the business of reporting the truth and their use of racial sterotyping is outrageous. People (perhaps yourself included, I don't know), believe this tosh and before you know it they've happily managed to pigeon-hole an enormous number of people. Hollywood is a branch of the media afterall.

As many have said, prostitution exsists everywhere in the world. I'm sure Thailand did not set out to be known as the world's brothel. Ignorant people have labelled it such. :D

Ignorant people and millions of satisfied customers. :o

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you watch a movie if thailand comes up its 99% of the time at the end of a prostitute or pedophile joke

do the Thai people care about this reputation?

go to any asia country and mention Thai and its always wink wink

why does thailand have to be known as the worlds whorehouse???

I resent what you write. Whenever I hear about Thailand I think of the great schools great hospitals and great great drinking water. I think from you writing you need to changed your friends and seek medical help

Glad I can help.

Yes, I came to Thailand for the water, also.

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I really do think that Thai people and many farangs should chill about Thailand's 'working girl' image. As has been said every country, including Australia, has working girls. For various reasons, but money is always a big part of the equation. Some women find working on their back a better alternative to more conventional employment, always have, always will. The stupidity and hypocrisy of making prostitution illegal is what creates many of the associated problems. Just like banning gambling in Thailand has solved the problem of gambling in Thailand!

Did someone mention a wife? I suspect that the reason most wives do not like prostitutes is that they provide an alternative venue! Women hate threats to their comfy homely existence.

If I were to discuss the greatest threat to young Thai people it would not be working in a bar, but working in any of the large 'factories' in SEA. Making 'sock' and assembling LG plasma TVs for a few thousand baht a month. For many girls, bar work is the best thing that has happened to them.

ps movies: beach was crap & stereotyping! Have you ever heard Australia mentioned without also hearing 'king-joe' - kangaroo?

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its sad people can come here only for sex

They don't. They come for the pristine beaches, great weather, beautiful unspoilt scenery, temples and culture. :o

"how many hours/minutes a day do you spend having sex?

what do you do with the rest of your time?"

As often as I can...but at the age of 61, that constitutes about 15 minutes a day.

What do I do with the rest of my time? Rest up for the next 15 minutes. :D

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i just get tired of it

i dont think its really all that fair anyways

the same happens EVERYWHERE else in Asia

Possibly it's the same elsewhere in Asia , I don't know, but certainly not on the same scale and openness, except perhaps in the Philippines.

Apart from local prostitution which is based on the low status of women, Thailand's tourist industry has always received tacit official support for sex tourism. It is a big earner with a high profile and its international reputation pulls in the tourist dollars.

All this is obvious to those who wish to see.

What surprises me though is that even reasonably well educated Thais do not seem to understand that their women are universally seen as the top selling whores of the world.

This sentence I have written will give huge offence to Thais as if I'm saying I myself think Thai women are whores.

I'm not saying that... I'm saying that they have earned a reputation and that is now what the world in fact thinks.

A few years back a British publisher was pilloried and had to apologise and withdraw the book when one of its dictionaries referred to Bangkok as being well-known for prostitution.

Expunging a true statement does not however make it untrue. The strength of the protests was I think because the protesters like most Thais are simply not aware how low they have allowed the reputation of their country and their women to sink.

The problem in part is hypocrisy, in part sheer ignorance and of course not wanting to face up to the truth.

Being married to a Thai wife, this matter is of keen personal interest for me.

what a bunch of rubbish, narrow minded farang thinking

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Just my own personal opionions na.....

Firstly in the beginning of this posts that was a mention about HI-So thais, rich politicians etc....having been in this Thailand for the last 18years and being in the area of PR and Marketing and dealing with all these kinds of people daily....let me assure all that most of the people from these categories are hypocrites...while they frown on prostitution....many are either patrons or are high-class whores themselves or are involved in these establishments indirectly...plus all they care is money and nothing about the poorer thais or those being exploited etc except when they want some publicity for themselves and pretend to do some humane or charitable projects.

Two.....talk about prostitution and paedophilia...having travelled widely...oh pleeze...there are more prostitutes in countries like the US and Australia and especially in Sydney and also London and there are more peadophiles in Sydney and the US.....just take a stroll down "The Wall" in Sydney at about 11pm and see all the underage kids selling themselves and the local patrons and the cops turning around an eye and not caring.The only thing is that the prostitutes are cheaper and more submissive here in Thailand but not dumb plus at least that they are more sexier and slimmer and not some fat cows like in the US or Australia.

But please...enough is enough...stop equating Thailand with prostitution and the second thing whatever else the other people are doing just ignore it as long as they are not forcing someone or they are indulging in paedophiliac acts, in which case...please do you role as a human being and inform the police or alert the authorities.

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Well my wife hates it, when we went to Pattaya for the first time she was discusted, going down walking street she wanted to go home as she was pissed off some many of her country girls are whores

Yeah, I'm sure she was shocked. She never knew that all the country girls who went to the city would become ladies of easy virtue. Good one Mrs. Don, at least the gullible hubby bought it. :o

I don't find much humor in some of these statements. A close friend of my partner from up in the village went to Pattaya to work and is now suffering from the effects of HIV as a result. About as unfunny as one can get.

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you watch a movie if thailand comes up its 99% of the time at the end of a prostitute or pedophile joke

do the Thai people care about this reputation?

go to any asia country and mention Thai and its always wink wink

why does thailand have to be known as the worlds whorehouse???

I resent what you write. Whenever I hear about Thailand I think of the great schools great hospitals and great great drinking water. I think from you writing you need to changed your friends and seek medical help

Glad I can help.

You have got to be joking.. is this serious?

you cannot help mate, not with such nonsense like that,- your either blind, mad, or living in world which does,nt fit reality.

Its you who needs help.

Go to one of those " great hospidal' you talk about, thats right, the ones which come up every time you hear the word thailand...

And yes, if they do not mention the fantatsic schools first...!!!!

27 years I,ve been here.

Not once I,ve heard either of them come up other than side chat, and lets face it, are they good, or cheap?

Mind you the staff at bumi were really nice to me once, although they did turn away a local girl who was very sick because she did,nt have enough cash.

People resent the truth, but without it- one cannot improve.

Thailand is known as one big whorehouse- because it is one. The first time I heard of thailand I was about 10. Guess what followed, no, not the schools, nor the hospidal either...

And because there nothing else here, crap economy, government, why are the people so proud to be thai, w aht exactly is there to be so proud of... other than great whorehouses?

well, I don,t want t get kicked off again, but when you,ve got nothing, the nationalism thing comes out.

Look at that pathetic carry on on the boarder recently.What a joke.

What other things are thai ladys known for?- no stunning achivements other than their sexual service. Not really their fault because the sexism things seem to have been overlooked.

What has thailand given the world? ( other than the obvious)

Its not all their fault because its country which does,nt care seem to care about sellng its daugthers off, which it willingly did long before the farang came.

The government is a joke, the welfare, legal system is too,

the average working man has,nt a chance, the rich do not give a dam about people,

and do not mention the racism, class grabbers, high so, please,.... what a joke all that is. Class is,nt about money- when will they learn this. Class is about deportment. Caring, etc, etc, you cannot buy it.

it has been for years.

The brits bombed bangkok just after WW2, offloaded all its surplus bombs on it as punishment for their betrayal.( something the historians have tried to keep quiet)

They behaved for a while after that in govenment, but soon went back to its old ways, perhaps more western invention is required before anyone can have any real pride.

One thingns for sure, all this wishful thinking will not help anyone.

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i just get tired of it

i dont think its really all that fair anyways

the same happens EVERYWHERE else in Asia

Possibly it's the same elsewhere in Asia , I don't know, but certainly not on the same scale and openness, except perhaps in the Philippines.

Apart from local prostitution which is based on the low status of women, Thailand's tourist industry has always received tacit official support for sex tourism. It is a big earner with a high profile and its international reputation pulls in the tourist dollars.

All this is obvious to those who wish to see.

What surprises me though is that even reasonably well educated Thais do not seem to understand that their women are universally seen as the top selling whores of the world.

This sentence I have written will give huge offence to Thais as if I'm saying I myself think Thai women are whores.

I'm not saying that... I'm saying that they have earned a reputation and that is now what the world in fact thinks.

A few years back a British publisher was pilloried and had to apologise and withdraw the book when one of its dictionaries referred to Bangkok as being well-known for prostitution.

Expunging a true statement does not however make it untrue. The strength of the protests was I think because the protesters like most Thais are simply not aware how low they have allowed the reputation of their country and their women to sink.

The problem in part is hypocrisy, in part sheer ignorance and of course not wanting to face up to the truth.

Being married to a Thai wife, this matter is of keen personal interest for me.

what a bunch of rubbish, narrow minded farang thinking

another fool, this place seem to breed them.. he,s narrow minded is he? then God only knows what you are.

What hope has this nation got with people like you who cannot see the facts starring them right in the face.

I,am half and half, so will I be labelled a farang too?

Is,nt saying that narrow minded. Do you know, I want to be proud of my other half- give me something please...

If the people here cannot see, or believe what a joke this place is, how the world laughs are it, there is no hope, none.

I first came here when I 16.

I was already told what a whorehouse it was- nothing else.

At that age. I went to what some will consider an established foreign school. The 100% thai,s there all said the same, and were the biggest racists I,d ever known. I thought Issan was another country. Why they hated isam so much I still do not know.

I was picked up by the driver, at 16, guess where my first stop was, no, not the schools, not the hospidals...

a whole new way of thinking needs to be applied for any progress to be made.

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Hey Ourmaninbangers,

intersting point you mentioned in your earlier posts: The Brits bombed Thailand just after WW2 to teach them a lesson.....please, please can u give me any references to this either on the internet or anywhere else...as I am really interested and I really think in has some PR Value for certain a certain project I am working on. Thankss in advance.

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Just my own personal opionions na.....

Firstly in the beginning of this posts that was a mention about HI-So thais, rich politicians etc....having been in this Thailand for the last 18years and being in the area of PR and Marketing and dealing with all these kinds of people daily....let me assure all that most of the people from these categories are hypocrites...while they frown on prostitution....many are either patrons or are high-class whores themselves or are involved in these establishments indirectly...plus all they care is money and nothing about the poorer thais or those being exploited etc except when they want some publicity for themselves and pretend to do some humane or charitable projects.

Two.....talk about prostitution and paedophilia...having travelled widely...oh pleeze...there are more prostitutes in countries like the US and Australia and especially in Sydney and also London and there are more peadophiles in Sydney and the US.....just take a stroll down "The Wall" in Sydney at about 11pm and see all the underage kids selling themselves and the local patrons and the cops turning around an eye and not caring.The only thing is that the prostitutes are cheaper and more submissive here in Thailand but not dumb plus at least that they are more sexier and slimmer and not some fat cows like in the US or Australia.

But please...enough is enough...stop equating Thailand with prostitution and the second thing whatever else the other people are doing just ignore it as long as they are not forcing someone or they are indulging in paedophiliac acts, in which case...please do you role as a human being and inform the police or alert the authorities.

at least you show a little sense

but how do you ignore a kid working 14 hours to earn almost nothing?

or someone else being exploited?

They are not really willing, they do not know any better, and the jokes of the goverment people in charge who are just so two faced it beggars belief,

do not want to inform them

they,d rather they stay in the dark so they can be exploited more

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Noticed that all of you mentioned about the sex trade of the females here...have you noticed that there is more gay bars these days in Pattaya and Bangkok, Chiangmai and Phuket and just log on to camfrog or gaycom...and the thai rooms are the largests. Take a walk around and if you look slightly "gayish" you will find gay guys and even straight thai guys trying o make a move on you for a fast buck. Its not only the girls here that are looking to make a fast buck by selling themselves but even the guys these days.

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Hey Ourmaninbangers,

intersting point you mentioned in your earlier posts: The Brits bombed Thailand just after WW2 to teach them a lesson.....please, please can u give me any references to this either on the internet or anywhere else...as I am really interested and I really think in has some PR Value for certain a certain project I am working on. Thankss in advance.


yes, its a bit of a secret, the brits love it of coures. Ask the embassy.

Did it as an act of punishment for thailand,s betrayal ( local,s- another thing to be proud off, your history in WW2 saying

" yes, we,ll back you.."

then oh so typically " sorry, we,ll just change that when it suits us",. but when the west wins, " oh sorry, lets be friends again, give us lots of foreign aid"

- what a carry on- pathetc

I was told about it by my first political teacher who always called this place siam.

He like I, loved thialnd, but need to see see things how they really are.

They were actually aiming for the centre of government. I do not want to be kicked off again, so will not say one target which came up- you can guess.

But this I heard on heresay. I did,nt read this.

The bombing is public knowlege in all true democtratic nations which does,nt hide the truth.

I,ll find out details- theres a book on it.. but not here, its banned, along with books that write about the fact that british were given phucket once, how thailand did become a sort of defacto colony to the west

the secret boarder war which the thais hushed up recently because lao troops creamed top thai divisons all because of a miscom over a corrupt general trying to steal something in their land, sent in his tropps, got the shit kicked out of him

dig deep, its all out there, lots more...

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its not a pretty site to see grandpa farang and his catch of the night strolling home. you dont see that stuff in singapore or hong kong. the farang there are a different breed.

There's nothing stopping you from moving to Singapore or Hong Kong if you feel so offended by grandpa farang, is there?

yesterday was one of the rare occasions when i ventured out and crossed my property line. went to Tukcom (Pattaya) to buy two harddrives. not informed that the complex opens at 10.30 i had to wait nearly 20 minutes which i used to watch people passing by. realized quite some proud grandpas in their 60s carrying or 'praming' their offsprings proudly, thai wife (wife = assumed) in tow but walking several steps behind. it wasn't offensive at all... just interesting. interesting too were the offsprings which i considered all beautiful and interesting were the thai ladies in tow which ranged from beautiful to ugly like sin.


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