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Blood Test When Renewing Yearly Visa

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My friend renewed in Rayong his yearly visa based on retirement. This time the docter did a bloodtest. Who can tell me what sickenesses are excluded to get a renewal

A recent medical certificate from a first-class licensed physician in Thailand stating that the applicant is not of unsound mind and not suffering from leprosy, acute tuberculosis, elephantiasis, narcotic addiction or habitual alcoholism

The Doctor asked me if I had any of the above. I said no and he signed the certificate...go figure.

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Until recently, there were only four disqualifying medical grounds:



Drug addiction


I believe that one more criteria was recently added, but I'm not sure what it was (but I do not believe that it was HIV).

I always thought it would be reculiar to see some guy get his "OK for work permit" - deaf, blind in one eye, missing an arm and both legs, with a hernia, cleft palate, arthritis, high blood pressure, and gallstones (just call him "Lucky").

What you have described in Rayong is definitely NOT the standard Immigration medical exam. It sounds like the local clinic was contriving tests to run up the exam expense.



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Ministerial Regulation

Number 14 (B.E. 2535)

Issued in accordance with the Immigration Act B.E. 2522

Diseases in accordance with article 44 (2) are:

(1) Leprosy

(2) Dangerous step of Tuberculosis (T.B.)

(3) Filariasis

(4) Drug addiction

(5) Alcoholism

(6) Third step of Syphilis

Given on 20th February B.E. 2535

General Issaraphong Nunphakdee

Minister of the Ministry of Interior

Note: The reason for issuing this Ministerial Regulation is that at present, the situation concerning AIDS has changed immensely. Prevention of infected aliens or those who are HIV positive into or to reside in the Kingdom has no effect on the spread of this disease within the nation. Thus, AIDS should not be set as a disease for prohibiting aliens infected with such disease to travel into or to reside in the Kingdom as in accordance with the articles 12 (4) and 44 (2) of the Immigration Act B.E. 2522.

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Habitual Alcoholism...give me a break! Half of the applicants wouldn't pass.....and half the boozers in Pattaya would go broke..... :D

In a country which is reputed for a high alcohol consumption. Where else can you see a couple of men nursing a bottle of scotch on the beach at 8:30 am on a weekend? :o

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My wife was laughing and laughing about that too when I showed her. We don't drink and we are the only sober people in our Canadian or Thai families. But them Thailand is a land of contradictions, maybe that's why so many people love it.

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Ministerial Regulation

Number 14 (B.E. 2535)

Issued in accordance with the Immigration Act B.E. 2522

Diseases in accordance with article 44 (2) are:

(1) Leprosy

(2) Dangerous step of Tuberculosis (T.B.)

(3) Filariasis

(4) Drug addiction

(5) Alcoholism

(6) Third step of Syphilis

Given on 20th February B.E. 2535

General Issaraphong Nunphakdee

Minister of the Ministry of Interior

Note: The reason for issuing this Ministerial Regulation is that at present, the situation concerning AIDS has changed immensely. Prevention of infected aliens or those who are HIV positive into or to reside in the Kingdom has no effect on the spread of this disease within the nation. Thus, AIDS should not be set as a disease for prohibiting aliens infected with such disease to travel into or to reside in the Kingdom as in accordance with the articles 12 (4) and 44 (2) of the Immigration Act B.E. 2522.

Lukamar, thanks for the reponse, clear to me now

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