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How Much Trouble Am I In?

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I was working on a non-imm B visa in Phuket. I stopped working in May, and moved the Chiang Mai to study. My company told me not to wory about the visa, I could continue to use it until I switched to a EDU-Visa (because my current visa dosen't expire until 8th september) . Today in trying to file some paper work, the HR officer at the college told me that I had to 1st cancle my Non-Imm B visa at Phuket immigration. In order to do so I need a letter of resignation from my company. Is there any way to do this without going to Phuket? Do you think they'd cancle my visa without my presence (i.e. mail it to friends and have them try) . Am I going to be penalised for 3 months of overstay on a visa that should have been cancled.

On another page, since my NON B is single entry, can't I just goto Mae Sai without purchasing a re-entry and have my visa cancled when I leave and come back on a 30-day tourist? Any help would be greatful, Especially if mistakes have been made, I'd like to clear them up the proper way so I can remain in CM to keep studying.


Lithobid :o

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1st calm down mate..if it is indeed a NON B and not a extension of stay then it is not up to anybodya to cancel the visa it just runs it natural course and then you get a new visa.. a NON B visa is issued to be a ble to work not specificaly for that company where as a extension of stay is based on the employer.. so i woulnt worry about it...

How you apply for you ED is something i dont know

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I was working on a non-imm B visa in Phuket. I stopped working in May, and moved the Chiang Mai to study. My company told me not to wory about the visa, I could continue to use it until I switched to a EDU-Visa (because my current visa dosen't expire until 8th september) . Today in trying to file some paper work, the HR officer at the college told me that I had to 1st cancle my Non-Imm B visa at Phuket immigration. In order to do so I need a letter of resignation from my company. Is there any way to do this without going to Phuket? Do you think they'd cancle my visa without my presence (i.e. mail it to friends and have them try) . Am I going to be penalised for 3 months of overstay on a visa that should have been cancled.

On another page, since my NON B is single entry, can't I just goto Mae Sai without purchasing a re-entry and have my visa cancled when I leave and come back on a 30-day tourist? Any help would be greatful, Especially if mistakes have been made, I'd like to clear them up the proper way so I can remain in CM to keep studying.


Lithobid :o

Just let your visa expire - why are you looking to create a problem from nothing. Take off your blinkers

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I was working on a non-imm B visa in Phuket. I stopped working in May, and moved the Chiang Mai to study. My company told me not to wory about the visa, I could continue to use it until I switched to a EDU-Visa (because my current visa dosen't expire until 8th september) . Today in trying to file some paper work, the HR officer at the college told me that I had to 1st cancle my Non-Imm B visa at Phuket immigration. In order to do so I need a letter of resignation from my company. Is there any way to do this without going to Phuket? Do you think they'd cancle my visa without my presence (i.e. mail it to friends and have them try) . Am I going to be penalised for 3 months of overstay on a visa that should have been cancled.

On another page, since my NON B is single entry, can't I just goto Mae Sai without purchasing a re-entry and have my visa cancled when I leave and come back on a 30-day tourist? Any help would be greatful, Especially if mistakes have been made, I'd like to clear them up the proper way so I can remain in CM to keep studying.


Lithobid :o

Just let your visa expire - why are you looking to create a problem from nothing. Take off your blinkers

Well, I really appreciate both of these responses, I'm not looking to create a problem, I'm just extremely ignorant to how the NON B rules work. Can I let it expire, if I do, then what do I do? Just exit and come back in on a tourist visa? I hope it's that simple!!

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You were working on a Non B ... am I missing something here? Like a work permit? Just leave the country on the 8th of September, get a TR at one of the embassies/consulates abroad or just enter the country and get a 30 days visa exempt stamp.

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Lithobid, you arrived in Thailand with a single-entry non-B visa and received permission to stay for 90 days. Then you say you stopped working in May, and you also say that your “current visa dosen't expire until 8th september”. Something does not tally here.

1. A single-entry visa is usually valid for travel to Thailand within 90 days from its issue. Assuming that the visa was issued at the latest in April 2008 it is already expired now. However, this does not matter as it is the “until” date on your entry stamp that matters.

2. If it is your permission to stay, based on the “until” date on your entry stamp, that expires on 8 SEP 2008 it means that you arrived in Thailand with your non-B visa on 11 JUN 2008. However, since you say that you stopped working in May it appears that you arrived in Thailand in May 2008 or earlier.



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I was working on a non-imm B visa in Phuket. I stopped working in May, and moved the Chiang Mai to study. My company told me not to wory about the visa, I could continue to use it until I switched to a EDU-Visa (because my current visa dosen't expire until 8th september) . Today in trying to file some paper work, the HR officer at the college told me that I had to 1st cancle my Non-Imm B visa at Phuket immigration. In order to do so I need a letter of resignation from my company. Is there any way to do this without going to Phuket? Do you think they'd cancle my visa without my presence (i.e. mail it to friends and have them try) . Am I going to be penalised for 3 months of overstay on a visa that should have been cancled.

On another page, since my NON B is single entry, can't I just goto Mae Sai without purchasing a re-entry and have my visa cancled when I leave and come back on a 30-day tourist? Any help would be greatful, Especially if mistakes have been made, I'd like to clear them up the proper way so I can remain in CM to keep studying.


Lithobid :o

When did you last enter Thailand and get a 90 day passport stamp?

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I was working on a non-imm B visa in Phuket. I stopped working in May, and moved the Chiang Mai to study. My company told me not to wory about the visa, I could continue to use it until I switched to a EDU-Visa (because my current visa dosen't expire until 8th september) . Today in trying to file some paper work, the HR officer at the college told me that I had to 1st cancle my Non-Imm B visa at Phuket immigration. In order to do so I need a letter of resignation from my company. Is there any way to do this without going to Phuket? Do you think they'd cancle my visa without my presence (i.e. mail it to friends and have them try) . Am I going to be penalised for 3 months of overstay on a visa that should have been cancled.

On another page, since my NON B is single entry, can't I just goto Mae Sai without purchasing a re-entry and have my visa cancled when I leave and come back on a 30-day tourist? Any help would be greatful, Especially if mistakes have been made, I'd like to clear them up the proper way so I can remain in CM to keep studying.


Lithobid :o

When did you last enter Thailand and get a 90 day passport stamp?

I last entered Thailand on DEC 13th 2007, on a seperatly purchased re-entry permit for my Non-B visa, I don't understand about 90 permission to stay , I've always done my 90 day reporting, if that's what you mean (Maestro). I checked with the company I worked for and they said just let this visa expire and then leave and come back on a Tourist stamp. They did warn me that once the visa expires, I only have 7 days to leave the country. I'm just asking online because I want to make sure things are straight. When I talked to the man at the University about the EDU visa, he was insistan't on me canceling the first visa before he can put the paperwork through for an EDU visa. I understand that, but why can't he see around the problem enough to just tell me to wait and come back in 1 month with a tourist visa and apply for the EDU visa then. That is of course, if everything will be alright if I just let the visa expire. Thanks to all of you for your help, I'm quite ignorant in these matters, and shouldn't be making people online do my HW for me, but I thought I had it all figured out till this guy at the university put me astray.



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It appears you had a one year extension of stay (re-entry permit in Dec and start of extension of stay in September it seems. Your extension of stay ended the day your work ended (or ends). All time since then is/would be overstay and subject to the 500 baht per day fine up to 20k. There is no longer any grace period of 7 days and overstay starts on day one if no extension of stay is applied for (and payment made). So it appears your new employer is trying to go by the book. Do you know if your work permit was returned? If not that could be a potential problem when you apply for a new one.

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It appears you had a one year extension of stay (re-entry permit in Dec and start of extension of stay in September it seems. Your extension of stay ended the day your work ended (or ends). All time since then is/would be overstay and subject to the 500 baht per day fine up to 20k. There is no longer any grace period of 7 days and overstay starts on day one if no extension of stay is applied for (and payment made). So it appears your new employer is trying to go by the book. Do you know if your work permit was returned? If not that could be a potential problem when you apply for a new one.

My work permit was returned on the 1st of may when I stopped working. I understand that I was "supposed" to goto immigration and have my visa cancled and then leave and come back on a Tourist visa, though my compnay told me not to bother with that and just let this visa expire if I liked. They told me they were supposed to report to immigration that I had stopped working, but they never did. They (my company) seems to think that I can just wait out my visa expiration and then go and get a tourist visa after. My question is once the visa expires and I goto Mae Sai, what's going to happen.


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It appears you had a one year extension of stay (re-entry permit in Dec and start of extension of stay in September it seems. Your extension of stay ended the day your work ended (or ends). All time since then is/would be overstay and subject to the 500 baht per day fine up to 20k. There is no longer any grace period of 7 days and overstay starts on day one if no extension of stay is applied for (and payment made). So it appears your new employer is trying to go by the book. Do you know if your work permit was returned? If not that could be a potential problem when you apply for a new one.

Hi Lopburi

I would really like to understand the situation here.

But you're going a bit fast ... haha

Well first - I dont think he has a "New Employer" - he says he is going to study

and needs an Ed Visa not a new WP.

But can you explain first what is the correct procedure when someones work finishes.

Does the "Work Permit Authority" contact Immigration when the WP is Cancelled?

How does the Non Imm B visa "get cancelled" - is it only by "Trust" - that is the holder

should go to Immigration?

I have read here that the person then had 7 days in which to leave the Kingdom

- and you now say THAT no longer applies - so if the Visa is cancelled - upon a visit

to Immigration ... how does the guy get out the Kingdom legally.

Hope you can spare some time to clarify the whole Picture.



Edited by WilliamIV
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Hi Lithobid

About your Ed Visa ...

What kind of Course do you want to do in CM?

If it is a Full Degree Course - then I have no knowledge of the Procedure

But if you plan to Study Thai - then the Procedure is well explained in the Advert for Walen School

at the Top of this thread.

What Passport do you hold? You may need to get this type of Ed Visa in your Home Country.


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Hi Lopburi

I would really like to understand the situation here.

He seems to understand what should have taken place from his post - obtain letter from Employer that his employment has come to and end and proceed to Immigration to obtain the 7 day extension of stay to prepare his departure and then return on a tourist visa or whatever he could qualify for. This is a new change this spring - before you did not have to present a letter or obtain/pay for an extension to remain 7 days. It used to be by trust but believe data is starting to flow and there have been reports from border of people being stopped when there seemed to be reason to suspect this has happened (they have overstayed after employment). The source for the information/stop is really not clear so it might just be a guess - but it seems from the several posts they did guess well if that is the case.

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