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6. How is spelt with a capitol when starting a sentence. Moron's is not spelt with a comma.

The death penalty is still given in Thailand for drug dealers who sell, deal or are in posession of a certain ammount of an "A" Class drug. I am all for the death penalty, as there are enough warnings all over the country and the world for that matter, that state the death penalty will be enforced.

" How is spelt with a capitol when starting a sentence. "


I hate to be pedantic, but Moron's as was written, has used an apostrophe - not a comma. In this instance, the use of either apostrophe (') or comma (,) would be incorrect. :-)


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Scum is the shit that rises to the top. The residue that corruption leaves in it's wake. Forget your moral wars on drug traffickers. Fight the war on poverty. And you'll be halfway to empowering those that are victimized by corrupt states, nations and global corporations.

the grammar and syntax displayed on this forum is hilarious!

Well you must be a person from an english speaking country where they have no idea what so ever about a whole lot of other languages out there.

A lot of members here use english as their second language or even third or more. So yes , they will make more mistakes.

But we seem to get along fine, no need to point this out. If you are looking for a grammatical correct forum, i am sure there are some out there, if not, i suggest you think before you speak, because that is not your strong point, and it is very clear after just 5 posts.

half this thread has been taken up by posters having a pissin contests on grammar.. oh dear!!

anyway.. I think this a great thing and I think the Police are actually pretty well spot on in their assessment, on mainly foreigners being involved in SOME of the drugs here.. Coke for instance is brought in by the Africans mainly and distributed mainly through Expats in most provinces.. Its no secret.

The rest I have no idea about, I assume much of the yaba and alike come from Burma and or China.. Heroin etc, I have no clue..

SAY NO TO DRUGS>> as an ex user, I now have a full and happy life!! I also have more money, motivation, direction and balance..

I hope by reading the plan from the police some of the dealers will get out of the biz before they lose their lives inside prison or worse.. It aint worth it guys!

Yaba is a typical Northern and Central-African drug, same as marijuana. Morocco is a big producer together with the Sahel countries. It was traditionally used by Bedouin and African tribes against fatigue and hunger. Its very popular and widely used all over Africa. In fact its a part of daily life in Africa.

Heroine is mostly produced in Afghanistan (90 % of world production) and is controlled by the Taliban and exported via the the old USSR republics and Pakistan. The trade is mostly organised by Muslims.

Cocaine is a party drug mostly used by Yuppies.

Stopping the use drug's can only achieved by fierce measures. Simply to give death penalty by overdose to every user or dealer, regardless the amount of drug's in his possession. Because their is not any reason who can justified the use of drug's.

And by drug's I also mean amphetamines, XTC or any other chemical drug.

Scum is the shit that rises to the top. The residue that corruption leaves in it's wake. Forget your moral wars on drug traffickers. Fight the war on poverty. And you'll be halfway to empowering those that are victimized by corrupt states, nations and global corporations.

the grammar and syntax displayed on this forum is hilarious!

Well you must be a person from an english speaking country where they have no idea what so ever about a whole lot of other languages out there.

A lot of members here use english as their second language or even third or more. So yes , they will make more mistakes.

But we seem to get along fine, no need to point this out. If you are looking for a grammatical correct forum, i am sure there are some out there, if not, i suggest you think before you speak, because that is not your strong point, and it is very clear after just 5 posts.

Indeed, I'm one of them, English is not my native language. I even never learned it in school, but spelling control is a great help. Anyhow I think people understand what I'm writing. btw I speak and read 5 languages besides my own. And if its not perfect so be it.

Thailand drug agency poised to bust foreign gangs

Drug agency poised to bust foreign gangs

Certain dtugs are certainly no laughing matter but that's just hilarious coming from one of the most corrupt police forces on the face of the Earth.

Good point, since the ones that are doing the arresting often act as the middle men and should be held accountable along with the rest. :o

Here here,

Get rid of the scum !!!

how do you define scum old chap?

Are people who sell alcohol to others in the same boat? NO

Is hilltribe farmer who knows know better way to feed his family, scum? IF HE'S HE'S COMMITTING A CRIME, THEN YES (if he is mentally impaired and actually doesn't know any better...then more iffy)

Are the legal fag dealers, the ones who target kids, scum? MOST DEFINATELY, AND ITS CERTAINLY NOT LEGAL TO SELL CIGARETTES TO MINORS

Yours is the typical base reaction,

You simply cannot class everyone the same way. I might call people who makes simple spelling errors moron,s.

Uneducated, low class fools. NOT REALLY RELEVANT TO TOPIC

But they,ve probably suffered something in life to prevent them from getting it right.

By the way, you should of been ' hear, hear.

See, we all makes mistakes.

i agree with terrytan....get rid of the scum....drug dealers, prostistution rings, pedophiles...these are are scum and need to be dealt with in the extreme

'its certainly not legal to sell cigerettes to children" please do your homework- in many countrys there is no real law against it,its at best, a guideline ( check the internet please before making a completely wrong assertion-something very common here)

Little tip-When you say something is black, and its proven white, you lose all cred to your arguement.

Thanks for your enlightening answer of "no" to my point about booze. Any particular reason for that or was just typing 2 words easier?

Again, a base reaction, which no only will not lead any where, will it will- more crime, more of what we,d like to see less of,

nor, will any extreme" action, they often lead to the very thing one is trying to get rid of- being born.


Sorry everyone but all this talk about it is driving me crazy. I thought I was over it and left it all behind me ... but the craving has come back big time.

I know ... I'm scum ... but does anyone know where I can get some grammar? Just a baggie will do. And I'm really craving a couple of lines of syntax ... well, I say a couple of lines, but we all know where that leads. I really just need to get though to the end of the week, or even just the end of this thread. Any ideas anyone?

Sorry everyone but all this talk about it is driving me crazy. I thought I was over it and left it all behind me ... but the craving has come back big time.

I know ... I'm scum ... but does anyone know where I can get some grammar? Just a baggie will do. And I'm really craving a couple of lines of syntax ... well, I say a couple of lines, but we all know where that leads. I really just need to get though to the end of the week, or even just the end of this thread. Any ideas anyone?

As it happens there is a dealler on this forum who can supply you with what you need, he has got a stash of grammar and...the pen to use it too. Ask member Pigneguy. :o

Of course, the farang are the fountain from which all wrong in Thailand springs.

Of course the farang makes life worse for Thai women.

Of course the farang.

Thai people are complete without any wrong.

The farang brought everything that is wrong into this country.


Or is it that too many Thai women see the merits of getting married to a farang?

Why should that be?

I have no idea!

However, at least 4 times a day I am asked by Thai women and girls, single and married, can I please find them a farang man?

Why should that be?

Maybe because they see that most foreigners married to Thai women in the provinces are trying to do their best, are loyal, take care of the woman, children and the family?


Drug dealers, Thai or otherwise, should be dealt with due diligence, and in full compliance with the law.

However, pointing a finger at a group of people because of race, is unfair or maybe even a little stupid.

The same level of stupidity as the general feeling in Europe that all Thai women are prostitutes, stealing money from their farang husbands, and only into the marriage for the money.

It certainly happens, like farang drugdealers, but it is not general.

I am sorry to read those words from this police officer.

And even it should be the truth, it is very unhandy to tell the culprits beforehand that they will be targets.

This crackdown should come as a little surprise.

For the Thai and farang criminals.

Agreed. Blame the farang.

So I guess they're not going to bother to arrest all the bent cops on Samui and Phangan who really run the show. Or the dodgy mainland wanabies who bring over all the meth from nakhon, or the Isan chang who sell the stuff onto the building sites. Or the army who allows yabba from bhurma into thailand. never quite got my head around that one. Yeah, easier to blame the farang. Less globaly emarraasing.

Scum is the shit that rises to the top. The residue that corruption leaves in it's wake. Forget your moral wars on drug traffickers. Fight the war on poverty. And you'll be halfway to empowering those that are victimized by corrupt states, nations and global corporations.

the grammar and syntax displayed on this forum is hilarious!

Well you must be a person from an english speaking country where they have no idea what so ever about a whole lot of other languages out there.

A lot of members here use english as their second language or even third or more. So yes , they will make more mistakes.

But we seem to get along fine, no need to point this out. If you are looking for a grammatical correct forum, i am sure there are some out there, if not, i suggest you think before you speak, because that is not your strong point, and it is very clear after just 5 posts.

But he does have a point, the grammar and spelling (not sure about the syntax) can be a bit of a joke, though I do tend to yawn when people start on about 'empowerment' etc.

I'm pleased to hear you get on well with people, though after your nasty sideswipe about english speakers it does come as a bit of a surprise. Incidentally I think the word that you're looking for is 'grammatically', otherwiseyou did quite well, but in future you may want to capitalise the i.

Other than that I agree with the majority view that cracking down on drug dealers is a 'good thing', but police corruption is possibly a larger problem.

Sorry everyone but all this talk about it is driving me crazy. I thought I was over it and left it all behind me ... but the craving has come back big time.

I know ... I'm scum ... but does anyone know where I can get some grammar? Just a baggie will do. And I'm really craving a couple of lines of syntax ... well, I say a couple of lines, but we all know where that leads. I really just need to get though to the end of the week, or even just the end of this thread. Any ideas anyone?

As it happens there is a dealler on this forum who can supply you with what you need, he has got a stash of grammar and...the pen to use it too. Ask member Pigneguy. :o

Nah, I've tried his stuff ... he cuts his grammar with rat poison, and his spelling just gives me a nose bleed. I get a buzz off his syntax, though. Psychedelic.

Here here,

Get rid of the scum !!!

how do you define scum old chap?

Are people who sell alcohol to others in the same boat?

Is hilltribe farmer who knows know better way to feed his family, scum?

Are the legal fag dealers, the ones who target kids, scum?

Yours is the typical base reaction,

You simply cannot class everyone the same way. I might call people who makes simple spelling errors moron,s.

Uneducated, low class fools.

But they,ve probably suffered something in life to prevent them from getting it right.

By the way, you should of been ' hear, hear.

See, we all makes mistakes.

Drugs are a scourge. Ever know someone who is strung out on meth??? Meth literally sucks the life out of people and does so very quickly. Ever know someone who became schizophrenic after a "bad trip"??? I have. Alcohol is not in the same category. Trying to equate is as such is a fool's errand. Singapore has it right. Get caught with drugs and you can expect a swift trip to the gallows. And yes, people who traffic in children should be treated the same as drug dealers.

so, so wrong and ill informed, no wonder we,re making so little progress in the world. Genral ill informed statements abound.

Meth literally sucks the life out of you does it. And of cures, booze does,nt.

Have you done an in depth study- I know you hav,nt, I know you have not got a clue what you,re on about.

Funny, I know a man in japan who has been taking it since he was 18 odd, and is now 60 odd. Many other like him there too. On it, perfectly funtional, they call is shaba- so, how, if what you say, is correct is this possible? Yes, some people do mess themselves up- but by no means all.Theres a book on how to do drugs properly.

Japan almost won a war with many of its top brass on it- sorry, you,ve got to do a little more homework.

Far to much genralization there old chap.

Bad trips- from what, booze, ( illegal) drugs...do we solely blame the dealers, how about the people who willingly chose to go to them.Poor little innocent lambs are they?

The addictive person will fXXX themselves up on anything, they will find something.

You cannot solely blame the dealers.

Why is,nt booze in same catogry, using your logic I could go on about the poor lads I,ve seen drink themselves to death.Legally.

I agree about kid trafficers- you were,nt to far off on that one.

Let me tell you something, drugs will never go away- because people will always want them. Its the 5th need that even maslow talked about.

The only way to combat them is ... i,am not 100% sure here either.. is to educated people how to do them correctly, or make them all legal-

Singapore has it right does it- do you think 100% of the people they,re they hung has been guilty?

if you do- your a fool, if you agree that theres been an error, it obviously is,nt right and does,nt work- which do you choose?

Come on people, know your subject a bit better.

Lets put our skepticism and prejudices aside for one minute and applaud the fact that something is being done. It may not be a lot and it maybe to little to late for all the people addicted to drugs but it maybe the first steps toward a better future where other more positive initiatives are implemented.

The Thai government can't remain in the middle ages forever.

Oh...really? :o


^^ Isn't the Japanese situation somewhat unique, since its been suggested that in effect a deal was done between the authorities and organised crime to not import heroin, and cocaine so long as there was a tolerance for shabu?

As to the war point, all sides were assiduous users of stimulants, not just Japan, but even allowing for the short term benefit of additional energy, usage within the RAF in the Battle of Britain for example, the longer term issues could be said to have led to a number of strategic issues. {Hitler and his phantom brigades}.



Isn't the Japanese situation somewhat unique, since its been suggested that in effect a deal was done between the authorities and organised crime to not import heroin, and cocaine so long as there was a tolerance for shabu?

As to the war point, all sides were assiduous users of stimulants, not just Japan, but even allowing for the short term benefit of additional energy, the longer term issues could be said to have led to a number of strategic issues. {Hitler and his phantom brigades for example}


Here here,

Get rid of the scum !!!

how do you define scum old chap?

Are people who sell alcohol to others in the same boat?

Is hilltribe farmer who knows know better way to feed his family, scum?

Are the legal fag dealers, the ones who target kids, scum?

Yours is the typical base reaction,

You simply cannot class everyone the same way. I might call people who makes simple spelling errors moron,s.

Uneducated, low class fools.

But they,ve probably suffered something in life to prevent them from getting it right.

By the way, you should of been ' hear, hear.

See, we all makes mistakes.

In answer to your quote/questions.

1.Scum would be the drug dealers who induce other persons to grow, sell, traffic or use an illegal substance.

2. Alcohol is legal and those who sell it to minors are scum.

3. The hilltribe farmer did grow food for his family and others until scum came and made an offer of a lot of cash if he grew plants which could be turned into drugs.

4. Cigarettes are legal and yes the person selling them to minors is scum, I presume you mean cigarettes when you say fag, as the term fag commonly refers to homosexual?

5. I would not class anyone, as an uneducated low class fool if they makes spelling mistakes.

6. How is spelt with a capitol when starting a sentence. Moron's is not spelt with a comma.

The death penalty is still given in Thailand for drug dealers who sell, deal or are in posession of a certain ammount of an "A" Class drug. I am all for the death penalty, as there are enough warnings all over the country and the world for that matter, that state the death penalty will be enforced.

" How is spelt with a capitol when starting a sentence. "


^^ Isn't the Japanese situation somewhat unique, since its been suggested that in effect a deal was done between the authorities and organised crime to not import heroin, and cocaine so long as there was a tolerance for shabu?

As to the war point, all sides were assiduous users of stimulants, not just Japan, but even allowing for the short term benefit of additional energy, usage within the RAF in the Battle of Britain for example, the longer term issues could be said to have led to a number of strategic issues. {Hitler and his phantom brigades}.


exactly, this is true, and the nips only really like ' preformance drugs' that enable you to work 12 hours a day 6 days a week

Here here,

Get rid of the scum !!!

how do you define scum old chap?

Are people who sell alcohol to others in the same boat?

Is hilltribe farmer who knows know better way to feed his family, scum? (Should be "no")

Are the legal fag dealers, the ones who target kids, scum?

Yours is the typical base reaction,

You simply cannot class everyone the same way. I might call people who makes simple spelling errors moron,s.

Uneducated, low class fools.

But they,ve probably suffered something in life to prevent them from getting it right.

By the way, you should of been ' hear, hear. (You mean HAVE)See, we all makes mistakes.

In answer to your quote/questions.

1.Scum would be the drug dealers who induce other persons to grow, sell, traffic or use an illegal substance.

2. Alcohol is legal and those who sell it to minors are scum.

3. The hilltribe farmer did grow food for his family and others until scum came and made an offer of a lot of cash if he grew plants which could be turned into drugs.

4. Cigarettes are legal and yes the person selling them to minors is scum, I presume you mean cigarettes when you say fag, as the term fag commonly refers to homosexual?

5. I would not class anyone, as an uneducated low class fool if they makes spelling mistakes.

6. How is spelt with a capitol when starting a sentence. Moron's is not spelt with a comma.

The death penalty is still given in Thailand for drug dealers who sell, deal or are in posession of a certain ammount of an "A" Class drug. I am all for the death penalty, as there are enough warnings all over the country and the world for that matter, that state the death penalty will be enforced.


Morons - plural is not spelt with an apostrophe either

sorry for my bad english...I just find it funny that english speakers trying to pretend they have some idea what they,re on about, cannot even spell their own language.


1- Your definition of Scum- yes, I,d agree with that. In a way- although I,d chose another word.I presume you do mean the illegal dealers. Do you include the legal ones?. Of coures the big companys who prescribe medicines that they know are not good

are also scum? Are they?

2- alcohol is legal is it- not in some middle eastern places its not my well informed friend. Homework please.Ten lines if your british. You can post them here.

So, if I was caught selling a can of lager, and got caught there, would I now be " scum'?

3-hilltribes, yes, the worst victims often. I,d have a hard time calling then scum.

4-fag a homosexual? Which one do you smoke? And, whats that really to with it all?

5-Your for the death penalty, again I ask you- do you honestly think all people sent to their deaths are guilty?

if you do- you,re a fool. If you concede thats not the case, and innocent people have been put to death, it means its does,nt work- its that simple.

Which is it?

Sorry everyone but all this talk about it is driving me crazy. I thought I was over it and left it all behind me ... but the craving has come back big time.

I know ... I'm scum ... but does anyone know where I can get some grammar? Just a baggie will do. And I'm really craving a couple of lines of syntax ... well, I say a couple of lines, but we all know where that leads. I really just need to get though to the end of the week, or even just the end of this thread. Any ideas anyone?

Personally I would be inclined to sentence you now,,,

Sorry everyone but all this talk about it is driving me crazy. I thought I was over it and left it all behind me ... but the craving has come back big time.

I know ... I'm scum ... but does anyone know where I can get some grammar? Just a baggie will do. And I'm really craving a couple of lines of syntax ... well, I say a couple of lines, but we all know where that leads. I really just need to get though to the end of the week, or even just the end of this thread. Any ideas anyone?

Personally I would be inclined to sentence you now,,,

Sweet. I could do with a nice big fat juicy sentence about now. I need something to bring me down in time for bed ... I dropped a couple of adjectives earlier and they're doing my head in.


Thailand drug agency poised to bust foreign gangs

Drug agency poised to bust foreign gangs

New minister of interior ... therefore new crackdown ... to start with, how about a hit on foreigners (bad, bad foreigners)... it's far easier than the extended (well connected) local network.

This said, anything to get rid of drugs (where ever) is laudable ... but please spare us the poor local girls lured into the trade by farangs ... they definitely know what they are doing.

exactly, this is true, and the nips only really like ' preformance drugs' that enable you to work 12 hours a day 6 days a week

Come on, ourman. Tell us the full story about the "nips", and even more importantly, about the preformance drugs. :o


Thailand drug agency poised to bust foreign gangs

Drug agency poised to bust foreign gangs

BANGKOK: -- The anti-drug agency and police are gearing up to dismantle foreign-organised crime syndicates which have been controlling the trade in illicit drugs at some of Thailand's famous tourist destinations for years. Krissana Pol-anand, the secretary-general of the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB), said ONCB officials and drug suppression police were very concerned about the drug trade run by foreign businessmen in Phuket, Koh Samui and Pattaya.

''The drug trade run by foreign businessmen has been increasing in these areas. We're collecting evidence in order to bring these people to justice as soon as possible,'' said Pol Lt-Gen Krissana.

The ONCB yesterday held a press conference to announce its new drugs suppression policy.

Pol Lt-Gen Krissana had been transferred to an inactive post at Government House by the coup-appointed government of former prime minister Gen Surayud Chulanont. He was re-appointed as chief of the ONCB by the Samak administration a few months ago.

He said the ONCB and the police were combining forces to keep a close watch on foreign drug traders. He claimed the authorities already had a list of people involved in the illicit business.

He said foreign drug dealers, especially Africans, had run their businesses in the country's tourist destinations for years. Some opened a business office in town as a front to conceal their illegal activities from authorities, while others travelled back and forth between their countries and Thailand.

Pol Lt-Gen Krissana also expressed concern over the growing number of Thai women being deceived into marrying foreigners and being used by foreign drug dealers as couriers.

Many had been used as drug couriers, he said. Over the past two years, 82 Thai women had been arrested in China and Australia after carrying heroin from India and Pakistan via Thailand.

''I don't want Thai women to think that marrying foreigners will make their lives better because sometimes they are lured into the drug trade,'' he said.

He said the Interior Ministry had been asked to help in a campaign to educate women in rural areas about these foreign drug dealers' ploys.

He said he had instructed officials to step up suppression of the drugs trade in 22 border districts in nine provinces over the past two months. Officers had found information that large amounts of methamphetamines would flood into the country during this period.

-- Bangkok Post 2008-08-09


Mr. big wants a raise. blame immigrants,so easy.

Just the kind of dark age WoD nonsense that makes me take my yearly 100K USD spending money elsewhere.

Whenever I drink, I like to have the possibility of lighting up a fat one. It always keeps me from blacking out when I'm drinking too hard, because it makes me drink a lot less. I also stay a lot calmer, I become nicer and I stop reacting aggressively, because like with a lot of other men, alcohol can make my temper rise quite a lot. Besides that, I do it because I want to. :-)

All light drugs should be legalized worldwide. Anyone who needs help quitting should get it. Hard drugs should be tightly controlled, but still given to those who want them. Then the excess tax money from all those billions and billions of dollars saved every year in most countries by not adopting a "war"-strategy against its own citizens can be used to help and treat some of society's most downtrodden individuals, instead of making their lives even more miserable.

ahh, there is someone with half a brain out there... there is hope

exactly, this is true, and the nips only really like ' preformance drugs' that enable you to work 12 hours a day 6 days a week

Come on, ourman. Tell us the full story about the "nips", and even more importantly, about the preformance drugs. :o

ask away-better still all the info is out there on the net.

Or in books.In proper in-ge-lish! No, seriously, japan it seems leans towards the sorts of drugs which make you go, not

the ones which knock you out.

In japan there are websites devoted to it. You,d have to read japanese to understand it. Try taiman.com for a good full story on things up there.

exactly, this is true, and the nips only really like ' preformance drugs' that enable you to work 12 hours a day 6 days a week

Come on, ourman. Tell us the full story about the "nips", and even more importantly, about the preformance drugs. :o

ask away-better still all the info is out there on the net.

Or in books.In proper in-ge-lish! No, seriously, japan it seems leans towards the sorts of drugs which make you go, not

the ones which knock you out.

In japan there are websites devoted to it. You,d have to read japanese to understand it. Try taiman.com for a good full story on things up there.

Winding other people up. Degrading terms for Japanese people. False descriptions of web links.

Only one conclusion ... T-R-O-L-L

exactly, this is true, and the nips only really like ' preformance drugs' that enable you to work 12 hours a day 6 days a week

Come on, ourman. Tell us the full story about the "nips", and even more importantly, about the preformance drugs. :o

ask away-better still all the info is out there on the net.

Or in books.In proper in-ge-lish! No, seriously, japan it seems leans towards the sorts of drugs which make you go, not

the ones which knock you out.

In japan there are websites devoted to it. You,d have to read japanese to understand it. Try taiman.com for a good full story on things up there.

Winding other people up. Degrading terms for Japanese people. False descriptions of web links.

Only one conclusion ... T-R-O-L-L

nip is from japan- it comes from nippon. Are we all so really that sensitive. Do british feel bad when I call them brits?

Ahh... poor little lambs that I,ve been winding up.

Why? The truth hurts that much does it? Shows I,ve been doing something right.Thank you for pointing that out.

Please tell me about false description of webs. I will enlighten you best I can.

Did you not find taima? Or any other japanese style drug info link. Taima informs, the other go deeper, and more into the enlightened middle road of how to do things

in a way which cause the least harm to one. I,am all for that.But they are in japanese and often get taken down, or change name.

Ask away, be specific, I,ll try and help you- or choose not to ask me.

I think you wil decline because you know I,ll prove you wrong.Would you like to place a bet?

If I,ve been giving wrong info it will soon be proven won,t it? What exactly do I need to prove?

Is that the best you can do?

Notice please how this has nothing whatsoever to do with arguement at hand.What does that show? Losing point A, so lets bring out point B.

Although it has nothing to do with point A, and when pushed, I,ll not be able to say anything because I know I,ll be proven wrong.

Are you a member of the british tory party?

We,ve got to lighten up a bit- not get distracted.

And, enough of this oneupmanship, okay, I,ll concede that some may be offended by the word nip, that you may find it hard to find relative links ( not my fault)

and sorry if I wind the little lambs up.

Hope to hear, here soon

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