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What's Your Most Useful From Information From Thaivisa


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Here's a thought, many of us came on to Thaivisa looking for information/advice many others have sought or found information/advice after joining.

So what is the most useful/beneficial piece of information/advice that you have received from ThaiVisa and do you recall who gave that advice.


To start this off - My most useful advice from ThaiVisa came from Thetyim, who provided my wife and I with some great advice based on his own experience on how to buy land from a bank.

He not only saved us costs but also time, effort and no doubt a lot of frustration had we not had help from his own hard won experience. Mr and Mrs Thetyim have since become good friends with Mr and Mrs Guesthouse - so not just great advice but a good result on many fronts.


Over to you...

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In common with (I suspect) most new members, I first came to the forum looking for long-term Visa information - basically would I be eligible and how? Everything else followed from that.

So it will come as no surprise that my thanks must go to the tireless lopburi3 - blessings be upon him/her ! :o

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It's been so long, I can't remember what I was searching for when I came across TV. Probably information or news about Pattaya.

Since then, it's been a wealth of information on a variety of subjects. Which has been the most useful ? The information I needed at the particular time.

Over the last couple of years I've needed information (or simply been curious) about a number of different subjects, from getting a passport for a Thai, Thai driving licence (for a farang), places to stay/things to do in Chiang Mai/Rayong/Nakhon Nowhere, where/when the next Tv PissUp is going to be and other significant matters. :o

I think the single most useful section of TV (for me) has been the News Clippings forums, as they help keep me up to date on various matters, especially while I'm away.

But, when I have a question about something specific (motorcycles/visas/airports/whatever), I'm confident that I will get the information I need, from people that (usually) know, and often have been there, done it and got the chanot to prove it !

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So what is the most useful/beneficial piece of information/advice that you have received from ThaiVisa and do you recall who gave that advice.

too many participants to list who rendered valuable advice concerning purchase, installation, quality and maintenance of air conditioners. the wealth of advice was so great and comprehensive that i seriously consider writing a dissertation which hopefully gets me some sort of "Ph.D. a/c" :o

most valuable i consider strong suggestions such as "why would anyone need aircon in Thailand? it's not THAT hot!"

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I too forget what I was actually looking for when I first came here. Since then, I've made some friends, learned about visa's, hotels, business opportunities, restaurants and had a lot of laughs. I recommend the site to every expat I know that has interests in Thailand.

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In common with (I suspect) most new members, I first came to the forum looking for long-term Visa information - basically would I be eligible and how? Everything else followed from that.

So it will come as no surprise that my thanks must go to the tireless lopburi3 - blessings be upon him/her ! :D

Yep! lopburi3 has been a huge help when it comes to pertinent information concerning visa issues. Always straight to the point without all the fluff!, so kudos to you lopburi3! Actually I think that the visa forum is the most useful forum on this site hands down! general topics is good for a laugh though. :o

Followup: I have to give credit to peaceblonde too. I don't always see eye to eye with him, but I appreciate his objectiveness.

Edited by mizzi39
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i learned that you cant trust any thai women and that all thais are inferior to farang and that farang are not treated fairly by thais and that thais are horrible terrible people

That brings up the eternal question: WHY is it that Thais don't appreciate SARCASM?

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The "wipe or spray" thread sticks in my mind.Before i veiwed the bum gun as something alien & dirty,but that thread made me realise that it can be used to the benifit of mankind,& it has improved my life tremendously. :o

Also good for spraying the girlfreind with if she barges in on me whilst i'm sat reading the paper trying to have a quiet one.

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i learned that you cant trust any thai women and that all thais are inferior to farang and that farang are not treated fairly by thais and that thais are horrible terrible people

Must have been reading the whining and complaining that the Brits call 'humour'.

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There are a number of reasons including:

- Long-term 'retirement' visa info. That's the initial reason I came here

- Valuable tid-bits of info-sharing among expats (As opposed to reinventing the wheel)

- A Thailand-related forum that's not just another vacation/travel forum

- Loads of good people I hope to meet up with in the not-too-distant future

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BeenThereDoneThat, and Boo, I wish to thank for the non-confrontational posts on my one and only (I think) topic raised on general topics anyway i.e. are you attracted to Thailand for the Danger, one of those ones where you think, "What possessed me to ask this" asking for trouble or what!

Guesthouse the O.P. for his statement of how farang women are viewed by both male and female Thai's (don't remember the thread - maybe Quertz's 100 things you didn't know about Thailand). Explained a great deal after 4 lengthy enjoyable but confusing visits to Thailand.

John02 for the laughs, amazing, sardonic, wit for an Englishman- no sarcasm meant- an honest accolade!- Blizzard or Farang555 and boiled egg come a close second.

People you love to hate but read their posts - Bendix and Stevemarengo (?) - the braggarts you meet wherever you live - off topic as they don't really help so maybe off topic

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I have never really done this before. That is, spend like an hour a day reading and posting on an internet forum. I originally joined to get some information on playing golf here. Finding some people to play with, where to play, etc, but only for the last 6 months, it sort of turned into an addiction.

I'm trying to think of anything specific that was useful or informative, but I've learned some things in a more general way. A lot of good and useful Thai phrases, how ex-pats from other countries feel about the US, how devious some Thai women can be (and I don't blame them) to even the most intelligent and perceptive farang (it's their fault, me included), and a lot of other stuff. It's good fun.

Edited by Shotime
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Visited initially just for general interest esp. to find out things about Chiang Mai. The real value emerged later when I started writing my book (about investing in Thailand) and I now visit daily. In particular it has been great in identifying (by reading others posts) many books, journals, & web sites that I may never have found otherwise, and which have been very helpful.

Can't think of any one thread or poster in particular but certainly there are more than a few identities in both the property and business fora that are obviously extremely knowledgeable and we (the people into those topics) are lucky to have them on board. Thanks

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It really surprises me how many Thai Visa members have gorgeous, white-skinned girlfriends and wives with high-paying jobs and advanced University Degrees. :o

You mean YOU don't have one? Must be you are hanging out with the wrong crowd. I never paid my GF/wife a "plug nickle". In fact they give me money, ha, ha, ha. Farang just has to walk down any street & he will have to beat them off with a baseball bat.

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The most useful has to be information on applying for visas, extension of stay, etc.

I have found Lite Beer to very helpful and knowledgeable re: the procedures and required documentation.

Yes, this information is available from various "official" sources, but it is nice to get confirmation from someone who has run the gauntlet, so to speak.

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Since joining Thaivisa, I have learned that Americans have not cornered the market on being top bullshit artists but that the Brits and Aussies are also top contenders for that title. :D I have also learned that prejudice is still alive and well and that some farangs seem to enjoy making generalizations about Thailand and it culture that have very little basis in fact but are actually more indicative of the small segment of the population in Thailand within which that farang interacts. :o

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BeenThereDoneThat, and Boo, I wish to thank for the non-confrontational posts on my one and only (I think) topic raised on general topics anyway i.e. are you attracted to Thailand for the Danger, one of those ones where you think, "What possessed me to ask this" asking for trouble or what!

Guesthouse the O.P. for his statement of how farang women are viewed by both male and female Thai's (don't remember the thread - maybe Quertz's 100 things you didn't know about Thailand). Explained a great deal after 4 lengthy enjoyable but confusing visits to Thailand.

John02 for the laughs, amazing, sardonic, wit for an Englishman- no sarcasm meant- an honest accolade!- Blizzard or Farang555 and boiled egg come a close second.

People you love to hate but read their posts - Bendix and Stevemarengo (?) - the braggarts you meet wherever you live - off topic as they don't really help so maybe off topic

It never ran ran to 100, I'm mildly surprised that so many members are so knowledgeable about Thailand.

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