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What Superstitions Does Your Thai Partner Believe?


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Following another thread questioning why 'smart' Thais still believe in superstition etc, perhaps it's interesting to recount some of the superstitions that your Thai partner believes in. Have you ever asked them why they believe in a specific superstition - and what reason do they give?

Here's a recent example from my ex-wife. One of the hotel cats miscarried a kitten and the foetus dried in the hot sun before we discovered it. Now this has been viewed as a lucky omen and this shrivelled, black foetus has been placed in an offering plate and gold leaf applied to the plate. The Thai hotel staff all 'wai' and make offerings to this 'dead cat' on a daily basis, in the hope that it will bring them luck, (which actually means winning the daily lottery).

I asked my ex what was the reasoning behind this belief, but she was unable to provide any reason or explanation. But how can I deny that it will not bring them luck?

Right now, I'm waiting on the result of a job interview and the ex is making offerings to this dead cat to give me luck. What if I get the job? If so, I fear that the hotel will play host to all manner of dead animals :o

Can anyone offer examples of similar rituals and superstitions?


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Interesting example, simon43 !

I am currently reading the book, "Thai Ways". The author describes dream interpretation as often "going by opposites" -- i.e. dream of something bad is good luck in real life & vice-versa.

One example is a dream of eating another person's uncooked head is a very good omen. I think it said, especially if uncooked. Power and responsibility will ensue.

Edited by sylviex
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Can anyone offer examples of similar rituals and superstitions?


The spirit house and offering food and drink to spirits are an accepted part of Thai culture. Some might call it belief. Some might call it superstition. Some might judgmentally call it silly or stupid. But, like I said earlier, I don't tempt karma or fate any more and I view these practices as positive and healthy.

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Interesting example, simon43 !

I am currently reading the book, "Thai Ways". The author describes dream interpretation as often "going by opposites" -- i.e. dream of something bad is good luck in real life & vice-versa.

One example is a dream of eating another person's uncooked head is a very good omen. I think it said, especially if uncooked. Power and responsibility will ensue.

Someone dreams of eating another person's uncooked head??!! Who?? Why??

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I'm having a pretty good year working from my home office. Not content to leave well enough alone, my wife has consulted her Feng Shui master to see how they might meddle with my workspace. The "master" contends that since we are both "dragons" it is imperative that i move my workspace to a NW location in the home so that she doesn't "smother my power". There is no such space and it would require an extensive remodeling to make one. I struck on an alternate idea, and mentioned to my wife that we own land 25kms NW of our home, that should satisfy the masters requirements and I would begin work at once on appropriate office space and lodging, for when I am too tired to drive home. I've not heard another word about it since.

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Interesting example, simon43 !

I am currently reading the book, "Thai Ways". The author describes dream interpretation as often "going by opposites" -- i.e. dream of something bad is good luck in real life & vice-versa.

One example is a dream of eating another person's uncooked head is a very good omen. I think it said, especially if uncooked. Power and responsibility will ensue.

When we dream about some friend or relative that die, in Italy we believe we make their live longer. So it's a good omen.

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ever heard of how to make rain not to rainy...

Thai belief will do like this:

let a virgin girl to put the lemon grass, just one stick onto the ground

and pray for the mother of land to stop the rainy-coming...

It has often done like this..

But I have never... just heard of a lot... and sounded it works!!!

This is superstitous IMO, but i couldnt find the reason why it always works.. :o

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Mine wants me to fly over in December and get her pregnant so she can have a "lucky" baby born 09-09-09.

Is your wife an airhostess?

More serously, slightly, my ex-wife has always warned me about cats--animals that I am none too keen on, and would often shoo them away from the house; wife would complain, especially when our daughter was a toddler--she was concerned that, should I hurt a cat then same hurt would befall our child; ok, I went along with this for years, we are now seperated and daughter lives with me--last week a tom-cat, known locally and with no 'owners' and has not been neutered so sprays at will, consequently even cat-lovers dislike this creature due to his spraying all houses,shoes etc.....well, I saw him sneaking through my gate and grabbed my gas-gun [ plastic pellets, don't worry!] and got a couple of direct hits before he ran away--result, I thought, walked back into my office and propmtly split my skull on an open filing cabinet drawer, blood poured out---'Som-Nam-Nah' was my ex's reply, when told, and I am wondering?? Spooky!!

Also, eldest step-daughter, heavily pregnant went with Mum to Wat to find out the 'right' day to book her caesarian delivery--day chosen by Pra and all went along with this--Doctors,nurses etc...luckily a successful outcome--can't knock it, I s'pose.

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We got married 08-08-08, my choice of date.

Maybe superstition is contagious.

Remember that on Aug 15th Sart Chin Day (Ghost Festival)

The night between Aug 16th and 17th there is lunar eclipse (Frog eats moon)

So if you haven't bought your fireworks yet, you are in problem.

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I think I have a (female) friend believing that there is a ghost in her purse.

I got about 5 calls yesterday from an unknown number. Every time I answered, no response from whoever was calling me. I was out with my friend later in the evening and got another call. She of course assumed it was some other girl calling me. I told her about the calls and gave her the phone.

She listened for few seconds, tried speaking Thai to the caller (no response), then disconnected and tried calling the number back.

Suddenly the phone in her purse starts ringing. Turns out, she also has a phone with 2 SIM cards, and the "phantom" calls were being made from her 2nd number (which I didn't have registered in my phone). Neither of us could figure out why her phone was calling mine, using the secondary SIM.

I told her she must have a ghost living in her purse, and it must have wanted her to call me for some reason. :o

She got a little upset (in a cute kind of way) "No ! No say that !". Guess she was worried she'd have to buy a new purse. :D

I'm going to ask her tonight if she did anything to make the ghost happy (or go away), as it hasn't called me today.

Could take it even further and tell her I visited a temple today, and a monk told me that the ghost is happy because she went out with me last night, and if she doesn't see me everyday, the ghost will get angry !

Of course, she may go the other route and visit a witch doctor or something to try and get the curse lifted. :D

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Following another thread questioning why 'smart' Thais still believe in superstition etc, perhaps it's interesting to recount some of the superstitions that your Thai partner believes in. Have you ever asked them why they believe in a specific superstition - and what reason do they give?

Here's a recent example from my ex-wife. One of the hotel cats miscarried a kitten and the foetus dried in the hot sun before we discovered it. Now this has been viewed as a lucky omen and this shrivelled, black foetus has been placed in an offering plate and gold leaf applied to the plate. The Thai hotel staff all 'wai' and make offerings to this 'dead cat' on a daily basis, in the hope that it will bring them luck, (which actually means winning the daily lottery).

I asked my ex what was the reasoning behind this belief, but she was unable to provide any reason or explanation. But how can I deny that it will not bring them luck?

Right now, I'm waiting on the result of a job interview and the ex is making offerings to this dead cat to give me luck. What if I get the job? If so, I fear that the hotel will play host to all manner of dead animals :o

Can anyone offer examples of similar rituals and superstitions?


The wifes family have a small shrine to their 'magic uncle' upstairs.

In the shrine resides a dessicated miscarried foetus and yes had it gone full term would have been an uncle.

By looking after him the family are performing merit and hopefully bringing good luck upon themselves.

Thats what they tell me anyway. Can't say I'm a believer in anyway but it's their belief.

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Can anyone offer examples of similar rituals and superstitions?


The spirit house and offering food and drink to spirits are an accepted part of Thai culture. Some might call it belief. Some might call it superstition. Some might judgmentally call it silly or stupid. But, like I said earlier, I don't tempt karma or fate any more and I view these practices as positive and healthy.

When I first came to Thailand, I actually thought the spirit houses all over the place where actually bird houses or bird baths.. :o

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I dont have a This partner (Thank god) but I seen this, that when there is a Motorcycle accident ,wether the guy is dead or gets right up and drives away, people run around and around trying to catch his "spirit" that has left his body in shock so they must catch it with nets, baskets, hands or anything they can use. This is done by poor to rich Thais....weird yo.

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