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What % Of Thai People Are In Lower, Middle And Upper


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Farangs in Thailand...................

95% Low Class Tralier Trash types.....

2.5% able to support themselves by whatever maens thay can, including illegal activities.............

2.5% have enough money earnt the right way, Investments etc etc...............

Look guys, do you know of one really famous rich guy that has a Thai wife ?

I don't. Apart from me. :o

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Farangs in Thailand...................

95% Low Class Tralier Trash types.....

2.5% able to support themselves by whatever maens thay can, including illegal activities.............

2.5% have enough money earnt the right way, Investments etc etc...............

Look guys, do you know of one really famous rich guy that has a Thai wife ?

I don't. Apart from me. :o

re farangs

Herb guy from Nordstrom

Phil Collins (I think)

The dude who bought the penthouse at the Sukhothai

As for upper, middle, lower, check out research into Lorenz curve/GINI index - wealth distribution of Thailand is almost identical to USA; i.e. lots of broke hicks from the sticks, a few in the middle and even fewer at the top makin' da big bucks.

Already, there was poor wealth distribution, and then that has continued since the 50s, not surprising, given that USA pretty much propped up the Thai economy and gave out monopolies etc as required during the cold war years in order to run things like 'back home' and to use the typical corrupt upper class to control the masses approach as per Vietnam, Dominican Republic, etc etc. That hold over has carried through until today; takes a while for cash to spread plus those richest famiiles are integrated into politics etc and some are fairly unethical in use of power e.g. the Shinawatras.

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Farangs in Thailand...................

95% Low Class Tralier Trash types.....

2.5% able to support themselves by whatever maens thay can, including illegal activities.............

2.5% have enough money earnt the right way, Investments etc etc...............

Look guys, do you know of one really famous rich guy that has a Thai wife ?

I don't. Apart from me. :D

Thaksin? :o

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...Look guys, do you know of one really famous rich guy that has a Thai wife ?...

I know of a guy who says he has married a Thai lady whose family is rich.

BTW, where is TheMuscleBoundRoidEatingFreak these days? :o

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I red something about this about 2 years ago.

It was so:

Lower (up to 100,000 Bahts): 75%

Middle (from 100,001 to 1,000,000 Bahts): 20%

Upper (above 1,000,000 Bahts): 5%

From my proper experience, I think it seems to me to be correct...


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The classifications given are practically meaningless.

It might be better if the question referred to some measurable variables - For example:

Not owning property/Landless


or to Income brackets.


Just for referrence a recent report in the UK reveals that 34% of people in the UK only have enough cash available to feed and house themselves of 11 days - Extend that to 17 days and you capture 54% of the people in the UK.

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Farangs in Thailand...................

95% Low Class Tralier Trash types.....

2.5% able to support themselves by whatever maens thay can, including illegal activities.............

2.5% have enough money earnt the right way, Investments etc etc...............

Look guys, do you know of one really famous rich guy that has a Thai wife ?

I don't. Apart from me. :o

Thaksin is famous and rich .... and has a Thai wife.

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Farangs in Thailand...................

95% Low Class Tralier Trash types.....

2.5% able to support themselves by whatever maens thay can, including illegal activities.............

2.5% have enough money earnt the right way, Investments etc etc...............

Look guys, do you know of one really famous rich guy that has a Thai wife ?

I don't. Apart from me. :o

Thaksin is famous and rich .... and has a Thai wife.


Thaksin's wife is proof that 'money cannot buy everything' ! :D

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As the majority of bizz is runned and/ore owned by Chinese Thais I am not sure how to respond.

For example, A person with a Thai passport but with Chinese background that celebrates Chinese New Year over Songkran is considered a Thai person.

There a a lot of them and they are filthy rich, yes I do know many and not only in central.

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...Look guys, do you know of one really famous rich guy that has a Thai wife ?...

I know of a guy who says he has married a Thai lady whose family is rich.

BTW, where is TheMuscleBoundRoidEatingFreak these days? :o

I wondered what belonging to the group of members 'Banned' meant ?

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  • 1 month later...
Farangs in Thailand...................

95% Low Class Tralier Trash types.....

2.5% able to support themselves by whatever maens thay can, including illegal activities.............

2.5% have enough money earnt the right way, Investments etc etc...............

Look guys, do you know of one really famous rich guy that has a Thai wife ?

I don't. Apart from me. :o

The white guy with the plastic looking Thai women on those big red Bird Nest Beverage billboards and commercials you see everywhere. He's a Mall owner in England from what I hear.

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Damm..according to that chart Thailand has just a 1.4% unemployment rate.
Having no unemployment benefits probably causes such low un-employment rate figures and the figures are probably a little skewed anyway when you start to notice the legions of late teens and early twenty something louts who plain just don't want to work, or won't work.

When Australia had a carte blanche dole system the un-employment rates were well over 10%, when thay changed the system where you now have to work for your government handout, the un-employment rate more than halved.

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Farangs in Thailand...................

95% Low Class Tralier Trash types.....

2.5% able to support themselves by whatever maens thay can, including illegal activities.............

2.5% have enough money earnt the right way, Investments etc etc...............

Look guys, do you know of one really famous rich guy that has a Thai wife ?

I don't. Apart from me. :o

rich and famous guys dont hang out in thailand. it has nuttin to offer them. they can afford costly women!

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Farangs in Thailand...................

95% Low Class Tralier Trash types.....

2.5% able to support themselves by whatever maens thay can, including illegal activities.............

2.5% have enough money earnt the right way, Investments etc etc...............

Look guys, do you know of one really famous rich guy that has a Thai wife ?

I don't. Apart from me. :D

Thaksin is famous and rich .... and has a Thai wife.

is thakin anglo saxon :o

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