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What Is Your Favourite Thai Insult?

What is your favourite Thai insult?  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favourite Thai insult?

    • Farang. (correct pronunciation with an actual 'rrr'
    • Falang.
    • Falang, falang...
    • Falaang haaa baht...
    • Falaang kee nok.
    • Falaang ha mok (ha mok / ka mok ???)
    • Falang ding dong.
    • Falaang baaah...
    • Faraang ngo...
    • Falaang cazy! (no 'r')
    • Cheap Chaaly.
    • White boy.
    • You...
    • You, you, you, you...
    • Other (please specify)

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i get far more enjoyment using my local english slang to insult some of the ignorant folk that you bump into in thailand. you can't beat a slurrred "take your face for a sh*t ya waste of spunk" :o

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I don't really see why this thread is supposedly so much worse than so many other threads. Personally, I wasn't reading the thread to ignorantly hurl Thai insults at people, but rather to understand when they are being spoken about me right in front of me. Afterall, these are not the phrases that you learn from your Thai teacher.


I voted you,you, you. But what i have heard many times is. You, you, you farang farang. It used tio get my back up but not now. I used to think about saying. You, you, you Thai Thai. But i realised it would probably go over their head. If they get a kick out of saying it. Then so what. Many times its motocy drivers. I dont think some of them realise its rude to shout at someone like that.


U missunderstand Kat, its ok for Neeranam to walk round callin people these names and to get his face smashed in as a result :o

Everyone else SHOULD ignore it though as he says.. Perhaps most dont need telling there going to get a slapping if they insult people?

You should arrange to have "no common sense" written on yer forehead aswell Neeranam, then perhaps you might not get hit as hard :D

i get far more enjoyment using my local english slang to insult some of the ignorant folk that you bump into in thailand. you can't beat a slurrred "take your face for a sh*t ya waste of spunk"  :D

I actually have done the same thing a few times, usually when driving.. A quick ###### You very much!, said with a smile, has always helped to relieve my immediate tension, and the other party thought I was thanking them-or maybe being sarcastic- but at least not insulting them. Letting off my steam in a safe way. The smile (and lack of too-clear enunciation) is the key, of course.

Many years ago, a songthaew driver made a u turn in front of me and forced me to a screeching halt on my bike. I yelled, Ai Hia! at him... Mistake. He got out of his car with a tire iron and started running towards me. I took off like a rocket, my lesson well-learned. :o


I don't understand what is meant by 'favourite' Thai insult.

Do you mean, which Thai insult would I find most preferable to be spoken to me?

None of them really.

I recently shouted "Nang naa pom louai!" at a policeman who whistled me in Phuket which means "Sit on my face!".

It was all I could think of at the time, it was a recently learned expression and I was in a foul mood... I don't like the police in Phuket.

I voted you,you, you. But what i have heard many times is. You, you, you farang farang. It used tio get my back up but not now. I used to think about saying. You, you, you Thai Thai. But i realised it would probably go over their head. If they get a kick out of saying it. Then so what. Many times its motocy drivers.  I dont  think some of them realise its rude to shout at someone like that.

:D " You, You, You - you, falang" :o

I think I'm just being silly now. :D

I mean how many times do we hear "falang, falang". Sometimes its better to just succumb to fits of laughter rather than taking offense.



Why the aversion to people learning offensive Thai words? If they don't know the circumstances in which to use a particular insult then they'll soon find out solely through empiricism. It's rather holier-than-thou to imply that you know them all but that's fine because you know where and when to use them but lesser mortals should not have access to this select knowledge because they can't be trusted.


I heard a funny one today - "tao hua ngoo" - this is in the Isarn dialect.

Anyone know what it means?

Directed at Thai and farang alike. Not sure which deserve it the most.

My interpretation of this is "elder man that likes to fornicate with very young ladies". Was this directed at you? Basically, its like being called a pervert.


From Neeranam:

I suggest anyone reading this very badly translated list not to use it.

About 10 years ago, when I had been here for 2 years and "knew it all", I was told a couple of insults. One was "mong hee arai". I ended up in hospital twice when I probably

had said this.

This one I would really like to use and have had many opportunities but, in the interest of keeping the peace, I just look the other way when I have felt ready to throw this remark. If you start trouble with a Thai and a physical altercation results, remember, you will not be getting much help and I dont think anyone will stand in favor of you if the police get involved. Better just to look the other way or you will be bringing a load of trouble upon yourself.


I believe the opposite of "farang kee-nok" is "farang riep-rawy" ... which is my favorite Thai compliment. It is more about how one carries oneself than it is about money.

I find that many Thais *want* to admire the farang they encounter, and so dissapointment [for a few] is inevitable. Some are not shy about expressing their dissapointment.

(Oh my, I'm already over my post quota for this decade :o )

I heard a funny one today - "tao hua ngoo" - this is in the Isarn dialect.

Anyone know what it means?

Directed at Thai and farang alike. Not sure which deserve it the most.

My interpretation of this is "elder man that likes to fornicate with very young ladies". Was this directed at you? Basically, its like being called a pervert.

just been given a slightly different translation of it, apparently the above quoted translation is the origional meaning.. Nowdays as ya say, it means "dirty old pervert" :o

Good idea. Sounds like some of these guys are reaping what they're sowing anyway, and a little knowledge might be too dangerous for them. It's a very stupid game to trade insults with Thais.

my riposte was just in the flavour of the original post.

It's a very stupid game to assume banal generalisations Ajarn....

Your smugness paints a vivid picture of your bottomless fountain of Thai knowledge. Many "teachers" , too many ###### "Teachers"



Why the aversion to people learning offensive Thai words? If they don't know the circumstances in which to use a particular insult then they'll soon find out solely through empiricism. It's rather holier-than-thou to imply that you know them all but that's fine because you know where and when to use them but lesser mortals should not have access to this select knowledge because they can't be trusted.


Please don't misunderstand me. I am a true believer in education. How can people know their world without learning? I encourage broad-thinking in every aspect of everyone's life, pro and con, plus and minus. Everything in my life involves open minded and well- reasoned thinking...- whenever humanly possible. I ain't no angel, either :o

I even used to teach all the American swear words I knew to my refugee students heading to America. A safety issue, mostly. Hearing these words being spoken at you or around is an indicator that one should be cautious, that this is a type of danger signal... Farangs should learn the same, I believe.

Most important is accuracy in learning. For example, that long list of gibberish is just ridiculous, and there's likely only one person in a hundred that would be able to pronounce anything clear enough to be easily understood by a Thai, not to mention the likeliness that most newbies here would never realize when they are insulted unless it's spelled out to them... No tones, mostly wrong definitions = Innacurate and useless information. Why spread nonsense around? Who is that going to benefit?

I'm also so sick of hearing rude farangs talk trash, and making every other farang look like the same type of idiot to many Thais. That's a 'farang kii nok'. Yes, Thais to tend to group farangs together... This is my home, too. And anyone who acts like a fool or an idiot annoys me. I'm only human, but I surely don't suffer fools lightly. I'm happy to learn and discuss Thai insults, but in a proper way as I illustrated in other postings, as a window on Thai culture and farang survival skills.

Thais do show great patience most of the time, but, unlike most westerners, they tend to not show their feelings, choosing to 'stuff' them- to keep face, or whatever the individual reason... But, like a balloon with too much air, Thais will blow up too... And I've seen many many farangs get in serious trouble because they assumed it was 'no big deal'.....

Some of the people here seem to need someone to protect them from themselves... :D

And my personal favorite Thai insult is 'Hua Maphraw' (coconut head) I'm sure you can figure the conotations... And that one has been aimed at me in the past :D


Good idea. Sounds like some of these guys are reaping what they're sowing anyway, and a little knowledge might be too dangerous for them. It's a very stupid game to trade insults with Thais.

my riposte was just in the flavour of the original post.

It's a very stupid game to assume banal generalisations Ajarn....

Your smugness paints a vivid picture of your bottomless fountain of Thai knowledge. Many "teachers" , too many ###### "Teachers"


Drinking and writing don't seem to mix to well for you :D

If you have anything sensible and literate to discuss, I'm always happy to listen. Otherwise, barking is just tuned out.


Drinking and writing don't seem to mix to well for you  :D

If you have anything sensible and literate to discuss, I'm always happy to listen. Otherwise, barking is just tuned out.

Smugness personified yet again :D

I'm working right now , please don't tell the Boss or I'll get the push.

Hang on , I am the Boss!


I'll be Barking here long after your smugness oversteps the bounds of reason Mr Kru... :o

Your problem (IMO) is that you assume that people are actually asking for your advice , guess what? They ain't!



Drinking and writing don't seem to mix to well for you  :D

If you have anything sensible and literate to discuss, I'm always happy to listen. Otherwise, barking is just tuned out.

Smugness personified yet again :wub:

I'm working right now , please don't tell the Boss or I'll get the push.

Hang on , I am the Boss!


I'll be Barking here long after your smugness oversteps the bounds of reason Mr Kru... :o

Your problem (IMO) is that you assume that people are actually asking for your advice , guess what? They ain't!


Oh, another fragile ego, striking out like an insulting child. Now that's really banal ! :D

Sweet dreams -_-

I'm also so sick of hearing rude farangs talk trash, and making every other farang look like the same type of idiot to many Thais. That's a 'farang kii nok'. Yes, Thais to tend to group farangs together... This is my home, too. And anyone who acts like a fool or an idiot annoys me. I'm only human, but I surely don't suffer fools lightly. I'm happy to learn and discuss Thai insults, but in a proper way as I illustrated in other postings, as a window on Thai culture and farang survival skills.

Absolutely correct. Knowing vulgar Thai idioms is a survival skill. Refraining from using them, especially in anger, is another. My wife and her family certainly look with disdain on anyone, farang or Thai, who uses such language.


Sorry gals and guys. Being ,,only,, for two years here in los, I actually never, repeat never came across those words. Consequently there is no need for me of learning them properly. Admittedly my ,,pasa Thai,, is still restricted but I never remember an insult towards my person.

What really frustrates me however is, that Thailand to me seems to be the only country of the many I have travelled to, where children don`t reply your smile. There I see the problem.


My favorite so far is an English spoken "Break Leg" said to me by a young Thai passing opposite on a crowded sidewalk.

Many different ways to suppose what was meant by that....... :o

The most interesting thing to observe is when a group is watching you and first insulting in Thai. You have no reaction, just keep on shopping or whatever. Then an insult or two is attempted in English. You still have no reaction. Either its no more fun or they're taken off-balance, but they usually clear out at that point.



Good idea. Sounds like some of these guys are reaping what they're sowing anyway, and a little knowledge might be too dangerous for them. It's a very stupid game to trade insults with Thais.

my riposte was just in the flavour of the original post.

It's a very stupid game to assume banal generalisations Ajarn....

Your smugness paints a vivid picture of your bottomless fountain of Thai knowledge. Many "teachers" , too many ###### "Teachers"


Hey Chon,

I thought I'd put in my two cents before this gets closed.

1 - Where I was raised in Newark, New Jersey in a very rough neighborhood, we were usually pretty careful about what and how we said things because repurcussions could be immediate and violent.

Insults were usually thrown as a precursor to instigate a fight. Your mother this or that. If you didn't fight you were labled a punk or coward and it would never end.

The same can be said for some of the rough areas here in south east San Diego or anywhere in the US for that matter.

So how is Thailand different really except that you have little or no legal recourse.

You can get stabbed, shot or your head busted just as easily in east Los Angeles for saying the wrong thing.

1 - Overall, IMHO persons who react violently to spoken words are

a) ignorant

:D low class

c) have nothing to lose

d) have money and good attorneys so they can trash whoever they please

e) a, b and c

f) a, b, and d

g) oh I forgot maybe just plain drunk

h) they were born in Newark, :D

2- The word ajarn, to the best of my understanding denotes respect but literally I was told it meant teacher.

My wifes parents were teachers and they were refered to as ajarn.

Here I put the prefix Phra-ajarn before the name of Thai monks because they are my teachers and I wish to show respect to them.

Is that correct? :D

"Hey are you lookin' at me? ARE YOU LOOKIN' AT ME? 'CAUSE IF YOUR LOOKIN' AT ME YOU'RE GONNA HAVE A PROBLUM" :o - Robert Di Nero (the movie Taxi)

That posting is the perfect illustration of the correct definition of Farang Kii Nok :D

Does that mean something unpleasant from a bird ? and is is usually spoken when they poke out their tongue ???

My wife's mother says that a fair bit, fortunately not to me :wub:

From the times I've heard it used, they were using it to refer to 'dirty' (Sokaprok) farangs, which could refer to their appearance or actions. Some Thais generalize the term to include all backpackers, too, but I've only run across this kind of language a couple of times in twenty years. It isn't an often-used expression, in my experience. More often said by farangs, it seems.

And, like you, I've never heard a Thai use it in reference to me :D


Drinking and writing don't seem to mix to well for you  -_-

If you have anything sensible and literate to discuss, I'm always happy to listen. Otherwise, barking is just tuned out.

Smugness personified yet again :(

I'm working right now , please don't tell the Boss or I'll get the push.

Hang on , I am the Boss!


I'll be Barking here long after your smugness oversteps the bounds of reason Mr Kru... :o

Your problem (IMO) is that you assume that people are actually asking for your advice , guess what? They ain't!


I tend to "side" with Chonabot. I know and regularly have beers with quite a few farong teachers in Korat (and previously Bangkok) and I do not find them to have have the "smugness" that Ajarn portrays in his postings. In fact great "drinking friends".

Anyway, concerning the "farong kii nok" or "key nok". I have heard the term many times and I've heard "kii nok" also directed at Thai's. I have been told that the term basically means somebody who is greedy. Can be said in a serious way or joking way (50, 50 I'm told). The more popular word seems to be "kii neow" or "key neow" which by definition seems to mean "cheap charlie" or someone who doesn't pay their fair share. Can be directed at Farong and Thai alike. Also can be said in a serious or joking way (80 percent serious, 20 percent joking I'm told).

I tend to "side" with Chonabot.  I know and regularly have beers with quite a few farong teachers in Korat (and previously Bangkok) and I do not find them to have have the "smugness" that Ajarn portrays in his postings.  In fact great "drinking friends".

Like all advice or suggestions, it's your choice as to take it or leave it...

Your opinion about any smugness is still simply that- your opinion. And I choose to ignore such un-insightfull journeys into my psyche as an expression of your own ignorance or lack of experience with me. I express my experiences here honestly and openly without any agenda except to be supportive of others learning about life here. I've never professed to have all the answers- far from it- but I have lived here successfully for almost twenty years, so I believe I do have some experience that might be usefull to someone else. By the same vein, I'm also here to learn from those with more or different experiences than me. Lots of very inteligent people here for me to learn from.

But anyone can choose to twist my motives/agenda around any way they want without any need to be reality-based in your assumptions or even ask me directly. That's too hard for some, especially those without a pot to piss in, but with tons of anger/jealousy/resentment/whatever eating away at them inside. Been there, done that, too. Narrow/closed-minded thinkers are welcome to join in, as is usual here. It doesn't change my world a bit. I will continue to truck on, nonetheless. That's my style, like it or not :D

Got some issue with me? Think I'm wrong? Then try to be reasonable and provide some evidence to support your assertions like I consistently do here. If not, then shut up, like I also do at those times :D

As I've said, ad nauseam, I'm always open to reasonable discussion. Nobody here can show otherwise, I'm sure. But closed-minded folks don't get much of my good side :o

And chill out more, too. We all need to do more of that! :D

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